Thursday, December 29, 2016

Here is Another Distortion in Ananda Marga Teachings - EE 7.5


Here is Another Distortion
in Ananda Marga Teachings - EE 7.5


Those who have interest in the purity of Baba's grand teachings, they are aware that so many obvious errors are present in our publications due to distortion. Here is another example. If you read carefully, it will be quite apparent. Please go through the below sentence with the yellow-highlighted phrase. It is very obvious that the term "five" should not have been there. This mistake has ruined the teaching.


The above scan is of Electronic Edition 7.5, DMC discourse-- “Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum”, in the middle of the discourse. If you want to read more of the discourse, let us know.


The duty of each and every Margii is to protect Baba's teachings from distortion.

In service to Gurudeva,

Ask for punishment

Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (2)

Ánanda Márga Scripture: Responsibility of Ánanda Márgiis

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (3) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything.

Márgiis have been pointing out to our TP, the distortions in our publications for years, but there is no sign of fixing the discourses going on. The Tiljala group whatever they spend all their time and resources on these days, if instead they had utilized these in fixing Bábá's discourses, then their efforts would have been worthwhile. When our Publishers are not fixing the discourses, then it falls upon Ánanda Márgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

Through your noble deeds, you bring all together

“The opportunists tried in the past, are trying at present and will try even in the future to fulfil their narrow desires by keeping the human race disunited. By severely reproaching this opportunistic craftiness through your noble deeds, you draw nigh the unknown strangers living far away and build a healthy world-based human family. Ignoring the brute forces, the sky-kissing arrogance, hypocrisy, immorality and glib outbursts of the conceited people, go ahead towards your cherished goal. The blessing of Parama Puruśa shall be with you alone.” (4)

Note: In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

1. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, Electronic Edition 2009. “Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum”.
2. Caryacarya part 2
3. “Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)”, Namah Shiváya Shántáya
4. Ánanda Váńii #40, 1 January 1974

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