Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another blunder: contradictory pages

From: Gopal Roy Choudhary <grchoudhary@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <anandamargadiscourses@sunlink.net>
Subject: Another blunder: contradictory pages
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 22:48:21 +0530


Another blunder: contradictory pages

Please pay attention to the following two quotes - one highlighted in yellow and one in green. These quotes are from our AM books, but, unfortunately, the yellow quote contradicts the green quote, and vice-versa.

The overall idea of the yellow quote is that a volcanic eruption occurred in the Ananda Nagar region nearly 1 million years ago and the lava and debris created mass destruction in the local area. The villagers were terrified by this catastrophe and could not understand why this happened. So they concluded that goddess Candii is furious. So she is burning us with fire. This is the overall idea of the quote highlighted below in yellow.

QUOTE #1: Ananda Marga philosophy says, “About 900,000 to one million years ago, the top of the Dimdiha Hill, near Anandanagar, was blown off by a volcanic eruption. The debris fell within a radius of about two miles, killing all of the people and animals living there. Due to the abrupt change in temperature, they were fossilized. Uneducated people called this explosion the work of the goddess Candii. This kind of [[volcanic]] eruption is called “jvala-mukhi” in Saḿskrta.” (1)

That concludes yellow quote; now see the green quote.

The overall idea of the green quote is that goddess Candii is a mythological figure that came into existence around 1300 to 1400 years ago. So goddess Candii is a very recent creation. Before 1400 years ago, nobody even knew of the name goddess Candii because the Candii goddess did not even exist.  This is the overall idea of the quote highlighted below in green.

QUOTE #2: Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The worship of the goddess Durgá is based mainly on the Márkańd́eya Puráńa, and to a lesser extent on the Devii Puráńa, the Káliká Puráńa, the Brhatnandikeshavara Puráńa, the Duragábhaktitaraunginii, the Deviibhágavat, etc. None of these books is older than 1300 or 1400 years. Seven hundred shlokas [couplets] were collected from those books and gathered together, and that constituted the abridged Márkańd́eya Puráńa, which is also known as Durgásaptashatii, or more colloquially, Shrii Shrii Cańd́ii. None of these works existed at the time of Shiva.” (2)

That concludes the green quote. Now see the conclusion.


[A]  The quote - highlighted above in yellow - projects the idea that 1 million years ago terrified villagers of the Ananda Nagar region attributed the volcanic eruption and destruction to goddess Candii.

[B] The quote - highlighted above in green - projects the idea that goddess Candii came into existence only 1400 years ago.

[C] Hence, the above yellow and green quotes are contradicting each other. The yellow quote claims that goddess Candii is at least 1 million years old and the green quote claims that goddess Candii is no more than 1400 years old. This is a huge difference - the gap is 998,600 years - at minimum. So unfortunately, the yellow quote contradicts the green quote, and vice-versa.

Every margii knows that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji never speaks anything that is contradictory.

Bear in mind, our Ananda Marga books are sold openly in the public market; when non-margiis read this blunder they will not have great respect for Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is unfortunate and pathetic.

at His lotus feet,
Gopal Roy Choudhary

Note 1: The two worst things to ruin a book

Here are the two worst things anyone can do to any chapter or book:

#1: Spoil that chapter or book by making it self-contradictory;

#2: When due to sloppiness such a contradiction has been injected into the text, readers will think the writer does not know the subject matter.

These fatal flaws in our Ananda Marga literature are the direct result of the sloppiness and carelessness of Tiljla publications Dept. They are inexcusable. By these blunders, they have ruined the status of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Note 2: If you do not have the book or discourse...

If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us.

Note 3: Present huaman came only 100,000 years ago

Volcano eruption in Ananda Nagar 1 million years ago

“Although human beings evolved about 1,000,000 million years ago, the present humans originated only 100,000 years ago. Human beings took 900,000 years to progress to this stage. Even after this, a long time passed before human beings became civilized.”

1. AFPS-9, Geology and Human Civilization
2. NSS, The Pervasive Influence of Shiva (Discourse 4)