Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Really: Inadvertent Mistakes


Really: Inadvertent Mistakes

Respected Margii Bros and Sis,

Márgiis have been expressing their concern for quite a number of years, that our Publishers in Tiljala often proclaim “Discourse in Bengali,” and “Translated from original Bengali,” when, in reality, the discourse was given in another language like English or Hindi etc.

Evasive Language of Circular

Recently the Tiljala Publishers issued a public statement wherein they denied having falsely made the report “Discourse in Bengali”. An entire subheading of their circular has been titled, “About “Translated from Original Bengali” ”. There they have made various excuses and employed evasive language to deceive the reader in hopes of clearing themselves of wrongdoing. And those cases or excuses will be addressed in separate postings—they are important subjects in and of themselves. (1)

However regarding the main subject of concern—that they intentionally printed “Translated from Original Bengali” about specific discourses where it is false—regarding this they wrote only two lines at the very end. Those lines are noted here in red:

In a few cases, even in Publisher's Notes, inadvertent mistakes have
been made about language. These mistakes are in the process of being

Why Not Translated from Original Italian

So firstly it should be pointed out that it is more than a few cases; it is many cases. Secondly, if it is inadvertent, then why are the mistakes only regarding original language Bengali? If the mistakes are unintentional and inadvertent, then there would have been similar sorts of unintentional and inadvertent mistakes about original language English and original language Hindi, or original language German, or original language Japanese or Spanish etc.

There is not a single book and not a single discourse they have published, where it wrongly states “Translated from Original Hindi” or “Translated from Original English” or “Translated from Original Italian” etc. Why is it that the only mistake they ever made was to wrongly print “Translated from Original Bengali”? No intelligent reader can accept that over and over again in so many discourses the same mistake is made as to original language—and the only original language ever placed by mistake is Bengali. This type of consistent “mistake” is itself evidence that these printings are not inadvertent.

Inadvertent Mistakes Might Have Happened In Beginning;
But Not After Process Is Mastered

Furthermore, if one were to accept that there may have been inadvertent mis-reportings, those would have been in the beginning of inclusion of Publishers Notes, in the first years after 1990. But in recent years, when Tiljala Publishers have proudly announced the great care and precision with which certain editions such as Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10, and 11 & 12 have been published, then one would not expect to find such misrepresentation there as well.

And yet these very same mistakes—“Translated from Original Bengali”—cropping up even now, when they are publishing with such care and precision. And here too, never the mistake “Translated from Original English” or “Translated from Original Hindi” or “Translated from Original Tagalog” or “Translated from Original Italian”, etc . Only Bengali.

Case in Point: False Claim Made in Touted Book

A case in point is given here to illustrate this concern. The discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends All Colours” was published in 2007 in the highly touted book, Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10.

Tiljala group wrote in the Publishers Note of Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 10—

The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as “Varńa O Varńátiita” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 10, 1980. Tr. from the original Bengali by Prof. Áditya Mohanty. (2)

Here they state not only that it was given in Bengali, but that it was translated into English and tell the name of the translator.

In order for such a statement—Discourse in Bengali— in their Publisher's Note to have been true, Bábá would have had to have given this discourse either exclusively in Bengali, or predominantly in Bengali. But unfortunately, neither of these is the case. Because by listening it is clear that this discourse was not given in Bengali, but rather English. Bábá has spoken the great majority of the discourse in English. If one is to announce one language as the language of the discourse, that language has to be English.

The total discourse length is 10:47 minutes; of that, Bábá spoke in English for 7:15 minutes, and in Bengali for 3:32 minutes. That means Bábá spoke in English 68% of the time, and in Bengali merely 32% of the time. And the main teachings are in English. To hear the English sections of the discourse, one can go to this Discourse Network's blog and download the sound file. (3)

No Repentance for Wrongs Done is
Against Spirit of Ánanda Márga

Rather than accept the fact and express repentance for what wrong they have done, they have instead written a political circular using very deceptive language, and sent it all over the world to clear their name.

Dada Acyutánanda ji is Hardworking and Sincere

The circular is written by dada Acyutánanda, a very simple and honest man. Dada Acyutánanda ji is hardworking and sincere, and has done a lot of very good work and made important contributions in the work of Publications. And he would never write political, evasive, or cunning-type letters on his own. Unfortunately he has ended up working for Tiljala group where, in order to continue to live and maintain his post, he has no option but to carry out the requests of his higher authority, dada Sarvátmánanda ji. In that case, dada Acyutánanda is obliged to sign his name to any letter that his bosses order to be crafted. Otherwise we do not expect or anticipate to see him writing or signing such type of deceptive and conniving letters. (4)

Bábá's Teaching on Scripture

Bábá says, "Mahásambhúti, of the same order as Brahmakot́i [Púrńávatára], comes to the world to educate people, to create a Cosmic vibration in the world – and that vibration continues to guide society as long as it exists." [MBH-06]

The whole purpose of the coming of Mahásambhúti is education of the people. Bábá has explained that if Lord Krśńa had not come and shown a new direction to the society, the human society would have been destroyed. And it is the same with Bábá Himself: He has come to educate the people; if his scripture is not saved, is not fixed, then the whole purpose of His coming will be ruined. So fixing the scripture of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is the most important and vital work in which Ánanda Má́rgiis can partake today.

in the service of Mahásambhúti Baba,
Madhumita Roy

1. If you would like a copy of their circular let us know.
2. Click here to view a scan of the Publishers Note page in Ánanda Vacanámrtam where the Tiljala Publishers labelled the English discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours” as having been delivered by Bábá only in Bengali.

3. Click here to access the sound file of the discourse, “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours”. When you open the blog page, you will see on the right side a “box” which says “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colors”. And on the right side of the box there is a button to click for options. One of the options is “download”.

4. Here is an example of the type of deceptive statements Dada Acyutánanda is forced to write or sign nowadays.

"If the person made so many misleading statements in the first and last of his emails, we can understand that there must have been other mistakes also in between."

By making this type of sweeping statement, Dada Acyutánanda is side-stepping countless errors in books that bear his name. Rather than address the issue in a sincere and straight-forward manner his bosses have forced him to make this political reply. Such a sad plight his is.

Here it should be noted, that the first and last letters and dozens and dozens of letters in between raise factual proof of errors in books by Tiljala Publications. Any sincere editor would own up to that. Already sound files have been provided so you can verify the veracity of this for yourself. And more sound files will be provided soon.