Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tiljala Publishers leave out all Baba said in Hindi during Discourse

The discourse, “The Singular Entity”, was given by Bábá September 4, 1978 in Patna. He spoke in both English and Hindi, alternating paragraphs between the two languages. Bábá's explanations in the two languages shared a similar subject matter, but differed greatly in degree of depth and in examples. In the first section Bábá explained in English about tears of sadness (shokáshru) and tears of happiness (ánandáshru); and then in the Hindi section He gave heart-touching examples of both which made the Má́rgiis present laugh. It was the duty of our Kolkata Publishers to translate these Hindi sections and include them in the printed English version of the discourse. However they failed to do so, and so these these examples were left out of the English publication.

Below is a scan of the first two pages of the Kolkata Publication of this discourse. The red rectangle indicates where the Tiljala Publishers should have translated and inserted the Hindi section where Bábá gives examples about tears of sadness (shokáshru) and tears of happiness (ánandáshru).