Monday, April 13, 2015

बाबा प्रवचन का बंगालीकरण For Hindi Readers Only - Check for Yourself AV-1 Ch. 6 (H)

From: Dharma Sagar <d_sagar@citi-net...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: बाबा प्रवचन का बंगालीकरण For Hindi Readers Only - Check for Yourself AV-1 Ch. 6 (H)
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 12:45:24 +0530


बाबा प्रवचन का बंगालीकरण
For Hindi Readers Only -
Check for Yourself AV-1 Ch. 6 (H)

Dear Márgii Brothers and Sisters

In the discourse “आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के तीन सोपान“, आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड, अध्याय छह “The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation” (AV-1 Ch. 6), Bábá has spoken mainly in Hindi हिन्दी. We have seen that although Bábá delivered the discourse in Hindi, the Tiljala group unnecessarily translated the original Hindi हिन्दी into Bengali and then took that Bengali translation and translated it back into Hindi हिन्दी meaninglessly.

Then Sarvatmanandji’s stooge Samanvayanandji सर्वात्मानन्द जी के चमचे समन्वयानन्द जी, did this sin of ruining the Hindi discourse (see below, in Hindi). In this way, they published the Ananda Vacanamrtam Hindi Edition 1993.

The standard approach given by Bábá is to directly print the original Hindi हिन्दी from His audio. But this they did not do. For your verification the sound file is on the blog. (see note 1 below for download link)

बंगालीकरण : समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “गोबर” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए नीचे का एक स्कैन साक्षी है |

Bábá's Original Words Lost
Due to Unnecessary Double Translation
In translating Bábá's discourse from Hindi हिन्दी to Bengali, and then from Bengali back into Hindi हिन्दी , many aspects of the discourse were altered; and, most of Bábá's original words were lost. It will be interesting to see that most words were altered or lost as a direct result of Tiljala group's having unnecessarily translated the discourse from Hindi हिन्दी into Bengali and then back into Hindi हिन्दी.

You have Bábá's audio (1) and you can verify yourself so opportunists cannot confuse you.

SEE FOR YOURSELF: Whatever Bábá Spoke In Hindi हिन्दी, Nothing TP Printed
Due to Bengalization, Most Words Altered

You have the audio recording and you can listen and compare for yourself with the below scan. (If you haven't downloaded the sound file yet, you can do so from the link below.) (1)

Compare each sentence which Bábá says in the audio, with Tiljala Group's printed version below of the same sentence. You will see that there is not a single sentence in the paragraph that is just as Bábá spoke it. Rather, every sentence is different: the vocabulary and phraseology are completely ruined. And the reason is very simple: when one translates any sentence from one language into another, and then again re-translates back into the original language, the words and phrases are bound to be ruined. Bábá’s original Hindi words are not included in the below printed discourse.

यह निम्न स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड, अध्याय छह, “आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के तीन सोपान“, संस्करण 1993 का है | बाबा की ध्वनि सुनने से आपको पता चलेगा कि बाबा ने जिन शब्दों को कहा, वे सभी शब्द बंगालीकरण के कारण बदल दिए गए हैं | अर्थात्‌ किताब में नहीं हैं | कृपया तुलना करके देख लीजिए |

पुनर्निवेदन---यह ऊपरवाला स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड, अध्याय छह, “आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के तीन सोपान“, संस्करण 1993 का है | बाबा की ध्वनि सुनने से आपको पता चलेगा कि बाबा ने जिन शब्दों को कहा, वे सभी शब्द बंगालीकरण के कारण बदल दिए गए हैं | अर्थात्‌ किताब में नहीं हैं | कृपया तुलना करके देख लीजिए |

बंगालीकरण : समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

कृपया पुनः देखिए---सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “गोबर” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए नीचे का एक स्कैन और ऊपर का एक स्कैन साक्षी है |

नीचे का स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड का Publishers Page प्रकाशन पृष्ठ है | इसमें द्वितीय line में लिखा हुआ है---“आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित" | Publisher का यह कथन सरासर मिथ्या है |

पुनः---ऊपर का स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड  का Publishers Page प्रकाशन पृष्ठ है | इसमें द्वितीय line में लिखा हुआ है---“आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित.” Publisher का यह कथन सरासर मिथ्या है.

Due to Bengalization, Everything Is Ruined

In the above scan, compare each sentence for yourself: See the difference.

I think you have already downloaded Bábá’s audio file. If you haven’t done so yet, please compare Baba’s sound with the above scan. And you will immediately see that most of Bábá’s original Hindi words have been altered.

Unnecessary Double Translation:
Due To Bengalization, Concocted Materials Are In The Ananda Marga Books

In translating from the original Hindi to Bengali and then back into Hindi, so much gets lost and changed along the way. The result is that what gets printed is not Bábá's words. Comparing sentences in the scan with Bábá’s audio, you can see that in each and every line, the wording printed by Tiljala group is completely changed from the original sentence Bábá actually spoke. The wording is utterly changed, and that is a serious matter when it comes to presenting Guru's discourses.

As Bábá has taught, the word of guru is mantra—“Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam”. When Guru's words are heard or read, that has special value. To read words written by some human doing translation for Tiljala group, this does not carry the value of reading Bábá's actual words. The two cannot be compared. In reviewing the sentences spoken by Bábá with the words printed by Tiljala group, one can easily see that what the Tiljala group printed are sentences they themselves wrote—not what Bábá said. These are merely sentences written by some human being, not Mahásambhúti.

The bottom line: Tiljala group cannot claim that what they printed is Bábá's words. The Tiljala group unnecessarily translated the original Hindi into Bengali and then took that Bengali translation and translated it back into Hindi, meaninglessly. This was all done for purposes of Bengalization – otherwise what could be the reason.

Open Your Eyes –
Thieves Stealing Your Guru's Teachings

General Márgiis are simple and honest, so they assume others are as well, and they trust what Tiljala group dadas say. For this reason it is needed to gently prod and ask, “How long will you continue in the dark? Open your eyes—thieves are stealing before your very eyes.” Guru's entire shástra is being ruined by these so-called honest monks of AM —open your eyes and see the truth.

Speak Out

Be sure to download Baba’s audio file (see note 1) and save it for your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. Otherwise they will only receive the message from Tiljala group that the discourse was translated from the original Bengali, and gradually the dogma will be spread that Bábá knew only Bengali.

How long will you remain quiet – speak out. Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has given His guideline for you, but it will not reach you. Yet you have full right to have it. Again, I will say: How long will you remain quiet – speak out.

In Him,
Dharma Sagar

* If you have any problem downloading the sound file then please write back. We will help you get it downloaded.


1. Click here to listen to/download Bábá's original discourse, and compare it with the above scans of Tiljala group's published Hindi discourse.

2. Now please see our actual, “As-Is” transcription of “The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation”. The link is below in note 6, for you to inspect. This “As-Is” transcription contains every single word which Bábá spoke, in the original language in which He spoke it.

3. When you open the blog page, you will also see on the right side at the top, a play icon titled “Hindi-English Discourse 'The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation' 1978-08-10 Patna”. Click on the play icon, to listen to the sound file.

4. In this discourse, Bábá spoke 60% in Hindi, 40% in English, and 0% Bengali. He did not speak in Bengali at all during the discourse. And yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."

Actually spoken by Baba:
Total words          1026
English                   398
Hindi                      628
Bangla                       0

That means approximately 60% Hindi, and 40% English, and 0% Bangla.

5. Please see the book scan of the Publishers Page. The second line is written as follows, “आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित.” So it is very clear that, unnecessary Bengalization has been done. From Hindi translated to Bangla, and then again from Bangla to Hindi. That is called Bengalization. This has been done due to the language chauvinism that Hindi is lowly, and Bangla is divine.

Why Samanvayanandji Did This Thing:

बंगालीकरण : समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

अगर ध्यान से नहीं पढ़ सके हैं, तो कृपया पुनः देखिए---सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “गोबर” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए ऊपर के दो स्कैन साक्षी हैं |

6. Click here to read the "As-Is" transcription of “The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation”, in ready-to-publish format.

7. Here is the “As-Is” transcription of “The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation” - for you to inspect. This transcription contains every single word which Bábá spoke, in the original language in which He spoke it.

* * * * *

Here Are LINKS to Some Previous Postings. They contain Important Material On This Topic

  English Discourse Labeled as Bangla - Bábá's Audio File Is the Proof

Download Baba's Audio: Hindi Discourse Stolen and Added in Bangla Pile AV-13 Ch 15