Sunday, January 25, 2015

Title Deformed in Bangla SS - Bengalization of DMC Discourse

From: Satyanarayan Deva <s_deva23@VSTK.......>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Title Deformed in Bangla SS - Bengalization of DMC Discourse
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:21:43 +0530


Title Deformed in Bangla SS - Bengalization of DMC Discourse

“Artha o Paramártha” Deformed To "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa"

Note: First please download the sound file so you can best understand this letter - a link to the sound file has been appended below in Note 2.

Very Important: Those who cannot understand Bengali and Hindi, be sure to scroll down to see the photo at the very bottom.

Sadguru Baba originally titled one of His DMC discourses as "Artha o Paramártha.” But that title was grossly changed by those in Tiljala Publications.

Specifically, on the 5th of February 1984, DMC was held in Allahabad. Baba spoke in Hindi and declared the subject of discourse: "Artha aor Paramártha”. But later on, at the time of printing the Bengali version, SS-16-chap 10​, those at the helm changed the discourse title from "Artha o Paramártha” to "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa." And they printed it in Subháśita Saḿgraha part 16 (Bangla), chapter 10. That is how they printed the Bengali version and manipulated the name of the discourse. Remember, Baba’s original title was, "Artha o Paramártha”.

It is obvious that the title originally given by Baba and the title selected by those Dadas are not the same. Guru told something and those Publication in-charges did not follow what Baba spoke. Instead they invented their own title that bears no resemblance or meaning to what actually Guru gave as the title.

See Here How They Printed The Title In Bengali

Here below is how Tiljala Publications wrongly printed the title in Bengali: "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa", i.e. “আপেক্ষিক তত্ত্ব ও পরম পুরুষ” ​.  And that is what is featured in the below scan: The top line in bold, bigger font is how they wrote the title in Bengali font / script. But that is not matching what Baba spoke. It should have been “অর্থ ও পরমার্থ”.  You can confirm this by listening to the sound file - see link below in note 1.

Again, above is how Tiljala Publications printed the title in Bengali: "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa". The top line in bold, bigger font in the above image is how they wrote the title in Bengali font / script.

How The Title Of The DMC Discourse Distorted

So Baba's approved title for this particular DMC discourse given in Allahabad on the 5th of February 1984 was "Artha aor Paramártha". That is what He announced at the time of DMC for the Hindi edition.

But while printing the Bangla edition of SS-16, the publishers discarded Guru's designated title and instead selected their own title "A’pekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa". So Baba's original approved title was entirely disregarded. It should have been: “অর্থ ও পরমার্থ.

By this way, degeneration after degeneration happened, one after another step.

A Matter of Authenticity - Not Language

All should be aware that this is not a language issue but a matter of the authenticity of Guru's discourses. Because of distortions due to Bengalization etc, Guru's original words are not getting the place in His published discourses. Thus when any sadhaka reads a discourse they are not actually reading Guru's words - they are reading something else. The words of those in Publications etc. This is the very serious point at hand. What is at stake then is the authenticity of Guru's divine discourses. So there is no question of this being any type of linguistic or language issue. What Sadguru Baba spoke that should be printed in As-is form. Then the published discourses will be of value - not misleading. That is the sole issue.

With this particular discourse, because Baba's original title - "Artha aor Paramártha" - given in Hindi was changed  to "A’pekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa" in Bengali. It should have been: “অর্থ ও পরমার্থ​. And when those at the helm treat the Bengali as the original, then whenever this book is printed in any other language it will be wrong. The English edition will fail to represent Guru's words - and editions published in other languages will meet the same fate as well. That is why this is a point of authenticity and the correct presentation of Sadguru Baba's discourse.

Baba's System: Making Title Of Discourse

We all know that "Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam". Guru's word is mantra and Baba's each and every teaching has been classified according to His guideline. Some of the most important discourses on spiritual philosophy are given at the time of DMC. And in Dharma Maha Cakra (DMC) discourses, Baba always announces the subject of discourse. When Baba gives DMC discourses in Hindi, then He says "Á'j ká álocy viśay hai....”. And when Baba speaks in English, then always He says, "Today's subject of discourse is...". And if Bangla He will say, "Ájker álocy viśaya..."

His System For Titling Those DMC Discourses

A similar process exists with the RU discourses, which Baba would usually give just one day prior to DMC. As stated, the DMC discourses are topmost in the spiritual scripture. And on social points, the RU discourses are very valuable. 

So these are two varieties of discourses wherein He would state the title when giving the discourse. So when the books are printed, the headings which Baba has given are printed as the discourse title in the book.

Hence, with the DMC and RU discourses, there is no option to change the titles of the discourse when publishing them in book form. In particular this applies to the RU and DMC discourses.

Baba's each and every spoken word is meaningful - it is mantra. So when He has given the name of the DMC discourse when delivering that pravacan, then that title must be carried over into book form. There is no second option.

To this day, the SS-16 Bangla contains the discourse under that wrong name - and no errata page has ever been issued on the back page of the book. Please check in your copy of the book, and then listen to the audio file and see for yourself how the printed Bengali edition does not match Baba's original pravacan.

Beautiful Baby Became Like This

This above photo is for those who cannot understand Bengali and Hindi, as this image will give a picture of the extreme degree to which some are tampering with Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji’s discourses. Sadguru Baba gave a beautiful heading - “Artha aor Parama’rtha” (Hindi) - but when Tiljala Publications printed that discourse in Bengali then they deformed and mutilated Guru’s given heading and instead called it: "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa".

Those who do not understand Bangla and Hindi may not fathom the degree of deformity. But by this photo they can get an idea of what transpired.

Just as a beautiful baby became maimed and deformed per the above photo, a similar degree of deformity has occurred with Guru’s given title. Baba beautifully called it “Artha aor Parama’rtha” (Hindi) and those in Tiljala hacked it and called it, "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa". They did not follow what Guru told.

Rather they went far, far from the original such that it became completely disfigured and turned into something else. A beautiful gift from Guru got ruined. Why? Because it was not given in Bangla so Dada Sarvatmanandji in Tiljala Publications felt it needed to be maimed and deformed. This is their modus operandi as they have done this sin with countless discourses.

All in all it is just like a beautiful child that is born as into a family of the so-called untouchable caste. Then, according to some people, that baby does not have the right to remain beautiful. Those haters will try to deform and disfigure that baby. And that type of rampant mutilation is exactly what has happened with respect to Guru’s teachings. Those in Tiljala Publications have disfigured Sadguru Baba’s discourses. 

All Languages Are The Languages Of Parama Puruśa

Following is Guru's teaching on this issue.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All languages must be given equal respect. One should remember that all languages are the languages of Parama Puruśa." (A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3)

Thus there is no question of any language being better or more pure than any other. The only point at hand is the authenticity of Guru's discourses. What He has graciously given should be preserved in perfect, As-is fashion - regardless of the language in which He spoke. Every true devotee will openly embrace this approach as a means to maintain the originality and integrity of Guru's discourses. They will follow His order and print the heading / title according to what He has given.

But approaching the matter with their own motive, some in Tiljala instead regard non-Bengali languages like Hindi, English, and other languages as not their language - but rather as something foreign. That's why they wrongly feel that they have full right to change Guru's discourses given in languages other than their own - Bengali. Otherwise what can be the reason.

Our Tiljala Dadas openly and falsely defend and justify that theirs is the proper system. They publicly state that all discourses must go via Bengali - but that is wrong.

in Him,

Note 1: Download the Sound File Here

Here following is a link to the sound file - please download the sound file "Artha o Paramártha” by clicking on the below link:

Note 2: Printed Editions of This Discourse

Subháśita Saḿgraha, part 16, Hindi edition, "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa", chapter 9,  p. 58

Subháśita Saḿgraha, part 16, Bengali edition, "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa", chapter 10, p. 79

Note 3: Not Same Title - Not Same Meaning

It is obvious that the title originally given by Baba and the title selected by those Dadas are different. The worst thing is that those Dadas could not follow Guru’s basic instruction. They invented their own title. And that title does not carry the same meaning. Baba’s original title - "Artha aor Paramártha" (Hindi) - has no direct translation into English, but it basically means “That which brings temporary relief and permanent relief from suffering.” In stark contrast, those Dadas changed title whereby the meaning is "Relative Factors and Parama Puruśa." Clearly these are not the same.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Download Sound File: Hindi Discourse "Artha & Parama'rtha" - 05 Feb 1984

==> Two Ways to DOWNLOAD the sound file:

(#1) Click the link below to download the Hindi Discourse, "Artha & Parama'rtha" 05 Feb 1984

Download "Artha & Parama'rtha" Sound File Here

(#2) You may also download this same sound file from the blue box along the right side column. To download the file click on the "option" button in the box to the right and a download menu item will appear.

==> Two Ways to PLAY the sound file:

(#1) Play the sound file from your computer after you download it. 

(#2) You may also play this same sound file from the blue box along the right side column. To play the file just click on the name of the file: "Clip 1984-02-05,Allahabad,dmc,md,s16-9-(H) Artha Paramartha", in the box to the right.

Finally, if you need any technical assistance write us directly: 


Bengalization: DMC Discourse Title Altered; SS-16, Chap 9, Artha o Paramártha

From: Satyanarayan Deva <s_deva23@VSTK.......>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Bengalization: DMC Discourse Title Altered; SS-16, Chap 9, Artha o Paramártha
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:46:28 +0530


Bengalization: DMC Discourse Title Altered

SS-16, Chap 9, Artha o

Note: First please download the sound file so you can best understand this letter - a link to the sound file has been appended below in Note 2. 

Sadguru Baba originally titled one of His DMC discourses as "Artha o Paramártha.” But that title was grossly changed by those in Tiljala Publications.

Specifically, on the 5th of February 1984, DMC was held in Allahabad. Baba spoke in Hindi and declared the subject of discourse: "Artha o Paramártha.” But later on, at the time of printing, those at the helm changed the discourse title into - "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa" - and printed it in Subháśita Saḿgraha part 16 (Hindi), chapter 9. That is how they printed the Hindi version and manipulated the name of the discourse. Remember, Baba’s original title was, "Artha o Paramártha.” That’s what He announced when He delivered the discourse in Hindi in Allahabad.

It is obvious that the title originally given by Baba and the title selected by those Dadas are not the same. Guru told something and those Publication in-charges did not follow what Baba spoke. Instead they invented their own title that bears no resemblance to what actually Guru gave as the title.

See Here How They Printed The Title In Hindi

Here below is how Tiljala Publications invented their own title and printed it in Hindi as: "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa". The top line in bold, bigger font in the below image is how they wrote the title in Hindi font / script. And that is not matching what Baba spoke in the sound file - see link below in note 2. 

Again, above is how Tiljala Publications invented their own title and printed it in Hindi as: "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa". The top line in bold, bigger font in the above image is how they wrote the title in Hindi font / script.

How The Title Of The DMC Discourse Distorted

So Baba's approved title for this particular DMC discourse given in Allahabad on the 5th of February 1984 was "Artha aor Paramártha". That is what He announced at the time of DMC.

But the publishers discarded Guru's designated title and instead selected their own title whereby they changed the name of the discourse to "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa". So Baba's original and approved title, "Artha aor Paramártha", was entirely disregarded.

By this way, degeneration after degeneration happened, one after another step.

Baba's System: Making Title Of Discourse

We all know that "Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam". Guru's word is mantra and Baba's each and every teaching has been classified according to His guideline. Some of the most important discourses on spiritual philosophy are given at the time of DMC. And in Dharma Maha Cakra (DMC) discourses, Baba always announces the subject of discourse. When Baba gives DMC discourses in Hindi, then He says "Á'j ká álocya viśaya...hae".  That's the Roman Saḿskrta spelling; and the non-Roman Saḿskrta spelling is "Áj ká álochya...". And when Baba speaks in English, then always He says, "Today's subject of discourse is...". And if Bangla He will say, "Ájker álocya viśaya..."

His System For Titling Those DMC Discourses

A similar process exists with the RU discourses, which Baba would usually give just one day prior to DMC. As stated, the DMC discourses are topmost in the spiritual scripture. And on social points, the RU discourses are very valuable. 

So these are two varieties of discourses wherein He would state the title when giving the discourse. So when the books are printed, the headings which Baba has given are printed as the discourse title in the book.

Hence, with the DMC and RU discourses, there is no option to change the titles of the discourse when publishing them in book form. In particular this applies to the the RU and DMC discourses.

Baba's each and every spoken word is meaningful - it is mantra. So when He has given the name of the DMC discourse when delivering that pravacan, then that title must be carried over into book form. There is no second option.

To this day, the SS-16 Hindi contains the discourse under that wrong name - and no errata page has ever been issued. Please check in your copy of the book, and then listen to the audio file and see for yourself how the printed Hindi edition does not match Baba's original pravacan.

All Languages Are The Languages Of Parama Puruśa

Following is Guru's teaching on this issue.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All languages must be given equal respect. One should remember that all languages are the languages of Parama Puruśa." (A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3)

Thus there is no question of any language being better or more pure than any other. The only point on hand is the authenticity of Guru's discourses. What He has graciously given should be preserved in perfect, As-is fashion - regardless of the language in which He spoke. Every true devotee will openly embrace this approach as a means to maintain the originality and integrity of Guru's discourses.

But approaching the matter with their own motive, some in Tiljala instead regard Hindi, English, and other languages as not their language. That's why they wrongly feel that they have full right to change Guru's discourses given in languages other than their own - Bengali. Otherwise what can be the reason.

Our Tiljala Dadas openly defend that theirs is the proper system. They openly state that all discourses must go via Bengali - but that is wrong.

in Him,

Note 1: More Leeway in Titling General Darsan Discourses

With regards to general darshans printed in the Ananda Vacanámrtam series etc, Baba did not usually give any titles. So the editors have some options and leeway when titling the discourse. But that “freedom” does pertain to DMC discourses.

Note 2: Download the Sound File Here

Here following is a link to the sound file - please download the sound file "Artha o Paramártha” by clicking on the below link:

Note 3: Printed Editions of This Discourse

Subháśita Saḿgraha, part 16, Hindi edition, "Sápekśika tattva aor Parama Puruśa", chapter 9,  p. 58

Subháśita Saḿgraha, part 16, Bengali edition, "Ápekśika tattva o Parama Puruśa", chapter 10, p. 79

Note 4: Not Same Title - Not Same Meaning

It is obvious that the title originally given by Baba and the title selected by those Dadas are different. The worst thing is that those Dadas could not follow Guru’s basic instruction. They invented their own title. And that title does not carry the same meaning. Baba’s original title - Artha & Paramártha - has no direct translation into English, but it basically means “That which brings temporary relief and permanent relief from suffering.” In stark contrast, those Dadas changed title whereby the meaning is "Relative Factors and Parama Puruśa." Clearly these are not the same.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Distortion: Fake Things In Ánanda Vacanámrtam Book (AV-13-15), H Edn, 1994, कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या

From: Kiirti Chakraborty <kchakraborty@wbnet...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Distortion: Fake Things In Ánanda Vacanámrtam Book (AV-13-15), H Edn, 1994, कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या
Date: Sat, Jan 10 2015 18:23:31 +0530



Fake Things In Ánanda Vacanámrtam Book (AV-13-15),

H Edn, 1994, कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books.

This letter addresses another new discourse in which the published text bears no resemblance to the words Bábá actually spoke. The discourse - "कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या" ["Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá"] - is from Ánanda Vacanámrtam, Part 13 (1994), Hindi edition, chapter 15.

The letter contains the following points:

1. Please download the sound file so you can better understand this issue. (See download link below in point #13)

2. The discourse under review is: AV-13  कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या [Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá].

3. This is a discourse given by Bábá in Hindi. Yet the Hindi version of the discourse published by Tiljala Publishers does not match up with original Hindi which Bábá spoke. It has obviously been completely rewritten by the Tiljala Publishers (TP). They translated Baba’s original Hindi into Bengali and then retranslated that Bengali into Hindi. The proper approach would have been to simply transcribe Baba’s spoken Hindi into Hindi script. But that they did not do. Instead they translated the discourse from the original Hindi to Bengali and then back to Hindi in order to steal the discourse and falsely name it as original Bengali.

4. As a result, instead of reading Bábá’s original words in direct transcription, Márgiis are forced to read a discourse which has been worded entirely by TP. For purposes of Bangalization they have re-written the discourse instead of printing what Bábá spoke.

Title Page AV, Part 13-15, H (1994)

Following is the title page (inside cover page) of AV-13 Hindi edition printed in 1994 by Tiljala Publications.

5. See below the inside cover of the book AV-13 (H, ’94 edn) that states "श्रीमती उर्मिला बनर्जी द्वारा बंला से अनूदित" -- "Translated from the Bengali by Shrimatii Urmila Banarjee". So Tiljala Publishers claim that Bábá has given the discourse in Bengali, and this is the Hindi translation. Which of course is completely false. Because Baba delivered this discourse in Hindi. And the sound file is the proof. By now you might have played and listened to it.

Above is the inside cover of the book AV-13 (H, ’94 edn).


6. Following is the scan of the first page of chapter 15 - Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá [कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या] - of AV-13 Hindi edition printed in 1994 by Tiljala Publications.

Those who know Hindi will immediately recognise that there is not a single sentence below which reflects what Bábá actually spoke on the audio file. You can download the sound file to compare what Bábá actually spoke with the version printed by Tiljala Publications. To download the sound file see Point #13.

कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या AV, Part 13-15, H (1994)

by Tiljala Publications

Above is the scan of the first page of chapter 15 - Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá [कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या] - of AV-13 Hindi edition printed in 1994 by Tiljala Publications.

Now that you have read the above version printed by Tiljala Publications, you can listen to the sound file  of Baba’s actual words that He spoke in Hindi on that day.

By comparing the above Tiljala Publisher's printed text with the original audio file of what Bábá spoke, it is immediately apparent that the two bear no resemblance to each other. What Tiljala Publications printed is a faulty and inaccurate version of Baba’s original Hindi discourse.

Thirty-six Years Have Passed:

No Sign of Any Work To Fix It

7. Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14)

So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything. Thirty-six years have passed since Bábá delivered this discourse in 1979, with no sign of any work to fix it going on. The Tiljala group whatever they spend all their time and resources on these days, if instead they had utilized these in fixing Bábá's discourses, then their efforts would have been worthwhile. When our Publishers are not doing the needful, then it falls upon Ánanda Má́rgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

8. By now you must have downloaded the original sound file.

9. Those who do not know Hindi can contact any private translating agency and confirm that what Bábá actually spoke is completely different from what TP wrote and printed.

10. If you are new to this network and you tried but are still not sure how to proceed then let us know. We are ready to help you.

As-Is Version

11. Here below in the yellow background is the beginning portion of the As-Is Version of the discourse कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या, Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá - submitted by one bhakta. This is what Bábá actually spoke that day 08 July 1979, in Ludhiana. Please compare it with the audio file. You will see that this is the true, word-for-word transcription of what Bábá spoke.

Note: Bábá’s discourses were delivered orally. Speech patterns are different from the written word. Naturally then, when making the written version, certain words are not needed. Those words have been marked by curly brackets { }. That means every word Bábá spoke has been included in this Hindi transcription, but when reading pay attention to these bracketed {} sections.

As-Is Version of the Discourse कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या

Above is the beginning portion of the As-Is Version of the discourse कृष्ण शब्द की व्याख्या, Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá, 08 July 1979 in Ludhiana.

12. Now compare the above As-Is version with the scanned text from Tiljala Publications, i.e. the second scan of this email. You will see that the TP version veers far from the course.

Link To Sound File and More Key Points

13. Please download the sound file by clicking here so you can better understand this issue by comparing what Tiljala Publishers printed, with what Bábá actually said.

14. All should know that Bábá originally delivered the discourse, AV-13 "Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá," in Hindi on 08 July 1979, in Ludhiana. But the publishers have declared that Bábá spoke in Bangla. So this is a Ludhiana Hindi Discourse, Stolen & Covered Up As Bangla.

15. This discourse, "Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá", was given by Bábá in Hindi. TP translated this discourse from the original Hindi into Bengali, and then treated that translated Bengali version as the original. So TP then translated again from Bengali into Hindi—and published that twice-translated Hindi version in the Hindi book, Ánanda Vacanámrtam, part 13, chapter 15, claiming it to be Bábá's words. But Bábá's rule is that discourses are to be directly transcribed from the original language, i.e. in this case the Hindi discourse Bábá spoke should have been transcribed directly, and Bábá's Hindi words directly printed in the Hindi book—which they did not do. So they disobeyed Bábá.

16. The outcome is that instead of reading Bábá’s original words in direct transcription, Márgiis are forced to read a twice-translated version which, due to being translated twice (first from Hindi to Bengali and then Bengali to Hindi), is far from what Bábá actually spoke in Hindi. This occurred due to not following Bábá's rule of transcribing directly from the original Hindi.

17. The purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is to keep watch on the purity of Guru's printed books.

18. Summary: The discourse "Krśńa Shabda kii Vyákhyá" was given by Bábá in Hindi, in Ludhiana. The Tiljala Publishers have printed that it was given in Bangla, in order to falsely make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language. They translated the discourse twice: from Hindi to Bangla, and from Bangla into Hindi—thus straying from the Hindi words Bábá actually spoke.

We Welcome A Hand From Anybody

We make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “As Is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “As Is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Comparing the “As Is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

at His lotus feet,
Kiirti Chakraborty

Friday, January 2, 2015

Download Baba's Audio: Hindi Discourse Stolen and Added in Bangla Pile AV-13 Ch 15

From: "Shephali Dutta" deva_dutta_s@uk.sys...
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>

Subject: Download Baba's Audio: Hindi Discourse Stolen and Added in Bangla Pile AV-13 Ch 15
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 06:41:23 +0000


Download Bábá Audio:

Look-- Books Are Ruined

One More Hindi Discourse Stolen & Added To Bangla Pile
AV Part 13, chapter 15 "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa"

Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books. This is an entirely new chapter with a new sound file from Baba's original discourse.


Tiljala Steals Hindi Discourse & Falsely Declares It as Bangla

This letter addresses another stolen discourse. Specifically, it was stolen from its original language and covered up as Bangla. Why was this done? In order to make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language. The discourse in question is from the latest English edition (2011) of Ánanda Vacanámrtam, AV Part 13, chapter 15.

The letter contains the following points:
1: Please download the sound file so you can better understand this issue (see note 1 below).
2: The discourse under scrutiny is: Ananda Vacanamrtam-13, "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa."
3: This is a Hindi Discourse given in Ludhiana, stolen & covered up as Bangla.
4: The Tiljala Publishers have printed that it was given in Bangla. They want to make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language.
5. This is not a language issue but a matter of authenticity.

Please find more about all of the above points, as well as many new and important details, in the below main section of this email.

Labeled As Bangla Discourse

Following are the details of how the Publishers took an original Hindi discourse - "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa" - from AV-13 and labeled it as a Bangla discourse. This very harmful, alarming, and deceptive trend is discussed at length below in an easy-to-read format.

1: All should know that Bábá originally delivered the discourse, AV-13 "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa", in Hindi on 8 July 1979, in Ludhiana. But the publishers have declared that Bábá spoke in Bangla. That is their deceptive tactic.

Listen to the Sound File and See For Yourself

2: Be sure to play the sound and carefully review the published discourse.

3: For your reference and confirmation, the sound file containing Bábá’s original discourse has been posted to the blogsite (see note 1). Just by listening to a few words, anyone knowing Hindi can understand that Bábá is speaking Hindi – not Bengali.

4: You can contact any private translation business or translating agency and confirm with them that, in this sound file, Bábá is speaking Hindi and not Bengali.

False Things Written In Publisher's Note

5: But look what the publishers have written about this very discourse in their various Publisher’s Notes.

In 2011, they wrote the following Publisher's Note in the English printed edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam-13:

Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa”. Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Krśńa shabder tinti vyákhy” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 13, 1980. First English publication in Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, 2000. Tr. by Prof, (Retd.) Anil Banerjee, AVA and AAA. (Ánanda Vacanámrtam (2011), part 13, Publisher’s Note, p.xxiv)

So in their above note they claim this to be a Bengali discourse. That has been demarcated by a red line (in the scan appended at bottom of this email).

Plus in the title page of the book itself, they are making the false claim in the copyright section that the entire book has been translated from the original Bengali. And that has been demarcated in red in the scan appended directly below.

Why Tiljala Steals:

Their Goal Is To Make Bangla The Religious Language of Ananda Marga

6. Some new Margiis may be wondering why all this is going on - why would those Tiljala Publishers be so intrigued and enticed to steal discourses by claiming them as original Bengali. The reason is very clear. They want bragging rights that Bangla is the greatest and top-most language and that all should bow down to the mighty pedestal of the Bengali language.

In that sense they are no different than the Muslims. Those Muslims have mandated that that the Koran / Quaran must only be printed in Arabic. Thus all followers of Islam must learn Arabic to read their scripture.

Those at the helm of Tiljala Publications desire the same status for Bengali. If one day they are able to step-by-step steal all the discourses and falsely label them as coming from the original Bengali, then they can impose Bangla on all. Everyone will be forced in that direction. This is their long-term dream. They want Bengali to become the religious language of Ananda Marga. That is their aspiration, which they hope to manifest one day. In sum, such publishers are a spitting-image of those Islamic clerics.


The discourse "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa" was given by Bábá in Hindi, in Ludhiana. The Tiljala Publishers have printed that it was given in Bangla, in order to falsely make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language. They translated the discourse twice: from Hindi to Bangla, and from Bangla into English—thus straying the English version far away from the Hindi original.

Part One of this letter ends here.

at His lotus feet,
Shephali Dutta'


Note 1: To download the actual sound file of this discourse "Three Interpretations of the Word Krśńa", click here.

Note 2. See below a scan of the Publishers Note where Tiljala Publishers claim that in this discourse given in Patna, Bábá spoke in Bengali. That section has been demarcated by a thick red line.