Our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have printed the following as the final paragraph of the discourse “Revolt against Dogma,” Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34, chapter 21. 18 May 1981, Calcutta. In so doing, TP has left out the following key section from the final sentence which Baba spoke-- "And the supreme apex of this true spirit of devotionalism is Ánanda Márga". This is missing from the final sentence of the below para printed by TP.
Our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have printed---
"Even in the realm of the actional faculty or the intellectual faculty, or even the so-called devotional faculty, everything is not dharma, everything is not a perfect approach. There are also colours of dogma in them. So those who are spiritual aspirants should very carefully keep themselves away, rather keep themselves aloof, from these so-called approaches of spirituality, rather, from these dogmas. In the past there was dogma; in the Middle Ages it reached its zenith; and in the Middle Ages of the human era, of human history, there was a revolt against dogma. That first revolt against dogma was a psychic approach, a psycho-spiritual approach, of devotionalism. And that we find in certain Bhágavata shástras [scriptures], where they say that no physical show is required for the devotional approach. For the devotional approach, nothing external is required; nothing external is required to be done.* And because it is the supreme pinnacle of devotional approach, you should remember that it is yours, because Parama Puruśa is cent per cent yours." (1)
*In this location, the sentence which Baba speaks, "And the supreme apex of this true spirit of devotionalism is Ánanda Márga" has been removed by our Tiljala Publishers.
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1. Tiljala-printed Publication, “Revolt against Dogma,” Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34, chapter 21. 18 May 1981, Calcutta.