Saturday, April 18, 2015

Distortion: False Things in Ánanda Márga Book AV-1 Ch. 8 -- Printed in Bábá’s Name

From: Shruti Lekha Chatterjee <slchatterjee@claritynet...>
To: Ánanda Márga Discourses <>
Subject: Distortion: False Things in Ánanda Márga Book AV-1 Ch. 8
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2015 13:41:35 +0530


Dear Márgii Brothers and Sisters

Distortion: False Things in Ánanda Márga Book AV-1 Ch. 8
Printed in Bábá’s Name

In the discourse “The Nectar Beyond Máyá” (AV-1 Ch. 8), Bábá has spoken both in English and Hindi. (1) For your verification the sound file is on the blog. (see note 2 below for download link)

False Definition of Bhavaságara on Page 14

In the below scan of Tiljala Group’s AV-1 book, the red underlined sentence is completely wrong--- against fundamental teachings of Ánanda Márga. The Tiljala Group wrote:

Máyá operated by Parama Puruśa is alone bhavaságara.

Please see the below scan, which is of Ánanda Vacanámrtam part one, chapter 8, p. 14, bottom half of the page. Please see the underlined section. That is fundamentally wrong. Remember, Máyá is not bhavaságara. Bhavaságara is a completely different thing. It has nothing to do with Máyá, the Cosmic Operative Principle. Bhavaságara means whatever a human being does wrong and creates negative samskára, that is called bhavaságara. This is one of the proofs that Ánanda Márga books are unfortunately full of errors.

In order to know what is correct, please play the sound file (for link, see note 2). By this it will be proved that what is printed here below in the scan, is completely bogus.

Again, please see the above scan, which is of Ánanda Vacanámrtam part one, chapter 8, p. 14, bottom half of the page.

Máyá and bhavaságara are not the same thing; they are not at all synonyms. And so of course, Bábá did not say this at all during the discourse. Tiljala Publishers simply wrote this sentence with their own hand, and put it into the discourse in Bábá’s name.

Open Your Eyes –
Thieves Stealing Your Guru's Teachings

General Márgiis are simple and honest, so they assume others are as well, and they trust what Tiljala group dadas say. For this reason it is needed to gently prod and ask, “How long will you continue in the dark? Open your eyes—thieves are stealing before your very eyes.” Guru's entire shástra is being ruined by these so-called honest monks of AM —open your eyes and see the truth.

Be sure to download the recording of this discourse (for link, see note 2) and save it for your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. Otherwise they will only receive the message from Tiljala group that the discourse was translated from the original Bengali, and gradually the dogma will be spread that Bábá knew only Bengali.

Speak Out

How long will you remain quiet – speak out. Guru Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji has given His guideline for you, but it will not reach you. Yet you have full right to have it. Again, I will say: How long will you remain quiet – speak out.

In Him,
Shruti Lekha Chatterjee


1. "The Nectar Beyond Máyá", Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Chapter 8, pp 14-15.

2. Click here to download Bábá's original discourse and compare it with the above scan of Tiljala group's published English discourse.

3. In this discourse, Bábá spoke 60% in English, 40% in Hindi, and 0% Bengali. He did not speak in Bengali at all during the discourse. And yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."

Here is the breakdown of words in the actual discourse given by Bábá:

Total words    893  
English           535
Hindi              358
Bangla               0

That means Bábá spoke 60% in English, 40% in Hindi, and 0% Bengali. Yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."