Wednesday, October 12, 2016

AM book distortion: section on women is deleted

AM book distortion: section on women is deleted
The below excerpt on women’s rights is missing from the printed English and Bengali versions of Bábá's discourse, "Liberation of Intellect". The discourse was originally given by Bábá in Hindi. And the original Hindi of the missing section is given below in English translation. So here follows this important Ananda Marga book distortion in which the section on women has been deleted.
Translated from the original Hindi "Liberation of Intellect" (Patna, 26th January 1980)--
English translation of the deleted section of the discourse
(Note: The following section, highlighted in yellow, is an informal translation of the missing section of "Liberation of Intellect" [Patna, 26th January 1980]. This section on women has been deleted by our Tiljala Publications (TP) department, and it continues to be missing from our English Ananda Marga books even today.)
The original Hindi of the below has been transcribed from the audio file of Bábá's discourse.
Bábá says in the "As Is" discourse--
"There are also a few "great personalities" (maha'purus') - we call them "great personalities" because it would not be proper to use any other term - who say that in the social sphere one woman does not hold the value of an entire man. Rather, three women equal one man. What an absurd notion! Those who are the followers of such "great personalities", their own intellectual growth will be impeded. They will not be able to tolerate even, any rational ideas. They will keep away from and fear all rational ideas which bring the natural growth and development of mind. In this very way, dogma has captured their minds.”
“Some people also say that-- ‘In religion, there is no place for the intellect’. That is, where people are not intelligent, where they are not rational, where they are fools, in that very state they are liable to get caught in the clutches of religion.”
“The subject of today's discourse is, ‘The liberation of intellect’. Indeed, we have to utilize our intellect in all spheres of life. And because of this, we want to increase our intellect as much as possible. Further we know that, according to the law of nature, human intellect will go on increasing. And, dogmas will continue to hinder this mental progress for many more years to come. I will say this to you all that you have understood well what is dogma, and what is not. And I will also say, that wherever you see dogma creating a hindrance to the growth of your intellect, there you should courageously go on crushing the dogmas and moving ahead!" (1)
Here ends the missing section of "Liberation of Intellect" (Patna, 26th January 1980). This important section on women has been deleted by our Tiljala Publishers, and it is still missing from our English AM books today. Again, the above is an informal translation of what Bábá has said in His original Hindi discourse.
Why yellow section was removed BY TP
Indeed, perhaps the most important section of the discourse, about the rights of women, has been deliberately taken away. This was done in order to shorten the length of the discourse-- so that in the long term, the number of printed pages in AM books would be less in Hindi and more in Bangla. So that Bangla would supercede Hindi altogether and be accepted as the most important language in Ananda Marga scripture. And the proof that Dada Sarvatmananda had this desire, is that this was done not with one discourse only, but with many. This became the overwhelming trend in our Tiljala Publications department, that any discourse in Hindi should be shortened as much as possible. For proof, see books AV-1,2,3 etc.
Unethical history of Dada Sarvatmananda
And this discourse "Liberation of Intellect", although given by Bábá in Hindi, was actually printed first in Bengali in AV part 18. And Bangla was presented to the Márgii public as the original language of the discourse. This very Bengali language edition was used by our publishers as the original also-- that is, Hindi and English editions were translated from this so-called "original" Bengali version. Although Bábá had given the discourse in Hindi, but the translated Bengali version was used to re-translate a new Hindi version, rather than using the original Hindi which Bábá gave the discourse in. So the Hindi and English editions of the discourse when they were later printed, were translated from Bengali. And it is even printed in the Hindi and English editions, that the discourse is "Translated from the original Bengali". And any subsequent other-language editions whether Spanish, Russian, Japanese etc, were all translated from the so-called "original" Bengali-- when actually this was not the original at all. The Hindi was the real original, but our Calcutta publishers befooled the Márgiis and general WTs into thinking that the Bengali version was the original. So in that very so-called original Bengali printing, the section about women's rights was removed. This was done out of a desire to minimize the Hindi discourse-- for in their own minds, our publishers knew that Bábá had given the discourse in Hindi and for this reason they wanted to minimize it. So they removed the section about womens' rights. And Márgiis were not aware, no one could know that anything was missing from the English and Bengali publications of the discourse. There was no note about it in the book, nothing at all was mentioned. And in these many years since then, the discourse has remained just like that. After the first printing, it was later published in "A Few Problems Solved" in 1987. Several years had passed since the first AV-18 printing, but still the section on women's rights remained missing in the English and Bengali publications of the discourse. And this is a major discourse-- "Liberation of Intellect". It is the very first discourse in the Neohumanism series.
In Him
Lalita’ Basu
For detailed study
From "Liberation of Intellect" (Patna, 26th January 1980). Here follows the As-Is original Hindi of the aforesaid yellow.
“दो चार महापुरुष भी तो ऐसे थे, (हम तो महापुरुष कहते हैं क्योंकि और शब्द का व्यवहार करना, उचित नहीं होगा) कहते थे, कि---"एक औरत एक पूरा मनुष्य नहीं है | तीन औरत समान एक पुरुष |" अद्भुत logic ! और जो लोग उनको मानेंगे, उनकी बुद्धि पर अवरोध डाला जाएगा | वे दूसरे किसी प्रकार का विचार, {जो} वे बर्दाश्त तक नहीं कर सकेंगे | जिस विचार से मन का स्वाभाविक विकाश होगा, बुद्धि का स्वाभाविक विकाश होगा, उस विचार से वे दूर रहेंगे, विचार से डरेंगे | Dogma उनको इस तरह से जकड़ लिया है |
कुछ लोग तो ऐसा भी कहेंगे कि---"मज़हब में अक़्ल का दख़ल नहीं है" | अर्थात्‌ जहाँ अक़्ल नहीं है, जहाँ मनुष्य अक़्ल मन्द नहीं है, जहाँ मनुष्य विचारशील नहीं हैं---वे मज़हब के चङ्गुल में फँसेंगे |
आज का आलोच्य विषय है---"बुद्धि की मुक्ति" | जीवन के हर पहलू में हमें बुद्धि से काम लेना पड़ता है | और हम अधिक से अधिक बुद्धि चाहते हैं, चाहेंगे | और हम जानते हैं, प्राकृतिक विकाश के अनुसार मनुष्य की बुद्धि बढ़ती रहेगी | और इस बुद्धि के परिवर्त्तन में और भी कई सालों तक ये जो dogmas हैं, बाधा डालती रहेंगी | हम तुम लोगों से यही कहेंगे, कि तुम लोगों में यहाँ तक बुद्धि तो आ गई है कि कौन dogma है, और कौन dogma नहीं है | यह समझाने की बुद्धि तुम में आ गई है | हम यहीं कहेंगे कि जहाँ देखोगे---तुम्हारी बुद्धि के विकाश में dogma बाधा डाल रही है, वहाँ हिम्मत के साथ dogma को चूर-चूर कर आगे बढ़ते रहो | “ (2)
Electronic Edition also missing deleted section
Below is the 2009 Electronic Edition. The section marked in yellow is where the deleted section is missing. The missing section should have begun immediately following the words marked in yellow.
Note 1: Aforementioned yellow para missing from the following books
The missing section where Bábá exposes the dogma about three women equaling one man has been removed from the English and Bengali version of the discourse. That is why that para does not appear in any of the following books:
(1) NHNS-1, '87 Edn, English
(2) NHNS-1, '99 Edn, English
(3) AV-18, '80 Edn, Bangla
(4) AFPS-4, '87 Edn
(5) Electronic Books (EE 7.5)
The missing section would be just before the final paragraph of the English version of the 'Liberation of Intellect' discourse. So it would appear just AFTER the words "severely hindered in many countries.", and just BEFORE the opening words of the last paragraph, "On one side the malevolent forces".
Section related with women is missing from the book NHNS(E) part I
Below is a scan of Neohumanism in a Nutshell part I. The final paragraph on p.35 marked in red is where TP has removed the important section which was about women’s rights. The missing section would have begun at the red ‘X’ mark.
Liberation of Intellect pp.34-35 w-x-mark.jpeg

“Three women equal one man”-- This very dogma exposed by Bábá was removed from the book.
Note 2: Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (5)
But instead of accepting their mistake, TP may give the preposterous and lame excuse that, "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen." So watch out. Everybody knows that they have all the cassettes.
Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (5)
Note 3: In order to make Bábá’s books pristine, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.
1. As-Is version, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980. Translated from original Hindi.
2. As-Is version, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980. Original Hindi.
3. Tiljala Publications, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980, 2009 Electronic Edition.
4. Tiljala Publications, "Liberation of Intellect", Patna, 26th January 1980, Neohumanism in a Nutshell (E) part I.
5. Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 2, point 20.
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