Monday, October 9, 2017

Distortion: Hindi discourse labeled as Bangla


Distortion: Hindi discourse labeled as Bangla
(And added to Bangla Pile: AV-13, ch 13)


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books. This is an entirely new chapter with a new sound file from Baba's original discourse.


Hindi discourse labeled as Bangla: Deception

This letter addresses another stolen discourse. Specifically, it was stolen from its original language and covered up as Bangla. Why was this done? In order to make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language. The discourse in question is from the latest English edition (2011) of Ánanda Vacanámrtam, AV Part 13, chapter 13. (1)

The letter contains the following points:
1: Please download the sound file so you can better understand this issue (see note 1 below).
2: The discourse under scrutiny is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13, "The Middle Path Is The Ideal Path."
3: This is a Hindi Discourse given in Purnea, stolen & covered up as Bangla.
4: The Tiljala Publishers have printed that it was given in Bangla. They want to make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language.
5. This is not a language issue but a matter of authenticity.

Please find more about all of the above points, as well as many new and important details, in the below main section of this email.

Deceptive trend

Following are the details of how the Publishers took an original Hindi discourse - "The Middle Path Is The Ideal Path" - from AV-13 and labeled it as a Bangla discourse. This very harmful, alarming, and deceptive trend is discussed at length below in an easy-to-read format.

1: All should know that Bábá originally delivered the discourse, AV-13 "The Middle Path Is The Ideal Path", in Hindi on 3 July 1979, in Purnea. But the publishers have declared that Bábá spoke in Bangla. That is their cheap tactic.

Listen to the Sound File and See For Yourself

2: Be sure to play the sound and carefully review the published discourse.

3: For your reference and confirmation, the sound file containing Bábá’s original discourse has been posted to the blogsite (see note 1). Just by listening to a few words, anyone knowing Hindi can understand that Bábá is speaking Hindi—not Bengali.

4: You can contact any private translation business or translating agency and confirm with them that, in this sound file, Bábá is speaking Hindi and not Bengali.

False Things Written In Publisher's Note

5: But look what the publishers have written about this very discourse in their various Publisher’s Notes.

In 2011, they wrote the following Publisher's Note in the English printed edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13:

“The Middle Path Is The Best Path”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as “Madhyam Márga Sarvottama Panthá ” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 13, 1980. Tr. from the Bengali by Dr Aditya Kumar Mohanty. (Ánanda Vacanámrtam (2011), part 13, Publisher’s Note, p.xxiii)

So in their above note they claim this to be a Bengali discourse. That has been demarcated by a red line (in the scan appended just below).

Plus see below a scan of this very Publishers Note where our Tiljala Publishers falsely claim that in this discourse given in Purnea, Bábá spoke in Bengali. That section has been demarcated below by a thick red line.

sources w-red line.jpeg

Plus see above a scan of this very Publishers Note where our Tiljala Publishers falsely claim that in this discourse given in Purnea, Bábá spoke in Bengali. That section has been demarcated above by a thick red line.

Why Tiljala “Steals”:

Their goal Is to make people think Baba knew only Bangla

6: Some new Márgiis may be wondering why all this is going on—why would our Tiljala Publishers be so intrigued and enticed to steal discourses by claiming them as original Bengali. The reason is very clear. They want bragging rights that Bangla is the greatest and top-most language and that all should bow down to the mighty pedestal of the Bengali language.

In that sense they are no different than the Muslims. Those Muslims have mandated that the Koran / Quran must only be printed in Arabic. Thus all followers of Islam must learn Arabic to read their scripture.

Those at the helm of Tiljala Publications desire the same status for Bengali. If one day they are able to step-by-step steal all the discourses and falsely label them as coming from the original Bengali, then they can impose Bangla on all. Everyone will be forced in that direction. This is their long-term dream. They want Bengali to become the religious language of Ananda Marga. That is their aspiration, which they hope to manifest one day. In sum, such publishers are a mirror image of those dogmatic religious clerics.


The concerning discourse was given by Bábá in Hindi, in Purnea. The Tiljala Publishers have labeled the discourse as “given in Bangla,” in order to falsely make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language.

at His lotus feet,
Shephali Dutta'


Note 1. To download the sound file of this Hindi discourse  "The Middle Path Is The Ideal Path", please click here.

Note 2. You can also play the file directly by going to our blog:

There look over to the right column. You will see among the sound files, one called "Hindi Discourse "Madhyama Márga hii Sarvottoma" 1979-07-03 Purnea." There you can click on play to play it, or click on download to download it.

Note 3. Plus in the below scan of the AV-13 book’s title page itself, our Tiljala Publishers are making the false claim in the copyright section that the entire book has been translated from the original Bengali. And that has been demarcated in red in the scan appended directly below.

In the above scan of the AV-13 book’s title page itself, our Tiljala Publishers are making the false claim in the copyright section that the entire book has been translated from the original Bengali. And that has been demarcated in red in the scan appended directly above.

Note 4.

Purity of Bábá’s teachings is vital
Verily, to make false claims about the original language of a discourse, misguides readers. Táraka Brahma has given pristine, clear teachings. False claims about the original language of the discourse opens the door to misinterpretation and dogma.
Bábá says,
"In the spiritual world, there should not be anything which will divert human beings from the path of synthesis to that of analysis, which will provoke divisive tendencies and restrict collective existence within narrow confines.”
“Nothing should ensnare people in the illusory net of pettiness in any sphere of life, from the general code of spiritual conduct to the universal and eternal principles of life – lest the voracious fangs of the all-consuming Máyá devour them. Thus the scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (2)

5. If you need help on this matter
If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us. And if you have any difficulty downloading the sound file, please let us know and we will be glad to help you.

6. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.

1. "The Middle Path Is The Ideal Path", Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13
2. “Disc: Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)” (Discourse 14), Namah Shiváya Shántáya

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Sound File: Hindi Discourse falsified as Bangla—Download Sound File & Check for Yourself

Click on the below to download the sound file "1979-07-03 Purnia "Madhyama Márga hii Sarvottoma".mp3".

Click Here To Download

To read the posting linked with this sound file, click here.

The English title of the discourse is "The Middle Path Is the Ideal Path."