Saturday, June 7, 2014

Why Not Write to Sarvatmanandji to Fix the Mistakes in AM Books?

Why Not Write to Sarvatmanandji
to Fix the Mistakes in AM Books?

Respected Margii Brothers and Sisters,

Some people were asking, "Why don't you write your concerns to Tiljala Publications-- they are very sincere, and will fix whatever mistakes you point out. There is no need to write to the general Margiis about this. By writing to Tiljala Publications, they will be very happy to resolve the issues."

Here below is the reply to that question:

In the past many sincere Margiis have made attempts, but alas there was no fruit to be born. Rather, on various occasions over the past 24 years, when such matters were raised by concerned Margiis, then those senior Dadas in Tiljala Publications gave one of these ready-made replies,

#1: When Margiis asked why Baba’s non-Bengali discourses were labeled in the Publishers Notes as if Baba had spoken in Bangla, then they replied that, “It was just a mishap”.

#1b: Did the mishap ever occur that some of Baba's discourses given in Bengali, were mislabeled as given in English or Hindi? To this their answer is, "It is hardly the case that such mislabeling always occurs. It has occasionally occurred, and it just happened to have been with English and Hindi discourses mislabeled as Bengali, not vice-versa."


#2: “We are working hard. We are trying to do everything that you requested. But due to lack of resources and man-power it has not been done. But we will do it – you need not worry.” But years passed and nothing was ever done – the status of the books did not change – so this was just their political reply.


#3: “The persons pointing out the mistakes do not have any work to do. That's why they are pointing out."


#4: Upon showing them any mistake in the book they proclaim, “Oh this is just a typo, the next edition will be properly done. So do not worry about that.” But years passed and nothing was ever done – the status of the books did not change – so this was just their political reply.


#5: If you show them that one of their published discourses is just a summary whereas Baba’s original spoken discourse is much longer then they tell that, “Oh, we had to published it from the magazine version. We did not have the cassette. So that is the reason it is in summary form; because we used the version from the magazine.” But years passed and nothing was ever done – the status of the books did not change – so this was just their political reply.

These are the ready-made replies in their “brochures” and office manuals for how to reply to Margiis.

In essence, they always tried to charge-sheet those concerned Margiis by accusing them (#3), or they would give a political answer just to smooth over and divert the topic of conversation (i.e. reply #2, #4, #5) and keep the status quo.

#6: The problem is they have no idea what they have in their Baba’s audio stock nor do they have interest to actively work on these archive materials.

Tragically, in all such circumstances, in the next edition that is printed 30 years after the first edition, even more mistakes happen.

All this we have experienced on numerous occasions. So the only way left is to make a hew and cry.

Brotherly yours,
at His lotus feet,

Note: The following is the example of the scan of the book Tattvika Praveshika. Here, Baba is talking about kamamaya kosa. When it got printed in the Ananda Marga Philosophy series, then this section got distorted. So even this simple reprinting could not be done properly. And for the last thirty years this distortion has remained. So the conclusion is that in the original book it was proper, but in reprinting it got ruined.

The conclusion is that if you read carefully any Ananda Marga Book, then you will notice that they are not free of mistakes.