Here is the full discourse “The Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii –
4”, as printed in official publications of AMPS as well in the official AMPS electronic publication. In this discourse it is claimed Bábá states one need not do sádhaná́
to get mukti.
in Ánanda Vacanámrtam English Part 23, Discourses on Tantra
Volume Two, and Supreme Expression Volume 1. It is asserted that the
discourse was given by Bábá on 8
October 1967, Aurangabad.
Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 4
Vacanámrtam Part 23
on Tantra Volume Two [a compilation]
Expression Volume 1 [a compilation]
Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 1”, “– 2”, “– 3”
and “– 4” were published as four separate chapters in Ánanda
Vacanámrtam Part 23, but as four sections of a single chapter in
Discourses on Tantra Part 2.
Dialogues of Shiva and Párvatii – 4
October 1967, Aurangabad
once asked the Lord, “How will my children be able to get you?”
Shiva replied, “That I have already explained to you a number of
times and in a number of ways.” But Párvatii insisted on a
repetition. Shiva replied in short, “They should do sádhaná
properly and regularly and in the course of time they will come to
achieve their goal.”
the mother pleaded for her children. “This you have of course said
before. But all my children are not made of the same stuff. Some are
good, some wicked, some even more wicked. Some are good and pious
sádhakas, but there are many who are never calm and collected. They
will never be able to do difficult sádhaná that regularly. So
will they never get mukti? These children are ours also. You must say
something that will help everyone, including this group.”
Shiva insisted that everyone should do sádhaná according to the
proper system He had taught; that would bring them to their goal. But
Mother Párvatii still insisted on some easier way to mukti. Finally
the Lord yielded and said, “Those who surrender completely to the
Lord may or may not do sádhaná. All their burdens and duties will
be borne by the Lord Himself. The Lord will perform their sádhaná
for them. So ask your naughty children to surrender to Him.”
October 1967, Aurangabad