Saturday, June 17, 2017

Distortion in AV1-13: Bábá’s English section trashed


Distortion in AV1-13: Bábá’s English section trashed


Every sincere Márgii knows that when Bábá gives a discourse in two languages, He does not speak identical things in every language. So when publishing AMPS books, one should not depend on one language only. Unfortunately, in the following discourse “Leaving Bondage”, this very mistake has occurred. While giving the discourse, Bábá spoke in Hindi and English. Our Tiljala Publishers discarded Bábá's English section, then took only the Hindi section, translated it into English, and published it as AV1-13. By doing thus, one critical para which Bábá spoke only in English, was left out by them. And here it is below in yellow:

“You are all spiritual aspirants; you should know what is pásha, and how to free yourself from these worldly bondages. You are to do accordingly. And I know you will be successful." (1)

Our Tiljala Publishers discarded the English sections of the discourse, and published only the Hindi sections of the discourse in AV1-13. In this way, the key point of the discourse which Bábá has given in English and which is shown above in yellow, has been lost. Since then, so many editions of this discourse “Leaving Bondage”, V1-13, have been printed, but that critical distortion has never been fixed.

And like this, there are countless mistakes in our various Ánanda Márga books.


There is a need for all Ánanda Márga discourses to be re-transcribed from the original tape. Otherwise Bábá's golden teachings will remain in convoluted, incomplete form and many things will be lost. Just as what has happened here in this AV1-13 discourse (see the above yellow).

In Him,
Shefali Chakraborti

Note 1. Please see below the discourse “Leaving Bondage” as published by our Tiljala Publishers in AV1-13. Note the red ‘X’ mark, where the above shown yellow highlighted passage should have appeared.

Leaving Bondage w-red mark.jpeg

Please see above the discourse “Leaving Bondage” as published by our Tiljala Publishers in AV1-13, 2nd Ed. Note the red ‘X’ mark, where the above shown yellow highlighted passage should have appeared. The 2009 Electronic Edition exhibits the same defect.

Note 2.

Six English paras discarded

In this discourse AV1-13, Bábá has spoken a total of ten paras: Six paras in English and four in Hindi. Our Tiljala Publishers discarded all six English paras. They kept only the Hindi paras, translated them into English, and published this much only, labeling it as though it were the complete discourse “Leaving Bondage” AV1-13.

Note 3.

Story of police & dead child

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When they will wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true, that these people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

Note 4. Lame Excuse:

“Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."

Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (2) But instead of accepting their mistake, TP may give the preposterous and lame excuse that, "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen." So watch out. Everybody knows that they are sitting on the treasure of all Bábá’s video and audio. The archive is in the control of B group. But even then, B group is ready to spread lies. So be ready to hear this, that-- "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."

Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (2)

Note 5. If you need help on this matter
If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us.

Note 6. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.


1. “Leaving Bondage”, V1-13 (E), MGD, 17 August 1978 Patna
2. Ánanda Márga Caryácarya Part 2, point 20.

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