Thursday, November 14, 2013

Important Portion Left Out—A Poor Show

From: tr sukul <trsukulsagar@...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Important Portion Left Out—A Poor Show
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:16:28 +0530


UPDATED NOTES ABOUT H GROUP—It is regrettable that H and EC groups have no interest in Bábá’s discourses, otherwise they would have become active in publishing them from the original sound track instead of merely reprinting the books which the Tiljala group publishes. The distortions introduced by Tiljala group in their publications of Bábá’s discourses are errors of commissional in nature. But let none make the mistake of thinking that H and EC groups are innocent here; by their failure to take interest in publishing Bábá’s original discourses, they demonstrate a lethargy toward Bábá’s shástra which is highly condemnable. H and EC groups’ failure to publish Bábá’s original discourses is a failure of omission. The omissional error of H and EC is every bit as serious as the commissional errors of Tiljala group. And moreover, H group's publishing department merely reprints the distortion-laden, error-filled books made by Tiljala group, and puts their stamp on it. So they are supporting and participating in the sins of Tiljala group.”

Important Portion Left Out—A Poor Show

Respected Brothers and Sisters,

Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji has given an important discourse, “The Singular Entity”, on September 4, 1978 in Patna. (1) In the discourse, Bábá spoke alternately in English and Hindi. Tiljala group, in their English publication of the discourse, has printed only the English sections Bábá spoke and left out the content of the Hindi sections. This has resulted in numerous distortions of omission: there are important passages Bábá spoke only in Hindi, which the Tiljala Publishers failed to translate and include in the English publication. This failure has led to significant deficiencies in the publication.

Tiljala Publishers Removed All Hindi Language Sections

Two postings have been sent on the subject of this discourse: the first on the subject of the Tiljala Publishers' omission of the examples Bábá gave in Hindi about tears of sadness (shokáshru) and tears of joy (ánandáshru) to illustrate the ways in which Parama Puruśa is Rudra—The Entity that makes you shed tears(2); and the second on the subject of how Bábá used the example of Hindu temples to illustrate how Parama Puruśa's infinite nature renders foolish the effort to house God in finite buildings. (3) Both the above teachings were given only in Hindi, and because only the sections Bábá spoke in English were included in the printing, both subjects were left entirely out of the published discourse.

Flagship Paragraph Left Out of Printed Discourse

The name of this discourse in Hindi is “Ekohi Rudra”, and in English “The Singular Entity”. The reason the discourse is thus named, is that Bábá gives a special logic in this discourse as to why Parama Puruśa can only be One. Bábá explains in detail about this in Hindi only, and that flagship paragraph was left out by the Publishers. In English Bábá gives an indirect hint about it, which in the absence of the full Hindi explanation remains incomplete.

Multiple Controllers Would Destroy the Universe

So here then is a third subject amplified by Bábá only in Hindi—and therefore left out of the published discourse. Bábá explained in Hindi using the example of Hindu temples, that Parama Puruśa is only one and not many. And He further gave the key logic that if there were two Rudras—two Parama Puruśas—the two would each have their own set of rules for running the universe and the conflict between the two sets of rules would ruin the universe. That latter logic Bábá expressed in very brief summary in English, and that single sentence only is printed by the Tiljala Publishers. Not only that, they distorted the sentence by changing a conjunction Bábá used, which renders the sentence unclear.

As with the prior two subjects, this subject as amplified in Hindi by Bábá was left out of both the English and Hindi language publications. Here we are addressing the English discourse; in subsequent postings the Hindi publication of this discourse will also be discussed.

Here below is the section Bábá gave in Hindi, and which is therefore missing from both the English and Hindi publications. This passage has never been printed anywhere by the Tiljala Publishers.

Original Hindi Paragraph Spoken Directly By Bábá

Never Before Published

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As Is” Transcription of Original Hindi starts Here. Text shown in green. This section given directly by Bábá was left out of the Tiljala English publication.

तो, ये जो रुद्र हैं, ये रुद्र, ये जो नियन्ता हैं, ये एक हैं या अनेक हैं ? एक हैं | क्यों ? जितना मन्दिर देखोगे हज़ार-हज़ार, लाख-लाख; क्या controller उतने हैं ? नहीं | एक ही हैं | . . .

तो, ये [रुद्र] दो भी नहीं हो सकते हैं | क्यों ? विश्वब्रह्माण्ड में सब कुछ एक system के अनुसार, एक नियम के अनुसार चलता है | दो होने से नियम में सङ्घर्ष हो जाएगा | तो, नियम में सङ्घर्ष होने से कुछ भी रहेगा नहीं, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का | किन्तु दुनिया में हम देखते हैं, सब कुछ नियम के अनुसार चलनेवाला है | इसी से प्रमाणित होता है कि ये जो रुलानेवाले हैं, वे एक हैं; दो नहीं हैं |

As Is” Transcription of Original Hindi ends Here.

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Bábá Amplified the Matter in Hindi

All Hindi Passages Were Left Out of Published Discourse

The above passage was spoken directly by Bábá in Hindi during His discourse. In the passage, Bábá is demonstrating that there can only be one Parama Puruśa; there can never be two. In Hindi, Bábá amplifies the point and makes it very clear.

Printing Only What Bábá Said in English

Leaves the Discourse Incomplete

Here is what Bábá said on this point during the discourse in His English section:

Had there been more than one Rudra*, the system or the conformity of the universe would have been lost. So, Rudra cannot be more than one.”

Left on its own, this single sentence does not give a clear explanation as to why Rudra cannot be more than one. What is the reason the system of the universe would have been lost if there had been more than one Rudra? The sentence does not explain why—something more is needed. Bábá gave that reason in Hindi, and it was left out of the discourse by the Tiljala Publishers.

*The Entity that makes you shed tears, i.e. Parama Puruśa.

Distorted Even That Single English Sentence

Moreover, that single sentence Bábá spoke in English was printed by the Tiljala Publishers in this way:

Had there been more than one Rudra, the system of the conformity of the universe would have been lost. So Rudra cannot be more than one.”

The phrase “the system of the conformity of the universe” is even more unclear. What is the system of the conformity of the universe?” The reader is correct in his or her puzzlement. The question needs an answer—and the answer is not found in the printed discourse.

And Bábá gave that amplification in Hindi. It is unfortunate that the Tiljala Publishers ignored the Hindi sections Bábá spoke and did not print any of them.

English Translation of Original Hindi Passage

Never Before Published

Here below is a careful English translation of the entire original Hindi passage shown above. Such an English translation should have been included in the English publication of the discourse, at the appropriate location in the discourse where Bábá spoke it. But that was not done, and as a result the below passage spoken directly by Bábá has never been published, never been read by Márgiis around the world. It is translated and printed for the first time here:

English translation of the “As Is” Hindi Audio Passage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Segment of Translated “As Is” Discourse Begins Here:

(Note: All sections in green were left out of the printed discourse by the Tiljala Publishers.)

So this Rudra, the controller, is He one or many? He is one. Why?

You see thousands and lakhs of temples: Are there the same number of Controllers? No, He is one. . . .

And not only that—there cannot be two Rudras. Why? Because everything in the universe moves according to a system, according to certain rules. If there were two Rudras, their rules would conflict with each other. Due to this conflict in the rules, everything would be destroyed in the universe. But, we see that everything in the world goes on according to the rules. And this proves that the Rudra (One who makes us weep) is one only, not two.

Segment of Translated “As Is” Discourse Ends Here
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Bábá's Focused Explanation: Why Rudra Can Only Be One

Hindi Section Was Needed to Make the Matter Clear

So here above, we see that Bábá has made the matter of why Rudra can only be One, very clear in Hindi. If the Tiljala Publishers had included this in the published discourse, the subject would have become quite clear. But they failed to do so, and due to this the subject appears as if Bábá has given some vague, incomplete idea. Here again is all the Tiljala Publishers printed on the subject:

Had there been more than one Rudra, the system of the conformity of the universe would have been lost. So Rudra cannot be more than one.

The reader is left guessing what “the system of the conformity of the universemeans and why it would be lost. But in Hindi, Bábá has made this very clear. He explains that if there were two Controllers, they would each have their own set of rules for running the universe. The two sets of rules would conflict with and struggle against each other, and this would cause the ruination of the system by which the universe runs. Bábá goes on to explain that there is no sign at all of such chaos; rather the universe is running very smoothly. And so He concludes, by this it is proved that there is only one Controller of the universe. All of this beautiful explanation given in Hindi by Bábá, was left out of the published discourse by the Tiljala Publishers.

Bábá Gives Example of Temples

to Show Why Multiple Rudras is Silly

== Only In Hindi ==

Bábá also gives a further example to illustrate indeed how silly it is to consider the idea of multiple Supreme Controllers of the universe.

Original Hindi as spoken by Bábá:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
तो, ये जो रुद्र हैं, ये रुद्र, ये जो नियन्ता हैं, ये एक हैं या अनेक हैं ? एक हैं | क्यों ? जितना मन्दिर देखोगे हज़ार-हज़ार, लाख-लाख; क्या controller उतने हैं ? नहीं | एक ही हैं |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Translation of Original Hindi:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
So this Rudra, the controller, is He one or many? He is one. Why?

You see thousands and lakhs of temples: Are there the same number of Controllers? No, He is one.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

So here Bábá explains that there are thousands of temples, each having had a Supreme “God” installed in it. But Bábá exposes that the notion of there being thousands of Supreme Controllers—one in each temple—is ludicrous. There is only Supreme Controller.

And Bábá raised this matter only in Hindi; when He switched over to English, He did not mention it at all. And the Tiljala Publishers only used what Bábá spoke in English to make the English printed discourse. As a result, this above material which is part of the discourse, was left out of the printed publication.

Unique Teaching on Temple Dogma

So, in this Hindi section which was never printed by the Tiljala Publishers, Bábá demonstrates in full detail that Parama Puruśa could only be one. And that once having been explained, the subject of thousands of temples becomes all the more touching. Because in India, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of gods and goddesses. And the worshipers of those deities go to the temples where they are housed, believing fully that the deity they pray to is the controller of the universe. But then when they later attend prayer at a different temple housing a different god, they believe that god also to be the controller of the universe. And it does not occur to such múrti pújakas that all these different gods could not ALL be controllers of the universe. Otherwise with so many controllers of the universe, there would tremendous clash and the universe would not run well! But such questions do not arise in the minds of their followers. Bábá exposes the foolishness and flat-out illogical contradiction of such beliefs by combining His passage on multiple temples with that on the conflict in running the universe with multiple Controllers.

Must Include All Languages in Publication of Discourse

Leaving Out Certain Languages Makes Discourse Incomplete

Leaving out the sections Bábá has given in Hindi, renders the principle subject of this discourse unclear. It must be remembered that when Bábá speaks in more than one language during a discourse, He does not merely translate what He said in one language, into the other(s). Bábá expands on the point through the process of speaking in various languages, and gives different examples in each. So all the different language segments are part of the discourse, and must be treated as such by the Publishers. To remove the segments Bábá spoke in certain languages renders the discourse unclear and incomplete.

Must Not Misguide Readers

Leaving Out Sections Opens Door to Dogma

Verily, to leave out certain languages in the publication of a discourse, misguides readers. Táraka Brahma has given pristine, clear teachings. Leaving out sections renders the teaching unclear and vague, and opens the door to misinterpretation and dogma.

Bábá says, "If one is not able to give the people proper guidance, then at least one should not misguide them. One must not divert them from the proper path by exploiting the tender and delicate sentiments of the human mind. In the physical world there should be a strict controller as a shástra – and it is better to have a strong personality than a written book – but in the mental sphere the scripture and the person who upholds the scripture have equal importance as far as their utility and practical value is concerned. There must be an excellent and all-embracing philosophy, in which there should be no loophole in any sphere of mind as far as possible." (NSS, Disc: 14)




1. This discourse, “The Singular Entity” , is printed in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1 by the Tiljala Group.

2. Click here to see a posting which reveals another paragraph that was left out of this discourse. In that paragraph Bábá is giving examples of shokáshru and ánandáshru.

3. Click here to see the posting which discusses how Bábá uses this Hindi passage to show that Rudra is Infinite and therefore cannot be hosed inside a temple. This entire passage the Tiljala Publishers left out of the printed discourse.

4. Click here to view a scan of the printed discourse page with a red rectangle highlighting the place where the translated passage about why Rudra can only be one should have appeared.

5. More on this important topic will posted within a couple of days. That will be on the matter of the Hindi language publication of this discourse, “The Singular Entity”. In Hindi the title is “Ekohi Rudra” (एकोहि रुद्र).

Story: Dead Body In A Box

It is an interesting observation that over the years H/EC group has not trusted B group on anything, and they have been continuously involved in to-the-death legal clashes in court. But H/EC group did demonstrate full trust on B group in one area: they took the books published by B-group and turned around and published them point blank, without checking anything. This was a matter of self-destruction: without checking or confirming anything in the discourses, H/EC group accepted those books together with all their serious distortions. H/EC group has taken responsibility for everything in the discourses published by B group, and printed their own name on the publisher's page.”

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.”

In the same way, H/EC group acquired B group's distortion-ridden printed discourses, and took credit for the discourses by reprinting them in their own name. Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses such as this one containing the nonsensical paragraph in question.”

From the Moderators—

Moderators Note 1. 
Fix Bábá's Discourses Now or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now—it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. In the same way, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion—but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

Moderators Note 2. 
Request for Volunteers

We make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “as is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

Moderators Note 3.
Need for Audio Recordings

In order to produce “As Is” discourses, there is a need for audio cassettes of Bábá's discourses. These are treated with the utmost of care as we do the job for which the recordings were made: discourse transcription. So any who have recordings of Bábá's discourses are encouraged to contact us in order to get the recording transcribed in “As Is” fashion.

Moderators Note 4. 
Only Goal of Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network:

To Protect Bábá's Discourses

This Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network does not have any agenda against any group. Its only goal is to repair and protect Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's holy discourses so they will remain for the present and future humanity.

A Third Entire Section Discarded From "The Singular Entity" By Tiljala Publishers

The Discourse "The Singular Entity" was delivered by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji in English and Hindi, but the sections He gave in Hindi were ignored by the Tiljala group Publishers. In preparing the English language publication of the discourse, they left out all the content Bábá had given in Hindi. Amongst several prominent examples, one is the section Bábá spoke in Hindi about why Rudra (Parama Puruśa) can only be One.
Below is a scan of the first two pages of the discourse as published by Tiljala Group. In the scan you will see a red rectangle, which marks the place where the entire passage about why Rudra can only be One, is missing. In that location Bábá spoke two separate sections containing thirteen sentences and one hundred eight words.

Click on the below image and it will enlarge and become easily readable


The red rectangle above shows where several paragraphs Bábá spoke in Hindi remained untranslated and were discarded by the Tiljala Publishers. Among those is the paragraph on Rudra (Parama Puruśa) can only be One.