Thursday, October 9, 2014

Look: More Blunders by Tiljala Publications - Bhútajiṋána & More

From: "Kalyani Sanyal" kalyani_S87@trium....
Subject: Look: More Blunders by Tiljala Publications --- Bhútajiṋána & More
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 22:08:17 +0000


Look: More Blunders by Tiljala Publications -

Bhútajiṋána & More

Please see here below how Ananda Marga Publications has made terrible blunders in Electronic Edition of Baba's books, version 7.5, i.e. the latest edition.

Important Background Information

First are some background teachings from Sadguru Baba about the topic at hand. Here below Baba has graciously given a clear and pointed delivery on this topic in these excerpts from these following two discourses. Please read below:

"Utámrtasyesháno. Uta means “hell”. Tala, atala, talátala, pátála, atipátála, rasátala – these are the different levels of hell. Rasátala is the lowest of them all. When a person has become completely degenerate then people say about them that they have gone to rasátala. Just as there are seven levels in the downward direction, there are also seven levels in the upward direction – bhúh, bhuvah, svah, mahah, janah, tapah, and satya. Among these seven worlds, svah is heaven. And down below, the pátála, the imaginary pátála, is called hell. Parama Puruśa is the master of heaven and He is also the master of hell. People want to be saved from hell. He who is the master of the mortal world is also present in hell. This is a complex question. In the same way, the immortal world is also arranged in seven levels – bhúh, bhuvah, svah, mahah, janah, tapah, and satya (vyáhrti: vi – á – hr + ktin). Parama Puruśa is the master of both heaven and hell." (*)

"This path towards divinity is known as “devayána”. That is, the path of elevation from crudity to subtlety followed by humans is known as devayánah (“yanah” means “path”). One who pledges to follow truth from the beginning, steps onto the path for the attainment of divinity. And the one who does good deeds while sincerely following satya finds it easy to advance along this path. This broad path of spirituality, which has been further broadened by truth, has been followed by many successful rśis (sages) who ultimately attained the supreme status of truth (áptakáma)." (**)

By reading Guru's above teachings we gain greater familiarity about the paragraphs are in question - which are presented further down in this letter.

Common and Well-Explained Terms
in Ananda Marga

Here we should also consider this. These words are not new - in our Ananda Marga books these following terms are frequently used: (a) u'ta, (b) amrta, (c) yana, (d) u'tayana, (e) amrtayana, and (f) devayana.

Here below are the definitions:

(a) u'ta means hell

(b) amrta means immortality, nectar

(c) ya'na means path

(d) u'taya'na means path to hell

(e) amrtaya'na means path to immortality

(f) devaya'na means path to divinity

Whenever Baba has explained this following shloka then He has given clear and thorough explanations about the aforementioned terms.

Puruśa evedaḿ sarvaḿ yadbhútaḿ yacca bhavyam;
Utámrtasyesháno yadanye nátiroh

So these words - (a) u'ta, (b) amrta, (c) ya'na, (d) u'taya'na, (e) amrtaya'na, and (f) devaya'na - are not new. They are well-explained terms that Baba has clearly defined and explained in various discourses.

Fake Words Used by Tiljala Publications

Now see how Tiljala used fake terms when they wrongly included and tainted Baba's discourse - Movement Is the Order of the Day. The below terms - highlighted in yellow - have nothing to do with Ananda Marga philosophy. Yet see how those in Tiljala have made this crucial error.

Now when the movement is towards the subtler entity, that movement is called devajiṋána or amrtajiṋána.(1) And where the movement is a negative one, that is, negative pratisaiṋcara, it is called bhútajiṋána.(2) So if a man is a super-moralist, but he doesn’t do any spiritual practice, his downfall is inevitable; that is, his movement towards bhútajiṋánii is inevitable. So wise people must do spiritual practice.

Now, Parama Puruśa is everywhere. Amrta [spiritual nectar] is a creation of His. Bhúta [solid factor] is also a creation of His. So when a man resorts to devajiṋána or amrtajiṋána, Parama Puruśa is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Similarly, when a man resorts to bhútajiṋána, Parama Puruśa is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Parama Puruśa is always with each and every creature, the virtuous or the sinners; both are equally helped by Him. (15 July 1979, Ernakulam)

So this was their blunder. These four words have nothing to do with Ananda Marga philosophy:

 devajiṋána - amrtajiṋána - bhútajiṋána - bhútajiṋánii

Plus the term bhútajiṋána should have been u'tayana.

Sadly those doing the translation and editing work have no idea what they are doing. Such words (highlighted above in yellow) do not exist. Those publishers do not know what they are talking about.

Proper Rendering of that Discourse

It should have been like this. The terms highlighted in in green are the correct words and should have been used in place of the above terms highlighted in yellow. Because those highlighted in green below are the very terms Baba Himself spoke with delivering this discourse.

Here is the corrected and updating version according to what Baba spoke that day - 15 July 1979, Ernakulam - in His discourse, Movement Is the Order of the Day.

"Now, when the movement is towards the subtler entity, that movement is called devaya'na, or amrtaya'na. Ya'na means "way, road, route". And where the movement is a negative one, that is, negative pratisaincara, it is called "u'taya'na", or "narakaya'na". So if a man is a supermoralist but he doesn't do any spiritual practice, his downfall is inevitable. That is, his movement towards u'taya'na is inevitable. So wise people must do spiritual practice."

"Now, Parama Purus'a is everywhere. Amrta is a creation of His. U'ta is also a creation of His. So when a man resorts to devaya'na or amrtaya'na, Parama Purus'a is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Similarly, when a man resorts to u'taya'na, Parama Purus'a is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Parama Purus'a is always with each and every creature. The virtuous or the sinners, both are equally helped by Him."


Thus, what Baba spoke did not get published and instead those in Tiljala Publications inserted these jibberish or phony terms (highlighted in yellow) into Guru's divine discourse that have nothing to do with Ananda Marga philosophy.

By their entire approach it is evident they have no idea what they are doing - nor do they even care to know. That is the sad truth. Because anyone with even a little interest would have easily gotten it correct.

in Him,
Kalyani Sanyal

* = Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, Parama Puruśa Knows Everything
** = Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality
