Thursday, December 29, 2016

Here is Another Distortion in Ananda Marga Teachings - EE 7.5


Here is Another Distortion
in Ananda Marga Teachings - EE 7.5


Those who have interest in the purity of Baba's grand teachings, they are aware that so many obvious errors are present in our publications due to distortion. Here is another example. If you read carefully, it will be quite apparent. Please go through the below sentence with the yellow-highlighted phrase. It is very obvious that the term "five" should not have been there. This mistake has ruined the teaching.


The above scan is of Electronic Edition 7.5, DMC discourse-- “Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum”, in the middle of the discourse. If you want to read more of the discourse, let us know.


The duty of each and every Margii is to protect Baba's teachings from distortion.

In service to Gurudeva,

Ask for punishment

Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (2)

Ánanda Márga Scripture: Responsibility of Ánanda Márgiis

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (3) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything.

Márgiis have been pointing out to our TP, the distortions in our publications for years, but there is no sign of fixing the discourses going on. The Tiljala group whatever they spend all their time and resources on these days, if instead they had utilized these in fixing Bábá's discourses, then their efforts would have been worthwhile. When our Publishers are not fixing the discourses, then it falls upon Ánanda Márgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

Through your noble deeds, you bring all together

“The opportunists tried in the past, are trying at present and will try even in the future to fulfil their narrow desires by keeping the human race disunited. By severely reproaching this opportunistic craftiness through your noble deeds, you draw nigh the unknown strangers living far away and build a healthy world-based human family. Ignoring the brute forces, the sky-kissing arrogance, hypocrisy, immorality and glib outbursts of the conceited people, go ahead towards your cherished goal. The blessing of Parama Puruśa shall be with you alone.” (4)

Note: In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

1. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, Electronic Edition 2009. “Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum”.
2. Caryacarya part 2
3. “Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)”, Namah Shiváya Shántáya
4. Ánanda Váńii #40, 1 January 1974

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Monday, December 19, 2016

Distortion: unfounded thing in AV18-4


Distortion: unfounded thing in AV18-4


Even primary school students know that Venus is not a moon. But in Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 18-ch4, it is printed that Venus is the moon of Mars.

In the Bangla, 2007 Edition, page 100 [discourse Yamarájer Kathá (যমরাজের কথা)], our Tiljala Publishers have printed that Venus is the moon of Mars.

Please see below a scan of the book AV part 18-ch4, p.100, with the critical mistake underlined in red.

Please see above a scan of the book Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 18-ch4, p.100, with the critical mistake underlined in red.

In service to Gurudeva,
Pratima Bhattacharya

Distortion reached to the Hindi edition also

The distortion does not end here. Because the Hindi edition was translated from Bangla, so this distortion reached to the Hindi edition as well. It is in the Hindi discourse, in the Hindi Edition of the same book-- see AV18 p. 12, para 2.

Readers will form a very poor opinion about Sadguru Bábá

It is disgraceful that all these discourses are printed in the name of Bábá, Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji. And these books are sold in non-Márgii society as well. After reading this so obviously false thing, readers will form a very poor opinion about Sadguru Bábá. On the one side there is the pitiful condition of Ánanda Márga books, and on the other side, the Assistant Publications Secretary, who is the longest working in Tiljala Publications, is busy in writing his personal poems, and his personal blog. He has no time. It is disgraceful, that the person who has dedicated to serve Bábá and print proper books, is passing his time in merry making, writing poems, and the Republican Party agenda right to life blog. There are millions and millions of people who can push the right-to-life agenda very well. But who is going to fix Ánanda Márga books? And if Acyutánandji does not have interest to do this work, then why is he sitting there occupying the post? Let others come there and try to fix all those things.

Ánanda Márga Scripture: and moral duty of Márgiis

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (2) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything.

Thirty five years have passed since this discourse was given in 1980. The Tiljala group whatever they spend all their time and resources on these days, if instead they had utilized these in fixing Bábá's discourses, then their efforts would have been worthwhile. When our Publishers are not fixing the discourses, then it falls upon Ánanda Márgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

Please see below a full-page scan of the book Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 18-ch4, p.100, with the critical mistake underlined in red.

V18 Yamarájer Kathá p.100 w-red line.jpeg

Please see above a full-page scan of the book Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 18-ch4, p.100, with the critical mistake underlined in red.

Note 1. Story of Decomposed Infant in the Box

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When they will wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true, that these people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

Note 2. In order to make Bábá’s books pristine, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

1. Tiljala Publications, "Yamarájer Kathá" , Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 18-4.

2. “Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)”, Namah Shiváya Shántáya

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Distortion In Ananda Marga Books - English Hindi discarded: AV18-4


Distortion In Ananda Marga Books
English Hindi discarded: AV18-4


While delivering discourses, Baba gives and explains Ananda Marga philosophy. And to illustrate the teaching He gives examples which are known to common people. By that way, people can relate to what is being given. To make these teachings clear for all, when delivering discourses He gives the examples of other languages and traditions also. And it is the rule given by Baba, that those examples and phrases must be included in the printed discourse. Indeed in most of the cases we see that Tiljala Publications (TP) keeps and publishes the examples and phrases, poems etc, which Baba gives in Bangla. But unfortunately, the examples, phrases, and poems of other languages, TP discards.

Here below are two examples.

1. Example: TP discarded English phrase

This example is from SS 17-1, 26 February 1984.

Baba spoke the following English phrase in a Delhi DMC-- "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?" Our Tiljala Publishers discarded the phrase, because it is in English. Indeed, TP has unfortunately discarded this completely from the discourse. This important example will be further explained in detail in another post.

2. Example: TP discarded “Hindi” phrase

In one Bangla discourse AV18-4 "Yamarájer Kathá", Baba has cited one famous poem of Tulsi Das, to explain the relation between fear and love. Because the poem is not in Bangla, our Tiljala Publishers discarded it from the discourse. So the Bangla discourse was published missing this sentence on page 99, and when the Bangla discourse was translated into Hindi and published, it was missing in our AMPS Hindi book as well. So this Tulsi Das poem Baba has given to illustrate His teaching, and this important example used directly by Baba will not appear in any language version of the discourse.

Here is the poem, which TP has thrown away in the garbage, and we picked it up from there to show you. Here then is the poem--

Baba says--

“অবধী ভাষায় ৰলা হয় ‘ৰিনু ভয় হোহি না প্রীতি’" |

Baba says--
“अवधी भाषाय बला हय ‘बिनु भय होहि ना प्रीति’” |

In the Tiljala Publications AV18-4 "Yamarájer Kathá" p. 99, at the bottom of the page this Tulsi Das poem should appear. Yet it is conspicuously missing.

Scanned Book is Proof

Below is the scan of that very page from the TP published book AV18-4, page 99. Please see on the scan the red mark, where this poem should have been.

This above scan is of AV18-4 p. 99. The red ‘X’ mark in the scan is the place where the critical poem is missing. TP has deleted it, for Bengalization purposes. If you want to see the scan in full page view, then please scroll down.

Baba teaches us that we must not hate any language. And unfortunately Tiljala Publications is doing just the opposite of what Baba teaches. They give special favor to Bangla, and maintain a stepchild relation with other languages. It is sad.

In service to Gurudeva,
Anuradha Dutta

Note 1. Those who are interested to see the Hindi scan of this discourse, where the same poem is missing due to distortion by TP, it will be provided on individual request.

Note 2. If any point in this posting is unclear, please write us.

We Should Fix Bábá's Discourses - Now or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now—it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in the future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis will try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. Although Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion, but
in the same way as happened with Hindus vis-a-vis Lord Krśńa and the cows, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Má́rga is dharma—not religion—but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

Note 3: In order to make Bábá’s books pristine, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

1. Tiljala Publications, "Yamarájer Kathá" , Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 18-4.

Scanned Book is Proof

Below is the scan of that very page 99 from the TP published book AV18-4. Please see on the scan the red mark, where the critical poem should have appeared.

Yamara'jer katha' p.99 w-red line & 'X'.jpeg

This above scan is of AV18-4, page 99. The red ‘X’ mark in the scan is the place where the critical poem is missing. TP has deleted it, for Bengalization purposes.

Note 1. Those who are interested to see the Hindi scan of this discourse, where the same poem is missing due to distortion by TP, it will be provided on individual request.

Note 2. If any point in this posting is unclear, please write us.

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Distortion: false thing in SS-22 book


Distortion: false thing in SS-22 book


The following two published discourses contain mutually contradictory passages. In one (purple) it is printed that this creation is finite. And in the other (scan) it is printed that the creation is infinite.

Let's come and find out in detail, what is going on. See this below section from Subháśita Saḿgraha part 21, which says this creation is finite.

Ánanda Márga ideology says, "This universe is a creation of three fundamental binding principles – sentient, mutative, and static – and wherever there is the binding influence of the static principle, the objectivity, that is, the phenomenal counterpart of the noumenal subjectivity, becomes limited. A line of demarcation, a boundary line, is created. And where there is a boundary line, it cannot be infinite. It may be very, very big, but it is not infinite...Now the Supreme Cognitive Entity, rather the Cognitive Faculty, when It creates something, when Its creation comes within the jurisdiction of the static principle, that creation is very big, though not infinite." (1)

So please see that in the aforesaid publication, it says the entire creation is finite, it is limited.

Now, the second part of the story. This below scan is from is from Subháśita Saḿgraha part 22 page 24, 1996 edition. And in it, our Tiljala Publishers have printed that Bábá says the creation is infinite. Please pay attention to the Hindi sentence, “Anádi aor ananta vishva ke jo sraśťá haeṋ--”. (2) The first five words of this sentence, highlighted in yellow, explain that this universe is infinite.

Here our Tiljala Publishers have printed--

False things in Subháśita Saḿgraha part 22

Please pay attention to the left side of the below scan, where there is a red vertical line. The problem lies there, where it is written that this creation is infinite. That is totally false.

After viewing the scan, please scroll down to view the conclusion below the scan.

SS22 w-red highlight margin.jpeg

Please pay attention to the left side of the above scan, where there is a red vertical line. The problem lies there, where it is written that this creation is infinite. That is totally false.

Conclusion: To fix Ánanda Márga books

So you see, in the first quotation above, Bábá's teaching is that the creation is finite. And in the second scanned quote, it is shown that the creation is infinite. You know that Bábá never contradicts Himself.

If Bábá's teachings are not properly printed, then how are we going to convince the society that Ananda Marga philosophy is the panacea to the world's problems? When the philosophy is wrongly printed, and it is projected as self-contradictory, then the world is not going to accept it. And all these self-contradictions in AM philosophy have cropped up exclusively due to scriptural distortion.

This all happened due to distortion in our Tiljala Publication books. It is sad. How long are you going to sit quietly, seeing this type of ruination in our Sadguru Bábá's teachings? Please come forward and help in fixing the discourses.

In service to Gurudeva,
Shefali Dutta

“Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."

Note 1: Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (3) But instead of accepting their mistake, TP may give the preposterous and lame excuse that, "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen." So watch out. Everybody knows that they are sitting on the treasure of all Bábá’s video and audio. The archive is in the control of B group. But even then, B group is ready to spread lies. So be ready to hear this, that-- "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."

Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (3)

Note 2: In order to make Bábá’s books pristine, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

Note 3: On the point of Bábá’s audio and video collection, the other groups, like H group and EC, are paupers. So that’s why we don’t hear that they have any such department, with the title ‘archive’.

1. "Unit Spirit and Cosmic Spirit", Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 21
2. Tiljala Publications, "Nrsiḿha tattva, Rudra tattva, aor Shiva tattva", Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 22
3. Ánanda Márga Caryácarya Part 2, point 20.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Distortion in AM book: false things in AV-11 about Gańesha


Distortion in AM book: false things in AV-11 about Gańesha


Everybody knows that the Hindu religion has countless fictitious, imaginary, mythological gods and goddesses. History bears testimony that in the hoary past, when people were not so much educated, they easily believed those things propagated by their religious priests. Mostly those tales were fictitious or imaginary. And the deity ‘Gańesha’ is one of them.

Please see the below photo, an image of Gańesha. You can see clearly that it is an elephant’s face on a human body. This is a fictitious deity of Hinduism. But see our Ánanda Márga book’s yellow highlighted section below, from AV-11. In the discourse “The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses”, it is printed-- I know that he [the imaginary figure Gańesha] has some occult power.

Example: Fictitious Things in Ananda Marga Books

This above yellow-highlighted line from our own Ánanda Márga book, is ludicrous. Firstly, the mythological Gańesha is imaginary; it does not exist. And second, in Ánanda Vacanámrtam it is falsely printed that this Gańesha not only exists but has occult power also. So the personality which does not exist even, which is fictitious, is described as having occult power. This is the proof that Ánanda Márga books have a lot of distortions, i.e. false things are there. Bábá has told one thing, but something else is printed. This is a very sad situation.

Here above is the Hindu deity Gańesha

Here below is the full passage from AV-11 printed by our Tiljala Publishers---

“If one meditates on Gańesha, one will become Gańesha. Gańesha is dalapati; dalapati means gańapati [mass leader]. A kind of leader worship is still to be observed in many countries! So if you meditate on Gańesha, it means you want to become like Ganesha, you want to become a “leader” – but in fact you will develope [sic] a long trunk and a fat belly. People become like their objects of meditation.”

“I do not know whether Gańesha has any spiritual knowledge or scientific understanding, wisdom, spiritual quality or not. I know that he [imaginary figure Gańesha] has some occult power.” (1)

Duty of bhaktas to fix AM books

In this way you can see that our Ánanda Márga books have so many distortions. If you read carefully and try to match what is printed with Bábá’s audio, you will be shocked and your heart will be broken.

Now it is the duty of bhaktas to come forward and fix our Ánanda Márga books using Bábá’s original voice recordings, which are all accumulated in the Tiljala archive.


The deity Gańesha is imaginary. So printing in our Ánanda Márga books that this fictitious deity has occult power, is preposterous.

In service to Gurudeva,
Madhumita Basu

Note 1: In the above yellow sentence printed by our Tiljala Publishers-- I know that he [imaginary figure Gańesha] has some occult power -- the “I” is Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti ji. So our Tiljala Publishers are claiming Bábá said He knows that Gańesha has some occult powers. What an outrageous, outlandish idea.

Note 2: This who want to know more about this fictitious Hindu deity Gańesha, should read our AMPS publication “Namah Shiváya Shántáya”.

Note 3: In order to make Baba’s books pristine, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <>.

Note 4. Story of Decomposed Infant in the Box

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of EC and H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When they will wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true, that these people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

1. Tiljala Publications, Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 11, “The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses” 28 April 1979, Kolkata, 2009 Electronic Edition.

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