Friday, May 31, 2013

Highly Touted Book Has A Lot Of Mistakes

From: <divyacaksu_b23@heritage...>
Subject: Highly Touted Book Has A Lot Of Mistakes
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 11:01:55



The highly touted, latest edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 11-12 (2008) came out several years back with much fanfare; unfortunately the book is riddled with scriptural distortions. This letter points out grave transcription errors from this AV 11-12 (2008). Although AV-12 has many, many errors, one key distorted paragraph about priest dogma has been discussed in detail below. 


Note: An audio file of Bábá's original spoken discourse has been uploaded to our new blogsite. You will see in the upper right corner of the blog page. The file is called “Ticket For Hell”. This sound file is the absolute proof that what is printed in the book is totally wrong. Read below for all the details.


As disciples of Bábá, we should be very strict in preserving the sanctity of His printed discourses. This is our moral duty.

Some may claim, ‘What is the big deal if we change a few words here and there-- that is fine, so long as we keep the gist of what He is saying’. Some may say like this.

But that error-prone approach will not do; it is not acceptable. Because one error leads to another until finally everything is totally ruined. Vigilance is needed from the very beginning.


Everyone knows that the Tiljala camp is the one printing Bábá's books these days. But here the issue is not who is printing Bábá's books. No one is trying to criticize any group per se. That is not the motivating factor behind this letter.

The issue is that our AM books-- Bábá's teachings-- must be proper, period, no excuses. That is what Bábá wants and that is what this letter is about.

Who can forget those days in Patna when Bábá was harshly scolding and rebuking various wt’s for not recording and printing His discourses. Bábá was furious and set the tone that His discourses must be recorded and printed in a timely and proper way.

So this whole topic goes way beyond any petty group clash. Rather it is an issue of non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Iśťa and Ádarsha.

Without proper scripture then any movement will turn into dogma. That is what happened with all the religions. They put more emphasis on buildings and roads and less emphasis on the accuracy of scripture. In result, all that is left is dogma. We must not let this same fate meet our Márga. We must ensure that Bábá's discourses are 100% accurate. His each and every word must be printed “as is”. That is the only way to safeguard His scripture. Without that, AM will just sink into dogma, marred by one scriptural distortion after another.


Now then to the problem at hand...

Nearly every discourse in AV-12 (2008) has been terribly distorted in one way or another. Here we are not just talking about skipping over small words like ‘and’ or ‘but’ etc, but rather deep-seeded distortions that affect the very meaning of Bábá's discourse.

Here is one critical example. In the 3rd to last paragraph of the discourse, ‘Everything Comes From Something’ (2 June 1979 evening, Lyon, France), those AMPS publishers wrote it entirely wrong.

THEY WRONGLY WROTE: “And you should never think, ‘Oh, because the priest didn’t issue me any ticket for Heaven, I won’t be able to go to Heaven.’ No, no, no, don’t say that. The priest has no right to issue you a ticket, and who is going to issue you a ticket to Hell? No, no, no, your good actions will bring you closer to Parama Puruśa, and finally you will become one with Him by dint of your sádhaná, by dint of your occult practice.”

Yet see here what Baba really spoke.

BABA ORIGINALLY SPOKE: And you should never think that, “Oh, because the priest didn’t issue any ticket for heaven, that's why I won’t be able to go to the heaven.” No, no, no, no, no don’t think like that. The priest has got no right to issue a ticket of heaven, and who is going to issue him with a ticket for hell? [laughter] No, no, no, no, no your good actions will bring you closer to the Parama Puruśa, and finally you will be one with Him by dint of your sádhaná, by dint of your occult practice.

Note: An audio file of Bábá's original spoken discourse has been uploaded to our new blogsite. You will see it in the upper right corner of the blog page. The file is called “Ticket For Hell”. This sound file is the absolute proof that what is printed in the book is totally wrong.

Note: When Bábá is saying “who is going to issue him with a ticket for Hell?”, then those in the audience started laughing because Bábá's statement is quite humorous. So those who attended that day enjoyed Bábá's talk, but because those words were omitted from the printed discourse, readers are deprived of this gift.

The above is what Bábá originally spoke in English as He was in Europe at the time and this discourse was given 100% in English.

So in Baba’s version, He is pointing out the injustice of the priests and making a joke about how those dogmatic priests should be sent to hell.

BABA SPOKE: “The priest has got no right to issue you a ticket of heaven, and who is going to issue him with a ticket for hell?”

Here Bábá is making a direct statement about how crooked priests have no right to misguide and exploit the people based on the false notions of heaven or hell. Rather, those priests themselves will live in their own hell if they continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity. That is Bábá's essential point.

But the AMPS Publishers changed that very section to make it sound like you the reader, not the priest, is being sent to hell.

THE AMPS PUBLISHERS WROTE: “The priest has no right to issue you a ticket, and who is going to issue you a ticket to Hell?”

So they totally missed the issue of Bábá mocking and attacking that priestly dogma. So their new edition of AV-12 strays far from Bábá's teaching.

Because in His revolutionary way, Bábá is boldly pointing out the dogma of the priest class and bashing and mocking their so-called authority, yet our Publishers changed that section entirely. The Publisher’s version wrongly tells the reader to go to hell--not the dogmatic priests.

And indeed there are numerous errors.


In comparing the above two paragraphs, anyone can see that 13 errors of omission and commission have been made in only 4 or 5 lines of text. That means there are 2 or 3 distortions on every line. And it seems the whole book is like that. Yet this recently published AV 11-12 (2008) is the book that some of our respected Dadas are saying is “perfect”, and done ”word-for-word” according to the original cassette. They were assuring Márgiis that there are no errors in this book etc, etc.

But now we can see for ourselves what is going on.


And again, the main critical error of this passage is that those publishers distorted the section where Bábá is saying that the priest will go to hell. This is a serious point.

Because AM is against all kinds of dogma, especially religious dogma as that stifles the growth of the whole society. And Bábá is adamantly telling that not only do those priests not have the power to send anyone to heaven, but because of their shams and duplicity those crude priests themselves will go to hell. That is Bábá's dramatic statement.

Yet the publishers missed and distorted this point entirely when printing the latest version of Ananda Vacanamrtam 11-12.

Bábá makes a revolutionary stand against priest dogma and our respected publishers ruined that point.


Was the error done deliberately by our publishers-- i.e. The Tiljala camp. Was it a mere oversight-- along with thousands of others? How did it happen? Only we can guess.

But one thing is certain: Since they are so enthusiastic to translate all Bábá's discourses from Bangla, regardless of the original language in which Bábá spoke, perhaps that is the cause of this problem. That is one hypothesis.

Or maybe those Dadas just want to preserve or protect the sanctity of the priest class. Or maybe they are scared of criticizing those priests.

Any or all of the above may be the reason why this horrible distortion was done.

Let us remember that in the recent past, these same publishers deleted the final three paragraphs of the discourse ‘Liberation of Intellect’ (NHNS) where Bábá points out how the dogma of Islam says three females are equal to one male.


Standard protocol among publishers in the world is that once they learn a book of theirs has not been well produced, they will withdraw the book and fix it, and issue the rectified version as a new edition. But it is unfortunate that our AMPS Publishers do not follow this standard. Even after learning that a book is full of distortion and the general Márgiis are aware, even then they continue selling the same distorted version. Such an approach is quite a spectacle in the world of publications.


By Bábá's grace He has given us human life and we should ensure that we preserve the integrity of Bábá's teachings. Here is Bábá's special teaching on this point.

Bábá says, “You have to build up society by your collective efforts. You know when the weaver weaves clothes then rats and termites engage in trying to cut it. So the weaver has to protect the clothes from those rats and termites. In the same way when you are building anything then without any delay various types of “termites” and “rats” will try to destroy that work. You must be careful. Above all those who have a pious motive to build up something, they ultimately get victory. But “rats” and “termites” do not have a pure motive so ultimately getting destroyed is their fate. Just they leave some dirty, ugly mark in the pages of history.”

By seeing those ugly, black marks, in future people think ‘oh, it seems this was attacked by termites and rats. Oh it appears that the termites and rats which came to attack and destroy this, but instead those rats and termites broke their teeth and got annihilated’.”

It is the universal law. So as you build up good things, be vigilant to keep sharp eyes all around. Be sure to protect your work from “rats” and ”termites”.”

In the past females were preparing mango jelly in summer. And to shoe away the crows & to protect the mango jelly, one boy from the house was always standing guard with large stick in his hand and sharp eyes watching for those crows. Same way you should always be alert & vigilant to save your work from termites and rats. Then work will be done...”

Today again you take oath to build up the earth by your own individual and collective efforts. We have come here to beautify this earth. We will make it so and we will go on doing this our whole life. This will be our main collective vow.” (AV-24 Hindi, p.149).


Note: Many of us know that there are terrible issues with the publication of Bábá's books. Even then it has to be recognized that Dada Acyutanandaji has tried hard since he became part of the Publications team to improve the quality of the books. It is due to his efforts and Bábá's grace that progress has been made. Tragically our dear Dada Acyutanandaji is often in a poor state of health. As our brother and esteemed worker, we are wishing him strength to continue his strong effort to improve upon the publication of our AM books since 1990. Once again, Dadaji has been steadfast in his sincerity since day 1.

Bábá's Yoga Psychology Book—Three Distortions in First Few Lines + More


Namaskára Respected Márgii Brothers and Sisters, 
Distortion in Yoga Psychology Chapter 22: The Mind Grows in Magnitude

Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji has given a famed Renaissance Universal Discourse on 2 June 1990 in Anandanagar . This discourse, “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”, has been published by our AMPS Publishers in the book Yoga Psychology in 1998. (1)

Here we present critical distortions introduced into this discourse by the AMPS Publishers. The discourse was given in June 1990, and in those years there were multiple technologies available for the recording of Bábá's discourses. Discourses were routinely recorded via multiple media formats, including video. For that reason, the recording is readily available and its sound of good quality especially compared to that of discourses from earlier years.
Bábá Titled DMC and RU Discourses Himself

Bábá used to title the Dharma Mahácakra (DMC) discourses as well as Renaissance Universal (RU) discourses Himself. In DMC and RU discourses, given before generally larger numbers of Márgiis, it was Bábá's custom to title the discourse in His opening sentence. And these were historic events, with Márgiis traveling from far and wide. The atmosphere was highly spiritually vibrated, and all present used to await Bábá's arrival and His announcement of the DMC or RU discourse title with eager anticipation. His customary words, introducing these important discourses, are well-known to all: “The subject of today's discourse is ...”. And with that, Bábá would announce the title of the discourse. This discourse title would become the name by which the discourse was to be known and published.

AMPS Publishers Left Out First Sentence of RU Discourse—In Which Bábá Gave Discourse Title

Given the great significance of Bábá's DMC and RU Discourses as well as the fact that He always titled them in the first sentence of the discourse, it is indeed disturbing and unfortunate that our AMPS Publishers failed to print the first sentence of the discourse, “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”. Firstly, all sentences which Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji speaks carry tremendous importance. And in particular, the very first sentence of an RU Discourse, in which Bábá announces the subject of the discourse and the title under which it is to be published—this carries special significance indeed. The first sentence is of course present on the sound recording, so there is no reason for the AMPS Publishers to have left it out.
AMPS Publishers Distorted the Discourse Title Bábá Gave in First Sentence

The omission of this particularfirst-sentence-of-an-RU-discourse” is all the more disturbing, because the very discourse title Bábá has announced in this opening sentence, was erroneously published by the AMPS Publishers.

How they Printed It

Yoga Psychology, Chapter 22. The way the beginning of the discourse is printed in the book:

- - - - - - - - -
The Mind Grows in Magnitude
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar

Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots.
- - - - - - - - -
Same Passage from Printed Discourse,

with Distortion in Red

Here is how our AMPS Publishers wrongly printed the opening to this famous discourse in Yoga Psychology, Chapter 22. The way it is printed in the book. Please pay special attention to the word in red, where distortion has occurred.

- - - - - - - - -
The Mind Grows in Magnitude
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar

Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots.
- - - - - - - - -
About above passage

Color Key: Serious errors from the published discourse appear in red.

Explanation ONE: Discourse Title Wrong

The opening sentence of the discourse is missing. And significantly, the discourse title Bábá announced in that sentence is wrongly published.

Here we are presenting the opening to the printed discourse again. Please pay special attention to the word in red, where distortion has occurred. Also note the opening sentence in purple, which was omitted entirely from the printed discourse:

Same Passage from Printed Discourse,

with Distortion in Red & Omissions in Purple

- - - - - - - - -
The Mind Grows in Magnitude
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar

The subject of today's discourse is—Mind Flows In Magnitude.

Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots.
- - - - - - - - -
About above passage

Color Key:
  1. Serious errors from the published discourse appear in red.
  2. Sections highlighted in purple are missing entirely from the printed discourse.

Explanation TWO: Missing Opening SentenceKey to Wrong Discourse Title

Please take special note of the title which Bábá has personally given this discourse: “Mind Flows In Magnitude. And compare it with the discourse title published by our AMPS Publishers: The Mind Grows in Magnitude . The AMPS Publishers changed Flows to Grows. No one can say why or how the AMPS Publishers omitted the discourse's opening sentence in which Bábá announced the discourse title as “Mind Flows In Magnitude. And no one can say why they changed the title from Flows to Grows. But both happened. The AMPS Publishers omitted the very sentence containing the correct discourse title, and from that very omitted sentence they distorted the title from “Mind Flows In Magnitudeto “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”.

There is yet another critical error in the opening sentences. Here we are presenting the opening to the printed discourse again. Please pay special attention to the words in red, where distortion has occurred. Also note the opening sentence in purple, which was omitted entirely from the printed discourse:

Same Passage from Printed Discourse,

with Distortions in Red & Omissions in Purple

- - - - - - - - -
The Mind Grows in Magnitude
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar

The subject of today's discourse is—Mind Flows In Magnitude.

Amongst the different faculties of this globe in the physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots.
- - - - - - - - -

About above passage

Color Key:
  1. Serious errors from the published discourse appear in red.
  2. Sections highlighted in purple are missing entirely from the printed discourse. 
Explanation THREE: “Flow” Distorted to “Globe”

Bábá has actually used the word “flow” twice in the first two sentences of the discourse. The first sentence sentence was omitted by the AMPS publishers, and from that missing sentence the AMPS Publishers changed the word Flows to Grows in the discourse title. In the second sentence of the discourse, Bábá spoke “the different faculties of this flow”—and the AMPS Publishers changed it to “the different faculties of this globeas you see above. So Bábá has used the word “flow” twice in the first two sentences: the first time the AMPS Publishers deleted the sentence, and changed the Flows to Grows; the second time they changed flow to globe.

It should be mentioned additionally that the word “globemakes no sense in the sentence. The globe i.e. this earth is a physical entity; faculties of the physico-psycho-spiritual realms are not under its aegis. To speak of the “mental faculties of this globemakes no sense. And Bábá did not say this. He spoke of the “mental faculties of this flow.

As Is Version” of what Baba Speaks. Note the Purple Words.

Here below is the actual “as is” passage spoken by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji that day, exactly as heard on the audio recording. This time words and sentences entirely omitted by the AMPS Publishers are highlighted in purple:

- - - - - - - - -
The Mind Flows in Magnitude
2 June 1990 RU, Anandanagar

The subject of today's discourse is—Mind Flows In Magnitude.

Amongst different faculties of this flow, faculties in physico-psycho-spiritual realms, mental faculties are of maximum importance. These faculties may be categorized into four main groups or offshoots.
- - - - - - - - -

In Ananda Marga Mind Flows—Not Grows

It is of note that Bábá speaks of “mental flow” in literally dozens of discourses, so there is plenty of precedent for Bábá's usage of mind and flow together. Whereas there is not a single discourse in which Bábá speaks of mind “growing”. Bábá uses the word “grow” in association with physical things. A search in ZY Find for “grow” reveals 385 matches in 115 discourses where Bábá has used the word. These uses of “grow” are virtually all in reference to various types of crops growing, animals growing, hair growing, and trees growing. So the AMPS Publishers' coining the title “Mind Grows in Magnitude” is not in character with the rest of Bábá's discourse and teachings. Mind does not grow; it flows. And the bottom line is that this is what Bábá said that day in the opening sentence to the discourse: “The subject of today's discourse is—Mind Flows In Magnitude.

Summary of Distortions

In summary, there are three critical errors in the first two sentences of the discourse published in the name “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”:
  1. AMPS Publishers omitted the opening sentence in which Bábá announced the discourse title.
  2. AMPS Publishers changed the discourse title from “Mind Flows In Magnitude to “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”.
  3. AMPS Publishers changed Bábá's second sentence from “The different faculties of this flow, toThe different faculties of this globe.

Three Editions of Book, Never Repaired

It is to be noted that three separate editions of this discourse have been published by AMPS Publications, each time in the book Yoga Psychology: the first edition in 1991, the second edition in 1994, and the third edition in 1998. The editor for all three editions was Ác. Vijayánanda Ávt. It has furthermore been published in all the four electronic editions by our AMPS publishers. The same three critical errors are present in all editions, both printed and electronic. In twenty-two years, the discourse has not be repaired.

Fix Errors in Your Edition

The critical errors in the title and the first two sentences of the RU discourse “The Mind Grows in Magnitude”, are something all Márgiis should be aware of. Please take care to make corrections in your copy of the book Yoga Psychology.

Volunteers Needed

As always we welcome your thoughts and comments on this vital subject of the preservation of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

In addition, we would like to make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “as is” discourses into your mother tongue, and also to help with translating these announcements of distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Help with comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by AMPS is also needed. We welcome the help of any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

In His service,

Ánanda Márga Discourse network Editors

(1) “The Mind Grows in Magnitude” has been published in 1991, 1994, and 1998 by Ác. Vijayánanda Ávt., Ánanda Marga Publications, 527 VIP Nagar, Tiljala, Calcutta.

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The following letter is from Márgii brother Devesh ji, and in this he forwards an email from Márgii brother Kirit ji who is communicating to him about the work of B group Publications, Tiljala.

Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 11:37:44 +0530
Subject: Namaskar
From: Devesh Kumar


Please refer trailing email sent by brother Kirit ji. He has created a
website in order to make corrections in Baba books. Please comment on
his effort.

Devesh kumar

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kirit dave
Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 15:17:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: thanks again
To: devesh devesh

Dear Devesh bhai

You might be happy to know that Publication web site that I have been
working on for a long time is now near completion and I have added a
section it is called Errata. We will be placing all the corrections in
all the books on the web site as well as a way for people to report
errors. This then will be handled by the publication dept to go to the
correction of the future prints and would also listed on the web site.

Other than that, I consider publication department fairly self
sufficient and in due course of time, I will withdraw my efforts
unless I am needed for specific things.

Discourse Distortion—Táraka Brahma


Namaskára Respected Márgii Brothers and Sisters,
Distortion in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Chapter 3. Letter One:

Related with Advent of Táraka Brahma

The "as is" discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji are being attentively transcribed anew, from the original sound recordings. In the process of comparing these newly transcribed "as is" discourses to the published discourses of AMPS (B) and AMPS (H-EC), we have frequently found the number of distortions in the published version to be large. Because of this, it has become difficult to present these distortions to you all in one posting or even in a limited series of postings. Instead, it appears practical to present before you small, easily manageable sections of Bábá's discourses. By this way the errors in these smaller sections will be easily presented and understood. And over time, as a larger number of these small postings get sent each containing a distorted discourse excerpt, the magnitude of the problem will be easily perceived by even new Márgiis.
Introduction to this Posting

The first of these postings regards Bábá's discourse "Omniscience of the Macro-Psychic Entity", given in Patna on 11 September 1978. The discourse was published by AMPS in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2 in 1979 and again in 1986. (1)

In the middle of this discourse, Bábá is explaining that as the Cosmic Entity is infinite, so He requires no sensory or motor organs to be all-knowing. In this connection, Bábá presents the way and circumstances in which Táraka Brahma comes in form. In the process, He very explicitly chooses His words, and then before all present, emphasizes to Ácárya Vijayánandaji (the head of publishing at that time) about His word choice.

This very passage has been published in the following way, in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2 by our AMPS publishers. It unfortunately contains serious errors.
How they Printed It

Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Chapter 3. The way it is printed in the book:

- - - - - - - - - -
He is a non-corporeal entity. When the common point between Saguńa and Nirguńa, the tangential touch of Saguńa and Nirguńa, comes in contact with any quinquelemental body, then we say that Táraka Brahma has come. In that case also the Nucleus is there.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Same Passage from Printed Discourse,

with Distortions in Red

Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Chapter 3. The way it is printed in the book. Here we are presenting the passage again. Please pay special attention to the words in red, where distortion has occurred:

- - - - - - - - - -
He is a non-corporeal entity. When the common point between Saguńa and Nirguńa, the tangential touch of Saguńa and Nirguńa, comes in contact with any quinquelemental body, then we say that Táraka Brahma has come. In that case also the Nucleus is there.”
- - - - - - - - - -
About above passage

Color Key: Serious errors from the published discourse appear in red.

Explanation ONE

In this above passage, on the sound recording Bábá has used the word “isin place of the word “hasshown in red above. He selects this verb “isintentionally, and has great purpose in His choice. Bábá is utilizing a special classical style of English in order to reveal His announcement of the arrival of Táraka Brahma as a grand declaration. (2)

In His choice of this special classical style, Bábá also uses the word “corpore”—the latin word for “body”. But our AMPS publishers disregarded Baba's use of “corpore and in its place, they used the word “body.

So the AMPS publishers ignored both Bábá's special word choices, preferring to replace “corporewith “body, and “iswith “has. As will be seen below, Baba goes on to make special note of his classical use—He emphasizes His use of these words before everyone present, as we will see below. Despite this, the AMPS publishers preferred to replace both Bábá's words with their own common selection.
Same Passage from Printed Discourse,

with Distortions in Red & Omissions in Purple

Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Chapter 3. The way it is printed in the book. Here we are presenting the passage again. Please pay special attention to the words in red, where distortion has occurred. Also note the sections in purple, which were omitted entirely from the printed discourse:

- - - - - - - - - -
He is a non-corporeal entity. When the common point between Saguńa and Nirguńa, the tangential touch of Saguńa and Nirguńa, comes in contact with any quinquelemental body, then we say that Táraka Brahma has come.

You Vijayánanda---"Táraka Brahma is come". Mark the verb.

[dádá Vijayánanda—] "Yes, Bábá."

In that case also the Nucleus is there.”
- - - - - - - - - -
About above passage

Color Key:
  1. Serious errors from the published discourse appear in red.
  2. Sections highlighted in purple are missing entirely from the printed discourse.

Explanation TWO

On the sound recording of this discourse, in Bábá's own voice there is very clear and explicit proof that His word choice of corporeand isis executed with very special and great intention and purpose. After making this grand declaration that "Táraka Brahma is come", Bábá points out the sentence He has just uttered to dádá Vijayánandaji. Bábá does so in the following way: He calls dádá Vijayánandaji, repeats the sentence to him and instructs him to take note of it. Dádá Vijayánandaji then verbally acknowledges Bábá's instruction about the sentence. This very poignant conversation between Bábá and dádá Vijayánandaji occurs over the microphone and so is heard, seen, and witnessed by all those present that day. Only after this conversation, does Bábá go on with the remainder of His discourse, starting with the sentence “In that case also the Nucleus is there.” But our AMPS publishers entirely removed the conversation between Bábá and dádá Vijayánandaji, and just pasted the next sentence of the discourse immediately after their erroneous sentence “Táraka Brahma has come”—as though no conversation between Bábá and dádá Vijayánandaji ever took place.
As Is Version” of what Baba Speaks

So here below is the actual passage spoken by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji that day, exactly as heard on the audio recording:

- - - - - - - - - -
He is a non-corporal entity. And when the common point between Saguńa and Nirguńa, the tangential touch between Saguńa and Nirguńa, comes in contact with any quinquelemental corpore, then we say that "Táraka Brahma iscome".

You Vijayánanda---"Táraka Brahma is come". Mark the verb.”

[dádá Vijayánanda—] "Yes, Bábá."

In that case also the Nucleus is there.”
- - - - - - - - - -
As Is Version” of what Baba Speaks. Note the Purple Words.

Here below again is the actual passage spoken by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji that day, exactly as heard on the audio recording. This time words and sentences entirely omitted by the AMPS Publishers are highlighted in purple:

- - - - - - - - - -
He is a non-corporal entity. And when the common point between Saguńa and Nirguńa, the tangential touch between Saguńa and Nirguńa, comes in contact with any quinquelemental corpore, then we say that "Táraka Brahma is come".

You Vijayánanda---"Táraka Brahma is come". Mark the verb.

[dádá Vijayánanda—] "Yes, Bábá."

In that case also the Nucleus is there.”
- - - - - - - - - -
About above passage

Color Key: Sections highlighted in purple are missing entirely from the printed discourse.
More Explanation on the Distorted Passage

So now we have seen what Bábá uttered in grand style and eloquence that day. It is a very classical usage, found also in traditional religious texts such as the Bible to mark a very grand happening. (2) Bábá makes very intentional and explicit use of this style, then points out the sentence to dádá Vijayánandaji and repeats the sentence to him. This unusual, emphatic statement by Bábá is made over the microphone, and heard by all present. Dádá Vijayánandaji acknowledges he has heard and understood, saying “Yes, Bábá."

Here is the overall essence of what occurred—it was indeed a very special occasion in which Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji described and proclaimed the arrival of Táraka Brahma in a grand way, using a classical style.

But it is extremely unfortunate that the AMPS publishers chose to remove Bábá's word choice entirely. They have:
  1. Removed Bábá's classical word “corporeand replaced it with the common term “body.
  2. Removed Bábá's classical usage of “isand replaced it with the common usage “has.
  3. Entirely removed the following conversation between Bábá and dádá Vijayánandaji:

You Vijayánanda---"Táraka Brahma is come". Mark the verb.

[dádá Vijayánanda—] "Yes, Bábá."

As a result of the above distortions, what you read in the printed passage in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, Chapter 3 is very different from what Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji actually said in Patna on 11 September 1978 about the advent of Táraka Brahma.

It is to be noted that this discourse has been printed by the AMPS publishers in 1979 and again in 1986 with no change in the above-mentioned distortions and omissions. It has furthermore been published in all the four electronic editions by our AMPS publishers, and never has this passage been repaired.

As always we welcome your thoughts and comments on this vital subject of the preservation of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

In addition, we would like to make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by AMPS is a big job requiring line-by-line review. We would welcome the help of any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

In His service,

Ánanda Márga Discourse network Editors

(1) *Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2 has been published by Ananda Marga Publications, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Tiljala, Calcutta 700039. Henceforth they will be referred to as “AMPS publishers”.

(2) “The Lord is come” is a famous English usage. In the Christian tradition there is a world-famous hymn: "Joy to the world! The Lord is come! Let earth receive her King." The meaning of this celebrated phrase “ The Lord is come” is that, the Lord has arrived.