Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another Distortion – Hindi Para Discarded, Discourse Incomplete

Moderators' Note: H and EC groups do not publish their own original books but rather only reprint the books which the Tiljala group publishes. Because of this, H and EC groups are not considered responsible for the below-discussed distortion. For this reason only our Tiljala Publishers' work is being discussed here. In the future if H and EC groups commit similar mistakes, they will also be held responsible.

From:  tr sukul <trsukulsagar@...>
To:  Ananda Marga Discourses <anandamargadiscourses@sunlink.net>
Subject:  Another Distortion – Hindi Para Discarded, Discourse Incomplete
Date:  Mon, 30 Sep 2013 17:01:23 +0530 (07:31 EDT)


Another Distortion – Hindi Para Discarded, Discourse Incomplete

Baba Spoke Extra In Hindi.

Because of Language Sentiment, That Part is Discarded.

Incomplete Discourse Is Printed In

Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1 in English, Bengali, and Hindi Editions.

Respected Brothers and Sisters,

Devotee-readers rightly expect that when publishing a discourse of Rev. Bábá, the publisher/transcriber/translator will compare the text with the recorded sound file and thereby ensure the authenticity of what is to be published. Only in this way can it be confirmed that no part or words or examples etc. have been left in any way. This must be done to maintain the completeness and sanctity of the discourses and properly convey the atmosphere created during the actual time the discourse was delivered.

But it is highly unfortunate that in the Ánanda Márga literature, which is the collection of the discourses of Márga Gurudeva, many serious errors have been detected. There may be many reasons behind this but it is earnestly needed to identify and remove the errors whatever their causes may be.

Example is made of the following discourse:-
Name of the Book:       Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1
Title of the discourse: The Singular Entity
Publisher:                     AMPS, Calcutta.
Edition  :                       English


This discourse has been delivered by Rev. Bábá in two languages, English and Hindi, all the while using Saḿskrta Shlokas to explain His teachings. In this discourse Bábá's style of speech was, first a part of the discourse in English and then a section in Hindi covering a similar subject but with more depth and examples; then so on with English sections followed by variants in Hindi using different examples.

This discourse was recorded. But despite this, the Hindi part of the discourse has been eliminated from the English edition without any reason whereas it covers more information / illustration of the difficult subject compared to the discussion in English.


From the recording, an exact “As Is” transcription has been made. And a section of that “As Is” transcription is given below.

It is seen that the first line is the title, second is the date and place and the following four lines are the Saḿskrta shloka which Bábá will use to explain His teachings. Next is the section spoken by Bábá in English, and after this comes a Hindi section entirely different in content from that spoken in English.

Here below then is the actual “As-Is” opening of the discourse, never before published. The initial paragraphs are in English, and Bábá is explaining how one name of Parama Puruśa is Rudra, so given because He makes people cry—both in pleasure and in pain. Just below the English section has been placed Bábá's Hindi paragraph on the same subject which He gave a moment later in the discourse. Here Bábá is expanding on the explanation of Rudra, giving examples He did not give in the English section.

Segment of “As Is” Discourse Begins Here:
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As Is” Discourse text is presented in green.

Ekohi Rudrah (The Singular Entity)
MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

Eko hi rudrah na dvitiiyáya tasthur
Ya imáṋllokán iishata iishaniibhih.
Pratyauṋjanáḿs tiśt́hate saiṋcukopánta-kále
Saḿsrjya vishvá bhuvanáni gopáh.

The question arises whether, the Supreme Entity, the Supreme Controlling Faculty is a singular one, or not? Is there any plurality in the Controlling Faculty? It is a naughty question. Here, the rśi says—"Eko hi rudrah". No, this Supreme Controlling Faculty is a singular one. There cannot be any plurality in it. "Eko"—that is, the article is singular and shall remain singular for ever. "Rudra"—Actually, that day I told you that the proper significance of the term "rudra" is—"The Entity that makes you shed tears." And I also told you that to shed tears, it doesn't always mean lamenting. When you shed tears due to sorrow, when you are aggrieved, then the tears come out in this style, straight downwards. And when you shed tears due to pleasure, then it comes out like this [from the side]. Tears coming out like this [straight downward] is known as "shokáshru". And tears coming out like this [from the side], is known as "ánandáshru". When He gives you predicament and you will shed tears due to the predicament, while undergoing the troubles, you shed tears. That is, due to Him you shed tears. And when due to pleasure, due to composure you shed tears, it is He who makes you shed tears. So in that case also, He is the Rudra. It is the meaning of "Rudra". Due to so many clashes and cohesions in this expressed world of attributions, people shed tears. And this world of attributions is a creation of His. So, He is the "Rudra".

यह जो विश्वब्रह्माण्ड है, इसके जो नियन्ता हैं, इसके जो चलानेवाले हैं, उनको "रुद्र" कहते हैं | तीन-चार दिन पहले मैंने कहा था कि रुद्र माने "रुलानेवाला", जो तुम्हें रुलाते हैं | और तुम रोते हो,सुख के कारण भी, दुःख के कारण भी | जब सुख से रोते हो, तो आँसू ऐसे गिरता है [आँख की बगल से] | जब दुःख से तो आँसू ऐसे [सीधे] गिरता है | तो, सुख हो चाहे दुःख हो तुम रोते हो | अधिक सुख में भी रोते हो, अधिक दुःख में भी रोते हो | बेटी जब नैहर से ससुराल जाती है, माँ रोती है | और बेटी जब ससुराल से नैहर आती है, तो भी माँ रोती है | देखे हो न ? उस वक्त भी माँ रोती है | क़रीब-क़रीब एक घण्टा |

[मार्गी लोग—हँसी |]

हाँ | तो, कोई बात-वात नहीं है, केवल रोना है | हाँ | तो, एक रोना है दुःख का; और एक रोना है सुख का |

Segment of “As Is” Discourse Ends Here
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Given above, is a part of the “As Is” transcript of the discourse “Ekohi Rudra” delivered on 4th September 1978 in Patna.


In this discourse Bábá uses an alternating pattern of English and Hindi, teaching about a similar theme but using different examples. These alternating sections are not merely translations one of the other. They represent rather a continuous discourse, sometimes in one language and sometimes in the other. There is some overlap of theme and content no doubt, but plenty new as well which cannot be ignored in any single-language publication.

It was the duty of the Tiljala Publishers to go through the Hindi text and see if Bábá gave anything additional in Hindi which He did not say in His English section. And, if there was any sort of new content in the Hindi section the Publishers should have translated it into English and added it in at the appropriate place in the discourse, correlating with where Bábá had said it in Hindi. But such was not done. Only the English sections were selected leaving the Hindi sections, and it was published imagining that the Hindi section was just the repetition of facts presented in English.


The incompleteness of Kolkata Group's discourse is apparent on inspection. Please see the published English version which is given below:-
Segment of Kolkata Group English Edition Begins Here:
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Text Published by Kolkata group is presented in red.

The Singular Entity

Eko hi Rudro na dvitiiyáya tasthurya
Imánllokániishata iishaniibhih
Pratyaḿ janáḿ stiśt́hate saincukopántakále
Saḿsrjya vishvá bhuvánani gopáh.

The question arises – is the Supreme Entity, the Supreme Faculty, a singular one or a plural one? The question of plurality in the controlling faculty is a knotty one. The rśi says the important law, the Supreme Controlling Faculty, is a singular one – a singular one. There cannot be any plurality in it. That is, it is singular and shall remain singular forever.

Actually, one day I told you that the proper significance of the term “rudra” is “the entity that makes you shed tears”. And I also told you that to shed tears does not always mean lamenting. When you shed tears due to sorrow, when you are aggrieved, tears come out from the inner sides of the eyes straight downwards, and when you shed tears due to pleasure, then they come out from the outer sides. Tears coming out while lamenting is known as “shokáshru”, and tears coming out in pleasure is known as “ánandashru”. When you are in a predicament, having to undergo great troubles, the tears that you shed are due to Him; and when you shed tears in pleasure, it is also due to Rudra. Due to so many clashes and cohesions in this expressed world – all its attributions – people shed tears. This world of attribution is a creation of His, so He is the Rudra.

Segment of Kolkata Group English Edition Ends Here
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Because the “As Is” transcription is an exact replica of all that transpired in the discourse in either Hindi or English, it contains many jewels which are missing from the Kolkata Published English edition.

If we carefully compare the English and Hindi audio sections, we notice that in the English section, Rev. Bábá has only defined the “shokáshru” and the “ánandáshru”. But in the Hindi audio He has illustrated them, giving heart-touching examples of a mother who weeps in sadness when her daughter goes to her father in law’s house (shokáshru) and weeps with joy when she comes back from father in law’s house to her (ánandáshru). Hence, the terms are easily understandable to the audience.


The above-mentioned examples are not found at all in the Kolkata published English version. In the Kolkata version it appears as if someone has uninterestedly written an essay of this event. It is highly regrettable that the important and highly illustrative teachings given by Rev. Bábá only in Hindi have been eliminated by the Publishers of the English edition.

For those Márgiis who do not know Hindi, I have translated into English the above printed Hindi passage from the original “As Is” transcription, which is eliminated in the Kolkata published English version. By reading the below translation, Márgiis may decide its importance. The below passage Bábá gave during this very discourse, in Hindi, and it is completely absent from the published English edition of Kolkata group:-

English translation of the “As Is” Hindi Audio Passage

Segment of Translated “As Is” Discourse Begins Here:
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Translated passage of “As Is” Hindi section, which has been eliminated in the Kolkata published English version, presented below in green.

The controller of this universe is known as “Rudra”. I told three or four days ago that “Rudra” means one who causes you to weep. You weep in sorrow, and in happiness as well. When you weep in happiness the tears come like this (showing outer sides of eyes) and in sorrow the tears come like this (showing straight way from inner aspect of eyes). So you weep in extreme happiness and sorrow both. When a daughter goes from her mother’s house to the father-in-law’s house her mother weeps and when she comes back from her father-in-law’s house to the mother’s house her mother again weeps nearly an hour.

 (Margis- laughter)

Yes, you see, there is no talk or conversation but weeping only, weeping once in sorrow (separation) and again in happiness (meeting).

Segment of Translated “As Is” Discourse from Hindi audio, Ends Here
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By reading the above translated passage of the “As Is” Hindi section, which has been eliminated in the Kolkata published English version, one can perceive how needed it was to include this section in the English language version. By Bábá's example about the daughter going to live at the father-in-law's house, the reader easily understands what is meant by shokáshru (tears of sadness) and ánandáshru (tears of bliss).

Publishing the discourses of one's Gurudeva is an arduous, difficult work. Those who undertake this responsibility must be knowledgeable and focused on the subject Rev. Bábá is discussing as well as on the ambiance created through the interactions between Bábá and the Márgiis.

In addition, when the discourse is published the style of expression and flow of the language has to be kept in mind by the Publishers in order to inculcate the ideas of Guru in the minds of Má́rgii readers. For, the published discourse becomes the permanent record of what Bábá has said, and will be read by countless readers.


Ánanda Má́rga literature—Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—are a foundation for bhágavat dharma and the establishment of human society.

Therefore Rev. Bábá's discourses should be transcribed and published with meticulous care without any tampering or discrimination against languages. The errors identified by the readers should be corrected accordingly in the next publications and the books already published should be appended an errata at the earliest.




Note 1. Click here to view a scan of the Discourse showing where the missing Hindi section should have been published.

Note 2. The process involved in translating a discourse into various other languages for publishing in book form, is also vital to success in properly communicating the teachings of Gurudeva. It is obvious that the style of expression of the speaker in a particular language cannot be fully maintained in the translated language due to loss in translation, yet the proper understanding of the subject and language provides ways to the translator to bridge the gap and convey the full idea to a considerable extent.

From the Moderators—

Moderators Note 1.
Request for Volunteers

We make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “as is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

Moderators Note 2.
Need for Audio Recordings

In order to produce “As Is” discourses, there is a need for audio cassettes of Bábá's discourses. These are treated with the utmost of care as we do the job for which the recordings were made: discourse transcription. So any who have recordings of Bábá's discourses are encouraged to contact us in order to get the recording transcribed in “As Is” fashion.

Moderators Note 3:
Only Goal of Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network:

To Protect Bábá's Discourses

 This Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network does not have any agenda against any group. Its only goal is to repair and protect Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's holy discourses so they will remain for the present and future humanity.

Moderators Note 4:

Fix Bábá's Discourses Now or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses and do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now, it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works. Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. In the same way, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained. So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.