Saturday, December 26, 2020

बिना होमवर्क किए कुतर्क—और जगहंसाई


 बिना होमवर्क किए कुतर्क—और जगहंसाई

कुछ लोग जिन्हें आनन्द मार्ग शास्त्र निर्माण के इतिहास की जानकारी नहीं है, ऐसे लोग अपनी अज्ञानता के कारण विशुद्ध हिन्दी पुस्तक (आ०व० १-२ विशुद्ध, २०२०) के हूबहू / as-is ट्रैन्स्क्रिपशन के अस्तित्व की वैधता पर लगभग गत आठ - दस महीने से बार-बार चुनौती देते हैं, प्रश्न उठाते हैं । और कभी कभी प्रमाण माँगते हुए तोते की तरह रट लगाते हैं कि “कहाँ है बाबा का इस सम्बन्ध में आदेश” आदि । ऐसे लोग अगर प्रश्न रटने के पूर्व अपना होमवर्क कर लिए होते, तो रट नहीं लगाते; उन्हें उत्तर मिल गया होता । 

याद रहे AMPS के पास जब १९६० में रिकार्डर आया तभी से आज तक बाँग्ला की सारी किताबें हूबहू / as-is विधि से बनाई जा रही हैं । कुछ अंग्रेज़ी की किताबें भी हूबहू / as-is ट्रैन्स्क्रिपशन के आधार पर तिलजलावालों ने बनाई है । 

अगर उन लोगों को हूबहू / as-is ट्रैन्स्क्रिपशन पर आपत्ति है, तो सबसे पहले उन लोगों को तिलजलावालों से पूछना चाहिए कि वे लोग गत पचास साल से क्यों हूबहू / as-is ट्रैन्स्क्रिपशन से बाँग्ला पुस्तक बना रहे हैं ।  

इसलिए निवेदन है की अधकचरे ज्ञान के आधार पर विशुद्ध पुस्तक (आ०व० १-२ विशुद्ध, २०२०) के अस्तित्व का विरोध करके हँसी का पात्र न बने | 

टिप्पणी Ltr #1, निम्न उदाहरण पत्र एक विद्वान अवधूत जी का है । ये अवधूत जी बार बार आपत्ति उठाते हैं । हूबहू / as-is ट्रैन्स्क्रिपशन से इनको बहुत ताज्जुब होता है । 

टिप्पणी Ltr #2, एक मार्गी जो अपने को नव्यमानवतावादी बताते हैं, इन्होंने भी बार-बार विभिन्न फ़ोरम में गत आठ - दस महीने से निम्न पत्र #2 की रट लगाई है । 

Ltr #1 --- [23/12, 10:37 AM] XYZ Dada: By the way this hue & cry &  for ""hoo-ba-hoo"" translation is something strange for me.

Ltr #2 --- [08/11, 2:02 am] ABC Margi: The fundamental question that needs an answer is about the validity of doing “AS IS” transcription of the recorded speeches (a few you also raised that question earlier). Is it even desirable to publish such material for general public consumption? …  where did Baba give directives to do “as-is” transcriptions? 

नोट :- तिलजलावालों को हिन्दी बाबा प्रवचनों से ही एलर्जी है । इसलिए वे लोग आनन्द वचनामृतम्‌ हिन्दी १-२ विशुद्ध (२०२०) को अपने दूतों द्वारा विरोध करवा रहे हैं । 

निवेदन :- शास्त्र घोटाला करनेवालों से अनुरोध है कि वे अपने दूतों को तैयार करके भेजें; नहीं तो जगहंसाई होती है । 


Thursday, December 24, 2020

मार्ग की एकता भंग करनेवाले कौन—चार कहानियाँ


मार्ग की एकता भंग करनेवाले कौन—चार कहानियाँ

इस पत्र के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में, बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा एकता के बारे में है; उस अंग्रेज़ी अनुच्छेद में बाबा ने कहा है कि अगर शोषण हुआ तो एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । अर्थात्‌ संस्था में एक समूह अगर दूसरे समूह पर शोषण कर रहा है, तो एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । शोषक और शोषित के बीच में कभी एकता नहीं होती है । इस बिन्दु को समझने के लिए निम्न उदाहरण देखें । 

उदाहरण एक, बच्चा और मच्छर की कहानी— घर में एक बच्चा सोया हुआ है । घर में मच्छर भी हैं । मच्छर भी है, बच्चे भी हैं, शान्ति है । लेकिन मच्छर जब बच्चे को काटने लग गया, बच्चे का खून चूसने लग गया, तब बच्चा ज़ोर ज़ोर से रोना शुरू कर दिया । फलस्वरूप बच्चे और मच्छर के बीच में एकता भंग हो गई । इस एकता नष्ट होने के लिए, बच्चा ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है । एकता भंग होने के पीछे मच्छर ज़िम्मेदार है । अगर मच्छर बच्चे को नहीं काटता, तो एकता बनी रहती । जो घर की एकता बनाए रखना चाहते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर को समझाना होगा कि बच्चे का खून नहीं चूसे, पेड़-पौधे का रस चूसे । एकता का प्रवचन मच्छर को सुनाना चाहिए, न कि बच्चे को । इस एकता की बात अगले उदाहरण से और स्पष्ट हो जाएगी । 

उदाहरण # दो, दोस्त का खाना चोरी, और पिटाई की कहानी— A और B दो बालक, आपस में मित्र हैं । दोनों एक ही क्लास में middle school में पढ़ते हैं । आपस में पड़ोसी हैं । साथ ही स्कूल जाते हैं । एक दिन B ने A का खाना चुपके से निकालकर फेंक दिया । फलस्वरूप A को दोपहर की छुट्टी में भूखे रहना पड़ा । दूसरा दिन भी वैसा ही हुआ, चुपके से B ने A का खाना फेंक दिया । इस प्रकार चार दिन लगातार हुआ, तब A ने सोचा कि इस तरह से तो भूखों मर जाएँगे; चोर को पकड़ना ही है । A ने अन्य मित्रों को अलर्ट किया, कि चोर को पकड़ा जाए । अगले दिन जब B ने A का खाना चुराया और फेंकने जा रहा था, तब पकड़ा गया । इस पर सब ने मिलकर B की पिटाई की । फलस्वरूप क्लासरूम की एकता और शान्ति नष्ट हो गई । स्पष्ट है कि एकता नष्ट करने के लिए पूरी ज़िम्मेवारी B की है । अगर A लड़के का खाना B नहीं फेंकता, तो एकता बनी रहती । इसलिए इस लेख के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा में कहा गया है कि जहाँ शोषण है, वहाँ एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । जो एकता चाहते हैं, उन्हें शोषण बन्द करना होगा । एकता का प्रवचन शोषित को नहीं सुनाना चाहिए । एकता का प्रवचन शोषक को सुनाना चाहिए । क्योंकि शोषक ही एकता को नष्ट करता है । यह बात आगे उदाहरण से और भी स्पष्ट हो जाएगी । 

उदाहरण # तीन, सेन्ट्रल पोस्ट सिर्फ़ बांग्लादेशी शरणार्थियों के लिए— १९९० के पहले संस्था एक थी । कुछ लोगों ने अन्य लोगों का शोषण शुरू किया । और उन्होंने कहा कि “हम ऊँचे नस्ल के हैं, AMPS का सेन्ट्रल पोस्ट मेरे नस्लवालों को ही मिलेगा । और वैसा ही उन लोगों ने किया । इस पर लड़ाई शुरू हुई और AMPS विभाजित हुआ । इस फूट का कारण शोषक हैं और न कि शोषित । एकता का प्रवचन शोषक को सुनाना चाहिए, जिससे शोषक शोषण बन्द कर दें, तो एकता हो जाएगी । इसलिए इस लेख के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा में कहा गया है कि जहाँ शोषण है, वहाँ एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । यह बात अगले उदाहरण से और भी स्पष्ट हो जाएगी । 

उदाहरण # चार, प्रवचन फेंकनेवाले दोषी— बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचनों को फेंक दिया जाता था पुराने आ०व० १-२ में । इस सम्बन्ध में प्रतिदिन उदाहरण प्रस्तुत किया जाता है, चित्र बनाकर । जो लोग हिन्दी का प्रवचन फेंके वे लोग शोषक हैं, दोषी हैं । अगर हिन्दी का प्रवचन नहीं फेंका जाता, तो एकता बनी रहती । एकता लाना है, तो शोषण बन्द करना होगा । दुर्भाग्य है कि कुछ लोग अल्प ज्ञान या अज्ञान के कारण निम्न हिन्दी बाबा वाक्य शोषितों को सुनाकर अपनी बुद्धिहीनता का परिचय देते हैं । 

बाबा ने कहा है—“आनन्द मार्गियों की एकता किसी भी तरह नष्ट न होने दोगे । अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके भी एकता की रक्षा करोगे” ।  

दुर्भाग्य है कि कुछ लोग अल्प ज्ञान या अज्ञान के कारण उपरोक्त हिन्दी बाबा वाक्य शोषितों को सुनाकर अपनी बुद्धिहीनता का परिचय देते हैं । 

उपरोक्त एकतावाले बाबा के शब्दों को उन्हीं को सुनाना चाहिए जो हिन्दी बाबा प्रवचन आनन्द वचनामृतम्‌ से फेंक दिए हैं । शोषकों के कारण AMPS की एकता भंग हुई है । यही शिक्षा बाबा निम्न अंग्रेज़ी अनुच्छेद में भी दे रहे हैं । 

Bábá says, “In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society.” (Talks on Prout, Prout in a Nutshell Volume 3 Part 15, Electronic Edition)


सुस्मिता भट्टाचार्य

Saturday, December 19, 2020

आनन्दमार्ग पुस्तकों में हेरा-फेरी, मिलावट और बरबादी की सच्ची घटना


आनन्दमार्ग पुस्तकों में हेरा-फेरी, मिलावट और बरबादी की सच्ची घटना  


सद्गुरु बाबा जैसा हिन्दी में प्रवचन दिए हैं, और कैसेट में रिकॉर्डिंग हुआ है, वैसा आनन्दमार्ग की क़रीब सभी हिन्दी पुस्तकों में, ज्यों का त्यों कभी नहीं छापा गया । जिसके कारण अभी तक, हिन्दी भाषा-भाषी साधक लोग, परमपुरुष बाबा के विशुद्ध प्रवचनों से वञ्चित रहे ।

सद्गुरु बाबा ने सदा अपने शिष्यों को बुलाकर उन्हें धार्मिक प्रवचन सीधे सुनाया । भविष्य के शिष्य लोग उनके दिए धार्मिक ज्ञान से वञ्चित न हों, इसके लिए परमपुरुष बाबा ने अपने सभी प्रवचनों का रिकॉर्डिंग भी शुरू से करवाया; जिससे बिना मिलावट के आनन्दमार्ग का ब्रह्म-विज्ञान प्रत्येक व्यष्टि को शुद्ध रूप से मिल सके ।

प्रवचन सदा के लिए लुप्त हो गए

अगस्त उन्नीस सौ अठहत्तर में भी बाबा ने यह कार्यक्रम पूर्ववत्‌ जारी रखा । कुछ दिनों के बाद एक दिन (१४ अक्टूबर १९७८) सद्गुरु बाबा ने प्रवचनों के रिकॉर्डिंग का ब्योरा माँगा । तब पता चला कि प्रवचन के रिकॉर्डिंग और उसकी सुरक्षा-व्यवस्था में लापरवाही चल रही है, जिसके कारण सद्गुरु बाबा के कुछ प्रवचन, रिकॉर्डिंग के अभाव में सदा के लिए लुप्त हो गए हैं । इस पर सद्गुरु बाबा ने बनावटी गुस्सा दिखाया, और असन्तुष्ट होकर उन्होंने एक-दो दिन प्रवचन देना बन्द कर दिया । उसी दिन मार्गियों के बीच में, सबके सामने सद्गुरु बाबा ने यह कहा था कि—“मैं सिर्फ़ सामने उपस्थित कुछ गिने-चुने लोगों के लिए ही नहीं बोलता हूँ; मैं तो वर्तमान तथा भविष्य के सभी, सारी दुनिया के लिए बोलता हूँ ।”

बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचनों के साथ सौतेला व्यवहार

स्पष्ट है सद्गुरु श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी ने अपने हज़ारों हज़ार प्रवचनों का रिकॉर्डिंग और उसकी सुरक्षा-व्यवस्था इसलिए करवाया कि भविष्य में एक दिन उनके प्रवचन विशुद्ध रूप से छपकर सभी लोगों को मिल जाए । अर्थात्‌ आप्तवाक्य शुद्ध रूप से जन-जन के कल्याण के लिए बाँटा जा सके ।

लेकिन क्षुद्र दलगत भावप्रवणता की मानसिक व्याधि से ग्रसित दादा सर्वात्मानन्द सहित कुछ लोग, अपनी विशेष क्षेत्रीय भाषा को सर्वोच्च मानकर, अन्य भाषाओं में दिए गए बाबा के प्रवचनों के साथ सौतेला व्यवहार किया ।

बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी और हिन्दी पुस्तकों में मिलावट

उसका प्रमाण है कि, अगर आप बाबा के बंगाली प्रवचनों के ऑडियो कैसेट को सुनते हुए मार्ग की बंगाली पुस्तकों के साथ उसे मिलाएँ तो आपको पता चल जाएगा और प्रसन्नता भी होगी कि बाबा ऑडियो कैसेट से बनी, अधिकांश बंगाली पुस्तकें, बाबा के ऑडियो कैसेट से मेल खातीं हैं ।

परन्तु अगर आप सद्गुरु बाबा के अंग्रेज़ी प्रवचनों के ऑडियो कैसेट को सुनते हुए मार्ग की अंग्रेज़ी पुस्तकों के साथ उसे मिलाएँ तो दुःख के साथ आपको पता चल जाएगा कि बाबा ऑडियो कैसेट से बनी, ज़्यादातर अंग्रेज़ी पुस्तकें, बाबा के अंग्रेज़ी ऑडियो कैसेट के वाक्यों से मेल नहीं खातीं ।

उसके बाद, अगर आप बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचनों के ऑडियो कैसेट को सुनते हुए मार्ग की हिन्दी पुस्तकों के साथ उसे मिलाएँ तो आपको दुःख के साथ पता चल जाएगा कि बाबा ऑडियो कैसेट से बनी, मार्ग की क़रीब सभी हिन्दी पुस्तकें परमपुरुष बाबा के हिन्दी ऑडियो कैसेट के वाक्यों से एकदम मेल नहीं खातीं ।

हिन्दी अंग्रेज़ी भाषा भाषियों के साथ धोखा

सारांश यह है कि सद्गुरु बाबा जैसा हिन्दी में प्रवचन दिए हैं, और कैसेट में रिकॉर्डिंग हुआ है, वैसा आनन्दमार्ग की क़रीब सभी हिन्दी पुस्तकों में, ज्यों का त्यों कभी नहीं छापा गया । जिसके कारण अभी तक, हिन्दी भाषा-भाषी साधक लोग, परमपुरुष बाबा के विशुद्ध प्रवचनों से वञ्चित रहे ।

अब समय नहीं है, अगर मार्गी और डबल्यूटी लोग भाई बहन लोग परमपुरुष बाबा के रिकॉर्डिंग ऑडियो कैसेट को सुनकर उसे ज्यों का त्यों उतारकर बाबा के प्रवचनों की शुद्ध पुस्तक नहीं बनाए, तो बाबा की शिक्षा सदा के लिए लुप्त हो जाएगी । क्योंकि अभी तक आनन्दमार्ग की जो हिन्दी की पुस्तकें उपलब्ध हैं, उनमें अधिकांश कूड़ा भरा हुआ है ।

बाबा प्रवचनों को बचाना सभी मार्गी और WT का कर्तव्य

उसका प्रमाण है कि आप यूट्यूब या कहीं से भी बाबा के प्रवचन का ऑडियो फाइल सुनें, और उसको आनन्दमार्ग की किताब से मिलावें, तो आपको उपरोक्त बातों की सत्यता का पता चल जाएगा और इससे आपको दुःख भी होगा कि जो भी आपके पास हिन्दी पुस्तकें हैं, वे अशुद्ध हैं । उनमें बाबा की चीज़ों तो कम, और कूड़ा ज़्यादा है । इस दुःखद परिस्थिति से बाबा के प्रवचनों को बचाना सभी मार्गी और WT का कर्तव्य है । अगर हम सभी लोग, विश्व के मार्गी और WT भाई बहन मिलकर कुछ नहीं किए, और बाबा के प्रवचनों को सुनकर नई किताब नहीं बनाए, और इस अन्याय को आँख बन्द करके सह लिए, तो परमपुरुष के दरबार में कभी क्षमा नहीं होगी ।


मधुसूदन गुहा

Friday, December 18, 2020

शास्त्र घोटाला :- निरञ्जन जी की गवाही, बोन्डे जी का अल्प ज्ञान, उलटी शिक्षा और भेड़-चाल


 शास्त्र घोटाला :- निरञ्जन जी की गवाही, बोन्डे जी का अल्प ज्ञान, उलटी शिक्षा और भेड़-चाल

निरञ्जन जी (दिल्ली) ने सुभाषित संग्रह ७-१२ हिन्दी के बंगलाइज़ेशन की प्रत्यक्षदर्शी घटना मार्गियों के सामने प्रस्तुत किया । जिसमें उन्होंने बताया कि २००३ में आचार्य हरिशङ्कर जी ने सर्वात्मानन्द जी के आदेश से हिन्दी सुभाषित संग्रह को विधिवत्‌ बरबाद किया । उस बरबादी का उसी समय विरोध मनीषानन्द जी ने किया । यह घटना राँची की है । आचार्य हरिशङ्कर जी के द्वारा बरबाद की हुई पुस्तक कुछ साल में छपी, जिसमें लिखा हुआ है “आचार्य हरिशङ्कर द्वारा मूल बाँग्ला से अनूदित” । दुःख की बात यह थी कि पुस्तक में बाबा के मूल हिन्दी प्रवचन को मूल बाँग्ला बनाया गया था । इस पर निरञ्जन जी ने जब हरिशङ्कर जी से पूछा कि, आप ऐसा पाप क्यों कर रहे हैं, तब हरिशङ्कर जी ने कहा कि, दादा सर्वात्मानन्द जी का आदेश है कि बंगलाइज़ेशन किया जाए, सीधे हिन्दी ऑडियो से हिन्दी किताब नहीं बनेगी, इसलिए बंगलाइज़ेशन कर रहा हूँ । प्रत्यक्ष प्रमाण है कि आचार्य हरिशङ्कर जी ने महापाप किया । इस पाप का कुपरिणाम युगों युगों तक चलता रहेगा । 

सर्वविदित है कि बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचन को ज्यों का त्यों बाबा के ऑडियो प्रवचन से उतारकर हिन्दी किताब में छापना चाहिए । जब कि अपराधियों ने ऐसा किया—हिन्दी प्रवचन को बाँग्ला में अनुवाद करके बाँग्ला किताब बनी और उस बंगाली किताब से हरिशङ्कर जी ने हिन्दी में अनुवाद किया और किताब बनाया और उसमें छापा गया, “आचार्य हरिशङ्कर द्वारा मूल बाँग्ला से अनूदित” । इस तरह से आनन्दमार्ग धर्मशास्त्र की बरबादी हुई । 

हरिशङ्कर जी और सर्वात्मानन्द जी के इस पाप को ढकने के लिए भोपाल के एक मार्गी बोन्डे जी ने अल्प ज्ञान के कारण लोगों को त्रुटिपूर्ण शिक्षा दी कि जिसका आशय यह है कि हरिशङ्कर जी और सर्वात्मानन्द जी का पाप एक पुरानी घटना है, इसे अब भूल जाना चाहिए और अपराधियों को माफ़ कर देना चाहिए ।

अब देखें परमपुरुष बाबा का इस विषय में क्या आदेश है—

बाबा का आदेश :- शास्त्र लुटेरों को क्षमा नहीं

बाबा ने कहा है—

“याद रखोगे कि, सामूहिक जीवन में किसी को क्षमा करने का हक तुम्हारा नहीं है | मान लो तुम्हारे सामूहिक जीवन पर किसी ने चोट लगाई; तो, उसको क्षमा करने का, या वहाँ सहिष्णु बनने का हक तुम्हारा नहीं है | क्यों ? वह तो तुम्हारी वैयष्टिक चीज़ नहीं है; वह तो सामूहिक बात है | ख़ुदा न ख़्वास्ता अगर भारत पर कोई आक्रमण किया, तो वह तो तुम्हारी वैयष्टिक चीज़ नहीं है, सामूहिक चीज़ है | वहाँ क्या करना है ? वहाँ क्षमा नहीं करनी है | वहाँ बरदाश्त नहीं करके तुम क्या करोगे ? न, हमलावर पर तुम लड़ाई करोगे, तुम भी हमला करोगे उस पर, तुम लड़ाई करोगे; दुश्मन को हटा दोगे, भगा दोगे | वहाँ सहिष्णुता, क्षमा नहीं | क्यों ? न, सामूहिक जीवन की चीज़ है | मगर, वैयष्टिक जीवन में किसी ने तुम पर चोट लगाई, तो, जहाँ तक सम्भव हो, तुम क्षमा करते रहो, सहिष्णु बनते रहो | 

तुम लोग समझ गए हो, सामूहिक और वैयष्टिक जीवन की ? वैयष्टिक जीवन का यह महान गुण है | सामूहिक जीवन के लिए यह महान दोष है | सामूहिक जीवन में भारतवासी इस दोष से ग्रस्त हैं | सतर्क रहोगे—यह दोष बहुत ख़राब दोष है | [आ०व०, विशुद्ध 28, अध्याय 13, जनरल दर्शन 30 December 1970, Patna] । 

बाबा का आदेश है कि अगर सामाजिक पाप किसी ने किया, सामाजिक क्षति हुई, तो पापियों को माफ़ करने का किसी का अधिकार नहीं है । शास्त्र लुटेरों को क्षमा नहीं ।

बोन्डे जी की कुशिक्षा के बाद कुछ ज्ञानी गुणी मार्गी बोन्डे जी के समर्थन में अज्ञानी की तरह दौड़ पड़े । इस तरह से भेड़-चाल शुरू हुई । इस भेड़-चाल का सारा वर्णन Whats App वार्ता की निम्न झलकियों में आपको मिल जाएगा । 

Courtesy Whats App

[18/12, 7:11 AM] OAOD Bonde Dada: मनीषा नन्द दादा की।सोच लॉजिकल थी।

दादा हरिशंकर जी ड्यूटी निभा रहे थे। Logic v/s Duty ??? क्या होना चाहिए था। क्या हरिशकर दादा को GS से चर्चा करना चाहिए था? अतीत से हमें सीखना चाहिए। बाबा कार्य की गति आगे बढ़ते देखना चाहते थे। आज की इस्थी में 1990 के पहले जो हुआ, उसे एक्सेप्ट करना चाहिए। भूलवश जो छूट गया उसे संशोधन के रूप में लेना चाहिए। ये मेरा व्यक्तिगत मत है। अतीत में उलझ गए तो प्रगति रुक जाएगी। ऐसा मेरा चिंतन कहता है।

.. .. 

[18/12, 7:19 AM] Arun Agrawal: नमस्कार, अपने अतीत को भुलाते हुए सकारात्मक सोच एवम् विचार के साथ अग्रसर होने पर ही व्यक्तिगत व समाज का उत्थान एवम् कल्याण है।

[18/12, 7:20 AM] OAOD Bonde Dada: 🎯🙏🏻

[18/12, 7:25 AM] Ashok Priyadarshi: 👍🏾

जब से जागे तभी से सवेरा। अतीत के भूल कोई चमत्कारी रोटी नहीं हैं जो हमारा भविष्य सुधार सके।

[18/12, 9:20 AM] AM BIJAYA DIDI LUCKNOW Amurt: एकदम सही

Courtesy Whats App



Monday, November 30, 2020

शास्त्र घोटाला : पाप का परदा फ़ाश, झूठी अफ़वाहों का उत्तर / Alert, Be Aware: Agents are spreading false rumours in the name of Bábá



शास्त्र घोटाला : पाप का परदा फ़ाश, झूठी अफ़वाहों का उत्तर 

क्षुद्र दलगत भावप्रवणता की मानसिक व्याधि से ग्रसित कुछ लोग, अपनी विशेष क्षेत्रीय भाषा को सर्वोच्च मानकर, अन्य भाषाओं में दिए गए सद्गुरु बाबा के प्रवचनों के साथ सौतेला व्यवहार किया । ऐसे लोग अपने पाप को ढकने के लिए खुले-आम बाबा के नाम पर झूठी, मन गढ़ंत कथा सुनाते हैं कि “बाबा बंगाली भाषा का पक्ष लेते थे, और बाबा का आदेश है कि बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचनों से सीधे हिन्दी पुस्तक नहीं बनेगी पहले बंगालीकरण होगा |” ये लोग घोषणा करते हैं कि बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचन सीधे हिन्दी पुस्तक में नहीं छापे जा सकते, पहले उन्हें बंगाली होकर जाना पड़ेगा, तभी परमपुरुष बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचन हिन्दी पुस्तक में छापे जा सकते हैं ।

इन तुच्छ लोगों ने तारकब्रह्म बाबा को एक गया गुज़रा पक्षपाती आदमी जैसा दर्शाने का जघन्य पाप किया है | सर्वविदित है बाबा का आदेश कि उनके हिन्दी प्रवचनों से सीधे हिन्दी पुस्तकें बनेंगी | जैसा DMC में होता था | बाबा हिन्दी में बोलते, मार्गी सीधे हिन्दी में सुनते | बाबा और मार्गियों के बीच सीधा सम्पर्क था, बीच में बंगालीकरण नहीं था | आज भी मार्गी बिना बंगालीकरण के सीधे बाबा के हिन्दी आप्तवाक्य विशुद्ध पुस्तक में पढ़ेंगे | बाबा जिस भाषा में प्रवचन दिए हैं वही मूल है | ऐसे पापी जो अन्य भाषाओं का शोषण कर रहें हैं उनका पतन अनिवार्य है |



प्रफुल्ल चक्रवर्ती

~~~ * ~~~

Alert, Be Aware: Agents are spreading false rumours in the name of Bábá



Sadguru Bábá guides us that it takes one with a big heart and an expanded mind to accept their mistake and mend their ways. Without that, small-minded people just dig their heels in when someone points out their nefarious deeds. 

In Neohumanism, Bábá guides us that those notorious people create one bogus justification after another to defend their sinful behaviour. They never admit their sin and rectify themselves. But in the end they will be destroyed. 

That is what polluters of Bábá’s teachings are doing with regard to Bangalisation-- they cannot accept their misdeeds and negative dealings so they are creating fictitious stories - one after another and deploy their stooges to confuse Márgiis by calling them one after another on the phone and telling imaginary stories in the name of Bábá to cover up their sin. So, be aware about this. We have to save Bábá’s teachings. And the true teachings should be spread to the entire humanity. That is the main task of this era-- to save the teachings of the third Mahásambhúti. 



Ranjaná Basu

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tiljala Publications Official Errata Page



Some people, due to ignorance, falsely propagate that pre-1990 books were all reviewed by Bábá and as such are perfect -- and they further propagate that pointing out corrections in those books means creating a stigma against Bábá's greatness. These types of false things ignorant people propagate.

Here is the answer: Please see the below list in which hundreds of discourses' errata have been compiled by Tiljala Publications. Following the list there is a link to the list provided by Tiljala Publications. So Tiljala Publications accepts and propagates that the pre-1990 books have mistakes in them.

By this it is very clear that Tiljala Publications openly accepts that the old books have mistakes. It is a well known fact that these old books were not reviewed by Bábá. The fact that these books have many, many mistakes provides an additional proof that Bábá did not review the books.

Although Tiljala Publications openly accepts that the pre-1990 books have mistakes, the main thorny issue is that Tiljala Publications wants Bangalisation.

Now it is the duty of Márgiis and WTs to fix Bábá's discourses and make them pure. And to propagate those pure discourses throughout the society.

In Him,
Praveen Ghosh


Complete List of Additional Information for version 7.5

A Guide to Human Conduct


In the Shaoca section, see the paragraph beginning “Intelligent people”:


The application of force is necessary to remove the impurities. The weight of the actual gold can be determined only by removing the impurities from the gold.


The application of force is necessary to remove impurities, whether internal or external. By the application of force, the identity of the original object has to be revealed after removing its impurities. The weight of the actual gold can be determined only by removing the impurities from the gold.

Acala to Atha (Discourse 2)


See section on “Acetana”, paragraph near the end beginning “A few days later”:


The employee told me that the bogey had been separated from the train and sent to the Nellore railway workshop . . .


The employee told me that the bogey had been separated from the train and sent to the [[Liluyá]] railway workshop . . .



See Treatment section:


Morning – Utkśepa Mudrá, Mayúrásana, Padahastásana, Ud́d́ayána Mudrá, Agnisára Mudrá or Ágneyii Práńáyáma.


Morning – Utkśepa Mudrá, Mayúrásana, Padahastásana, Ud́d́ayána Mudrá, Agnisára Mudrá [[and Ágneyii Mudrá]] or Ágneyii Práńáyáma.



See the section on 4) matsyendrásana:


Practise four rounds, half a minute each time.


Practise four rounds, half a minute [on each side].

Brahma Krpáhi Kevalam


See the first paragraph:


This mistaken belief arises because people have no conception of the infinite, or have the capacity to conceive of it.


This mistaken belief arises because people have no conception of the infinite, [[nor]] have the capacity to conceive of it.

See the paragraph beginning “The question we are considering”:


Because Sattvaguńa is expressed only in Mahattatva there are no limiting boundaries in the Cosmic “I”.


Because [[only]] Sattvaguńa is expressed in Mahattattva there are no limiting boundaries in the Cosmic “I”.

Chapter 2


See the purport to Sútra 2-8.


(Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“That which takes a stance opposite to a thing and witnesses that thing is pratyak”].)


(Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“The Entity that witnesses Its reflected counterparts is Pratyak.”].)

Chapter 3


See Sútra 3-2:


Puruśottama Himself, who is the witnessing entity of the Cosmic Mahattattva and Ahaḿtattva, is known as the Satyaloka. He is also called the Causal Cosmic Body.


[[The Cosmic Mahattattva and Ahaḿtattva, whose witnessing entity is named Puruśottama, are the Satyaloka. It (the Satyaloka) is also called the Causal Cosmic Body.]]

Chapter 5


See Sútra 5-1:


[Diversity, not identity, is the law of nature.]


[Variety is the law of nature, there cannot be one hundred per cent equality.]

Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult


See the paragraph beginning “It should be remembered that both the materialists”:


In order to advance, human beings will have to maintain a balance between the two, and will have to keep the idea of the Supreme fixed before them as their goal in the midst of physical clashes.


In order to advance, human beings will have to maintain a balance between the two, and will have to keep the idea of the Supreme fixed before them as their goal in the midst of physical [and psychic] clashes.

Devotional Sentiment and Neohumanism (Discourse 1)


See the paragraph beginning “Other theories”:


Vaecitryaḿ prákrtadharmah samánaḿ na bhaviśyati [“Diversity, not identity, is the law of nature”].


Vaecitryaḿ prákrtadharmah samánaḿ na bhaviśyati [“Variety is the law of nature, there cannot be one hundred per cent equality”].



See Some remedies number 4:


. . . dry shimúla root crushed with powder . . .


. . . dry shimúla root crushed [[to]] powder . . .

Discourses on Prout


See section 6, paragraph beginning “Liberty:”:


Liberty: Every living creature should have liberty in certain spheres of life freedom in certain spheres of life.


Liberty: Every living creature should have liberty in certain spheres of life – freedom in certain spheres of life.



See the paragraph beginning “Morning”:


Morning - Utkśepa Mudrá, Padahastásana, Agnisára Mudrá, Ud́d́ayana Mudrá and Ágneyii Práńáyáma.


Morning - Utkśepa Mudrá, Padahastásana, Agnisára Mudrá, Ud́d́ayana Mudrá, and [[Ágneyii Mudrá or]] Ágneyii Práńáyáma.

See the paragraph beginning “Soak a little maorii”:


. . . drinking them together.


. . . [[grinding]] them together.

Explanatory Notes


See note 3:


. . . rasa, or chyle (the fluid essence of digested food), blood, flesh, fat, bone marrow, and shukra . . .


. . . rasa, or chyle (the fluid essence of digested food), blood, flesh, fat, bone, bone marrow, and shukra. . .

Four Dimensions of Micropsychic Longing


See the paragraph beginning “The third category is psychic longing for psychic pabulum”:


In this case an aspirant may move forward till the psychic body maintains a close cooperation or parallelism with the physical waves or the physical existence.


In this case an aspirant may move forward [[as long as]] the psychic body maintains a close cooperation or parallelism with the physical waves or the physical existence.

Gáyattrii Rhythm and the Gáyattrii Mantra


See the end.


. . . G-O-D, God.


. . . G-O-D, God.

[[ Now, Oṋḿ bhúrbhuvah svah oṋḿ tat saviturvareńyaḿ. Bhúrbhuvah svah – bhúh represents this mundane manifestation, this world of physicality. And bhuvah represents the psychic world. And svah represents the astral world, the causal world. You know, in the process of creation, in the extroversive phase, there are seven strata. There are seven layers. From crude to subtle, these layers are bhur, bhuvah, svah, mahah, janah, tapah, satya. Satyaloka is the subtlest loka. And that's why in Tantra it has been said:

Satyaloke nirákárá mahájyotisvarúpińii
Máyáccháditátmánaḿ cańakákárarúpińii;
Máyábalkalaḿ saḿtyajya dvidhábhinná yadonmukhii
Shivashakti vibhágena jáyate srśt́ikalpaná.

[The Supreme Entity in Satyaloka* is without form, a flood of effulgence,
Covered by the coating of Máyá (the Creative Principle), united with the Operative Principle like an ungerminated gram.
Later, when the coating of Máyá drops off, the two portions of the gram become separated;
Similarly, when Shiva and Shakti are separated, the imagination of creation is aroused.]

* This creation is divided into seven strata called lokas; the subtlest is Satyaloka. –Eds.

Satyaloka is the subtlest loka. Loka means "stratum". So there are seven strata. Bhuh, bhuvah, svah, mahah, janah, tapah, satya. And the collective name for those seven strata is Mahávyáhrti. Mahávyáhrti.**

** Some words, perhaps a few sentences, were missing here on the tape. –Eds.

Oṋḿ bhúrbhuvah svah oṋḿ. That is, here in this mantra, God has been addressed by the term Savitá. Savitá means – Su is a root verb; in Sanskrit su means "to create". Su + tr, prathamá eka vacana [first case, singular] – savitá. Savitá means "Creator". Savitá means "Father". Father of what? The father of these seven strata. Father of these seven lokas. Do you follow?

Oṋḿ bhúrbhuvah svah oṋḿ tat saviturvareńyaḿ;
Bhargo devasya dhiimahi . . .

[Next the author, in several prose Sanskrit sentences, paraphrases the meaning of the mantra in his own words. These sentences are still under audio analysis.]

“I meditate on the Divine Effulgence of the Supreme Father who did create these seven strata. And why do I meditate on His Divine Effulgence? So that He may guide my, direct my, intellect unto the path of Supreme Beatitude. That's why.” This is the meaning of this ‘Gáyattri Mantra’. And this is the mantra of Vaedikii diikśá [Vedic initiation]. And in this mantra, the sádhaka, the aspirant, requests the Supreme Father to show him the way. He wants the way, he wants the path of bliss. And after getting that path through Tántrikii diikśá, he is to do according to that diikśá. He is to practise sadhana. Dhiyo yo nah pracodayát oṋḿ.

This is the spirit of “Savitr Rk”, incorrectly called “Gáyattri Mantra”. It should be “Savitr Rk”. Because in this mantra, God has been addressed by the word Savitá. Tat savitur [vareńyaḿ]. Savitur – śaśt́hii [sixth case] eka vacana [singular number] of the word [savitr]. I think now it is quite clear.

Kalyánamastu [Let there be welfare]. ]]

How Does Jiiva Become Shiva


See the paragraph beginning “That is, in the scriptures”:


And those forms, colours and bhávas are sometimes beyond the scope of conception of the mind of the microcosm.


And those forms, colours and bhávas are sometimes beyond the scope of perception of the sensory organs, and somewhere they are beyond the scope of conception of the mind of the microcosm.

Human Life and Its Goal


See the paragraph beginning "And finally the feeling that 'I exist'":


That knowing entity is the "I", and the existing entity is the second phase of "I", not the final "I".

And then there is the universal Supreme "I", who knows that you know that you exist.


That knowing entity is the "I", and the existing entity is the second phase of "I", not the final "I". So this "I know", this knowing "I", is the individual [knowing] "I", or individual [knowing] "I's".

But that "I" is your individual supreme "I". And then there is the universal Supreme "I", who knows that you know that you exist.

Ism and Human Progress


See the paragraph beginning “Service should always be for the sake of service”:


As long as people live in the country of their birth] they should serve that country . . .


As long as people live in [the country of their birth] they should serve that country . . .



See the paragraph beginning “While presiding over a trial”:


While presiding over a trial a judge should not be prejudiced against the accused, but should consider whether he or she has committed a crime or not; and if so, under what circumstances, and whether the crime was committed voluntarily or at the instigation of others.


[[When sitting to pass judgement, a judge should not assume the person to be a criminal, but should at the outset consider whether he or she has committed a crime or not; and if so, under what circumstances he was motivated to do it, and whether the crime was committed voluntarily or at the instigation of others.]]

See the paragraph beginning “When sitting to pass judgement on an offender”:


When sitting to pass judgement on an offender the first thing for the judge to consider is whether the accused has committed a crime or not. For the purpose of analysing the types of crime committed by a criminal, and whether his or her offences were committed voluntarily or at the instigation of others, criminals may be classified into the following five categories.


[[When sitting to pass judgement on a criminal, the first thing for the judge to consider is why the accused has committed the crime [for instance, see below regarding crimes motivated by poverty]. For the purpose of properly analysing the merits and demerits of a criminal, and whether his or her offences were committed voluntarily or at the instigation of others, criminals may be classified into the following five categories:]]

Káliká to Káliuṋga (Discourse 24)


See the next-to-last paragraph:


Perhaps because these is because these (sphot`ana or sphot`aka or phut`ika`) grow primarily in eastern India . . .


Perhaps because these (sphot`ana or sphot`aka or phut`ika`) grow primarily in eastern India . . .

Knowledge and Progress


See the paragraph beginning “What is the nature”:


What is the nature of the psycho-spiritual approach through which one acquires spirituo-psychic knowledge? . . . Then alone will people get real knowledge.*


What is the nature of the psycho-spiritual approach through which one acquires spirituo-psychic knowledge? . . . Then alone will people get real knowledge.*

* This paragraph, which may represent an imprecise translation from the original language, has been reproduced here just as it was in the source magazine. –Eds.

Krśńa and Prapattiváda -- 1 (Discourse 4)


The three footnotes and their references are as follows –

See the first paragraph:

In the field of human intellect and intuition, there was and still is a nice idea – the idea of prapatti.*

* The “inner spirit of prapatti” will be given below. –Trans.

See the paragraph beginning “Lord Krśńa was born”:

. . . found a permanent place in Bhágavata shástra, which evolved at a much later date.*

* Bhágavata shástra was a body of devotional scripture composed roughly between 200 and 1000 CE by a large number of devout philosophers. See also Ch. 6. –Trans.

See the last shloka:

Má karmaphalaheturbhúmá te sauńgo'stvakarmańi.*

* Bhagavad Giitá. –Trans.

Krśńa, the Nucleus of the Universe


See the paragraph beginning “And where does He stand?”:


No, He lives with all living creatures; that is why He lives in bhútatattva, kśititattva [the solid factor].


No, He lives with all living creatures; that is why He lives [[on]] bhútatattva, kśititattva [the solid factor].

Leadership -- Section A


See the paragraph beginning “The nature of people”:


Throughout history it can be noticed that many countries with a demoniacal nature have pushed the entire society to the brink of destruction.


[[It can be noticed in the history of many countries that certain intelligent leaders with a demoniacal nature]] pushed the entire society onto the path of destruction.

Love -- the Essential Prerequisite


See the paragraph beginning “What is yoga?”:


It is dangerous for the human elevation. “Hat́ha” comes from “ha” and “t́ha”. “Ha” represents “súrya nádii or ida nádii” and is the acoustic root of physical force. “Tha” represents “candra nádii or piuṋgalá nádii” and is the acoustic root of the mind. So “hat́ha” implies forcible control of mind by physical force. In popular parlance whenever something happens very abruptly or all of a sudden we use the word “hat́hát” i.e., “Hat́hena kurute karma.” Obviously a practitioner of “Hat́ha Yoga” can not attain liberation.


It is dangerous for human elevation.*

* “Hat́ha” comes from “ha” and “t́ha”. “Ha” represents súrya nádii or [[piuṋgalá]] nádii and is the acoustic root of physical force. “T́ha” represents candra nádii or [[id́a]] nádii and is the acoustic root of the mind. So “hat́ha” implies forcible control of mind by physical force. In popular parlance, whenever something happens very abruptly or all of a sudden we use the word “hat́hát” -- i.e., “Hat́hena kurute karma.” Obviously a practitioner of hat́ha yoga cannot attain liberation. –Eds.

Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings


See the paragraph beginning “So the microcosms must think”:


. . . a non-sádhaka is khudá parastii, whereas a sádhaka is khudá parastii.


. . . a non-sádhaka is khud parastii, whereas a sádhaka is khudá parastii.

Man and His Ideological Desideratum


See the paragraph beginning “Now, this ideological flow”:


From the very start of human life, from the primordial phase of human civilization, this Dharma was, this Dharma is, and this Dharma will be with all humans until there is a single man in the Universe.


From the very start of human life, from the primordial phase of human civilization, this dharma was, this dharma is, and this dharma will be with all humans [[as long as]] there is a single man in the universe.

Mantra Caetanya


See the paragraph beginning “The style of a person’s speech”:


Vaecitryaḿ prákrtadharmah samánaḿ na bhaviśyati [“Diversity, not identity, is the law of nature”].


Vaecitryaḿ prákrtadharmah samánaḿ na bhaviśyati [“Variety is the law of nature, there cannot be one hundred per cent equality”].

Matter and Abstract


See the paragraph beginning “Now, energy is inter-transmutable and interchangeable”:


In the cosmic arena, in the cosmic stratum, if we try to dissociate what we feel or what we conceive or what we perceive into the “knower” and “known” portions, the cosmos in the physical level is the “doing” entity in the physical level and is microvita; and the “done” portion is the world of physicality. And the “knowing” faculty in the cosmic level is the supreme cause or the subtlest form of energy, and the “known” portion or the “known” counterpart is the psychic and psycho-spiritual worlds.


[[The “doing” entity in the physical level is microvita and the “done” portion is the world of physicality. And in the Cosmic arena, in the Cosmic stratum, if we try to dissociate what we feel or what we conceive or what we perceive into the “knower” and “known” portions, the “knowing” faculty in the Cosmic level is the supreme cause or the subtlest form of energy, and the “known” portion or the “known” counterpart is the psychic and psycho-spiritual worlds.]]

See the paragraph beginning "It is the duty of the intellectuals":


It is the duty of the intellectuals of the world to continue doing research work regarding the movements of energy and of microvita when passing through the “done” world of the cosmic or individual propensities, or through the “known” world of cosmic inferences, or passing through both types of planes; and also regarding the movement of energy passing through the plane of the “known” or the “knowing” world -- the world of the “known” counterpart of the cosmos -- and also through the world of individual propensities and different planes of individual inferences.


It is the duty of the intellectuals of the world to continue doing research work regarding the movements of energy and of microvita when passing through the “done” world of the cosmic or individual propensities, or through the “known” world of cosmic inferences, or passing through both types of planes; and also regarding the movement of energy passing through the plane of the “known” [[world]] -- the world of the “known” counterpart of the cosmos -- and also through the world of individual propensities and different planes of individual inferences.

Matter and Spirit


See the paragraph beginning “The unit ego not only has no brain”:


In the absence of these nerve-cells the independent “I” feeling is personal or impersonal . . .


In the absence of these nerve-cells the independent “I” feeling lacks support and loses its individual entity. Yet whether the “I” feeling is personal or impersonal . . .

Minimum Requirements and Maximum Amenities


See the paragraph beginning “This type of movement to intellectuality”:


The efferent nerves will be more active than the afferent nerves, and subtle experiences will be more common than they are now.


The [[afferent]] nerves will be more active than the [[efferent]] nerves, and subtle experiences will be more common than they are now.

Nityánitya Viveka


See the paragraph beginning “Dhiiras try to know”:


Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“That which takes a stance opposite to the jiivátmá and witnesses the jiivátmá is Pratyak” (and Pratyak + átmá = Pratyagátmá)].


Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“The Entity that witnesses Its reflected counterparts is Pratyak” (and Pratyak + átmá = Pratyagátmá)].

Oṋḿkára and Iśt́a Mantra


See the paragraph following the “Sarve vedá” shloka:


“All the vedas are in search of”.


“All the vedas are in search of [[Him]].”

See the paragraph beginning “And, yaddicchanto”:


. . . just to keep in contact with Him.”


. . . just to [[be]] in contact with Him.”

Our Spiritual Treatise


See the paragraph beginning “The ‘Subháśita Saḿgraha’ series":


The “Subháśita Saḿgraha” series of books are the scriptures of Ananda Marga ideology.


The “Subháśita Saḿgraha” series of books are the scriptures of Ananda Marga ideology.*

[[* The author later expanded the list of books constituting dharma shástra (spiritual scripture) by adding a book series, and two individual books, that were not in existence at the time this article was published. As the “Svádhyáya” chapter of Caryácarya Part 1 says, “Ananda Marga dharma scriptures means Subháśita Saḿgraha (all parts), Ánanda Vacanámrtam (all parts), and the books Namámi Krśńasundaram and Namah Shiváya Shántáya.”]]

Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)


See the paragraph beginning “You know what happened”:


Arjuna, as per his vow, was supposed to go to the funeral pyre immediately after sunset in order to keep his promise.(2) Suddenly people observed that the sun was no longer in the sky and that it had become dark all around. Everyone thought that the sun had already set. Those who were devotees, not philosophers, commented that Lord Krśńa had covered the sun with His Sudarshana Cakra [His special discus]. Now you can imagine that it is impossible to cover the sun with a discus.

(2) Arjuna had taken a vow to kill Jayadratha before sundown. Jayadratha had successfully hidden from Arjuna all day, but when it became dark, Jayadratha came out into the open. –Eds.


[[Arjuna was supposed to put himself on the funeral pyre immediately after sunset in order to keep his vow.(2)]] Suddenly people observed that the sun was no longer in the sky and that it had become dark all around. Everyone thought that the sun had already set. Those who were devotees, not philosophers, commented that Lord Krśńa had covered the sun with His Sudarshana Cakra [His special discus]. Now you can imagine that [[it would have been impossible to cover the sun with the Sudarshana Cakra]].

(2) Arjuna had taken a vow to kill Jayadratha before sundown[[, or if not to kill himself]]. Jayadratha had successfully hidden from Arjuna all day, but when it became dark, Jayadratha came out into the open. –Eds.

Problems of the Day


See section 30, footnote:


* Here the author is criticizing the aspirations of a section of communists. –Trans.


* Here the author is criticizing the aspirations of some communists. –Trans.

See section 31, the paragraph beginning “It is essential to keep the educational system”:


The financial responsibility for the educational system lies with the state, but the absolute right regarding formulating courses of study, evolving teaching methodology, preparing curricula, etc., should remain solely with educationists or the universities, but it cannot dictate to them.


The financial responsibility for the educational system lies with the state, but the absolute right regarding formulating courses of study, evolving teaching methodology, preparing curricula, etc., should remain solely with the educationists. The state may offer advice to these educationists or the universities, but it cannot dictate to them.

Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy


See the answer to question 13:


Citta Shakti, through unit consciousness (jiivatman), continually inspires the mind to move towards subtlety.


[[Citishakti]], through unit consciousness (jiivatman), continually inspires the mind to move towards subtlety.

Rágánugá and Rágátmiká Samádhi


See the paragraph beginning "In Vaeśńava philosophy, this bháva":


Unlike jiṋánamishrá bhakti, rágánúgá bhakti is devotion of vanity, of occult power and knowledge, and unlike vaedhiki bhakti, this kind of devotion has no ostentatious display.


Unlike jiṋánamishrá bhakti, rágánúgá bhakti does not involve vanity regarding occult powers and knowledge, and unlike in vaedhii bhakti, there is no ostentatious display of devotion.

Relativity and the Supreme Entity


See the date:


23 November 1971


29 November 1971

Remain United with the Supreme Benevolence


See the last paragraph:


So let us pray to Him that we ever forget Him . . .


So let us pray to Him that we never forget Him . . .

Renaissance in All the Strata of Life


See the paragraph beginning “There may be another disease”:


In the name of psycho-spiritual approach, in the false name of religion, disparities are created in the human society, differences are created between human beings.


[[That psycho-spiritual approach, in the false name of religion, creates disparities in human society, creates differences between human beings.]]

Saiṋcara and Práńáh


See the paragraph beginning “As the static principle starts its domination”:


Here Puruśa feels the bondage as an objective reality and this Doer Puruśabháva [coming under] the influence of the static principle is the Cosmic citta.


Here Puruśa feels the bondage as an objective reality and this [[Done Puruśabháva caused by]] the influence of the static principle is the Cosmic citta.

Sambhúti and Mahásambhúti


See the paragraph beginning "About 1,700,000 years ago":


About 1,700,000 years ago, towards the end of the Miocene Age and the early part of the Olioocene Age, the australopithecine came onto this earth.


About [seven million] years ago, towards the end of the Miocene Age and the early part of the [Pliocene] Age, the australopithecine came onto this earth.

Sádhaná (Intuitional Practice)


See (1)(c)(iv):


The philosophical books and scriptures of Ananda Marga are Ánanda Sútram and Subháśita Saḿgraha (all parts), respectively.


The philosophical books and scriptures of Ananda Marga are Ánanda Sútram and Subháśita Saḿgraha (all parts), respectively.*

[[* The author later expanded the list of books constituting dharma shástra (spiritual scripture) by adding a book series, and two individual books, that were not in existence at the time this article was published. As the “Svádhyáya” chapter of Caryácarya Part 1 says, “Ananda Marga dharma scriptures means Subháśita Saḿgraha (all parts), Ánanda Vacanámrtam (all parts), and the books Namámi Krśńasundaram and Namah Shiváya Shántáya.”]]

Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles


See the paragraph beginning “[This last section”:


[This last section was also printed separately as “The Neohumanism of Sadvipras” . . .


[This last section was also printed separately as “The New Humanism of Sadvipras” . . .

See the last paragraph:


In this new society based on Neohumanism . . .


In this new society based on [[a new humanism]] . . .

Some Aspects of Socio-Economic Planning


See the paragraph beginning “The first step to decentralized planning”:


county or federation


country or federation

Some Examples of Microvita in Daily Life -- Excerpt A


See the paragraph beginning “Microvita have no direct relationship”:


For this, mental and physical development is indispensable in collective life.


For this, mental and [[spiritual]] development is indispensable in collective life.

Some Important Crops


See under Karamchá (Karanjá, Carissa Caranda):


Karamchá oil was produced in 2´ Parganas 50 years ago for burning lamps.


Karamchá oil was produced in 24 Parganas 50 years ago for burning lamps.

See under FRUITS, the paragraph beginning “The following system”:


That is, one medium tree should be planted at a distance of · 1/² feet from the two big trees.


That is, one medium tree should be planted at a distance of 7 1/2 feet from the two big trees.

See under Banana, paragraph beginning “There are numerous varieties of banana”:


kátáli kalá, which bears fruit twice in 1¸ months . . .


kátáli kalá, which bears fruit twice in 18 months . . .

Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy -- Excerpt B


See the answer to question 13:


Citta Shakti, through unit consciousness (jiivatman), continually inspires the mind to move towards subtlety.


[[Citishakti]], through unit consciousness (jiivatman), continually inspires the mind to move towards subtlety.

Spiritual Discourses


See the paragraph beginning “The principal cause for the bondage”:


Suppose a certain man donates a sum of 10,000 rupees to a particular institution.


Suppose a certain man donates a sum of [[a thousand]] rupees to a particular institution.

Tantra and Sádhaná


See footnote 1:


. . . the of gatam . . .


. . . the á of ágatam . . .

The Base of Life


See the paragraph beginning “The mind of a certain individual”:


They treat this slow speed as pleasure and call it happiness.


They [[call]] this slow speed [[a pleasant feeling, or pleasure]].

The Call of the Supreme [in printed editions titled Invocation of the Supreme, pending correction]


See the first paragraph:


The Saptalokas are its evolution – these are the manifestation of Brahma – the relationship is not that of the container and the contained.


The [[śat́loka [six lokas] ]] are its evolution – these are the manifestation of Brahma – the relationship is not that of the container and the contained.

The Chariot and the Charioteer


See the paragraph beginning “When unit beings (jiivas) come in contact”:


Thus it has been said that the passengerlike charioteer takes the body-like chariot to.


Thus it has been said that the passenger-like átman becomes concerned with whatever object the buddhi-like charioteer takes the body-like chariot to.

The Cosmic Brotherhood


See the paragraph beginning “The world government should form”:


The world government should form certain autonomous units, not necessarily national (based on problems of education, food supply, flood control, public sentiment), which should look after mundane and supramundane problems. The boundaries of these units may be readjusted to suit any change in the environment – for instance, development in the techniques of communication. Development in the means of communication brings the different remote parts of the world nearer, and the world, therefore, grows smaller. With this well-developed swifter means of communication, units with bigger areas can work smoothly and efficiently.(3)


The world government should form certain autonomous units, not necessarily national (based on problems of education, food supply, flood control, public sentiment), which should look after mundane and supramundane problems. The boundaries of these units may be readjusted to suit any change in the environment – for instance, development in the techniques of communication. Development in the means of communication brings the different remote parts of the world nearer, and the world, therefore, grows smaller. With this well-developed swifter means of communication, units with bigger areas can work smoothly and efficiently.(3)

A language must also be evolved as the lingua franca of the world. (At present English is most suitable for the purpose and no national sentiment should be encouraged to go against it.) But the local languages must be encouraged to help the indigenous literatures develop and contribute towards world progress, and thereby contribute to the common brotherhood of humanity.

See the paragraph beginning “The principles of Prout depend”:


The principles of Prout depend upon the following fundamental factors:

. . .

5. The method of utilization should vary in accordance with changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of progressive nature.*


The principles of Prout depend upon the following fundamental factors:

. . .

5. The method of utilization should vary in accordance with changes in time, space and person, and the utilization should be of progressive nature.*

* These principles, named the “Five Fundamental Principles of Prout” by the author, were added to the first edition of Idea and Ideology as it was being printed during November 1959. However, since the author included them as part of this discourse, “The Cosmic Brotherhood”, which was given on 5 June 1959, they are dated accordingly. –Eds. [Footnote used in the Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 3, 1st edition, publication of this article.]

The Cosmological Order


See the paragraph beginning “Sarvájiive sarvasaḿsthe brhante tasmin haḿso bhrámyate Brahmacakre”:


And the movement goes on till Prthagátmánaḿ preritárain^ca matvá – till he thinks that he and his Lord, he and the Supreme goal, he and the Supreme nave, are the two different entities – till he realizes this, till this idea of differentiation, till this idea of separation, is there.


And the movement goes on [[as long as]] Prthagátmánaḿ preritárain^ca matvá – [[as long as]] he thinks that he and his Lord, he and the Supreme goal, he and the Supreme nave, are two different entities ́ [[as long as]] he realizes this, [[as long as]] this idea of differentiation, [[as long]] as this idea of separation, is there.

The Divine Drama


See the paragraph beginning "People weep due to intense pain":


But they should remember:

"When tears of pain roll down my cheeks

Thanks to Hari, thanks to Hari.

When I float in the ocean of nectar

Thanks to Hari, thanks to Hari."


But they should remember:

Duhkh diye káṋdáo yakhan

   Dhanya Hari, dhanya Hari;

Sudhá rase bhásáo yakhan

   Dhanya Hari, dhanya Hari.

[When tears of pain roll down my cheeks

Thanks to Hari, thanks to Hari;

When I float in the ocean of nectar

Thanks to Hari, thanks to Hari.]

The Expansion of the Microcosm


See the paragraph beginning “What is the vast play”:


It does exist but in a subdued form – it's action expression is unsubstantiated, and is this incapable of giving a subjective bearing to Puruśa.


It does exist but in a subdued form – its action expression is unsubstantiated, and is thus incapable of giving a subjective bearing to Puruśa.

See the paragraph beginning “Thus there are three paths”:


If the subtle factors within them crudify, that is, are converted into solid, one day, due to extreme condensation, their existence will go beyond the sense of perception, becoming extremely small.


If the subtle factors within them crudify, that is, are converted into solid, one day, due to extreme condensation, their existence will go beyond [[perceptibility]], becoming extremely small.

The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)


See the paragraph beginning “The first characteristic of religion”:


Dharma is an eternal truth credible and does not depend on any individual, prophet or avatára (direct descent of God) for its substantiation.


Dharma is an eternal truth and does not depend on any individual, prophet or avatára (direct descent of God) for its credible substantiation.

The Four Types of Progress


This discourse, which was given in English, was originally published using as its source a typed Spanish translation from the original English, and retranslating that Spanish back into English. This version is based on transcribing the tape that was discovered later.


Please replace the entire discourse with the following version:

You know, in our universe nothing is fixed, nothing is stationary, everything moves. Movement is the order of nature. Movement is the order of cognition. Where there is no movement, there is no stir of life. [To pause] means complete death. This physical world, with all its quinquelemental factors, is moving, always moving, and nothing in this universe can be away from this collective stream, or flow.

In human structure, in the small protoplasmic cells, there is internal movement. In the collective form of protozoa, that is, in the metazoic structure, the intermetazoic space always goes on increasing and decreasing, thus helping in movement.

In our mind, the ectoplasmic structure moves internally, creating external pressure on other microcosms, and also creating a stir in the Supreme Macrocosmic structure. Nothing is fixed, nothing is stationary. Thus within the spiritual stratum, the path is never-ending. It starts from the subtlest extremity of the Macrocosm and goes on moving along its eternal path of bliss. This is the system. In a small atom, electrons move. In our ethereal structure, the earth moves along with its satellite, the moon. Mars moves along with its satellites, Deimos and Phobos. The sun along with its planetary world moves in eternal space. Nothing is fixed.

In the human structure, in all living structures, in the case of all animate objects, the movement is four-fold:

1) Your mind is attached to the physical portions of the body – your bones, nerve fibres, nerve cells – which is all moving. This is your physical movement.

2) Your physico-psychic body, that is, the psychic body associated with the [physical] body, moves. So your second movement is your psychic movement. The first movement is your physical movement, the movement of nerve fibres, nerve cells, etc. The second movement is your psychic movement.

3) The third movement is your psycho-spiritual movement, starting from the psychic arena and moving towards the spiritual self.

4) And the subtlest, or fourth, movement is your [spiritual] movement, [spiritual] advance.

The physical movement is not only a movement of human beings but a movement of all living beings. That is, all other animals, all other plants, also move physically.

Regarding psychic movement, human minds can move from one point to another, one projection converted into another projection, one psychic pabulum or pabula transmuted into another psychic pabulum or pabula. But in the case of plants, this psychic movement is nothing but an inborn instinct. In the case of the animal world also – in the case of undeveloped animals – the movement is purely of inborn instinct. They move by instinct, there is no independent thought. In the case of developed animals, there is a small touch of independent thought. And in the case of humans, they can think anything and everything. And this is the speciality of human beings – independent thought.

And when this independent thought is choked or barred or checked by something internal or external, that barring entity is a dangerous entity for human progress. And when human psychic flow is barred in this way, that barred, that restricted, human idea or human thought or human projection may be called dogma. The progress of human society must always be free from all sorts of dogmas; otherwise human progress will be sealed forever. Human progress will be blocked forever.

The third human progress is psycho-spiritual progress. What is psycho-spiritual progress? We get pleasure through our psychic progress or psychic approaches or through different types of external or internal psychic projec¬tions, but the subtler the object of projection, the more blissful a person is. So each and every human being should be encouraged to make this psycho-spiritual progress. It is a special wont of human beings. No other animal can have this psycho-spiritual progress.

And the last one is spiritual progress. When the psychic body of a man, either intellectual or non-intellectual, gets pointed, all the pinnacled human propensities march toward the all-pervading entity of Cognition, and finally become one with that Cognition. And within this realm of eternal Cognition, the march goes on. This is spiritual progress. A spiritual aspirant should always remember that [in him] there must be a happy blending of progress in all the four strata: the physical, the psychic, the psycho-spiritual and the spiritual.

Recently I said, perhaps in Israel or in Turkey, that amongst these four types of progress, the physical and the psychic are of objective nature, and the psycho-spiritual and the spiritual are of subjective nature. That is, in living beings there are two main options of progress: they are the objective and the subjec¬tive.

In this world, you require food, you require medicine, you require shelter, you require education, and so many other things. You require a healthy economic structure, you require a free life, free from all exploitation. And you require so many things to maintain the health of your physical body and to maintain the proper order of your objective world. You cannot ignore these things, you cannot deny their necessity. You should do your duty in the realm of objectivity, and at the same time you must not forget that you are glorified human beings. You are to elevate yourself to the excellence of human glory, to the grandeur of humanity. So your progress in the psycho-spiritual sphere must go on unbarred.

In this realm of psycho-spiritual movement, man cannot tolerate any bar. And you should also remember that your original source is the Supreme Father. He is the Causal Matrix, He is the Supreme Origin; and your final goal, your final desideratum, is also that Supreme Father. He is the final culmination of all your movement.

So all your energies, all your propensities, must be goaded unto that Supreme Entity, that Parama Purusa, the Supreme Father, who created this [universe]. So I should say that yours must be a happy blending between the objective world and your subjective goal. Ours is an objective approach, is an objective adjustment, towards the supreme subjective goal. That is, it is a happy blending between the objective world and the subjective world. This happy blending will be a* well-knit human society. There is no alternative.

* A word here was not clear on the tape. –Eds.

A subjective approach is the final thing, but while moving on towards the subjective goal, you must maintain adjustment with the objective world. There is no alternative. And [when human society accepts] this goal and is ensconced in this supreme idea in the very near future, this will knit, will construct, a human society** on this planet. And what to speak of this planet, the humanity of the entire universe will unite; and we are anxiously waiting for that happy moment, for that goal.

** A few words here were not clear on the tape. –Eds.

The Hub of Universal Activities


See the paragraph beginning “According to some persons”:


Take the case of a dead body where neither the mind nor the soul is operating; but as the physical is within this universe . . .


Take the case of a dead body where neither the mind nor the soul is operating: as [[that physical body]] is within this universe . . .

The Human Search for Real Progress


See the paragraph beginning “Let us examine in what sense”:


Who is the subject of the enjoyer?


Who is the subject or the enjoyer?

The Intuitional Science of the Vedas -- 4


See the paragraph beginning “As everything is within”:


When the mind remains associated with any object for a long time we call that state “happiness” and when it is repulsed by any absent (while is characteristically inimical) for long, we call such a state sorrow.


When the mind remains associated with any object for a long time, we call that state “happiness”, and when it is repulsed by any object (which is characteristically inimical) for long, we call such a state sorrow.

The Intuitional Science of the Vedas -- 5


See the shloka beginning “Prańavátmakaḿ Brahmá”:


Prańavátmakaḿ Brahmá
Tripáda-Bibhúti-Náráyańa Shruti
Tasya Vácakah prańavah.


As mentioned before, Oṋḿkára is the sound of process of expression -- the very seed of manifestation. . . .


Prańavátmakaḿ Brahmá
Tripáda-Vibhúti-Náráyańa Shruti
Tasya vácakah prańavah.


Is this prańava alone, a combination of a, u and ma, signifying creation, preservation and destruction -- then expressive or indicative of the entire Cosmic Entity? If that is so, then Brahma also becomes a relative truth and there remain no distinctions among the unit entities (under the bondage of samskáras, or reactive momenta), kaevalya siddha (the one who has exhausted all the reactive momenta and attained absolute identity with the supreme One) and Saguńa Brahma. Such a situation then hardly warrants any need for a Nirguńa entity beyond Saguńa Brahma for the purpose of meditation or salvation. That is why I emphasize that on^ḿkára does not denote the whole Brahma in the first three letters; it also has a fourth letter. This very fourth letter or half-letter represents Puruśottama with His witness-ship. From this it follows that a, u, ma and the half-letter respectively represent creation, preservation, destruction and this witness-ship. I have already told you that, in the highest analysis, Puruśottama is not Nirguńa, for He is the witness of the creation -- He is involved with objects. Hence when a spiritual aspirant is established in the pure Nirguńa entity beyond the scope of involvement with objects, nothing remains of the oṋḿkára. Oṋḿkára holds within it all the three -- past, present and future -- and also the first three states -- wakefulness, dream and dreamless sleep.

As mentioned before, oṋḿkára is the sound of process of expression -- the very seed of manifestation. . . .

The Macrocosm and the Microcosm -- 2


See the paragraph beginning “If we call the force”:


This dormant Shiva is called shambhú liuṋga.


This dormant Shiva is called [[Svayambhúliuṋga]].

The Mind Grows in Magnitude


See the paragraph beginning “The fourth one is”


If we want to encourage rationality and rationalization on the physical level, we must avoid thought-waves which originate on the physical plane and concern physical objects.


If we want to encourage rationality and rationalization on the physical level, we must avoid [[unnecessary thought-waves and pencils of thought]] which originate on the physical plane and concern physical objects.

The Neohumanism of Sadvipras


See the title:


The Neohumanism of Sadvipras


The New Humanism of Sadvipras

See the last paragraph:


In this new society based on Neohumanism . . .


In this new society based on [[a new humanism]] . . .

The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God


See the paragraph beginning “One may say”:


. . . not beyond the periphery of His minds . . .


. . . not beyond the periphery of His mind . . .

See the last paragraph:


In the case of the collectivity it is prota yoga; in the case of the individual it is ota yoga. You are never alone.


In the case of the collectivity it is prota yoga; in the case of the individual it is ota yoga. His link with you is always both prota and ota. You are never alone.

The Path of Salvation


See the paragraph beginning “For a proper or a well-knit structure”:


In case of our solar system so many planets are moving around the sun, and in the Supreme Cosmological Order the point of command is Parama Puruśa. He is the nucleus and everybody is moving around Him.


In case of our solar system so many planets are moving around the sun, and in the Supreme Cosmological Order [[Puruśottama, Parama Puruśa,]] is the nucleus, and everybody is moving around Him.

See the paragraph beginning “Now the fundamental difference between this cosmological order”:


In the case of this Cosmological Order, however, the nucleus is spiritual with all the potentialities of psychic and physical expression, and the moving entities are physical having psychic and physical pabula.


In the case of this Cosmological Order, however, the nucleus is spiritual with all the potentialities of psychic and physical expression, and the moving entities are physical having psychic and [[spiritual]] pabula.

The Poles Shift Their Respective Positions


See the last paragraph:


But we have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be able to overcome such a catastrophe and arrange for shifting the population to some other planet having suitable environmental conditions and a better ecological order.


But we have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be able to overcome such a catastrophe [[or]] arrange for shifting the population to some other planet having suitable environmental conditions and a better ecological order.

The Responsibility of Society


See the paragraph beginning “In a joint family every member”:


In such circumstances that person’s actions will be unrighteous and detrimental to society.


In such circumstances that person’s actions will be unrighteous and detrimental to [the family and to] society.

The Supreme Aesthetic Science and the Cult of Devotion


See the paragraph beginning “So, Bhagaván says to Nárada”:


So, Bhagaván says to Nárada, (Nárada means that of Parama Puruśa by which the devotion germinates in the hearts of the living beings.)


So Bhagaván says to Nárada (nárada means that [[power]] of Parama Puruśa by which devotion germinates in the hearts of living beings.)

The Supreme Cognition


See the paragraph beginning “And whatever is witnessed”:


Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“That which takes a stance opposite to a thing and witnesses it is Pratyak”].


Pratiipaḿ vipariitaḿ aiṋcati vijánáti iti pratyak [“The Entity that witnesses Its reflected counterparts is Pratyak”].

The Supreme Question -- 1


See the paragraph beginning “When the shadow of the moon”:


When the shadow of the moon is reflected on the earth a lunar eclipse occurs. This is a scientific fact. Through the science of astronomy human beings have discovered the reasons for an eclipse. Astronomy is part of aparávidyá. But who is the entity who causes the moon to cast its shadow on the earth?


[[When the shadow of the earth is cast on the moon,]] a lunar eclipse occurs. This is a scientific fact. Through the science of astronomy human beings have discovered the reasons for an eclipse. Astronomy is part of aparávidyá. But who is the entity who causes the earth to cast its shadow on the moon?



In the Causes section, see the paragraph beginning “Such coughing”:


The best way to recognize this harmless type of cough is that there is almost some phlegm or mucus coming out with it.


The best way to recognize this harmless type of cough is that there is almost [[always]] some phlegm or mucus coming out with it.

Utilize All Your Potentialities


See the first paragraph:


The people [of] the entire universe [are] the progeny and the Supreme Consciousness is the Progenitor.


[[The only creator is the Supreme Progenitor – the entire universe [is the] progeny,]] and the Supreme Consciousness is the Progenitor.

See the paragraph beginning “The microcosm cannot create anything original”:


The microcosm can create physical, [mental] and spiritual compounds.


The microcosm can create physical [[mixture and [chemical] compounds.]]


A microcosm should [make] maximum use of the world’s physical potentialities . . .


[[So as a]] microcosm, [[one]] should [make] maximum use of [[one’s]] physical potentialities . . .

See the paragraph beginning “Suppose that a man”:


. . . there is a big block of uncultivated land.**


. . . there is a big [[plot]] of uncultivated land. [[Should we say that he is wise or that he is a man of intellect? No, we won't say [this].** Use the tractor in tilling the land.]]

** [[A word or two here were unclear on the tape. --Eds.]]

See the paragraph beginning “Similarly each and every living being”:


. . . in physical [structure] a man . . .


. . . By physical [[culture]] a man . . .


. . . as [he or she desires].


. . . as [[he likes]].

See the paragraph beginning “This special chance”:


This special chance has been guaranteed . . .


This special chance has been [[granted]] . . .


. . . utilization of this world . . .


. . . utilization of [his self] . . .

Vashiikára -- 1


See the last paragraph:


And when one strives hard to establish oneself in the absolute word by suspending all the mundane longings through psycho-spiritual endeavour it is vashiikára.


And when one strives hard to establish oneself in the absolute [[world]] by suspending all the mundane longings through psycho-spiritual endeavour it is vashiikára.

Vibration, Form and Colour


See the paragraph beginning “Dye your mind with His colour”:


Became sádhu within.


Become sádhu within.

See the paragraph beginning “That is why I say that you must bring”:


That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with the His glorious colour.


That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with His glorious colour.

Views of Other Faiths


See footnote 2:


. . . is also known as Pátaiṋjala Sáḿkhya. –Eds.


. . . is also known as Pátaiṋjala Darshana. –Eds.

See the heading “Pátaiṋjala [Sáḿkhya] and [Kápila] Sáḿkhya”:


Pátaiṋjala [Sáḿkhya] and [Kápila] Sáḿkhya


Pátaiṋjala [Darshana] and [Kápila] Sáḿkhya

See, under that heading, “4. In [Kápila] Sáḿkhya”:


4. In [Kápila] Sáḿkhya there is no God, hence it is called niriishvaraváda [the doctrine of atheism], while Pátaiṋjala [Sáḿkhya] . . .


4. In [Kápila] Sáḿkhya there is no God, hence it is called niriishvaraváda [the doctrine of atheism], while Pátaiṋjala [Darshana] . . .

What Are the Noble Truths?


See the paragraph beginning "Where did this universe come from":


When He descends from His eternal stance to His transitory form then whatever emanates from Him in that state certainly imparts less bliss than that which flows? His Eternal Being. The stage in which Parama Puruśa does not create and does not even desire to create anything, is His Eternal Stance. And the state of bliss in which Parama Puruśa in that condition is called nityánanda.


When He descends from His eternal stance to His transitory form then whatever emanates from Him in that state certainly imparts less bliss than that which flows [[from]] His Eternal Being. The stage in which Parama Puruśa does not create and does not even desire to create anything, is His nityabháva [eternal stance]. And the [[bliss in which, through that nityabháva, Parama Purus`a remains,]] is called nityánanda.

What Is Dharma?


See the last paragraph:


There are innumerable individuals in this universe, and as átman or unit consciousness is reflected in each one, there appear to be many átmans or unit consciousnesses.


There are innumerable individual minds in this universe, and as there is a reflection [of Paramátman] on each one, there appear to be many átmans [unit consciousnesses].

What Is This World?


See the paragraph beginning "Human beings are not without beginning":


If they have originated from the earth they must have also obtained their unit consciousness from the earth. They could not have got it from any other entity and so there must also be consciousness in the earth. For instance butter can be obtained from milk only because it exists in milk. Similarly unit consciousness exists in the earth, otherwise the human body obtained from the earth could not have unit consciousness. Butter, when it exists in milk, cannot be identified as butter till it is separated with the help of a churning machine. In the same way unit consciousness is unidentifiable or dormant in the earth and can only be perceived when the human mind is created to reflect it. It has thus to be accepted that there is consciousness even in the earth.


If they have originated from the earth they must have also obtained their unit consciousness from the [[solid factor]]. They could not have got it from any other entity and so there must also be consciousness in the [[solid factor]]. For instance butter can be obtained from milk only because it exists in milk. Similarly unit consciousness exists in the [[solid factor]], otherwise the human body obtained from the [[solid factor]] could not have unit consciousness. Butter, when it exists in milk, cannot be identified as butter till it is separated with the help of a churning machine. In the same way unit consciousness is unidentifiable or dormant in the [[solid factor]] and can only be perceived when the human mind is created to reflect it. It has thus to be accepted that there is consciousness even in the [[solid factor]].

Where There Is Dharma There Is Iśt́a, and Where There Is Iśt́a There Is Victory


See the paragraph beginning “So there are two meaning for the word iśt́a”:


These entities will never be able to till or satisfy my mind . . .


These entities will never be able to fill or satisfy my mind . . .



See the first paragraph:


We, men and women, are the progeny of the same Supreme Consciousness. Women and men are equally divine and inherit similar and equal rights to life, liberty and expression.


[[We, women and men, are the progeny of the same Supreme Consciousness. Because we are both progeny of the Supreme, women and men have equal rights in terms of liberty, and expressions of life.]]

Yoga and Tantra


See the paragraph beginning "These vibrations, representing some action":


The colour of the sentient principle is white, of the mutative yellow, and of the static black.


The colour of the sentient principle is white (welfare)[, of the mutative red, and of the static black].


Complete List of Additional Information for version 7

Ádarsha and Iśt́a


See the paragraph beginning “What is the difference between dharma and iśt́a?”:


Nila means “blue colour,”


Niila means “blue colour”,

Ágama and Nigama


See the paragraph beginning “‘Átmajiṋánam is jiṋánam'. What is átmajiṋánam?”:


. . . that phase of your mind and spirit that stance of relativity, is átmajiṋánam.


. . . that phase of your mind and spirit, that stance of non-relativity, is átmajiṋánam.

Áṋka to Ád́hya


See the paragraph beginning “‘I am that Vireshvijay Vasumallik'”:


All around me I could hear the sound son, son, son. If someone else had been there they would not have heard anything else, but in the middle of this son-son sound I could hear . . .


All around me I could hear the sound soṋ, soṋ, soṋ [sound of the wind]. If someone else had been there they would not have heard anything else, but in the middle of this soṋ-soṋ sound I could hear. . .

An Expression Is Never Alone


1. See the first paragraph:


There is a sound just to represent the spirit of that being, of that deed.


Whatever you do, there is a sound just to represent the spirit of that doing, of that deed.

2. See the second paragraph:


While you sit you are doing something . . .


While you sleep you are doing something . . .

3. See the ending of the discourse:


. . . A man cannot be the shelter. Parama Puruśa is the shelter.


. . . A man cannot be the shelter. Parama Puruśa is the shelter.

For example, this city of Stockholm is sheltered in the country of Sweden. Sweden is a bigger space than the city of Stockholm. This country of Sweden is sheltered in the continent of Europa, whose shelter is this planet earth; the shelter of this planet earth is the solar system, and the shelter of this solar system is the Cosmological Order. And this Cosmological Order is nothing but an internal psychic projection of Parama Puruśa. So He is the Supreme Shelter.

And not only that. Because of His intuitional entity's presence in each and every expression, He witnesses everything. Nothing is secret for Him. You may think that those* affairs, those things that I did, perhaps Parama Puruśa did not see those. [laughter] “He is so busy in so many works, perhaps He neglected it.”

* An adjective here was unclear on the tape. –Trans.

No, He sees everything, because it is His duty to see. He sees, but it does not mean that He hates. Because He sees, but He has sympathy for each and every expression. Why? Because each and every expression is an emanated expression of His cordiality. So each and every expression is an object of affection for Him.

A bad man is a misguided son of Parama Puruśa. A father must have, and actually a father has got, immense love for all his children. Son or daughter, good boy or bad boy; but when a son or a daughter is misguided, he wants that he or she should come to the proper way, he or she should resort to the proper path. This is the thing. It is His duty to see that everyone moves towards the Supreme Goal, towards the Supreme Desideratum. And He is always ready to help anybody and everybody; and He helps, and He will be helping in future, because it is His only [duty]. And for the created beings, their only duty is to move along the path of beatitude shown by the Supreme Father.

So in the case of Parama Puruśa and His progeniture, the love is mutual. He loves His progeniture not for the purpose of getting love from the progeniture. But in the case of the progeniture, it is just the reverse. Suppose He says, “No, from this very moment I will not love My creation,” then and there the creation will cease to function. Because the movement starts from love, the movement resides on love, and the movement finally goeth back to love. So I said love is mutual.

And when His progeny sing Bábá nám kevalam openly, He sings Bábá nám kevalam secretly. Because the Progenitor is the nearest and dearest one for the progeny, hence the progeny also is the nearest and dearest one for the Supreme Progenitor. Both are bábá to each other and one another.

The entire creation is the creation of that Singular Entity. So everybody comes from a very high family, a very noble family. Nobody is unimportant. Nobody deserves hatred.

Sarve'tra sukhinah bhavantu sarve santu nirámayáh;
Sarve bhadráńi pashyantu na kashcid duhkhamápnuyát.

“Let everybody be happy; let everybody be free from all psychic ailments; let everybody see the bright side of everything; let nobody suffer from [any trouble under pressure of circumstances].”

Ananda Marga: A Revolution


See the paragraph beginning “Similarly, if Ananda Marga only developed”:


Those who do not know Ananda Marga will come to the natural and obvious conclusion that one. Ananda Marga should not claim any achievement which is illogical and hence a classless society, which would be illogical, cannot be achieved by Ananda Marga; and two, that Ananda Marga is also like many of the other societies of idealists and moralists who aim at a classless society.


Ananda Marga does not claim any achievement which is illogical, and hence a classless society, which would be illogical, cannot be achieved by Ananda Marga. The natural and obvious conclusion of those who do not know Ananda Marga will be that Ananda Marga is like many other societies of idealists and moralists who aim to establish a classless society.

Are Ghosts Hallucinations?


1. See the first paragraph:


. . . there is no physical defect in the ocular vision. Rather, one's vision is affected by the thought-waves which want to see something different.


. . . there is no defect in optical vision, but the ocular vision is affected by the thought-wave which wants to see something, whereas as per opticality there is nothing physical.

2. See the paragraph beginning “And what is a negative hallucination?”:


. . . there is no defect in the ocular vision, but due to excessive pressure of the thought-waves – we say “auto-suggestion” – the ocular vision becomes negative; that is, the thought-waves do not want to see something which is actually present in the ocular vision.


. . . there is no defect in optical vision, but the ocular vision becomes negative due to excessive pressure of thought-waves. We say “auto-suggestion”. The thought-wave doesn't want to see something which is actually present as per optical vision.

2. See the paragraph beginning “Many scholars are of the opinion”:


They say that in this case the ocular vision – the optic nerves – is deceiving them . . .


They say that in this case the [optical] vision – the optic nerves – are deceiving them.

3. See the paragraph beginning “It is said that Abhibhávańát”:


Abhibhávańát cittáńusrśt́apretadarshanam [“The sight of ghosts is created by the cittáńu (mind-stuff) in concentrated thought”].


Abhibhávańát pretadarshanam [“The sight of ghosts is created in concentrated thought”].


. . . so that due to the defective functioning of the nerve cells one sees something which is not present, or does not see something which is actually physically present.


. . . as a result of which fight takes place between nerve fibres and nerve cells. And when the functioning of the nerve fibres is defeated, then a human being – not only human beings but many living beings – see something which is not present or do not see something which is actually physically present.


. . . from another, stronger, mind. When a weaker mind is greatly influenced by a stronger mind, as a result something is not seen or nothing is seen.


. . . from another, stronger, mind. The result of outer-suggestion is* that the mind of the weaker man, that is, the weaker mind, is highly influenced by that greater mind, bigger mind, and as a result something is not seen or nothing is seen.

* A word here was not clear on the tape. –Eds.

4. See the paragraph beginning “You know, philosophically”:


. . . whatever we see in this universe is, we may say, a positive hallucination created by the Supreme Consciousness (Parama Puruśa).


. . . whatever we see in this universe is another suggestion, is, we may say, a positive hallucination created by Parama Puruśa.


. . . the suggestion comes from the individual mind; one's own thought is projected outside.


. . . the suggestion comes from the individual mind; be it one's own or be it from outside.

5. See the paragraph beginning “But when people see so-called ghosts”:


. . . in such a way that it automatically functions. Its inherent capacity for action . . .


. . . in such a way that it functions autonomously. Its inherent capacity for autonomous action . . .

6. See the paragraph beginning “By means of nerve cells”:


By means of nerve cells . . .


These luminous bodies do not have nerves or nerve cells, because nerves and nerve cells are composed of the five fundamental factors. By means of nerve cells . . .

7. See the paragraph beginning “These luminous bodies are not ghosts or apparitions”:


Neither are they related to auto-suggestion or outer-suggestion.


Neither are they created by auto-suggestion or outer-suggestion or cellular suggestion.

8. See the paragraph beginning “The third is vidyádhara”:


The third is vidyádhara.


The next is vidyádhara.

9. See the paragraph beginning “The next is gandharva”:


The next is gandharva.


The third is gandharva.


Those who have a great talent for higher music . . .


Those who have a great attraction for higher music . . .


They are also not visible in daylight, just as other luminous bodies are invisible.


They are not visible in daylight, just as other luminous bodies are not visible, for the same reason that stars are not visible in daylight.

10. See the paragraph beginning “The next is kinnara”:


The next is kinnara.


Rúpaḿ dehi, jayaḿ dehi, yasho dehi, dviśo jahi [“Give me beauty, give me victory, give me fame, and vanquish my enemy”]. Rúpaḿ dehi, dehi, dehi [“Give me beauty, give me, give me”]. The next is kinnara.

11. See the paragraph beginning “So we see that what we call a ‘ghost' ”:


So we see that what we call a “ghost” is not always a positive or a negative hallucination, nor is it always a siddha or a preśitamánas. In fact, we cannot prove the existence of a preśitamánas or siddha, and insofar as positive hallucination is concerned, it does not have any actual existence at all. If you see a positive hallucination, it is a mental disease.

If anything of this sort (preśitamánas or luminous body) comes before you, there is only one remedy to remove it: that is, . . .


So here ghosts are not always positive hallucinations, and really speaking, those luminous bodies are not a creation of positive hallucination. And those recreated minds, those preśitamánasas, are not ghosts, either. Luminous bodies are not ghosts. Then what is a ghost? Positive hallucinations, creations of positive hallucination, are ghosts. And they are of human creation, so actually there is no ghost. Now, suppose due to positive hallucination, or due to coming in contact with those luminous bodies, or due to coming in contact with those recreated minds, one thinks that it's a ghost, then what is the medicine? What is the psychic medicine for such a disease?

In the case of a positive hallucination, we may say it is a sort of disease, but in case of luminous bodies, or recreated minds, it is not disease, because it is something physico-psychic – it is not disease. But in the case of a psychic disease or when one gets afraid while coming in contact with those luminous bodies or recreated minds, those preśitamánasas, what is the medicine? The medicine is, . . .

Art and Science


On a recording whose date is not known for sure, but which was originally recorded on the same cassette as the discourse given the morning following this discourse, the author can be heard to remark: “Art should be displayed scientifically, and science should be cultured artistically.”


1. See the paragraph beginning “Shiva said, ‘In the process of introversion”:


Shiva said, “In the process of introversion – the introversial march of this created world, everything moves from crude to subtle.” What happens?


Shiva said:

Átmajiṋánamidaḿ devi paraḿ mokśaeka sádhanam;
Sukrtaermánavo bhútvá jiṋániicenmokśamápnuyát.

[Self-knowledge is the greatest means to attain salvation. People are born as human beings due to their past good saḿskáras, but to attain non-qualified liberation they will have to attain self-knowledge.]

In the process of introversion, the introversial march of this created world, when everything moves from crude to subtle, what happens?


And therein lie all their potentialities.


And therein lie all the potentialities of intuition.

2. See the paragraph beginning “Everyone should remember that when there is human body”:


The man who has acquired immense educational wealth may lag behind if he has not one drop of devotion . . .


The man who has acquired immense educational wealth may lag behind if there is want of devotion . . .

3. See the paragraph beginning “I told you that the old Chinese name”:


The collective name of these propensities devoted unto the Parama Puruśa are known as devotion because they are devoted to Him.


The collective name of these propensities goaded unto the Parama Puruśa is devotion, because they are devoted to Him.

4. After the paragraph beginning “I told you that the old Chinese name”, see the paragraph beginning “Shiva said”:


Shiva said,

Átmajiṋánaḿ vidurjiṋánam


Shiva said:

Átmajiṋánamidaḿ devi paraḿ mokśaekasádhanam;
Sukrtaermánavo bhútvá jiṋániicenmokśamápnuyát.

5. See the paragraph beginning “So Shiva says that the actual knowledge”:


You should keep your mind free from the bindings and fetters of such a defective philosophy because it is anti-human, morally anti-human. It is most detrimental to the human existence and human development.


You should keep your mind free from the bindings and fetters of such a defective philosophy because it is anti-human – not only anti-human, it is most detrimental to the human existence and human development.

6. See the paragraph beginning “Now, Shiva says that this self-realization”:


Now, Shiva says that this self-realization, when the subjective portion of the mind is metamorphosed into Consciousness, is the proper knowledge. Other knowledge is of no avail.

Átmajiṋánaḿ vidurjiṋánam


Now, Shiva says that this self-realization, when the subjective portion of the mind is metamorphosed into Consciousness, is the proper knowledge. Other knowledge is of no avail.

Átmajiṋánaḿ vidurjiṋánaḿ jiṋánányanyáni yánitu;
Táni jiṋánávabhásáni . . .

7. See the paragraphs beginning “‘Oh my Lord'”, “Just now, I have told you” and “Each and every man has the feeling”:


. . . lies covered within . . .

. . . that lies covered within . . .

. . . there lies covered . . .


. . . lies coverted within . . .

. . . that lies coverted within . . .

. . . there lies coverted . . .

8. See the last paragraph:


You must not neglect this crude world . . .


But you must not neglect this crude world . . .


That is why I say, ours is a subjective approach through objective adjustment.


That is why I say, ours is a subjective approach through objective adjustment. You should remember this fact.

Bábá's Grace fillers


See the first filler:


Keep desires inclined towards Him.


Keep all your desires inclined towards Him.

Be Free from All Complexes


See footnote 1:


Here the author goes on: “because the yoga philosophy was first propounded by…” However, the name is not clear on the tape. Elsewhere the author has mentioned Maharshi Patanjali's school of philosophy, popularly known as Pátaiṋjala Yoga. The author goes on again: “But before him, during the time of Shiva, there was a cult, that is, a practical psychic process.” –Eds.


Here the author goes on: “because the yoga philosophy was first propounded by…” The name is not clear on the tape, but from the sound of it, “Maharshi Patanjali” seems like a good possibility. Elsewhere the author has mentioned Maharshi Patanjali's school of philosophy, popularly known as Pátaiṋjala Yoga; and yet elsewhere the author has said: “Maharshi Patanjali, the propounder of Yoga Darshana [Yoga Philosophy], was born in the village Patun in Burdwan District.” In the present discourse, the author goes on again: “But before him, during the time of Shiva, there was a cult, that is, a practical psychic process.” –Eds.

Beware of Dogma


See the last paragraph:


Humanity that knows no colour, no racial or garb barrier . . .


Humanity that knows no colour, no racial or blood barrier . . .

Beyond Temporary Experience


20 May 1979 morning, Timmern

Bhavasundari, the Tigress Queen


See the first paragraph:


The eastern part of Howrah, Hooghly and Burdwan Districts and the northern portion of Ghatal Subdivision of Midnapur District in eastern Ráŕh was once the kingdom Bhurishrestha(1). Today we colloquially call it Bhurshut. The capital Garh Mandaram was located where the Amurda River, which originates from Sumudrabandh Lake, converges with the Damodar.

In those days, the rulers of Bengal struggled hard to maintain their independence . . .

. . .


(1) In this area, bhuma [“land”] was never suffixed to a name. During the Pathan rule, most of the kingdoms of Ráŕh were independent principalities. Only under the Mughals did these principalities accept the suzerainty of the Nawab of Bengal. They paid only a nominal tribute to him. In Bhurshut, the Mughal rulers had tremendous influence. Burdwan, in Bhurshut, was the capital of Bengal a number of times. [Some say] the word “Burdwan” came from [the Persian] bár-e-diiván. The British spelled it “Burdwan”. Previously the name of this admistrative division was Sharifabad.


The eastern part of Howrah, Hooghly and Burdwan Districts and the northern portion of Ghatal Subdivision of Midnapur District in eastern Ráŕh was once the kingdom Bhurishrestha(1). Today we colloquially call it Bhurshut. The capital Garh Mandaram was located where the Amurda River, which originates from Sumudrabandh Lake, converges with the Damodar.

During the Pathan rule, most of the kingdoms of Ráŕh were independent principalities. Only under the Mughals did these principalities accept the suzerainty of the Nawab of Bengal. They paid only a nominal tribute to him. In Bhurshut, the Mughal rulers had tremendous influence. Burdwan, in Bhurshut, was the capital of Bengal a number of times. [Some say] the word “Burdwan” came from [the Persian] bár-e-diiván. The British spelled it “Burdwan”. Previously the name of this admistrative division was Sharifabad.

In those days, the rulers of Bengal struggled hard to maintain their independence . . .

. . .


(1) In this area, bhuma [“land”] was never suffixed to a name.

Chapter 1


1. See Sútra 16:


1-16. Cittádahaḿprábalye buddhih.

[When the aham is greater than the citta, the buddhi (intellect) evolves.]


1-16. Cittádahaḿprábalye buddhih.

[When the aham is greater than the citta, the buddhi (intellect) evolves.]

Purport: If the periphery of the aham be greater than that of the citta, the citta-less surplus portion is called the buddhi (intellect).

2. See Sútra 17:


1-17. Ahaḿtattva . . .


1-17. Ahaḿtattvát . . .

Compartmentalized Democracy


See the last two paragraphs:


Finally, for the proper utilization of the public exchequer, the independence of the audit department too, is a must. The auditor general should be independent of the sceptre of the president or the prime minister. Only an independent audit de partment can keep proper accounts of every department.

Thus, there should be four compartments in a properly constituted democracy – legislature, executive, judiciary and public exchequer – and all of them should be independent from one another. But in such a situation there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation . . .


Finally, for the proper utilization of the nation's revenue and to ensure that every paisa is spent on building up the nation, it is extremely important that the audit branch as well be independent. The auditor general should be independent of the president. Only the independence of the auditor general can ensure that this branch will be able to fearlessly check the accounts of every other branch. Thus it should be a separate administrative branch of government, and independent of the party holding a majority.

All the four branches mentioned above should be given the scope to function independently. Thus there will be four compartments. No compartment will function under another.

But in such a situation there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation . . .

Cosmic Attraction and Spiritual Cult


Research is in progress to see whether most occurrences of the words “positive” and “negative” in this discourse may have been reversed.

Dances and the Path of Vidyá


Published in Bábá in Fiesch as “Mudraic Dances”.

A note in Bábá in Fiesch reads: “The following Darshan was prepared on the basis of long-hand notes and memory, therefore you will find the usual fluidity of Baba's discourse a bit stilted.”



See the paragraph beginning “Iishvara Prańidhána should be performed”:


Iishvara Prańidhána should be performed at a scheduled time. After the expiry of the time of Iishvara Prańidhána fixed by an ácárya/á, as soon as the signal is given, everyone (including those still in meditation) should be ready to join the collective meeting.


Iishvara Prańidhána should be performed at the scheduled time. After each person has completed it, they should silently wait for the collective meeting. After the expiry of the time of Iishvara Prańidhána fixed by an ácárya/á, as soon as the signal is given, those still engaged in Iishvara Prańidhána should cease their Iishvara Prańidhána and join the collective meeting.

Dharmakśetra and Kurukśetra


See the paragraph beginning “And Kurukśetra. What is Kurukśetra”:


. . . Be engaged in war”.


. . . Be engaged in work.”

Everything Comes from Something


1. See the first paragraph:


And the source of anything has an inferent link with its expression. The source may be cruder or subtler, but the inferent link must be there.


And the source of anything has an inherent link with its expression. The source may be cruder or subtler, but the inherent link must be there.

2. See the paragraph beginning “In the world, you see”:


The animal of the human group came from those proto-apes, those animals of the Pliocene, Miocene and Oligocene Ages. From proto-apes there came apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utangs, then primitive man.


The animals of the human group, that is, proto-apes, those animals of the Pliocene or Miocene or Oligocene Age. From proto-apes there came apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, orang-utans, then primitive men.

3. See the paragraph beginning “‘My dress has become dirty . . .'”:


Don't be guided by this sin complex or a complex of hopelessness, or a complex of defeatism.


Don't be guided by this sin complex or a complex of hopelessness, or helplessness, or a complex of defeatism.

4. See the paragraph beginning “And you should never think”:


. . . and who is going to issue you a ticket to hell?


. . . and who is going to issue you* a ticket to hell?

* Some listeners hear this word as “him”. See also “Select Your Object Very Carefully”. –Eds.

Form and Formless


See the paragraph beginning “The Supreme Entity who is the culminating point”:


Vidyá and Avidyá, the positive and negative aspects of Prakrti are sheltered in Him; they remain dormant in Him. Due to the dominance of the static principle on the Macrocosmic Entity, the negative force of Avidya becomes manifest.


Vidyá and Avidyá, the two aspects of Prakrti, are sheltered in Him; they remain dormant in Him. Due to the dominance of the static principle on the Macrocosmic Entity, Avidyá becomes manifest.

Hara's Seven Secrets


See the translation of the second shloka:


Going through a renewal ceremony, the person . . .


Going through a renewal, the person . . .

Heart Disease


See the heading Dos and don'ts:


Dos and don'ts: Patients should never eat a lot at one sitting . . .


Dos and don'ts

Patients' main concern should be to keep their digestive tracts clear, to increase the alkalinity of their blood, and to protect the heart from overworking. That is why complete rest is essential for heart patients. Patients should lie in Shavásana all the time when they are critically ill. They should not endeavour to get up from bed even for defecation and urination.

Patients should never eat a lot at one sitting . . .

Ism and Human Progress


Discourse in Hindi. Originally published in English in Cosmic Society. A note in Cosmic Society reads: “The original lecture was delivered in Hindi at the general meeting of R. U. Clubs at Lucknow, on the occasion of Caitra Purnima, 1959.” English editing by Ácárya Vijayánanda Avadhúta and JK.

Lord Buddha's Cardinal Principles


1. See the paragraph beginning “The common man is guided by intellect”:


The common man is guided by intellect or expediency or by inborn instincts or inborn faculties.


The common man is guided by intellect or experience or by inborn instincts or inborn faculties.

2. See the paragraph beginning “Then the fourth one is Samyak Ájiiva”:


. . . all your activities and sensory organs also should . . .


. . . all your activities of sensory organs also should . . .

3. See the paragraph beginning “Now Samyak Smrti is remembering”:


Try to forget it. But suppose you have learned something good. You should retain it. Those items coming within the subtle scope . . .


Try to forget it. It is better to forget it. If you want peace, you should forget it. But suppose you have learned something good. You should retain it. Those items coming within the second scope . . .

4. See the ending of the discourse:


. . . You must not forget it even for a single moment.


. . . You must not forget it even for a single moment.

When you are established in such a faculty, that is, when you never forget the name of Parama Puruśa, it is called dhruvásmrti. And when one is established in this dhruvásmrti, that is, when one never forgets the fact that Parama Puruśa is with me, He is my Supreme Desideratum, such a mental condition, rather such a stance, is called dharmamegha samádhi. One must try one's best to attain this supreme stance of dharmamegha samádhi by encouraging samyak smrti.

The last item is samyak samádhi. Samádhi means suspension of mind. If one always thinks, “I should earn money, money, money, money, money,” then that money becomes his mental object. His mind will be suspended on money, and a day is sure to come when he himself will be money and his very entity will be converted into money. When he always thinks about his enemy, then slowly he will acquire all the disqualifications of his enemy. How horrible it is! So one should always ascribe God-hood to each and every entity of the world, each and every objectivity of the world. And as a result of this ascription of God-hood, what will happen? Finally his mind will be suspended in God-hood. And finally, what will be the result? He will become one with his goal, one with God, he will be God, he will attain salvation, the goal of all humans. These points are the aśt́áḿga márga. Each and every spiritual aspirant, each and every good man, should know it and do accordingly.

Making the Man Universal


1. See the paragraph beginning “When one wants to get peace”:


The spiritual practice, or actually the so-called practice . . .


Now, the spiritual practice, or actually the occult practice . . .

2. See the paragraph beginning “This becoming one with Parama Puruśa”:


When once acquired, acquired forever or attained forever, then that is the spirit of Supreme Cognition. Each and every spiritual aspirant should know it and get liberation.


When once acquired, acquired forever, retained forever, and that is the spirit of supreme composure. Each and every spiritual aspirant should know it and be infinite.

Marriage Ceremony


1. See the paragraph beginning “Thereafter the newly-married couple will garland”:


According to custom, the bridegroom may put a vermilion mark in the parting of the hair of the bride three times, and the bride may put a vermilion mark on the forehead of the bridegroom.


If he so desires, the bridegroom may put a vermilion mark in the parting of the hair of the bride three times, and if she so desires, the bride may put a vermilion mark on the forehead of the bridegroom.

2. See footnote 2:


Where there is no custom of using vermilion during the marriage ceremony, whether or not the bride and the bridegroom will use the same will be entirely left to their discretion.


Where there is no custom of putting the vermilion in the parting of the hairs, its use depends on the desire of the bride and the bridegroom.

Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor


See the paragraph beginning “Now, these microvita move”:


They move everywhere, crossing the boundaries of nebulae, piercing through milky ways, galaxies, stars, satellites, planets and meteors. They move unbarred . . .


They move everywhere, crossing the boundaries of nebulae, piercing through milky ways, galaxies, stars, satellites, planets and meteors. Like other psychic and psycho-physical beings, they have also got basic characteristics – such as existing, multiplying and dying.* They move unbarred . . .

* This sentence does not appear on the tape of this discourse. Shortly after this discourse was given, this discourse was published alone in a pocket-sized booklet. This sentence first appeared in that version of the discourse. By the year 2002, the editors of that booklet could not remember where the sentence had come from, but the chief editor thought that the author might have given it and instructed that it should be included at this point in the discourse.

Mind and Cognitive Faculty


See the paragraph beginning “Just now I have told you about the four stages”:


And that unconscious, functioning without the help of nerve fibres or nerve cells, remains with the Cosmic Entity, the Cognitive Faculty, and by dhyána brings that conscious entity to merge with the Cognitive Faculty.


And that unconscious, functioning without the help of nerve fibres or nerve cells, remains with the Cosmic Entity, the Cognitive Faculty, and by dhyána brings that [un]conscious entity to merge with the Cognitive Faculty.

Mysticism and Yoga


See the last paragraph:


. . . thin or fat . . .


. . . poor or rich . . .

One Should Know Everything


See the paragraph beginning “Mádhava” – in the old Saḿskrta language”:


“Mádhava” – in the old Saḿskrta language the word “Mᔝ had three meanings, three interpretations.

(“Mᔝ is also modern Bengali and modern Hindi. Its root is “Mátᔝ. The Saḿskrta word is “Mátr”; the old Saḿskrta word is “Mátr” which means “mother”. “Matr”, “Mater”, “Mothier” – “mother”.)

But here “Mᔝ is a Saḿskrta word, and for “mother” the Saḿskrta word is “Mátr”. The modern Hindi-Bengali word for mother is “Mᔝ, but here “Mᔝ is a Saḿskrta word, old Saḿskrta. 15,000 years ago that language was the first language.

One meaning is “no”. For example, “Don't go” is “má gaccha.” “Gaccha” means “go” and “Mᔝ means “not”. The meaning is “no”. The second meaning is “tongue.” The third meaning is “Prakrti”. These are the three meanings.


First “Mádhava”. In the old Sanskrit language the word má had three meanings, three interpretations. One meaning of má was – what? Who will say?

[A Margi: Mátá.]

Mátá, which means “mother”? No, that má is modern Bengali and modern Hindi. Its root was mátá. The Sanskrit word is mátr; the old Sanskrit word was mátr – M-A-T-R, mátr. Mátr means “mother”. Mátr,* mère, mátr, “mother”.

* A word here was not clear on the tape. –Trans.

But here má is a Sanskrit word [not Bengali or Hindi]. What is the meaning? In the case of “mother”, the Sanskrit word is mátr. And the modern Indian word, the modern Hindi-Bengali word, is má. But here má is a Sanskrit word, an old Sanskrit word; fifteen thousand years ago that language was people's language.

Here, one meaning of má is “no”. That is, “Don't go” – Má gaccha. Gaccha means “go”, and má means “not”. So one meaning is “no”. The second meaning is “tongue.” And the third meaning is Prakrti. These are the three meanings.

Our Spiritual Treatise


See the paragraph beginning “The ‘Subháśita Saḿgraha’ series":


The “Subháśita Saḿgraha” series of books are the scriptures of Ananda Marga ideology.


The “Subháśita Saḿgraha” series of books are the scriptures of Ananda Marga ideology.*

* The author later expanded the list of books constituting dharma shástra (spiritual scripture) by adding a book series, and two individual books, that were not in existence at the time this article was published. As the “Svádhyáya” chapter of Caryácarya Part 1 says, “Ananda Marga dharma scriptures means Subháśita Saḿgraha (all parts), Ánanda Vacanámrtam (all parts), and the books Namámi Krśńasundaram and Namah Shiváya Shántáya.”

Phonetics – 1 (Discourse 1)


See the paragraph beginning “In regards to pronunciation, the pandits used to follow”:


For example, the Bengali gyán is jiṋán in the Rgveda, ginán in the Yajurveda and dinán in the Yajurveda.


[[For example, the Bengali jiṋán is jiṋán in the Rgveda, giṋána in the Yajurveda and diṋán in the Atharvaveda]].*

* [[As is more clear in the original Bengali script,  in “the Bengali jiṋán” is part of the consonant iṋa, whereas  in “jiṋán in the Rgveda, giṋána . . . and dinán” is a candrabindu (illustrated in the Roman Saḿskrta table by aṋ). Thus in the last three of the words under discussion,  indicates only that the “i” in each word should be nasalized. –Trans.]]

Plants, Animals and Human Beings


See the paragraph beginning: “The evolution of human beings”:


The evolution of human beings began with the apeman and then the proto-apeman. Next came Australopithecine and its branches and sub-branches, followed by proto-man. One branch of proto-man was the ancestor of human beings, and another branch was the ancestor of chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, etc. The latter group of animals do not have prominent tails.


The evolution of human beings began with the apeman and then the proto-apeman. Next came the Australopithecine, followed by its branches and sub-branches, including proto-man. One branch of proto-man were the ancestors of human beings, and another branch were the ancestor of chimpanzees, gorillas and orang-utans.* None of the proto-man group have any external tail, though they have a tail inside the body.

* Compare with the author's “Human Society is One and Indivisible – 1”, “The Great Exceptions”, “Sambhúti and Mahásambhúti” and (in Birds and Animals, Our Neighbours, 2007) “Creation and Evolution of the Animal World – Life of Aquatic Creatures”, topic on A Sweet Lyrical Interpretation of the Evolution of the Living World. –Trans.

Prakrti Tattva and Oṋḿkára Tattva


1. See the paragraph beginning “It is important to note that sattvaguńa”:


But when the force of rajahguńa is spent, then the force of tamahguńa transforms it into a state of crudeness, that is to say, it dies.


But when the force of rajoguńa is spent, then tamoguńa predominates every moment. The flower gradually withers and fades, the glow of sattva wanes and eventually, the all-devouring hunger of tamoguńa transforms it into a state of crudeness, that is to say, it dies.

2. See the paragraph beginning “So long as the gram does not germinate”:


. . . evident in this diverse universe. The more you will observe that in the surrendered state, the Cosmic Force gets merged in you.


. . . evident in this diverse universe. The more you go ahead in your sadhana of Puruśa, the more you will observe that in the surrendered state, the Cosmic Force gets merged in you.

Shiva – Both Severe and Tender


See the paragraph beginning “So the people of those days”:


So the people of those days were acquainted with chanda, but not with the musical sura-saptaka [the Oriental octave]. After close observation, Shiva concluded that the sounds produced by various birds and animals maintain a harmonious adjustment with the undulations of the sound waves of the universe. The eighth step, the eighth note, of this harmony comes closest of all to the first note.

Based on the sounds of the seven creatures, Shiva evolved the seven musical notes. This musical sura-saptaka, which made the rhythm sweeter and more graceful, includes the sounds of śad́aja [peacock], rśabha [ox], gándhára [goat], madhyama [horse], paiṋcama [cuckoo], dhaevata [ass] and niśáda [elephant]. By taking the initials of the seven sounds – sá from śad́aja, re from rśabha, gá from gándhára, má from madhyama, pá from paiṋcama, dhá from dhaevata and ni from niśáda, Shiva made the musical octave sá-re-gá-má-pá-dhá-ni-sá. At the eighth step, the first sound of the octave is repeated, although in a different scale. In those regions of the world where the influence of Shiva was less, the eighth note of the musical scale is slightly different from the first.

Thus through permutation and combination, endless varieties of sound can be produced. So in Western music, we find do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do: in other words, “do” is repeated at the end of the scale. That is why, instead of sura-saptaka [literally, “seven notes”] Western musicians call the scale “octave.”*

* From the Latin word for “eight”. –Trans.


So the people of those days were acquainted with chanda, but not with the surasaptaka [seven-note Oriental musical scale]. After close observation, Shiva concluded that the sounds produced by the mouths and tongues of various birds and animals maintain a harmonious adjustment with the undulations of the sound waves of the universe. The eighth step, the eighth note, of this harmony comes very close to the first note.

Based on the sounds of seven creatures, Shiva evolved the surasaptaka. This seven-note scale, which made the rhythm sweeter and more graceful, includes the sounds of śad́aja [peacock], rśabha [ox], gándhára [goat], madhyama [horse], paiṋcama [cuckoo], dhaevata [ass] and niśáda [elephant]. By taking the initials of the seven sounds – sá from śad́aja, re from rśabha, gá from gándhára, má from madhyama, pá from paiṋcama, dhá from dhaevata and ni from niśáda – Shiva made the surasaptaka sá-re-gá-má-pá-dhá-ni; and at the eighth step, the first sound is repeated, although on a different level [of pitch]. In those regions of the world where the influence of Shiva was less, there, in the eighth note of this surasaptaka, there is a little difference (through permutation and combination, endless varieties of sound can be produced), so the second sá is not exactly the same as the first, so in [Western] music, we find do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do: in other words, do is repeated, and it is counted as part of the scale. That is why instead of saying surasaptaka ["seven-note musical scale"] [Western] musicians call their scale an "octave".*

* From the Latin word for “eighth”. –Trans.

Shortening the Radius


See the first paragraph:


In this earthly system the earth is the nucleus . . .


In this ethereal system the earth is the nucleus . . .

Smell and Microvita – Section A


See the paragraph beginning “In the case of any male animal”:


Those who consume a lot of onions, garlic, spinach leaves, unchewed vegetable stems and tough meat are bound to emit a foul smell . . .


Those who consume a lot of onions, garlic, d́áḿgár kalmii [land-growing kalmii], unchewed vegetable stems and tough meat are bound to emit a foul smell . . .



See (27)(d):


d) Only people established in Yama-Niyama deserve your support; in case of more than one such person, vote for the best worker.

Rather than support an incompetent person, it is better not to exercise one's franchise because to invest an incompetent person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately.


d) Only people established in Yama-Niyama are worthy of your support; in case of more than one such person, vote for the best worker.

Rather than support an unworthy person, it is better not to exercise one's franchise because to invest an unworthy person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately.

Talks on Prout


Discourses or dictations probably in English. Originally published in English in Our Universe: A Monthly Magazine of Renaissance Universal, Issues No. 13, 14, August-September 1961; 15, 16, October-November 1961; 17, December 1961; and 18, January-February 1962; as “Observer” and (in No. 18) “Observer Diary”. English editing by Ácárya Vijayánanda Avadhúta and JK.

The Birthright of All


See the paragraph beginning “You see, everybody in this universe”:


So everybody should know that He is not an object of hatred, or object of – what should I say – compassion.


So everybody should know that he is not an object of hatred, or object of – what should I say – compassion.

The Evolution of Society


See the paragraph beginning “In those days the mightiest person”:


In those days the mightiest person of a clan or gotra became the group leader and was worshipped as a hero by the society. Thus there arose in the ancient past the first Kśatriyan society.

Those who first invented the use of fire through friction . . .


In those days the mightiest person of a clan or gotra became the group leader and was worshipped as a hero by the society. Thus there arose in the ancient past the first Kśatriyan society.

The world moved on. Primitive people could not maintain their original social structure and began to realize that physical powers alone were inadequate. Physical strength required the support of intellect which would control their physical powers, leading them towards the path of real progress.

Those who first invented the use of fire through friction . . .

The Expansion of the Microcosm


1. See the paragraph beginning “The same thing applies to human beings”:


But when inanimate matter does not follow the path of living beings, follows the path of stagnation.


But when inanimate matter does not follow the path of living beings, it follows the path of stagnation.

2. See the paragraph beginning “The Supreme Entity in its movement from crude to subtle”:


Both inside and outside the Macrocosmic structure, the cosmic process of Pratisaiṋcara is working.


Both inside and outside the microcosmic structure, the Cosmic process of pratisaiṋcara is working.

The Faculty of Knowledge -- 3


See the paragraph beginning “Various psychic diseases may arise”:


. . . suffer from a mental disease called mania.


. . . suffer from a mental disease called phobia.

The Four Kinds of Approach


See the paragraph beginning “You know, human expressions”:


So this special determination of human beings should always be encouraged . . .


So this special wont of human beings should always be encouraged . . .

The Goal of Human Ideation


This dialogue seems to be a follow-up to the dharma mahácakra discourse “Microcosm and Its Object of Ideation” delivered on 12 May 1979 in Fiesch, Switzerland (published in the author's Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 12), and the discourse “The Coming of Táraka Brahma” delivered, also in Fiesch, on the evening of 13 May 1979. See also “What Is the Primary Cause of the Universe and Who Is the Only Object of Ideation?” in Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 24.


1. See the paragraph beginning “[Avadhúta: ‘The tempus eternal and nature combined together' ”:


. . . object of ideation . . .


. . . object of ideation for microcosms . . .

2. See the paragraph beginning “[B:] Something is there, then it comes here”:


Something is there, then it comes here. That means change of place. So some action is done.


The bolster is there, the bolster comes here. There has been change of place. So some action has been done.

3. See the paragraph beginning “[B:] ‘Nature' means to follow a particular course of action”:


[B:] “Nature” means to follow a particular course of action. The root word “nat” means “birth”. The root word is originally Greek and means “born in that particular place”. From this root word, the words “natural”, “native”, “conation” (meaning “born at the same time”) have originated.


[B:] The root of “nature” is natus. And natur means “following a particular course of action”. Nate means “birth”. The word was originally Greek. “Native” means “born in that particular space”. It comes from the word nate, N-A-T-E. “Conation” – “born at the same time”. “Co” – nate + “ional”.

4. See the paragraph beginning “[A: ‘The Cosmic Operative Principle, under the guidance' ”:


[A: “The Cosmic Operative Principle, under the guidance of the Supreme Force, which is much higher than that principle, has been instrumental in the expression of this universe, and this nature is nothing but expression of the style in which this manifested universe is coming into being. So this style can never be the goal of ideation of the microcosm; hence neither can the tempus nor the tempus eternal [[or]] nature [[or]] these factors together combined should never be accepted as the goal of microcosms.”]


[A: “The Cosmic Operative Principle, under the guidance of the Supreme Force, which is much higher than that principle, has been instrumental in the expression of this universe, and this nature is nothing but expression of the style in which this manifested universe is coming into being. So this style can never be the goal of ideation of the microcosm; hence neither the tempus nor the tempus eternal –”]

[B:] Tempus eternal – mahákála in Sanskrit.

[A: “or nature or these factors together combined should ever be accepted as the goal of microcosms.”]

5. See the paragraph beginning “[A: ‘Time, space and person: there are these three dimensions' ”:


It is not a self-creating entity. If there is no action in this universe, there is no question of psychic measurement. So naturally, since they are bound by –”]


It is not svadhá, it is not a self-creating entity.”]

[B:] Not svadhá.

[A: “If there is no action in this universe, there is no question of psychic measurement. So naturally, since they are bound by –”]

6. See the paragraph beginning “[A: ‘According to our philosophy, if we work' ”:


. . . we ascribe Náráyańa-hood to the form or to the idea of an object. Then the so-called physical [[work]] with which we [[engage ourselves]] will be transformed or converted into spiritual ones.”]

[B:] Into transcendental ones.

[A: “So by ascribing Náráyańa-hood to any object of the universe –”]

[B:] – any object of the universe. And there is no other way.

Regarding the tempus eternal and accident, what is your reply?


. . . we ascribe Náráyańa-hood or Brahma-hood to the form or to the idea of an object. Then the so-called physical work with which we engage ourselves will be transformed or converted into spiritual work.”]

[B:] Into the Transcendental Entity.

[A: “So by ascribing Náráyańa-hood to any object of the universe –”]

B: Any object. It is not a special case with the tempus eternal and accident. But regarding the tempus eternal and accident, what is your reply?

7. See the paragraph beginning “[A: ‘– actually, if there is ascription of Náráyańa-hood' ”:


[A: “– actually, if there is ascription of Náráyańa-hood to those factors – but naturally, they themselves cannot be accepted as the goal of human beings.”]


[A: “Then in that case, if there is no ascription of Náráyańa-hood to those factors – then naturally, they themselves cannot be accepted as the goal of human beings.”]

8. See the paragraph beginning “[A: ‘Actually, there are some people' ”:


. . . we always regard two factors . . .


. . . we always require two factors . . .

9. See the paragraph beginning “[B:] Can you say something about the origin of the five rudi factors?”:


[B:] Can you say something about the origin of the five rudi factors?

There is a fine line of demarcation between transcendental entities and non-transcendental entities.


[B:] You know there is a fine line of demarcation between transcendental entities and non-transcendental entities.

The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea


See the paragraph beginning “The prince proceeded along, riding his milky-white horse”:


. . . meadows full of white “Kash” flowers and “Jhau” graves and soared through the air. The prince proceeded onward towards that sixty-storied palace . . .


. . . meadows full of white “Kash” flowers and “Jhau” groves and soared through the air. The prince proceeded onward towards that sixty-storeyed palace . . .

The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 2


See the paragraph beginning “An individual always seeks out a safe refuge”:


The twinklings of the eye-lids that have kept alive the power of inferential apprehensibility of human being every moment are also He. Really speaking, behind all these vital forces or twinklings it is His existence alone that revibrates in the unit-mind as the latent absolute Truth.


Blinking our eyes is an action that helps us to preserve at every moment our ability to receive tanmátras.* Actually, behind all these vital forces or blinkings it is His existence alone that reverberates in the unit mind as the heart-dwelling Absolute Truth.

* Tanmátra literally means, “minutest fraction of that”, i.e., of a given rudimental factor of matter. It is also translated “generic essence” or “inferential wave”. The various types of tanmátra convey the senses of hearing, touch, form (vision), taste and smell. Here the reference is particularly to the form tanmátra. –Trans.

The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 6: Avidyá


See paragraph beginning “The experience of the static force”:


But once they realize the true nature of Máyá and attain the state of Shiva Shakti or Cosmic Potence, never will finally be able to ensconce in their own blissful entities.


But once they realize the true nature of Máyá and attain the state of Shiva Shakti or Cosmic Potence, they will finally be able to ensconce in their own blissful entities.

The Meaning of “Krśńa” in Rája Yoga


1. See the paragraph beginning “There is a unique causal relationship”:


If the [body] is restless, the [mind] will also be restless.


If the mind is restless, the body will also be restless, and if the body is restless, the mind will also be restless.

2. See the paragraph beginning “That entity which sleeps”:


That entity which sleeps [coiled], like a snake, [around] the last vertebra, with the sleeping divinity (that is, the unexpressed divinity** within a human or animal structure) clamped in its mouth, is called kulakuńd́alinii.

** The unexpressed divinity is metaphorically represented here by the tail of the snake. Sometimes the dormant kuńd́alinii snake as a whole is called the “sleeping divinity”. --Trans.


The jiivabháva [unit identity] sleeps [coiled around] that kula; spiritually it is asleep. “Asleep” means that it lies as if sleeping [around] that last bone with its own tail, that is, its own existence, clamped in its mouth. It sleeps like a snake. That sleeping devabháva [divinity], sleeping jiivabháva, that lies [around] the last point of the kula bone is called the kulakuńd́alinii.

The Noumenal Cause and the Personal God


See the paragraph beginning “One may say”:


. . . not beyond the periphery of His minds . . .


. . . not beyond the periphery of His mind . . .

The Only Cult


See the paragraph beginning “Now how to develop this kind of devotion?”:


Now how to develop this kind of devotion?


Now how to develop this cult of devotion?

The Poles Shift Their Respective Positions


See the last paragraph:


But we have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be able to overcome such a catastrophe and arrange for shifting the population to some other planet having suitable environmental conditions and a better ecological order.


But we have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be able to overcome such a catastrophe or arrange for shifting the population to some other planet having suitable environmental conditions and a better ecological order.

The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Deities


1. See the paragraph beginning “In Sanskrit the term devatá is feminine”:


Máriici, Vajrabaráhii


Máriici, Háritii, Vajrabaráhii

2. See the paragraph beginning “When the deity stands with the right foot forward”:


The system of worship of Navadurgá she is worshipped through nine varieties of plant is centered around Tantra . . .


The system of worship of Navadurgá – she is worshipped through nine varieties of plant – is centred around Tantra . . .

3. See the paragraph beginning “The nine kinds of plant having special qualities”:


(But the presiding deity in plantain is called Káliká. Likewise the presiding deity in turmeric is called Durgá. . . .


So the presiding deity in plantain is called Brahmáńii. The presiding deity of arum is Káliká. Likewise the presiding deity in turmeric is called Durgá. . . .

The Supreme Question – 1


See the second paragraph:


The questions whose answers lie latent in the psychic sphere are called apará prashna or questions pertaining to the relative world. The persistent endeavour to find proper answers to them by probing into the psychic realm is called material science (jad́a vijiṋána) Human beings have been striving to gain more knowledge about the relative world, whose objects come within the periphery of the unit mind, through scientific advancement. Moreover, on the human structure grows in complexity, the human capacity to answer to questions also increases.


Questions whose answers lie in the human psychic sphere are called apara prashna [questions pertaining to the relative world]. When different areas of the psychic realm endeavour in a persistent way to find answers to those questions, it is called material science. When the subject matter of the questions does not lie beyond the unit psychic sphere, that is, when the questions are apara prashna, the answers will be aparottara [answers pertaining to the relative world]. In the endeavour* to find aparottara, humans have brought about advances in material science. With the increase in complexity of the human structure, the capacity of human beings to find such answers increases, and science advances at a rapid pace.

* The meaning of a phrase here in the original Bengali was not clear. –Trans.

The Value of Dance


See the paragraph beginning “The witnessed entities”:


Similarly, where the inferences are in the role of objects, the mind itself is the witnessing counterpart. Because the mind is, the organs function. If the mind doesn't want it, if there is no approval by the mind itself is the witnessing counterpart. Because the mind even if you've got the power to see, you won't see.


Similarly, where the inferences are in the role of objects, there the mind itself is the witnessing counterpart. Because the mind is, the organs function. If the mind doesn't want it, if there is no approval by the mind itself [as] the witnessing counterpart, then even if you've got the power to see, you won't see.

Twice Born


See the translation of the shloka:


Going through a renewal ceremony, the person . . .


Going through a renewal, the person . . .

Two Wings – Section H



Between “Two Wings -- Section G” and “Two Wings -- Section H” there is no intervening section.


After “Two Wings -- Section G” and before what is now “Two Wings -- Section H” the following should appear (it will be “Two Wings -- Section H”, and thus what is now “Section H” should become “Section I”, what is now “Section I” should become “Section J”, etc.):

In Sanskrit suppression is called pradamana. Repression occurs whenever you are faced with trouble, whenever you want to express your feelings, or whenever you want to be in an open atmosphere. In Islamic countries, for example, women want to participate in sports and games, but they are prevented. In communist countries there are many people who want to criticize communism, but if they do they will be in trouble and sent to concentration camps. There are also places where people want to sing and dance freely, but if they do they will face difficulty and be punished. In Sanskrit, repression is called avadamana. Repression directly affects the subconscious mind. Gradually the psychic structure is severely damaged, and finally the mind is totally changed. The result is that people are inflicted with a defeatist psychology and an inferiority complex.

from “Suppression, Repression and Oppression”
Prout in a Nutshell Part 17

Two Wings – Section G



Between “Two Wings -- Section G” and “Two Wings -- Section H” there is no intervening section.


After “Two Wings -- Section G” and before what is now “Two Wings -- Section H” the following should appear (it will be “Two Wings -- Section H”, and thus what is now “Section H” should become “Section I”, what is now “Section I” should become “Section J”, etc.):

In Sanskrit suppression is called pradamana. Repression occurs whenever you are faced with trouble, whenever you want to express your feelings, or whenever you want to be in an open atmosphere. In Islamic countries, for example, women want to participate in sports and games, but they are prevented. In communist countries there are many people who want to criticize communism, but if they do they will be in trouble and sent to concentration camps. There are also places where people want to sing and dance freely, but if they do they will face difficulty and be punished. In Sanskrit, repression is called avadamana. Repression directly affects the subconscious mind. Gradually the psychic structure is severely damaged, and finally the mind is totally changed. The result is that people are inflicted with a defeatist psychology and an inferiority complex.

from “Suppression, Repression and Oppression”
Prout in a Nutshell Part 17

Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti


See the paragraph beginning “Suppose a certain person”:


In colloquial Bengali, samvit shakti is called hunsh (sudden awareness). When people suddenly return to their senses or repent, this is the first type of influence of avidyámáyá on the human mind.


In colloquial Bengali, samvit shakti is called huṋsh (sudden awareness). When people suddenly return to their senses or repent, this is the first type of influence of vidyámáyá on the human mind.

Various Occupations


See the first paragraph:


The physical pabula on which the mind depends . . .


The pabula on which the mind depends . . .

What Is My Relation with the Universe and the Cosmic Entity?


See the paragraph beginning “Unit consciousness (átman) is immortal”:


The five rudimental factors are in the sphere of creation where Cosmic Consciousness marches from subtle to crude. The human physical body also gets formed in this stage according to the designs of Prakrti and obviously has a large number of factors at different stages in their march towards crudeness. There will be some in the stage . . .


The five rudimental factors are created during the march of Cosmic Consciousness from subtle to crude. The human physical body gradually gets created as an assemblage of many particles formed at different stages in that march towards crudeness. There will be some particles in the stage . . .

Word-for-Word Sútra Translations


1. See 1-11:


parińámabhútáńi (adj.) = resultant in the objects


parińámabhútáńi (adj.) = resultant

2. See 1-12:


cúrńiibhútáni = pulverized in the objects


cúrńiibhútáni = pulverized

3. See 1-20:


anagrasare = underdeveloped


anagrasare = undeveloped

4. See 3-10:


sevyaḿ = one who will serve


sevyaḿ = one who deserves to be served

5. See 4-4:


sakale = having a soft sound


sakale = with the germ (of evolution)

Courtesy: Tiljala Publications