Monday, April 20, 2015

Distortion: 2nd Posting AV-1 Ch. 8, False Things in Ananda Marga Books

From: Gopal Roy Choudhary <grchaudhary@bengalcom...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Distortion: 2nd Posting AV-1 Ch. 8, False Things in Ananda Marga Books
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:49:23 +0530


Distortion: 2nd Posting AV-1 Ch. 8, False Things in Ananda Marga Books
Bengalization: Check for Yourself

Note: This is the second posting on this chapter 8 of Ananda Vacanámrtam part 1, “The Nectar Beyond Máyá”. The previous letter, which you received on 18 April 2015, was the first posting.

Dear Márgii Brothers and Sisters

In the discourse “The Nectar Beyond Máyá” (AV-1 Ch. 8), Bábá has spoken both in English and Hindi. (1) We have seen that although Bábá delivered the discourse in English and Hindi, the Tiljala group unnecessarily translated the original English and Hindi into Bengali and then took that Bengali translation and translated it back into English, meaninglessly. In this way, they published the Electronic English edition in 2009. The standard approach given by Bábá is to directly print the original English from His audio. But this they did not do. For your verification the sound file is on the blog. (see note 2 below for download link)

Bábá's Original Words Lost
Due to Unnecessary Double Translation

In translating Bábá's discourse from English and Hindi to Bengali, and then from Bengali back into English, many aspects of the discourse were altered; and, most of Bábá's original words were lost. It is painful to see that most words were altered or lost as a direct result of Bengalization. You have Bábá's audio (2) and you can verify yourself so “artists” cannot confuse you.

Most Important Issue Of This Letter---
Unrelated Garbage Materials Are Inserted In The Chapter

In the below scan of the Tiljala Group publication, please pay attention to the red-underlined sentences; the printed material which has been so marked is not spoken by Bábá during this discourse. Now you have downloaded the audio file; check it out for yourself. You will find that the underlined section, Baba did not say. The garbage has been added in order to befool the readers, that everything is done fine.

Both lines of text in the below scan which are underlined in red, those are garbage--not at all spoken by Bábá in this discourse.

When one prints the words of Guru, one has to use the very words Guru spoke, so as to present the correct meaning.

Due to Bengalization, Everything Is Ruined

I think you have already downloaded Bábá’s audio file and compared with the above scan. And you must have seen that most of Bábá’s original English and Hindi words have been altered. If you haven’t yet done so, compare each sentence in the above scan for yourself: See the difference.

Open Your Eyes –
Thieves Stealing Your Guru's Teachings

General Márgiis are simple and honest, so they assume others are as well, and they trust what Tiljala group dadas say. For this reason it is needed to gently prod and ask, “How long will you continue in the dark? Open your eyes—thieves are stealing before your very eyes.” Guru's entire shástra is being ruined by these so-called honest monks of AM —open your eyes and see the truth.

Be sure to download the recording of this discourse (for link, see note 2) and save it for your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. Otherwise they will only receive the false propaganda from Tiljala group that the discourse was translated from the original Bengali, and gradually the dogma will be spread that Bábá knew only Bengali.

Speak Out

The era of remaining goody-goody and keeping quiet, is gone – speak out. Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has given His Holy message for you, but the thieves don’t want to give it to you. Open your eyes. Raise your voice. The victory of dharma is sure.

In Him,
Gopal Roy Choudhary

* If you have any problem downloading the sound file then please write back. We will help you get it downloaded.


1. The Nectar Beyond Máyá, Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Chapter 8, pp 14-15.

2. Click here to download Bábá's original discourse and compare it with the above scan of Tiljala group's published English discourse.

3. In this discourse, Bábá spoke 60% in English, 40% in Hindi, and 0% Bengali. He did not speak in Bengali at all during the discourse. And yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."

Here is the breakdown of words in the actual discourse given by Baba:

Total words    893  
English           535
Hindi              358
Bangla               0

That means Baba spoke 60% in English, 40% in Hindi, and 0% Bengali.==yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."

* * * * *

Here Are LINKS to Some Previous Postings. They contain Important Material On This Topic

  English Discourse Labeled as Bangla - Bábá's Audio File Is the Proof

Download Baba's Audio: Hindi Discourse Stolen and Added in Bangla Pile AV-13 Ch 15