Saturday, November 30, 2019

No true Márgii does this


No true Márgii does this


Those doing false propaganda in the name of Bábá are demeaning Bábá. One should never do like this. Rather, Bábá wants His ideology propagated and we should not try to prove Bábá as a fortune teller. That would be very bad. Fortune-tellers are human beings and are numerous throughout the globe, whereas Bábá is Parama Puruśa.

No bhakta will ever plunge himself in this lowly deed of presenting Bábá as fortune-telling or predicting the future.

Note: Now and then Christians do like this - those priests put the date of rapture and scare the public. And in the end nothing happens.

In Him,
Viráť Dev

Please see the below two scans. Here one pseudo Márgii is trying to show Bábá to be a teller of the future. It is falsely reported that Bábá is singing the glory of India. By reading this, anybody can understand that it is false. This type of activity is very detrimental for the propagation of Ánanda Márga.