Monday, November 24, 2014

Due to Distortion: Bogus Things In Ánanda Márga Books

From: Lalita Chakraborty <lchakraborty@wbnet...>
To: Ananda Marga Discourses <>
Subject: Due to Distortion: Bogus Things In Ánanda Má́rga Books
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 12:14:52 +0530


Due to Distortion: 
Bogus Things In Ánanda Márga Books


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books.

This letter addresses another discourse in which the published text bears no resemblance to the words Bábá actually spoke. The discourse is from the Hindi Ánanda Vacanámrtam, AV Part 13, chapter 7. (1)

The letter contains the following points:

1. Please download the sound file so you can better understand this issue. (see link below, note 2)

2. The discourse under question and scrutiny is: AV13 "योगी अवश्य ही आस्तिक होंगे" ["A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist"].

3. This is a discourse given by Bábá in Hindi, and yet the Hindi discourse published by Tiljala Publishers does not match up with Bábá’s original Hindi which Bábá Himself spoke. It has obviously been completely rewritten by the Tiljala Publishers (TP).

4. As a result, instead of reading Bábá’s original words in direct transcription, Márgiis are forced to read a discourse which has been worded entirely by the TP. For purposes of bangalization they have re-written the discourse instead of printing what Bábá spoke.

5. Here below is what TP published in AV13, claiming it to be Bábá's discourse "A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist". Those who know Hindi will immediately note that there is not a single sentence below which resembles what Bábá actually spoke on the audio file. You can download the sound file to compare what Bábá actually spoke, with what the Tiljala Publishers printed. (see note 2)

Here below is Tiljala Publication's version of the discourse "A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist" [योगी अवश्य ही आस्तिक होंगे], published in AV13: 

By comparing the above Tiljala Publisher's printed text with the audio file of what Bábá spoke, it is immediately apparent that the two bear no resemblance one to the other.

6. TP printed on the inside cover of the book AV13, "श्रीमती उर्मिला बनर्जी द्वारा बंला से अनूदित" -- "Translated from the Bengali by Shrimatii Urmila Banarjee". So Tiljala Publishers claim that Bábá has given the discourse in Bengali, and this is the Hindi translation. Which of course is completely false.

 Responsibility Falls to Ánanda Má́rgiis

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything. First, with distortions such as those illustrated above, there is every proof of intentionality. When something has been intentionally distorted, then one cannot expect those who brought about the distortion to turn around and rectify it. And second, twenty-three years have passed since 1990, with no sign of fixing the discourses going on. The Tiljala group whatever they spend all their time and resources on these days, if instead they had utilized these in fixing Bábá's discourses, then their efforts would have been worthwhile. When our Publishers are wasting their time and money in self-serving pursuits such as group fighting, then it falls upon Ánanda Má́rgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

7. For your reference and confirmation, the sound file containing Bábá’s original discourse can be downloaded below. (2)  Just by listening to a few words, anyone knowing Hindi can understand that Bábá's words and Tiljala Publishers' words are completely different.

8. For those not knowing Hindi, you can contact any private business translating agency also and confirm with them that in this sound file, Bábá is speaking words which are completely different from what TP themselves wrote and printed.

9. If you are new to this network and you tried but are still not sure how to proceed then let us know. We are ready to help you.

As-Is Version

10. Here below as a sample, is the beginning portion of the As-Is Version of what Bábá actually spoke that day 30 June 1979, in Patna. Please compare it with the audio file, and you will be confirmed that this is the true, word-for-word transcription of what Bábá spoke. Then compare the above text from Tiljala, with the As-Is transcription by one devotee, given below.

                                                                                 Our As-Is Typed Version

Volunteers Needed

We make a special request for volunteers to help in this work of producing and reviewing the “As Is” discourses. Márgii volunteers are needed from all countries around the world, to help with translating the “As Is” discourses into the various languages, and also to help with translating postings about distortions so that all Márgiis around the world can be made aware. Comparing the “As Is” discourses to the discourses published by our AMPS is a big job, and help here is also needed. We welcome a hand from any and all who are inspired and interested to serve in the protection of the discourses of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji.

​Lalita Chakraborty


1. "योगी अवश्य ही आस्तिक होंगे" ["A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist"], Ánanda Vacanámrtam, AV Part 13, chapter 7.

2. Please download the sound file by clicking here so you can better understand this issue by comparing what Tiljala Publishers printed, with what Bábá actually said.

3. All should know that Bábá originally delivered the discourse, AV13 "A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist," in Hindi on 30 June 1979, in Patna. But the publishers have declared that Bábá spoke in Bangla. So this is a Patna Hindi Discourse, Stolen & Covered Up As Bangla.

4. This discourse, "A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist", was given by Bábá in Hindi. TP translated this discourse from the original Hindi into Bengali, and then treated that translated Bengali version as the original. So TP then translated again from Bengali into Hindi—and published that twice-translated Hindi version in the Hindi book, Ánanda Vacanámrtam, part 13, chapter 7, claiming it to be Bábá's words. But Bábá's rule is that discourses are to be directly transcribed from the original language, i.e. in this case the Hindi discourse Bábá spoke should have been transcribed directly, and Bábá's Hindi words directly printed in the Hindi book—which they did not do. So they disobeyed Bábá.

5. The outcome is that instead of reading Bábá’s original words in direct transcription, Márgiis are forced to read a twice-translated version which, due to being translated twice (first from Hindi to Bengali and then Bengali to Hindi), is far from what Bábá actually spoke in Hindi. This occurred due to not following Bábá's rule of transcribing directly from the original Hindi.

6. The purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji is to keep watch on the purity of Guru's printed books.

7. Summary: The discourse "A Yogii Must Certainly Be A Theist" was given by Bábá in Hindi, in Patna. The Tiljala Publishers have printed that it was given in Bangla, in order to falsely make it appear that Bábá gave more discourses in Bengali than any other language. They translated the discourse twice: from Hindi to Bangla, and from Bangla into Hindi—thus straying from the Hindi words Bábá actually spoke.