Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Distortion Evidence: Bengalization of NKS Hindi

From: Renu Chakraborty <r.cborty@uni-tel...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <anandamargadiscourses@sunlink.net>
Subject: Distortion Evidence: Bengalization of NKS Hindi
Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 13::43:25 +0530

Distortion Evidence: Bengalization of NKS Hindi


In the discourse “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada” (1), Bábá spoke the below yellow paragraph in Hindi. However in the Hindi edition of this discourse, our Tiljala Publishers did not print the Hindi “As-Is” words of Bábá; instead they printed concocted words.

Proof of Bengalization

The following yellow para is the As-Is transcription of Bábá NKS-17 (Nammi Krśńa Sundaram) in Hindi. But due to Bengalization, our Tiljala Publishers adulterated and distorted this para. If you search the NKS discourse #17 in any NKS Hindi book, in chapter #17 you will not find these yellow identical sentences. These original Bábá’s sentences are changed. The question is, why did our Tiljala Publishers not directly print what Bábá said in Hindi, in the Hindi edition.

With this Bengalization, everything is ruined. Please go and check your Hindi NKS book, discourse #17. You will not find these identical sentences. This is called Bengalization-- i.e. ruining the discourse.

“As-Is” transcription of Bábá’s audio: पानी चन्दन के पास पहुँच रहा है | तो, उसमें चन्दन की खूबियाँ आ रही हैँ—और वह पानी नहीं रहेगा | इसमें दो बातें हैं, एक चन्दन के पास पहुँचते ही क्या होता है ? चन्दन की खूबियाँ फ़ौरन आ जाती हैं | वे चाहें चाहे नहीं चाहें, चन्दन के प्रति अगर उनके दिल में मुहब्बत हो, तो, चन्दन का असर पड़ जाएगा | नज़दीकी का असर पड़ जाएगा, इसलिए वह खुद चन्दन बन जाएगा | और यहाँ दूसरी बात यह भी होती है, वह क्या है ? साधक चन्दन के पास, चन्दन के नज़दीक जितने पहुँचते रहेंगे, वे खुद को, स्वयं को शुद्ध बनाते रहेंगे | और, शुद्ध बनाते-बनाते जब वे चन्दन के पास पहुँच गए, तब देखेंगे क्या ? वे पानी नहीं हैँ | वे अपने को खो डालेंगे | वे अपने को चन्दन में खो डालेंगे |” (1)

Distorted Version Printed by Tiljala Publishers in NKS Hindi 1996 Edn

The below is a scan of the 1996 Hindi Edition of NKS, pages 125 and 126. The section highlighted in red is the place where the above yellow Hindi para—which Bábá Himself spoke—should have appeared. But in the below scan, it is not printed “as is” by our Tiljala Publishers.

This loss of Bábá’s original words due to BengalIzation represents distortion and veritable ruination of AM holy scripture.

NKS17 scan w-red line.png

Again, the above is a scan of the 1996 Hindi Edition of NKS, pages 125 and 126. The section highlighted in red is the place where the yellow Hindi para (shown above)—which Bábá Himself spoke—should have appeared. But in the above scan, it is not printed “as is” by our Tiljala Publishers.

This loss of Bábá’s original words due to BengalIzation represents distortion and veritable ruination of AM holy scripture.

Renu Chakraborty

Note: This discourse is in Bangla and Hindi. So those who understand Bangla and Hindi and want to dig deeper on this subject of Bábá’s discourse, they are welcome to contact us and we will provide them Bábá’s audio file of the discourse. Contact email: Ananda Marga Discourses <anandamargadiscourses@sunlink.net>

Note 2: Any who have difficulty seeing scan, click here to see it on our blog.

For Further Study

Scripture Must Be Universal,
Not Limited by Any Narrow Sentiment

Today our Ánanda Márga scripture is being encroached upon by narrow sentiments, and that will lead to its destruction. The scripture given by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti is dharma. It must be saved from limited sentiments at any cost.

Bábá says, "When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmashástra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be áptavákya. A scripture is a guided entity." (3)

Again, the purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is to keep an eye on the purity of Guru's printed books. Indeed, we Ánanda Márgiis must express our voice and save our scripture.

1. The yellow highlighted para is the “As-Is” transcription of “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada”, 14 December 1980, Calcutta.
2. The above scan is from “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada”, Namami Krśńa Sundaram, Chapter 17, 14 December 1980, Calcutta.

3. “Our Spiritual Treatise “ Tattva Kaomudii - 2, 24 February 1970, Ranchi