Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Outrageous Agenda of Calcutta Group: Deliberate Deletion of Traitor's Example

From: Surabhi Mukherji <s.mukherji21@computech....>
To: ananda-marga-discourses-1@yogasamsthanam.net
Subject: Outrageous Agenda of Calcutta Group
Sun, 30 Jun 2013 07:34:13 +0530 (IST)

Outrageous Agenda of Calcutta Group

Deliberate Deletion of Traitor's Example


I have enjoyed this Baba's quote which you have given last week:
Indeed Baba says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect.

Baba is telling that scripture is to be kept in perfect condition. That means as Baba spoke in His discourse, so it should be printed exactly like that. He is Guru, and He decides what He will say and what He will not say. That which Baba has spoken during pravacan, He intends for all the world.

What right does anyone to have to say that "No, although Baba has spoken it but we will not print it." This to me is some sort of outrageous idea. Guru speaks, and it is the duty of the publishers to print. As soon as publishers begin selecting which sentences they will print and which they will not, that brings up the ugly specter of distortion.

Kirit ji has written,
2. Regarding omission of text:

As  publishers, we have to maintain a balance between  the printed language and the spoken language. Printed language is for the whole world who have no idea of the "traitor group". May be even many margiis also do not know about the "traitor group". It would seem confusing and out of place to them. Furthermore, it is an example and not the part of the point of what Baba is saying. Removing that portion does not harm the discourse and makes it clearer. Now having said that, let me tell you that I am NOT in favor of changing or removing the text from original in general. And in fact we have to err on the side of keeping the text rather than removing it. But this particular example illustrates why certain text is best removed. 

When you have written "as publishers, we..." then it is clear you are not the person fully responsible for the policy stated here. Because the "we the publishers" means the publications department, & in particular Publications Dept (B). And the head of the Publications Department (B) is Ac. Sarvatmananda Avt. We margis have seen through time that what you have written here is indeed the policy of AMPS (B) publications department and so Kiritji I have full sympathy for you, you are merely expressing the policy which you have been instructed to give.

Following are my thoughts about Publications Dept's decision to remove the traitor group matter from the discourse: When Baba as Guru has spoken about traitor group in His pravacan, it means He has given one teaching about this. Those days when this pravacan was given in early '70s, the traitorous activity of those dadas was in all the newspapers. It was publicly known and it is public information for margis and nonmargis alike.

If readers do not know about this historical point, then editors can add a footnote at the end, explaining it. That is as far as your right goes as publishers.

On one hand AMPS Publications Dept of Kolkata Group is telling above that they are not in favor of changing or removing text and on other hand they are in favor of removing the text about traitor group. What type of hypocrisy is this? The traitor group is part of the history of Ananda Marga, and in His pravacan Guru Baba has given one teaching about how power corrupts Gayasur. The traitor group is closely related with this story, for that reason Baba has specifically mentioned it there. When Guru has given the point about traitor group, then there is no question of removing it. To do so can only be described as distortion of scripture.

Finally, it has been expressed above that the traitor group matter is "not the part of the point of what Baba is saying." But that is not at all the case. It is the major point-- it is completely at the heart of what Baba is telling about Gayasur, how power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Indeed, Baba has likened the traitors to the case of the dambaru of Lord Shiva; this analogy has been made in the discourse specifically for them.

At His feet,
Surabhi Mukherji