Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mislabeling of Ánanda Sútram

From: Gopal Roy Choudhary <grchoudhary@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Mislabeling of Ánanda Sútram
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 11:53:27 +0530


Mislabeling of Ánanda Sútram

Ánanda Sútram is not originally Bangla, but many naive people think in that way.

Here are some important points about how Ánanda Sútram was given - this is something we should all be aware about.

In the very early days of AMPS, Bábá gave Ánanda Sútram. He dictated each Sútra in Saḿskrta (Sanskrit), and side by side gave the purport of each Sútra in Bengali. These two components are the source material for all other language editions of Ánanda Sútram.

Over the years, some have made the claim that Ánanda Sútram is originally from Bengali - but upon a more careful review we can rationally understand that Ánanda Sútram is a Saḿskrta (Sanskrit) text.

In its entirety, there are 85 Sútras in Ánanda Sútram and each one of those Sútras has been given in Saḿskrta; and that is what Ánanda Sútram is: The Saḿskrta Sútras. With a keen eye, we can understand that Ánanda Sútram is Saḿskrta. Because the main component of Ánanda Sútram is the Sútras - and those Sútras have been given in Saḿskrta. Plus the title itself is Saḿskrta (Sanskrit).

In the past, various rśis (rishis) also wrote Saḿskrta Sútras but they they did not put forth any purport. Years later, scholars wrote their own purports; but those purports were not accurate. They did not properly depict what those rśis told in the Sútra. In result, so many aspirants and students were led astray by these faulty purports.

To prevent such problems from ever happening with Ánanda Sútram, Bábá Himself gave the Sútra and the purport. This left no scope for others to misinterpret His given Sútras. The point being Ánanda Sútram is the original 85 Sútras - and those are all Saḿskrta. Then Bábá gave the explanation in Bangla.

Certain agents repeat again and again that Ánanda Sútram is Bengali, but they just have their own agenda. They are not concerned with the truth. By loudly stating again and again - "Ánanda Sútram is Bengali" - they hope to convince and befool others. This is their dogmatic approach.

Everyone else will readily understand that Ánanda Sútram is Saḿskrta. Ánanda Sútram is Saḿskrta because Ánanda Sútram refers to the Sútras, not the purports. All the Sútras have been given in Saḿskrta (Sanskrit) - as well as the title itself. Because Saḿskrta does not have its own script, the Sútras were written in Shriiharśa script.

in Him,
Gopal Roy Choudhary