Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Download Bábá’s Voice: Example Of Concocted Things in SS19-7 (Part-2)

From: Bhakti <bhakti@ren....>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Download Bábá’s Voice: Example Of Concocted Things in SS19-7 (Part-2)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:34:15 +0530

Bábá Náma Kevalam

Download Bábá’s Voice:
Example Of Concocted Things in SS19-7 (Part-2)

Namaskár brothers and sisters,

Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's printed books.


a. This letter addresses a completely new point that what Bábá spoke they left out, and what He did not speak they concocted and added. (see note 1 & Details below.)
b. Wrong Done by T. Publications.

        1. Bábá's original discourse is in Hindi
        2. The Publishers claimed it was in Bangla
        3. Discourse ruined by unnecessary double translation.

c. TP is not giving you – the reader – Bábá's original words, rather they are giving you a tainted discourse in the book – SS19 chapter 7.
d. You have the right to have Guru’s original teaching, which you are not getting.
e. We have provided Bábá's original sound file as proof of the issue; see and listen for yourself; do not believe on others' hearsay. (see note 2)
f. Anyone can recognize Bábá is speaking Hindi. (see note 3)
g. This whole posting unmasks the falsehood of the Publishers Page. (see note 4)
h. As a result, SS19 chapter 7 has been ruined.
i. T. Publications is diverting the matter away from serious distortions in the above discourse.
j. The purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity.
k.  The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji to keep their eye on the purity of Guru's printed books.

Detailed Main Section:

Bábá delivered a discourse titled Jinána aor Vikásha (Knowledge and Progress) originally in Hindi. An English translation of this discourse was first published in Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19 with the title “Knowledge and Progress”. (see note 1) The most recent English version is found in the Electronic Edition 7.5, 2009 edition.

There are several distortions in this discourse “Knowledge and Progress”, which are highlighted in this series of postings; this posting is the fourth in the series. (see note 2)

Pivotal Example of Sadrsha Parińáma (homomorphic evolution) Omitted

In the original As-Is discourse, Bábá has introduced the concept of sadrsha parińáma and has also presented an example to clarify this concept. The Tiljala publishers have omitted Bábá's example and thereby made the description unclear.

Bábá Introduces Sadrsha Parińáma (homomorphic evolution)

Here below, a paragraph from the original As-Is discourse is presented, in which, Bábá has introduced the concept of sadrsha parińáma.

Original Hindi Section Introducing Sadrsha Parińáma
Presented From the Middle of the Discourse

Here below is a section of the discourse given by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji. The As-Is discourse is carefully transcribed from the original Hindi discourse. The underlined portion in green was discarded by the Tiljala Publishers and has never been printed anywhere.

Color coding:
Green color means original “As Is” Hindi text. (The Tiljala Publishers distorted this text and introduced it with a brief summary, shown further below in red.)

Section from Middle of Original Hindi Discourse, Omitted by Tiljala Publishers, Begins Here.

तब ज्ञान, सही ज्ञान क्या है ? सही ज्ञान उसी वस्तु का ज्ञान है, जो देश-काल-पात्र के अनुसार परिवर्त्तित नहीं होता है | That doesn’t undergo any metamorphosis according to change in temporal, spatial, or personal factors | तो, इस तरह की वस्तु कौन है ?

अब देखो, इस दुनिया में हम लोग जो कुछ भी देखते हैं, उसमें cause and effect factor काम करता है | Causal factor है, उसके बाद ही effect factor है | Next phase में effect factor, causal factor बन जाता है | और, नया एक effect factor बनता है | फिर, next phase में वही effect factor, causal factor बन जाता है | Next phase effect factor बनता है—ऐसा ही चलता है | Mister A, उसका बेटा B | A causal factor, B effect factor | Next phase में B causal factor, उसका बेटा C effect factor | Next phase में C एक causal factor, उसका बेटा D effect factor | तो, एक phase में जो effect factor, next phase में वही causal factor—यही है नियम | तन्त्र में इसी को सदृशपरिणाम कहते हैं | सदृशपरिणाम | तो, जब तक हम time-space-persons के scope में हैं, तब तक cause and effect factor काम करेगा | और, cause and effect factor जहाँ काम करता है, वहीं समझ लेना चाहिए कि, वह वस्तु स्थाई नहीं है | उस वस्तु-सम्बन्धीय ज्ञान को लेकर, हम घमण्ड नहीं कर सकते हैं | हम नहीं कह सकते हैं कि—"हम जानते हैं" | वेद में कहा है—

नाहं मन्ये सुवेदेति नो न वेदेति वेद च ।
यो नस्तद्वेद तद्वेद नो न वेदेति वेद च ॥ २ ॥

Section from Middle of Original Hindi Discourse, Omitted by Tiljala Publishers, Ends Here.
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English translation of Original “As Is” Hindi starts here.

Translated  Section From Middle of Original Hindi Discourse

A literal English translation of the above text in Hindi (green colored text above), which Bábá directly spoke has been provided here for the convenience of non-Hindi speaking readers. The below translated text is again colored green to show that it corresponds to the green-colored Hindi text shown above.

Then what is true knowledge? True knowledge is the knowledge of that thing, which does not change relative to time, place, or person. That doesn’t undergo any metamorphosis according to change in temporal, spatial, or personal factors. Then what is this kind of thing? Now see, whatever we see in this world, in that the cause and effect factor works. Causal factor is there and after that only is the effect factor. In the next phase, the effect factor becomes causal factor. And, a new factor is made. In the next phase, that effect factor becomes causal factor. Next phase effect factor is made – this keeps on going. Say, Mister A’s son is B. A is causal factor and B is effect factor. In the next phase, B becomes causal factor and his [B’s] son C is effect factor.  In the next phase, C becomes causal factor and his [C’s] son D is effect factor. So, in one phase, whatever is effect factor, in the next phase that becomes causal factor – this is the rule. In Tantra, this is called as sadrsha parińáma (homomorphic evolution). So, as long as we are under the scope of time, place, and person, until then the cause and effect factors will work. And wherever, cause and effect factors work, we should understand, that thing is not permanent. We cannot be vane for having knowledge of such things [which are dependent upon time, place, and person].  We cannot say – “We know”.

English translation of Original “As Is” Hindi ends here
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Tiljala Publishers' distorted text begins here.

Published by Tiljala Group

Here is what the Tiljala Publishers printed in the latest Electronic Edition 7.5, 2009 edition, corresponding to the portion of discourse given above highlighted by the green color.

Color coding:  Red color is the corresponding paragraph taken from AMPS Tiljala published discourse “Knowledge and Progress”.

So what is true knowledge? True knowledge is the knowledge of that object which never undergoes any metamorphosis due to changes in time, space, and person. Everything in the world is causal; that is, the effect is followed by the cause, and the cause by the effect. It goes on like this. The effect of one phase becomes the cause of the next. This is known as sadrsha parińáma in Tantra. As long as we are under temporal, spatial and personal factors, the cause-and-effect factor will work. Where the cause-and-effect factor works, there only imperfection exists. One cannot be proud [of] the knowledge springing out of that source.

Tiljala Publishers' distorted text ends here.
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Scanning again over the green and red sections above, one can see in a graphic way how truncated the passage is that they printed, compared to what Bábá actually said. Bábá has provided far more detail in this section, than what the Publishers translated and printed.

Omission of Example in Guru’s Discourse

To make the matter worse, Tiljala group decided on their own that some of Bábá’s examples are useless. In the provided paragraph, the omitted example is underlined and is provided below again for reader’s convenience.

Say, Mister A’s son is B. A is causal factor and B is effect factor. In the next phase, B becomes causal factor and his [B’s] son C is effect factor.  In the next phase, C becomes causal factor and his [C’s] son D is effect factor. So, in one phase, whatever is effect factor, in the next phase that becomes causal factor – this is the rule.

The description of cause and effect factor has been given by Bábá using this simple to understand example.  Bábá’s example is self-explanatory that the effect B of a cause A becomes a cause (of C) in the next phase, i.e., son B of father A can later become father of C. Now let us see what Tiljala group has done to this simple to understand example. Firstly, they removed this example altogether. Secondly, they provided the following description in its place:

that is, the effect is followed by the cause, and the cause by the effect.

There are two parts of the above sentence. The first part is "the effect is followed by the cause", which means that effect comes before the cause. This is a strange expression, as an effect is the result of a cause and not the other way round. The second part "and the cause by the effect" is ambiguous as well. It seems that the 'cause' referred to in the second part is the same 'cause' alluded to in the first part due to the presence of the article 'the' before it.

The overall sense of what Bábá is really giving here is that an effect is the result of a cause; and at a later stage that effect can become the cause of some other effect. This is explained by Bábá using the example of Mr A, B, and C, where A is the father of B and B is the father of C. A is the cause of B and B is the cause of C. In other words, A (the cause) is followed by B (the effect). Likewise, B (presently a cause, earlier an effect) is followed by C (effect). The effect B in the first stage becomes the cause of C at a later stage.

However, in the published version, the suppression of Bábá's example and misrepresentation of His teaching has altered the core of His expression leading to many confusions and misunderstandings.

Distortion in Guru's Discourse is Not Acceptable

In this posting, a distortion in the form of sentence inserted by Tiljala publishers is brought to the notice of Ánanda Márgiis. Bábá’s all teachings are pointed and such a distortion is digressing the main idea of the teaching. This kind of dilution of such great teachings is certainly inappropriate.

As Ánanda Márgiis it is our duty to understand, appreciate, internalize, and propagate Bábá’s true teachings. In order to fulfill this duty, that Ánanda Márga scripture which we study and propagate, has to be proper. If our scripture itself is distorted, then what we learn and propagate will also be distorted. So when we see that our shástra is indeed full of errors introduced by our Publishers, then it becomes our duty to point this out and put  pressure to get our books fixed. This will prevent people from getting misguided and thereby true pracára of Bábá’s teachings can take place.




1. “Knowledge and Progress”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19, Tiljala, 1992.

2.  Click here to download the passage from the discourse “Knowledge and Progress”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19, Tiljala, 1992. This passage was omitted by the T. Publishers and rewritten in their own words, leaving out most of the content.

3. If you don't know Hindi, you can contact any private business translating agency also and confirm with them that in this sound file, Bábá is speaking Hindi and not Bengali.

4. On the Publishers Page it is written, “Translated from the Original Bengali”. That means the Publishers claim the discourse was originally given in Bengali. And it was translated into English using English as the source language. When actually the discourse was given in Hindi, so using Bengali as the source language is totally inappropriate and serves to distort the English translation.

5. Click below to review the prior postings in this series.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Listen to Bábá's Voice: Example Of Fake Things in SS19-7

From: Bhakti <bhakti@ren....>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Listen to Bábá's Voice: Example Of Fake Things in SS19-7
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:45:23 +0530


Listen to Bábá's Voice:
Example Of Fake Things in SS19-7


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's printed books.


This letter has a few very key points:

1. This letter addresses a completely new point from chapter 7 of Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19, “Knowledge and Progress”. (see note 1) In the past you read about other issues (see note 2), but this matter presented below is entirely new.

2. To review, everyone is aware that Bábá delivered this discourse in Hindi, but for Bengalization purposes the Tiljala Publishers (TP) translated the original Hindi into Bengali and then from Bengali into English – thereby changing countless words and distorting the overall meaning. Please compare TP's printed version with Bábá's original Hindi.

3. A new sound file is provided with this posting. Please download it. (see note 3)

4. Play the sound file (see note 3), and you will see that the direct “As Is” transcription (below in green) is completely different from the false way the Tiljala Publishers translated it (below in red).

Note: For those not knowing Hindi: Bábá uses many English words and sentences in this passage. Listen to the sound file, and you will be able to pick out the English phrases and sentences as seen in the green “As Is” passage below. See how the TP have omitted all these words from their English translation (below in red).

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Original “As Is" Hindi Passage

Passage from Middle of Original Hindi Discourse, omitted by Tiljala Publishers, Begins Here.

Bábá Audio (time starts 00:01)

तब ज्ञान, सही ज्ञान क्या है ? सही ज्ञान उसी वस्तु का ज्ञान है, जो देश-काल-पात्र के अनुसार परिवर्त्तित नहीं होता है | That doesn’t undergo any metamorphosis according to change in temporal, spatial, or personal factors | तो, इस तरह की वस्तु कौन है ?

अब देखो, इस दुनिया में हम लोग जो कुछ भी देखते हैं, उसमें cause and effect factor काम करता है |Causal factor है, उसके बाद ही effect factor है | Next phase में effect factor, causal factor बन जाता है | और, नया एक effect factor बनता है | फिर, next phase में वही effect factor, causal factor बन जाता है | Next phase effect factor बनता है—ऐसा ही चलता है | Mister A, उसका बेटा B | A causal factor, B effect factor | Next phase में B causal factor, उसका बेटा C effect factor | Next phase में C एक causal factor, उसका बेटा D effect factor | तो, एक phase में जो effect factor, next phase में वही causal factor—यही है नियम | तन्त्र में इसी को सदृशपरिणाम कहते हैं | सदृशपरिणाम | तो, जब तक हम time-space-persons के scope में हैं, तब तक cause and effect factor काम करेगा | और, cause and effect factor जहाँ काम करता है, वहीं समझ लेना चाहिए कि, वह वस्तु स्थाई नहीं है | उस वस्तु-सम्बन्धीय ज्ञान को लेकर, हम घमण्ड नहीं कर सकते हैं | हम नहीं कह सकते हैं कि—"हम जानते हैं" | वेद में कहा है—

नाहं मन्ये सुवेदेति नो न वेदेति वेद च ।

यो नस्तद्वेद तद्वेद नो न वेदेति वेद च ॥ २ ॥

Bábá Audio (time ends 1:54)

Section from Middle of Original Hindi Discourse, Omitted by TP, Ends Here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5. Now see the red section below. This is the corresponding paragraph printed by the Tiljala Publishers.

Hindi speakers: Compare the green “As Is” with the red T. Publishers' paragraph. Note how most of the content has been removed in the red para published by Tiljala

English speakers: See all the English phrases and sentences which Bábá spoke in the green “As Is”passage. You won't find any of them in the red passage! That is because the Publishers deleted these sections from the published discourse. The terms Bábá spoke in English, are omitted in the English book.

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Distorted Text Published by Tiljala Group

TPs' distorted text begins here.

Here below in red is what the TP printed. (It corresponds to the portion of the discourse given above highlighted by the green color. The below red passage is taken from the Tiljala published discourse “Knowledge and Progress”, SS19, ch7, p. 65. Passage from Electronic Edition 7.5, 2009 edition)

So what is true knowledge? True knowledge is the knowledge of that object which never undergoes any metamorphosis due to changes in time, space, and person. Everything in the world is causal; that is, the effect is followed by the cause, and the cause by the effect. It goes on like this. The effect of one phase becomes the cause of the next. This is known as sadrsha parińáma in Tantra. As long as we are under temporal, spatial and personal factors, the cause-and-effect factor will work. Where the cause-and-effect factor works, there only imperfection exists. One cannot be proud [of] the knowledge springing out of that source.

TP's distorted text ends here.

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7. This letter gives proof of how the English translation was ruined. For Bengalization purposes the Tiljala Publishers translated Bábá's original Hindi discourse into Bengali and then from Bengali into English – thereby changing countless words and distorting the overall meaning. This is not an ordinary mistake but a blunder.

8. When Márgiis asked TP, “Why did these things happen?”, then TP gave the ready-made reply that they don't have the sound file, so it was taken from an old magazine article. But what they say is a lie-- their office is in disarray and they don't have any database to keep track of what sound files they have. The sound files are there, but they are not documented. So how can they know what they have? The Bengali language sound files are very well documented. But other languages—English and Hindi—not so. The solution is that they should allow a team of selected Márgiis to go and check out their storage and their office. And those Márgiis will make an inventory of everything kept there, and it will be proved that the sound file is there.

9. If you are new to this network and you tried but are still not sure how to proceed then let us know. We will help you.

10. The purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is to keep eye on the purity of Guru's printed books.

This concludes the preview of this matter. The full main posting presenting these issues will be posted tomorrow.




1. “Knowledge and Progress”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19, Tiljala, 1992.

Click here to review the first, and click here to review the second, posting in this series.

Click here to download the passage from the discourse “Knowledge and Progress”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 19, Tiljala, 1992. This passage was omitted by the T. Publishers and rewritten in their own words, leaving out most of the content.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Addendum Sound File—"Listen to Bábá's Voice: Example Of Fake Things in SS19-7"

Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti has given the discourse “Knowledge and Progress” in Hindi, in Patna on 20th November 1966. Here below is a two-minute sound file from the middle of the discourse, where He is explaining about cause and effect. Click on the link below to download the sound file. It may also be listened to here at your option.

Click Here To Download Sound File Of Baba's Discourse

To see the first post written about this clip, click here. And to see the second post written about this clip, click here.

Monday, April 14, 2014

List of Lackeys of Dada S Who Ruined AV13: Example Of Concocted Things in AV13, Part 4

From: Smita Ghosal <smita.ghosal@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: List of Lackeys of Dada S Who Ruined AV13
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 17:23:48 +0530


List of Lackeys of Dada S Who Ruined AV13:
Example Of Concocted Things in AV13, Part 4


The brown color is from the previous posting. And the black color is the fresh writing in which I have added my thoughts. Kindly go through step by step, and the matter will be clear. Please excuse me if you feel any inconvenience.


a. This letter gives the list of those who are involved in the ruining of the herein mentioned discourse. And much more.

b. Wrong Done by Tiljala Publications:
      1. Bábá's original discourse V13-Ch1, Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone, is in Hindi
      2. The Publishers claimed it was in Bangla
      3. Discourse ruined by unnecessary double translation.

c. They are not giving you Bábá's original words, rather they are giving you a tainted discourse in the published book.

d. You have the right to have Guru's original teaching, which you are not getting.

e. We have provided Bábá's original sound file on 27 March 2014 as proof of the issue; see and listen for yourself; do not believe on other's hearsay. (See Note 1) (If you have downloaded this earlier fine, otherwise be sure to download the sound file now. )

f. Anyone can recognize Bábá is speaking Hindi.

g. There is grave deception in the Publishers Note AV13-14 regarding this discourse.

h. Tiljala Publications is diverting the matter away from serious distortions in the above discourse.

i. The diversionary tactics utilized by TP are as serious a matter as the
deception itself.

j. The purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji to keep eye on the purity of Guru's printed books.


Dirty Tactics to Sidetrack From Burning Issue

I. T. Publications' key persons are accusing that writers to this network who point out the distortions in published discourses, should themselves publish the books. When confronted with the fact that they have not done their job, they accuse that those pointing them out should do the job themselves.

II. That is like when crime is rampant in a neighborhood and the community residents rightly complain that the lazy police are not doing their job, then the police retort that if the residents don't like the quality of their work, they should catch the thieves themselves instead of complaining.

III. Or seeing a judge in the court issue very biased verdicts, the public complains about this to the state judiciary board. Hearing the public complaints, the judge retorts that if the public doesn't like his verdicts, they should issue better verdicts themselves instead of complaining.

IV. But such responses on the part of the police and the judge are diversionary tactics. It is the duty of the police to catch thieves and of the judge to issue verdicts. The public cannot do these jobs. If those qualified and employed to do these jobs do not carry out their duty, and when confronted with the fact accuse that the public should do it, then that diverts the matter away from the fact of their own failure.

V. Someone from Publications Department, saw the recent posting pointing out that the discourse Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone was actually given in Hindi but claimed by TP as given in Bangla and translated from Bangla into English rather than from Hindi into English. He wrote in response that rather than point such things out, those Márgiis writing should instead publish the discourses themselves.

VI. This is nothing but a diversionary tactic. It is the duty of Publications Department to publish the discourse, not the duty of Márgiis. If TP publishes the discourse improperly, then when this is pointed out they should republish the discourse in a proper way without distortion. If in lieu of this they reply that “Márgiis should publish the book instead of complaining”, then this can only be described as diversionary tactics. It is the duty of TP to publish books, and when their work is improper, they should correct the mistake and redo it in a proper way.

VII. Two accusations are levied by Tiljala Publications against Márgiis. TP accuses that:

1. Those who are writing postings pointing out TP for not publishing properly, are doing wrong. This is Márgiis' first mistake.

2. Márgiis who are pointing out TP should publish the books themselves. They are not doing so, and this is their second mistake.

On the basis of these two accusations, Tiljala Publications says that Márgiis are guilty and not TP themselves.

VIII. Sarvátmánandji ordered his stooges to go and spread the above two accusations everywhere, and by this to divert the minds of Márgiis away from the actual distortions committed by Publications. And that's what one stooge did.

IX. One lackey of Dada Sarvátmánanda expressed that pointing out the defects in published books is “destructive work”. He further expressed that publishing books is “constructive work”. So he wrote that instead of doing “destructive work” i.e. pointing out the distortions in Bábá’s discourses caused by TP, Márgiis pointing out the distortions should instead do “constructive work” i.e. publish the discourses themselves.

X. Whereas in reality it is the job of Publications to do the “constructive work” of publishing books, and it is the job of Márgiis to do the “constructive work” of pointing out if the publication is poor or distorted. Just as it is the duty of the public to complain if the public water supply is poor, and not to provide the water themselves; it is the job of the public to complain to the government if the roads are poor, and not to start building the roads themselves.

XI. All of these are merely political maneuvers and diversionary tactics designed to sidetrack Márgiis from the main issue—that TP is distorting Bábá’s discourses.

Detailed Main Section:

The work of raising consciousness about the poor state of our printed books is going on strongly. And Márgiis all over the globe are taking interest. The only persons not participating and cooperating, are those in publications department itself. It is a historical fact that those guilty of knowingly doing harm to others in the society never like to admit it, and all too often adopt a strategy of diverting our attention away from what negative acts they have done.

Examples of Diversionary Trickery: Robbery

There are innumerable examples in the society of this type of devilish trickery:
- – - – - – - – - – - – -
Local law enforcement officials released details on Tuesday regarding a bomb threat made to Rhea Medical Center earlier this month that they believe was made to divert attention from a robbery at Mega Pawn in Dayton.”
Officials with both the Dayton Police Department [DPD] and Rhea County Sheriff’s Department [RCSD] said they believe the hospital was in no real danger when a March 8 bomb threat was made and investigated.”
It was just a diversion, I believe,” RCSD Chief Deputy John Argo said.
At around 4:30 a.m. on March 8 and near the same time the bomb threat was made to the hospital, DPD Sgt. Jesse Dotson said the burglar alarm at Mega Pawn was activated and police responded to the scene.”
While investigating the scene, an assortment of jewelry was found lying on the floor. According to an incident report on file at the DPD, Mega Pawn employees could not place a dollar amount on how much jewelry was taken.” (courtesy RHN)
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Diversionary Tactics on International Stage

Here is another example, occurring on the international stage:
A diversionary foreign policy, or a diversionary war, is an International Relations term that identifies a war instigated by a country’s leader in order to distract its population from their own domestic strife. The concept stems from the Diversionary War Theory, which states that leaders who are threatened by domestic turmoil occasionally initiate an international conflict in order to shift the nation’s attention away from internal troubles. As a result, this external threat would counter the domestic strife and ensure the leader’s position in power. Essentially, a diversionary use of force is a manipulation of the Rally Round the Flag Syndrome effect, causing an increase of national fervor from the general public…[many] United States presidents and their disputed culpability partaking in diversionary foreign policy.” (courtesy of WP)

Stooges are Busy in Confusing Márgiis
About Distortion in AM Books

When there is nothing to be said in defense of a negative act, then hiding it is the most effective approach. Distract the public mind away from the event by keeping people involved in other matters.

That is just what we see today in our Ánanda Márgii society: Those distorting Bábá's discourses will always seek to divert our attention away from what negative acts they have done. Faced with the exposure of sins they cannot deny, Publications Department dadas and those working with them make every effort to divert Márgiis' attention away from them in other directions. Various public and private letters they have written, making use of these diversionary tactics.

Sarvátmánandji and his stooges (note 2) always fail to respond to the matters raised in the postings, and instead launch a flood of meaningless banter to change the subject and divert our attention. But when faced with such tactics, we should stand our ground and not allow the subject to be changed; instead we should insist that they reply to the matters raised. “Brother, do not change the subject. Reply to the matters raised in the posting." This should be our reply when they send such meaningless mail.

Special Team of Lackeys/Stooges/Minions/Pawns
Leads Attack of Diversion

It is a good thing that Márgiis are asking questions to the Publishers as to why the distortions occurred.

Sarvátmánandji instead of giving reply, has given a new work to his stooges—that they should divert the Márgiis. Indeed, Sarvátmánandji by way of his stooges is trying to divert Márgiis in the ways indicated above.

Now the question is, who could be the stooges of Sarvátmánandji? The answer is not complex. Those who were on the team working to ruin AV13-14—one or some or all among them may be involved in this dirty work. Such persons do not want Márgiis to ask questions about the book or its distortions.

Here follows a list of those lackeys of Dada Sarvátmánanda, who were mentioned by the Publishers in AV13-14, as having helped with production of the book:

Dr. Aditya Kumar Mohanty
Ácárya Priyashivananda Avadhúta
Sister Malati
Táraka Ghista
Shantanu Roy
Madhava Basak
Kirit Dave
Avadhútiká Ánanda Jayatii Ácárya

If any of the persons whose names are on the above-mentioned list are not Sarvátmánandji’s stooges, they should come forward and tell that they are not involved in diverting Márgiis. Then we will consider their statement.

Those who want to see the scan of what T. Publications has printed in AV13-14 about those involved in this scam of distortion, they should see footnote 2 below.

On these matters I am awaiting your valuable suggestions and thoughts.

Smitá Ghosal


Note 1. To download or play the actual sound file of the first three minutes of this discourse, click here. By this sound file it is obvious that the discourse is given by Baba in Hindi, and not in Bengali.

Note 2. To see the scan of the Acknowledgements Page where the T Publishers have enlisted all the stooges who helped them with (the ruination of) AV13&14, click here.

Note 2. Story of Dead Child in the Box
It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of EC and H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When they will wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true, that these people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Example Of Concocted Things in AV13, Part 3

From: Smita Ghosal <smita.ghosal@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Example Of Concocted Things in AV13, Part 3
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 19:49:40 +0530


Example Of Concocted Things in AV13, Part 3
Diversionary Tactics of Tiljala Group

Respected Márgii Brothers and Sisters,


a. This letter addresses a completely new point, that important persons from Tiljala Publications department use diversionary tactics to keep Márgiis from addressing the serious scriptural distortions. 

b. Wrong Done by T. Publications.
      1. Bábá's original discourse V13-Ch1, Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone, is in Hindi
      2. The Publishers claimed it was in Bangla
      3. Discourse ruined by unnecessary double translation.

c. They are not giving you Bábá's original words, rather they are giving you a tainted discourse in the published book.

d. You have the right to have Guru's original teaching, which you are not getting.

e. We have provided Bábá's original sound file as proof of the issue; see and listen for yourself; do not believe on other's hearsay. (See Note 1)

f. Anyone can recognize Bábá is speaking Hindi.

g. There is grave deception in the Publishers Note AV13-14 regarding this discourse.

h. T. Publications is diverting the matter away from serious distortions in the above discourse.

i. The diversionary tactics utilized by TP are as serious a matter as the
deception itself.


Dirty Tactics to Sidetrack From Burning Issue

I. T. Publications' key persons are accusing that writers to this network who point out the distortions in published discourses, should themselves publish the books. When confronted with the fact that they have not done their job, they accuse that those pointing them out should do the job themselves.

II. That is like when crime is rampant in a neighborhood and the community residents rightly complain that the lazy police are not doing their job, then the police retort that if the residents don't like the quality of their work, they should catch the thieves themselves instead of complaining.

III. Or seeing a judge in the court issue very biased verdicts, the public complains about this to the state judiciary board. Hearing the public complaints, the judge retorts that if the public doesn't like his verdicts, they should issue better verdicts themselves instead of complaining.

IV. But such responses on the part of the police and the judge are diversionary tactics. It is the duty of the police to catch thieves and of the judge to issue verdicts. The public cannot do these jobs. If those qualified and employed to do these jobs do not carry out their duty, and when confronted with the fact accuse that the public should do it, then that diverts the matter away from the fact of their own failure.

V. Someone from Publications Department, saw the recent posting pointing out that the discourse Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone was actually given in Hindi but claimed by TP as given in Bangla and translated from Bangla into English rather than from Hindi into English. He wrote in response that rather than point such things out, those Márgiis writing should instead publish the discourses themselves.

VI. This is nothing but a diversionary tactic. It is the duty of Publications Department to publish the discourse, not the duty of Márgiis. If TP publishes the discourse improperly, then when this is pointed out they should republish the discourse in a proper way without distortion. If in lieu of this they reply that “Márgiis should publish the book instead of complaining”, then this can only be described as diversionary tactics. It is the duty of TP to publish books, and when their work is improper, they should correct the mistake and redo it in a proper way.

VII. Two accusations are levied by TP against Márgiis. TP accuses that:

1. Those who are writing postings pointing out TP for not publishing properly, are doing wrong. This is their first mistake.

2. Márgiis who are pointing out TP should publish the books themselves. They are not doing so, and this is their second mistake.

On the basis of these two accusations, TP says that Márgiis are guilty and not TP themselves.

VIII. Sarvátmánandji ordered his stooges to go and spread the above two accusations everywhere, and by this to divert the minds of Márgiis away from the actual distortions committed by Publications. And that's what one stooge did.

Detailed Main Section

Wrongdoers Always Use Diversion Tactics

Bábá has beautifully described this phenomenon in a passage from Human Society part 2:

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"When a group of vipras vociferously demanded an investigation into the mysterious death of Shyamaprasad Mukherjee, another group of vipras immediately diverted their steam by increasing the tram fares in Calcutta and at the same time starting a movement to oppose the increase. Because of this, those typical vaeshyas who were directly or indirectly responsible for Shyamaprasad's death escaped punishment."

"The discriminatory measures adopted by employers or states ruled by vaeshyas to suppress labour agitations are generally known to every educated person. To disrupt the plans and intellectual movements of one group of vipras, a second group of vipras are appointed as spies or informers. Such spies or informers do not work out of ideological inspiration but in order to fill their stomachs. They are merely paid servants of the vaeshyas." (Human Society Part 2 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here Bábá has explained how a group of clever vipras guilty of causing Shyamaprasad's death escaped punishment by diverting the public attention instead toward a fight over the raising of tram fares. The public, embroiled in the fabricated siege over tram fares, forgot about the death of Shyamaprasad.

Stooges are Busy in Confusing Márgiis
About Distortion in AM Books

When there is nothing to be said in defense of a negative act, then hiding it is the most effective approach. Distract the public mind away from the event by keeping people involved in other matters.

That is just what we see today in our Ánanda Márgii society: Those distorting Bábá's discourses will always seek to divert our attention away from what negative acts they have done. Faced with the exposure of sins they cannot deny, Publications Department dadas and those working with them make every effort to divert Márgiis' attention away from them in other directions. Various public and private letters they have written, making use of these diversionary tactics.

Sarvátmánandji and his stooges (note 2) always fail to respond to the matters raised in the postings, and instead launch a flood of meaningless banter to change the subject and divert our attention. But when faced with such tactics, we should stand our ground and not allow the subject to be changed; instead we should insist that they reply to the matters raised. “Brother, do not change the subject. Reply to the matters raised in the posting." This should be our reply when they send such meaningless mail.

Please write your thought about how this problem could be resolved.

Smitá Ghosal


Note 1. To download or play the actual sound file of the first three minutes of this discourse, click here. By this sound file it is obvious that the discourse is given by Baba in Hindi, and not in Bengali.

Note 2. To see the scan of the Acknowledgements Page where the T Publishers have enlisted all the stooges who helped them with (the ruination of) AV13&14, click here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Addendum Scan: Diversionary Tactics Will Not Do

Please see below a scan of the AV13&14 Acknowledgements Page, where the T Publishers have announced the names of all the stooges who helped them with (the ruination of) AV13&14.

Click on the image below and it will enlarge to become easily readable. The section highlighted in red details the above information.

To review the posting written on this subject, please click here. To review the second posting on this subject, please click here.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Re: Example Of Concocted Things in AV13-1

From: Madhava Gonzalez <mgonzalez@spicenet...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Re: Example Of Concocted Things in AV13-1
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 13:15:28 -0800

Example of Inside Hollow, Outside Tinsel


I have the book Ánanda Vacanámrtam 13&14, and found the below points from the previous posting to be quite interesting and indeed distressing. Once I read these points, I went back to the book and carefully read the entire Publishers Note (PN). Usually I skip the PN and go straight to Bábá's discourses! But this time I went through the PN in detail, and my thoughts follow the recap in brown from the previous posting...

a. This letter addresses a completely new point that what Bábá spoke they left out, and what He did not speak they concocted and added. (Details below.)

b. Wrong Done by T. Publications.
      1. Bábá's original discourse V13-Ch1, Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone, is in Hindi
      2. The Publishers claimed it was in Bangla
      3. Discourse ruined by unnecessary double translation.

c. TP is not giving you - the reader - Bábá's original words, rather they are giving you a tainted discourse in the book.

d. You have the right to have Guru's original teaching, which you are not getting.

e. We have provided Bábá's original sound file as proof of the issue; see and listen for yourself; do not believe on other's hearsay.

f. Anyone can recognize Bábá is speaking Hindi.

g. This whole posting unmasks the falsehood of the Publishers Note AV13-14.

h. As a result, AV13-14 has been ruined.

Bábá Says One Thing, They Printed Something Else

What has become clear to me after review of the situation, is that Publications Department has misrepresented Bábá's discourse in this book AV13-14, Ch1. The discourse Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone was given by Bábá in Hindi, yet it is reported in the PN to have been given in Bangla. They translated the discourse from the real original Hindi into Bangla and, treating that as the new original, translated from that to make the English version. As a result of this double translation, the English version is highly distorted.

Academic Style Lulls Márgiis Into False Trust

Dada Sarvatmanandji, the real head of Publications, has gone to great lengths to describe the high academic standard and stringent attention to detail in the work of Publications Department—so as to cultivate a sort of blind trust on the part of Má́rgii readers—all the while behind closed doors committing the most egregious acts of distortion. Here below are two samples of the way our T. Publishers smooth-talk the public and lull them into blind trust:

Examples of Hypocrisy

First is the statement of their meticulous preparations:

Every new book translation starts with a draft by the main translator. It is then reviewed by a “first editor” who compares the English translation with the original Hindi or Bengali. Thereafter it is sent for “second editing” to improve the standard of English. On completion of the second editing, it is sent for final verification, which includes one more comparison with the original Hindi or Bengali.”

Next is the hypocritical statement of their detailed documentation:

To assist researchers, it is our policy to indicate in the Publisher's Note—in addition to the original language of each discourse, the date and place, by whom it was translated, and where, if other than in this book, it was originally published—whether or not a tape of the speech is in existence.”

Both above statements are from the Publisher's Note of AV13-14.

Sarvatmanandji Befools Márgiis

Reading the above, anyone would think that Sarvatmanandji is doing a wondrous and praiseworthy job. Upon noting the meticulous preparation and detailed documentation, it is natural for innocent persons to accept it all at face value and think, “Oh, it looks fine!”

But such deception! The long, long university-style documentation—and inside everything is hollow, all false. Is it not the Publisher's hypocrisy, to befool readers.




Note A: To download the actual sound file of the first three minutes of this discourse, click here.

Note B: Click here to view a scan of the Publishers Note where Tiljala Publishers claim that in this discourse given in Mumbai, Bábá spoke in Bengali.

Note 1. 
Fix Bábá's Discourses Now or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now—it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. In the same way, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion—but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

Note 2.
Request for Volunteers

We make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “as is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

Note 3.
Need for Audio Recordings

In order to produce “As Is” discourses, there is a need for audio cassettes of Bábá's discourses. These are treated with the utmost of care as we do the job for which the recordings were made: discourse transcription. So any who have recordings of Bábá's discourses are encouraged to contact us in order to get the recording transcribed in “As Is” fashion.

Note 4.
Only Goal of Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network:

To Protect Bábá's Discourses

This Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network does not have any agenda against any group. Its only goal is to repair and protect Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's holy discourses so they will remain for the present and future humanity.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Example Of Conconcted Things in AV13-1

From: Gopal Roy Choudhary <grchoudhary@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Example Of Concocted Things in AV13-1
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 19:34:06 +0530

Example Of Concocted Things in AV13-1
Cause – Unnecessary “Via Bangla”


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books.

a. This letter addresses a completely new point that what Bábá spoke they left out, and what He did not speak they concocted and added. (Details below.)
b. Wrong Done by T. Publications.
      1. Bábá's original discourse is in Hindi
      2. The Publishers claimed it was in Bangla
      3. Discourse ruined by unnecessary double translation.

c. TP is not giving you - the reader - Bábá's original words, rather they are giving you a tainted discourse in the book.
d. You have the right to have Guru's original teaching, which you are not getting.
e. We have provided Bábá's original sound file as proof of the issue; see and listen for yourself; do not believe on other's hearsay. (see note 1)

f. Anyone can recognize Bábá is speaking Hindi. (see note 2)
g. This whole posting unmasks the falsehood of the Publishers Note AV13-14.

h. As a result, AV13-14 has been ruined.


I. Look what the publishers have written about this very discourse in their Publisher’s Note:

"Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone". Discourse in Bengali. Tape. Originally published in Bengali as “Bhúmaeva Sukham” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 13, 1980. Tr. From the Bengali by Doctor Aditya Kumar Mohanty.

(Ánanda Vacanámrtam, part 13-14, Publisher’s Note, p. xxii)

So in their Publisher’s Note they are making the bogus claim that this discourse was originally given in Bengali. But this is wrong. (see note 3)

II. FACT: This discourse, Infinite Happiness in Parama Puruśa Alone, was given by Bábá in Hindi. They translated this discourse from Hindi into Bengali and then again from Bengali into English and printed it in the English book, Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 13-14, chapter 1, p.1. And the ramifications of this are horrific.

III. The printed and published English discourse does not match up with Bábá’s original Hindi which Bábá Himself spoke. The outcome is that instead of reading Bábá’s original words, readers are reading an endless stream of concocted sentences that were translated from Bengali.

IV. This letter addresses a completely new point from chapter 1 of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 13-14. In the past you read about other issues, but this matter presented below is entirely new.

V. To make the English version in Ánanda Vacanámrtam, part 13-14, they translated the discourse twice—from Hindi into Bengali and then from Bengali into English. In so doing, they have ruined the English discourse.

VI. If any point is unclear, let us know so we can help you.

VII. Every Má́rgii needs Bábá's true discourse, not the concocted verbosity of so-called intellectuals of T. Publications. And that only can happen if it is done from the original cassette. That why it is every Márgii's issue. This is not a Hindi-Bengali or a language issue; this is a universal issue. Remember: you are not getting your Guru's teaching properly. The things which you are reading in the book in the name of Bábá, that is something else. For more clarity, go on reading.
VIII. Read the below and it will be crystal-clear. Also be sure to play the sound (see note 1) and carefully review the published discourse. In the below letter everything is explained.

Detailed Main Section:
Example of Concocted Sentence in AV13-1

Here the main illustration of the above digest begins:

- - - - - - - - - -

Bogus Claim About Bangla in Mumbai

Above you have seen the essence of what has happened. The Tiljala Publishers (TP) took a discourse given by Bábá in Hindi in Mumbai, and claimed that it was given in Bengali. As proof of what they have done, we are including a scan of the Publishers Note in which the Tiljala Publishers made this claim. (see note 3)

Those familiar with Mumbai are aware that the principle languages there are Hindi and Marathi. With the exception of subgroups who migrated there from West Bengal, people in Mumbai do not know Bengali. Bábá did not give any discourse in Mumbai in Bengali.

It is vitally important that you listen to the sound file. If you do not know Hindi, please request any friend who does to listen. They will confirm for you that every word Bábá has spoken is Hindi, and there is not a single Bengali word.

Here Comes The Concocted Para

In the first para of the printed discourse as given in this new first-time publishing in English issued in 2011, there are innumerable mistakes and inconsistencies compared with the first paragraph which Bábá spoke in Hindi. For example, in the first two sentences of the discourse, Bábá says in Hindi:

...अन्धकार युग से आगे बढ़ रहा है, प्रकाश की ओर | यह चलना एक दिन में नहीं हुआ |

The English sense of this is that:

Human beings are moving ahead from the age of darkness, toward the light. This movement has not occurred in one day.”

But the Tiljala Publishers left out the second sentence, and instead made up one of their own which Bábá did not speak at all. They wrote:

Human beings are travelling along a path leading from darkness to light. This path is not a path of the heart but of the mind.

So, Bábá expresses in His second sentence that this movement of human beings did not occur in one day. And the Tiljala Publishers changed this to express that this path is not of the heart but of the mind.

Reason for Distortion: Hindi Discourse Bengalized Meaninglessly

There are innumerable other serious errors in this very first paragraph, as well as in the remainder of the discourse. The principle reason for these errors is that the discourse was translated from the original Hindi into Bengali and then published originally in Bengali—as though the discourse had been given by Bábá in Bengali—in 1980. Then in 2011 when the first English edition was prepared, it was translated from the Bengali translation made in 1980. Translating a discourse twice will obviously cause significant loss of content, which is exactly what we find when we compare the original Hindi spoken by Bábá with this twice-translated English edition of 2011.

Discourse Translated Twice: Evidence of Bengalization

The reason the Tiljala Publishers have made the English translation from the translated Bengali edition rather than from the original Hindi is clear: they want to show Bábá's discourses as having been given mostly in Bengali—when it is not at all the case. Such a falsification process is known as Bengalization: the systematic approach used to present Bábá as “Bengali” (rather than as Parama Puruśa, who can have no limitation of locale), and to show that Bábá knew and spoke only Bengali.

Scripture Must Be Universal, Not Limited by Any Narrow Sentiment

We Ánanda Márgiis must express our voice and save our scripture. Today it is being encroached upon by narrow sentiments, and that will lead to its destruction. The scripture given by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti is dharma—a rare thing. It must be saved from limited sentiments at any cost.

Bábá says, "When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmashástra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be áptavákya. A scripture is a guided entity." (Tattva Kaomudii - 2)

Again, the purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is to keep an eye on the purity of Guru's printed books.

Gopal Roy Choudhary


Note 1: To download the actual sound file of the first three minutes of this discourse, click here.
Note 2: If you don't know Hindi, you can contact any private business translating agency also and confirm with them that in this sound file, Bábá is speaking Hindi and not Bengali.
Note 3: Click here to view a scan of the Publishers Note where Tiljala Publishers claim that in this discourse given in Mumbai, Bábá spoke in Bengali.
Note 4: Bábá's rule is that translation is to be done directly from the original language, i.e. in this case from Hindi directly to English—which they did not do. So they disobeyed Bábá.
Note 5: Why are Ánanda Marga books being ruined? All for purposes of Bengalization.
Note 6: Everyone knows that in the entire Ánanda Marga regardless of any group, there is only one Publications Department. The other groups are just shadows of whatever Tiljala Publications (TP) creates. The others merely copy and put their name on it. And other groups' leaders are not blame-free. Their mistake is that they have hardly any interest on this matter. That is unfortunate.