Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Really: Inadvertent Mistakes


Really: Inadvertent Mistakes

Respected Margii Bros and Sis,

Márgiis have been expressing their concern for quite a number of years, that our Publishers in Tiljala often proclaim “Discourse in Bengali,” and “Translated from original Bengali,” when, in reality, the discourse was given in another language like English or Hindi etc.

Evasive Language of Circular

Recently the Tiljala Publishers issued a public statement wherein they denied having falsely made the report “Discourse in Bengali”. An entire subheading of their circular has been titled, “About “Translated from Original Bengali” ”. There they have made various excuses and employed evasive language to deceive the reader in hopes of clearing themselves of wrongdoing. And those cases or excuses will be addressed in separate postings—they are important subjects in and of themselves. (1)

However regarding the main subject of concern—that they intentionally printed “Translated from Original Bengali” about specific discourses where it is false—regarding this they wrote only two lines at the very end. Those lines are noted here in red:

In a few cases, even in Publisher's Notes, inadvertent mistakes have
been made about language. These mistakes are in the process of being

Why Not Translated from Original Italian

So firstly it should be pointed out that it is more than a few cases; it is many cases. Secondly, if it is inadvertent, then why are the mistakes only regarding original language Bengali? If the mistakes are unintentional and inadvertent, then there would have been similar sorts of unintentional and inadvertent mistakes about original language English and original language Hindi, or original language German, or original language Japanese or Spanish etc.

There is not a single book and not a single discourse they have published, where it wrongly states “Translated from Original Hindi” or “Translated from Original English” or “Translated from Original Italian” etc. Why is it that the only mistake they ever made was to wrongly print “Translated from Original Bengali”? No intelligent reader can accept that over and over again in so many discourses the same mistake is made as to original language—and the only original language ever placed by mistake is Bengali. This type of consistent “mistake” is itself evidence that these printings are not inadvertent.

Inadvertent Mistakes Might Have Happened In Beginning;
But Not After Process Is Mastered

Furthermore, if one were to accept that there may have been inadvertent mis-reportings, those would have been in the beginning of inclusion of Publishers Notes, in the first years after 1990. But in recent years, when Tiljala Publishers have proudly announced the great care and precision with which certain editions such as Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10, and 11 & 12 have been published, then one would not expect to find such misrepresentation there as well.

And yet these very same mistakes—“Translated from Original Bengali”—cropping up even now, when they are publishing with such care and precision. And here too, never the mistake “Translated from Original English” or “Translated from Original Hindi” or “Translated from Original Tagalog” or “Translated from Original Italian”, etc . Only Bengali.

Case in Point: False Claim Made in Touted Book

A case in point is given here to illustrate this concern. The discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends All Colours” was published in 2007 in the highly touted book, Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10.

Tiljala group wrote in the Publishers Note of Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 10—

The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours”. Discourse in Bengali. Originally published in Bengali as “Varńa O Varńátiita” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam 10, 1980. Tr. from the original Bengali by Prof. Áditya Mohanty. (2)

Here they state not only that it was given in Bengali, but that it was translated into English and tell the name of the translator.

In order for such a statement—Discourse in Bengali— in their Publisher's Note to have been true, Bábá would have had to have given this discourse either exclusively in Bengali, or predominantly in Bengali. But unfortunately, neither of these is the case. Because by listening it is clear that this discourse was not given in Bengali, but rather English. Bábá has spoken the great majority of the discourse in English. If one is to announce one language as the language of the discourse, that language has to be English.

The total discourse length is 10:47 minutes; of that, Bábá spoke in English for 7:15 minutes, and in Bengali for 3:32 minutes. That means Bábá spoke in English 68% of the time, and in Bengali merely 32% of the time. And the main teachings are in English. To hear the English sections of the discourse, one can go to this Discourse Network's blog and download the sound file. (3)

No Repentance for Wrongs Done is
Against Spirit of Ánanda Márga

Rather than accept the fact and express repentance for what wrong they have done, they have instead written a political circular using very deceptive language, and sent it all over the world to clear their name.

Dada Acyutánanda ji is Hardworking and Sincere

The circular is written by dada Acyutánanda, a very simple and honest man. Dada Acyutánanda ji is hardworking and sincere, and has done a lot of very good work and made important contributions in the work of Publications. And he would never write political, evasive, or cunning-type letters on his own. Unfortunately he has ended up working for Tiljala group where, in order to continue to live and maintain his post, he has no option but to carry out the requests of his higher authority, dada Sarvátmánanda ji. In that case, dada Acyutánanda is obliged to sign his name to any letter that his bosses order to be crafted. Otherwise we do not expect or anticipate to see him writing or signing such type of deceptive and conniving letters. (4)

Bábá's Teaching on Scripture

Bábá says, "Mahásambhúti, of the same order as Brahmakot́i [Púrńávatára], comes to the world to educate people, to create a Cosmic vibration in the world – and that vibration continues to guide society as long as it exists." [MBH-06]

The whole purpose of the coming of Mahásambhúti is education of the people. Bábá has explained that if Lord Krśńa had not come and shown a new direction to the society, the human society would have been destroyed. And it is the same with Bábá Himself: He has come to educate the people; if his scripture is not saved, is not fixed, then the whole purpose of His coming will be ruined. So fixing the scripture of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is the most important and vital work in which Ánanda Má́rgiis can partake today.

in the service of Mahásambhúti Baba,
Madhumita Roy

1. If you would like a copy of their circular let us know.
2. Click here to view a scan of the Publishers Note page in Ánanda Vacanámrtam where the Tiljala Publishers labelled the English discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours” as having been delivered by Bábá only in Bengali.

3. Click here to access the sound file of the discourse, “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colours”. When you open the blog page, you will see on the right side a “box” which says “The Supreme Entity Transcends all Colors”. And on the right side of the box there is a button to click for options. One of the options is “download”.

4. Here is an example of the type of deceptive statements Dada Acyutánanda is forced to write or sign nowadays.

"If the person made so many misleading statements in the first and last of his emails, we can understand that there must have been other mistakes also in between."

By making this type of sweeping statement, Dada Acyutánanda is side-stepping countless errors in books that bear his name. Rather than address the issue in a sincere and straight-forward manner his bosses have forced him to make this political reply. Such a sad plight his is.

Here it should be noted, that the first and last letters and dozens and dozens of letters in between raise factual proof of errors in books by Tiljala Publications. Any sincere editor would own up to that. Already sound files have been provided so you can verify the veracity of this for yourself. And more sound files will be provided soon.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

English Discourse Labeled as Bangla - 3: Supporters Deceived

From: "Prabha Sanyal" <prabha.sanyal@...>
Subject: English Discourse Labeled as Bangla - 3: Supporters Deceived
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 21:39:37 +0000


English Discourse Labeled as Bangla - 3:

Supporters Deceived

Note: For purposes of authenticity, the sound file of Baba’s discourse has been provided so you can check for yourself the veracity of this entire episode. Do not be misled by opportunists. The negative forces are trying to dissuade you from reaching to the bottom – i.e. the real veracity – of the story. They are presenting everything as rosy, but that is not the case.

This provides further illustration on a topic first posted on 27 Dec 2013 & then further illustrated on 14 January 2014. Some readers had questions and asked for more explanation – hence this writing.

Respected Márgii Brothers and Sisters,


Overview: This letter is related with discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends All Colours” which is chapter 18 of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 9-10. In the book it is is propagated that this discourse was originally given by Baba in Bengali. But we have provided the sound file, and by listening it is clear that this discourse was not given in Bengali (see note 2), but rather English. About this, everyone is aware from prior letters on this topic - see links appended below. This letter explains how the English publishing team [EP Team] working (see note 1) was kept in the dark by Tiljala Publications (see note 3).

Here is more about this entire situation.

Cassettes Were Given To EP Team

This paragraph shows how the English publishing team [EP Team] (see Note 1) requested the cassettes but their request was denied. They were told that the Bangla book is the ideal. For the last several years a number of Márgiis from around the world have joined together and formed a team to help Tiljala Publications [TP] publish English books of the series Ánanda Vacanámrtam. This team worked hard in the production of Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10, 11 & 12, and 13 & 14. Team members requested the head of TP - dada Sarvátmánanda ji - for the sound files of the discourses they would be working on. He refused, telling them the Bengali edition published in 1980 was excellent and would serve well as their source for translating the discourses into English for the English edition.

The discourse “The Supreme Entity Transcends All Colours” is one of the discourses of Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 9 & 10. In accordance with dada Sarvátmánanda ji's direction and guideline, the team used the 1980 Bengali edition as their source document and translated this discourse into English from the printed Bengali version. When in fact, Baba originally delivered this discourse in English. So there was no need to translated into Bengali and re-translate back into English. All that was needed was to transcribe Baba's original English words and publish it as the English edition. But Sarvatmanandji would not let the team proceed in this way.

Unfortunately, as we look more critically, we will find that Tiljala Publications [TP] goes to great lengths to establish in the minds of Márgiis that Bábá was Bengali and spoke mostly Bangla. These publishers even deceive their own EP team, i.e. those working in their own publications department.

English Publishing Team Was Deprived

This section explains how Sarvatmanandji kept all Baba's recordings and did not give them to the EP team to work with - so those team members were kept in the dark. They were forced to work with the Bangla book, not the original cassette.

The members of the team are simple and honest. They do not knowthat this discourse, which Tiljala Publications claims to have been given in Bengali, was actually given in English. The EP team members obediently follow Tiljala Publications and accept that the Bengali edition of AV 9 & 10 (1980) is accurate in all regards—original language, transcription, etc.

But most of all dada Sarvátmánanda ji kept the facts hidden. He has all the sound files, and refuses to give them to the EP team - even though they are working on this book. If the sound files of Bábá's discourses are not used for transcription in making Bábá's books, then what will they be used for?

The EP team working on the English edition of AV 9-10 was forced to blindly accept what was written in the 1980 Bengali publication as true and to take it as the base for all their work.

Withheld From the Very Team Working to Publish the Discourses

This section addresses how the original sound file was not given to the English publishing team; in result, the outcome was defective.

Actually it is nothing short of abuse that dada Sarvátmánanda ji denies the EP team access to Bábá's voice sound files. The EP team has the duty to prepare our Ánanda Márga shástra in printed form. So they have every right to the actual audio files of the discourses they will be publishing.

The original audio files must be used when publishing ad printing those discourses. Prior editions are subject to human error and interpretation, and are going to have some errors in them. The only way to ensure errors are corrected is if the original source is used each time a book is published. It is outrageous to think that available sound files were withheld from the very team working to publish the discourses.

Distortions Would Have Been Avoided

Tragically, in our AM books there are serious and intentional distortions such as entire discourses being reported in the wrong language. If the EP team was granted access to the sound files, these distortions would have been corrected. To maintain the distortions which he had introduced, dada Sarvátmánanda intentionally withheld the audio files.

The Team Was not Given Original Audio Files

The EP team should have been given the original sound files. But dada Sarvátmánanda ji declined to give them the sound files. Buy, how can the books be properly published without using the original source?

Mentality Akin to Battered Wife Syndrome

The EP team worked hard to make the English edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam part  9-10 (2007). But they were handicapped; they were forced to work without the only true source, i.e. Bábá's voice. This is like a battered wife who is physically abused by her husband; she has the right not to be abused. But she does not leave their husband, and nor does she complain to the police.

By withholding information critical to the EP team's work, dada Sarvátmánandaji is deceiving them on a daily basis. And they go on working with him and defending him in the face of evidence incriminating him.

This is just like the battered wife who defends her abusive husband and takes shelter with him. She wrongly thinks she will find security with her abusive husband.

Similarly, the EP team defends dada Sarvátmánandaji even though he abuses them by not giving them the original sound files. The EP team wrongly thinks that by staying with him they will get prestige and post.

Allured By Post & Prestige

This section addresses how the EP team has right to have Baba's original cassettes. Those audio files were needed for the work but those team members wrongly accepted that they have no right to have Baba's audio cassettes.

Those EP team receives prestige and post by remaining with Tiljala Publications dadas. So they could see only the post and prestige they received. That is why they remained with Tilaja Publications and became blind to whatever adhármika activities they were supporting on. However much deception and abuse the EP team received, they just kept mum and accepted it.

Just as a battered wife continues to feel she has a shelter by remaining with the abusive husband, in the same way the EP team turned a blind eye to the abusive behavior of dada Sarvátmánandaji. They have eyes for the post, respect, and prestige they receive by remaining in his association. If a husband beats, then a battered wife thinks she is deserving of the beating. The EP team suffers from this same battered wife syndrome.

The team has a distinct right to have Baba's original cassettes for their work but they accepted that they are undeserving of Baba's audio cassettes.

Inferiority Complex: "We Are Not Deserving"

If the EP team sees the proof presented about the discourse “The Supreme Entity transcends All Colors”, even then they will not think about it. They will just feel they are not worthy to know these things.

With blind bias to favor dada Sarvátmánandaji, they think, “What is the need for us to have the original audio recordings. We should have faith in Dadaji! If we were worthy to know such things, then these honorable dadas would certainly tell us. We are not deserving, so they didn't tell us—what is wrong in that?”

These are the hallmarks of the battered wife syndrome—tolerating abuse thinking that other aspects of the relation make the abuse worth tolerating.

In this way, even after viewing all the evidence incriminating Sarvátmánandaji, The EP team will not leave him. Nor will they write even a single line against him.

Today the EP team is likely working on the newest volume of Ánanda Vacanámrtam—and trusting on dada Sarvátmánanda, and just using the previous Bangla publication instead of going to the actual sound recording. If they have love and respect for Bábá, then they should request the sound file of the discourses they are working on and not be satisfied with using the previous Bengali publication as their source.

Must Have Sound File For All Present & Future Work

Suppose they are working on Ánanda Vacanámrtam parts 15-16 now. Then they should request all the sound files of those discourses. They should listen to Baba's original sound files and compare that with the printed text. By this way they can confirm that everything is proper. And if they are denied access to the original sound files, then they should refuse to move ahead.

Deliberately Throwing Sand

In Eyes of Margii Readers

Regarding scriptural distortion, Tiljala Publications dadas always like to give the excuse that, “Oh, such errors might have occurred in our early publications but that was a different thing. In those days there was only a copyright page. Now we are setting a new standard—we put a Publishers Note in every book providing all the details.”

But this is just their empty justification.

This discourse “The Supreme Entity transcends All Colors”, was published using Tiljala's latest standard. They have given their specific details in the Publisher's Note etc.

But see what type of filthy deception is done. Tiljala Publications has the sound file, they know it is and English discourse. For purposes of Bengalization they see the discourse has been "translated from the original Bengali." Then they refuse to give the original audio file to the EP team. This is the deceptive strategy adopted by Tiljala Publications.

Tiljala Publications know exactly what they themselves are doing: They are intentionally throwing sand in the eyes of Márgii readers to befool them.

Prabha Sanyal

* If anything is unclear or you have difficult downloading any files, please write us.

Note 1: The English Publishing Team

Here is a list of those working on the English Publishing Team:

Kirit Dave
Taraka Ghista
Prof. Aditya Mohanty
Shiva Mazzola
Madhava Basak
Vasantham Parmesvara

Note 2: Not Originally Given In Bengali

In the discourse “The Supreme Entity transcends All Colors”, Bábá has spoken mainly in English. (1) All the principal ideas Bábá presented in English, and He spent 68% of the time speaking in English. (2) Yet as we have seen, Tiljala Group has printed in their Publishers Note that Bábá has delivered the “Discourse in Bengali” [only].

In this discourse, Baba spoke 68% in English and only 32% in Bengali. Indeed in the whole discourse there is only one para Bábá spoke only in Bengali.

Note 3: Tiljala Publications Department

Here are the key members of the Tiljala Publications:

Ac Sarvatmananda Avt
Ac Acyutananda Avt
Ac Sugatananda Avadhuta

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Remaining Quiet Is Not The Solution

From: Tribhuvan <trb.2000@phelis....>
Subject: Remaining Quiet Is Not The Solution
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 13:15:27


Remaining Quiet Is Not The Solution


Here is the practical example of how publications department is sloppy. Please review this short passage from the published discourse: "Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle."

"So towards the Entity who is so close to you, is it proper for you to entertain such false feelings of abhimána, gaorava and pratiśt́há? Caetanya Mahaprabhu, to help human beings, overcome this sense of vanity and lethargy, advised them to a psychological approach: trńadapi suniicena – be as humble as the grass. When people feel that others are not giving them proper regard, and as a result they feel psychically wounded, they should accept this golden principle to counteract this false sense of self-aggrandizement: one should consider oneself to be even humbler than the grass."

"But remember that this refers to individual and not collective behaviour. In collective life, pride should not be allowed to raise its head, it should not be condoned. In collective life one has no right to forgive anyone; in individual life you can extend maximum forgiveness – rather, the more forgiveness, the better. Forgiveness is something personal; it is not a collective matter. Suppose you are an inhabitant of India. If someone harms the collective life of India, you must not forgive them. Likewise, as you belong to the entire human race, you must not forgive anyone who harms humanity. But in individual life, however much one might harm you, you may forgive that person to the greatest extent possible. Thus it is said that one should be as humble as the grass. But remember that grass, although humble, is not insignificant: the universal life is manifested in grass. Without grass it would have been impossible for human beings to survive." (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle)

Here is the problem with the above printed passage:

1. The second sentence of the second paragraph which is coloured in red does not belong here. Baba did not speak that sentence when He originally delivered the discourse, and the sentence does not make sense.

2. Here is the problematic sentence which does not belong to the above discourse:

"In collective life, pride should not be allowed to raise its head, it should not be condoned."

3. In Ananda Marga philosophy, pride is never appreciated or looked upon as something grand - neither in individual life nor collective life. The above cited sentence does not belong in this discourse. Just it seems to have been randomly inserted and it misleads the reader and ruins the meaning of the entire paragraph. Only it is confusing.

This type of wrong insertion in the paragraph is akin to a white stone in the rice. One cannot see the white stone - because it blends in with the white rice - but it will break your teeth. Same is the case with the above sentence. It is not easy to depict that it does not belong, but it ruins the entire passage - just as a stone in the rice can ruin your teeth.

4. Furthermore, it ruins the previous sentence [coloured in green] which is related with humility - not pride. But the second sentence is written in such a way that it changes and distorts the meaning of the first sentence.

5. Our discourses are in bad shape - this sentence coloured in red does not belong in this discourse - rather it ruins the discourse. That red sentence does not belong here; this is an example of altering the discourse due to sloppiness.

6. Those responsible for publishing and printing our Ananda Marga discourses are more involved in court cases, and group fighting etc. They are not focused on publishing Baba's divine discourses in a pristine and accurate manner. When any error or mistake is pointed out, or when someone provides proof that the published discourses are inaccurate, then those publishers try and confuse the general margiis by painting a rosy picture, and casting false and malevolent accusations towards those bringing genuine points to the fore. This is their unsavory and unethical response to the problem at hand. All in all, the standard of the published Ananda Marga discourses is shameful, and the current state of affairs must not be allowed to continue and drag onwards.

Fix Bábá's Discourses Now Or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses — if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now — it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it.

In the same way, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Má́rga is dharma — not religion— but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this: All the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

Sin Of Commission & Sin of Omission

The distortions introduced by Tiljala group in their publications of Bábá’s discourses are errors of commissional in nature. But let none make the mistake of thinking that H and EC groups are innocent here; by their failure to take interest in publishing Bábá’s original discourses, they demonstrate a lethargy toward Bábá’s shástra which is highly condemnable.

H and EC groups’ failure to publish Bábá’s original discourses is a failure of omission. The omissional error of H and EC is every bit as serious as the commissional errors of Tiljala group. And moreover, H group's publishing department merely reprints the distortion-laden, error-filled books made by Tiljala group, and puts their stamp on it. So they are supporting and participating in the sins of Tiljala group.

Why Speak Out

It is regrettable that H and EC groups have shown no interest in Bábá’s discourses, otherwise they would have become active in publishing them from the original sound track, instead of merely reprinting the books which the Tiljala group publishes.

Namaskar in Him,

- Notes From Moderators:

Your Help Is Needed:

Request For Volunteers

We are making a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “as is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “as is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware.

Comparing the “as is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

Need For Audio Recordings

In order to produce “As Is” discourses, there is a need for audio cassettes of Bábá's discourses. These are treated with the utmost of care as we do the job for which the recordings were made: Discourse transcription. So any who have recordings of Bábá's discourses are encouraged to contact us in order to get the recording transcribed in “As Is” fashion.

Only Goal Of Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network:

To Protect Bábá's Discourses

This Ánanda Má́rga Discourses Network does not have any agenda against any group. Its only goal is to repair and protect Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's holy discourses so they will remain for the present and future humanity.

Essence of Life

Struggle is the essence of life. Yours should be a pauseless struggle against corruption, hypocrisy and animality.” (Ananda Vanii #11)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

You Should Know This

You Should Know This
Moderators' Note: Respected senior Margii Sukulji was contacted about the recent circular sent out by Tiljala group dadas. Sukulji's response follows here, and the letter initially sent to him beneath it.
From:     tr sukul <trsukulsagar@...>
Subject: Re: What should be done?
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 15:44:58 +0530

Respected Dadaji Namaskar.

     The views of B group you indicated seem to be the irritation due to their selfish intention being highlighted before the common Margiis. It is general tendency of people to irritate and abuse those who try to indicate their faults and mistakes.

     What ever we have found after comparing the original "as is" text with the same matter published by the "B" group publishers, has been discussed with the proof and therefore no one can say that the errors pointed out are false. The readers are not fools that they will still rely publishers' false assertion after clearly getting the evidences which we have given in support of our analysis. 

    If they have designated us as ghosts, no matter, while discussing about hallucination and evil spirits rev. Baba has stated many times that every Anand Margii is a ghost so don't fear from them as one ghost can not harm an other ghost. And, as Followers of rev. Baba we clearly know that there is no existence of so called ghosts.
 [see , Ghosts and Evil Spirits, "Yoga Psychology" page 19 para 3.]

    In Bhakta Poets of India saint Kabeer is treated to be the person who speaks truth straight forward, and he has said :-        
      "Nindak neare rakhiye, aangan kuti chhabay,           
        Bin paani sabun bina nirmal kare subhay." 
  This means,          
      "The criticizers should be kept nearby with honor              
        As they clean the mind without soap or water".  

     In this perspective the publishers should have expressed gratitude to those who indicated the errors in published matter and try to remove them from the books as soon as possible, but they are behaving adversely it is not good. Their pride has gone high therefore they see every person to be low, all knowing rev. Baba is watching every thing with numerous eyes, no one can escape from His sight.

     If they think us to be persons of imaginary names, we may provide them our permanent residential address/phone numbers and what ever they wish to confirm and verify that we really exist or not.

  It is my humble request to every Margii that they should rely on the originality of rev. Baba's discourses only and if they find any controversy in AM Shastra's they should point them out and form pressure to make it corrected in order to maintain sanctity of the Aapt Vakya given by Tarak Brahma. 

       We will go on working for the betterment of humanity by rev. Baba's grace without any fear.


On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:32 AM, C.N. wrote:

Respected Sukulji,

I am writing to inform you about a very condescending letter which has been written and circulated by B group. In it they have drafted a very sly response to the 50 or so postings that have been sent by the Discourses network. In that response they have dismissed all the distortions pointed out as false. And B group is blaming all the writers of the postings and name calling as "anonymous writers" in a derogatory way. They have written: 

An unknown person always circulates mails regarding "mistakes".

They are preaching the conclusion that every writer wrote mostly false things. And they are furthermore using the following derogatory appellations and slanderous remarks:

1. They have written that those writing postings are unknown people-- "ANONYMOUS EMAILER". They are preaching that the writers of the postings are GHOSTS. They have further expressed, "UNKNOWN PERSON/S CIRCULATE MAILS".
2. They have addressed the Margiis writing postings as "Dear the unknown".
3. They have claimed that what distortions were identified and pointed out are wrong and there are NO MISTAKES.
4. They have expressed that the WRITERS' INTENTION WAS FILTHY

By this you may understand that they are hurling stones on you also. Tiljala group is accusing that all writers including you are not real human beings, just ghosts. And that what you have written is false. But to the contrary you are a most senior and respected Margi, and everything you and others have written in those postings is completely true. Every word and sentence is true.

Tiljala Publishers are not righteous people. Even after demonstrating and proving their mistakes and distortions before all, they do not accept the facts. To the contrary, they go on trying to confuse Margiis and keep them in the dark.

We cannot allow the general Margiis to get befooled by these people. So what are your thoughts, what do you think should be done?

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