Friday, September 27, 2013

"Towards The Noumenal Entity": Printed Discourse Passage Highly Misleading

The Discourse "Towards The Noumenal Entity" was delivered by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji in Hindi, but never printed by the Tiljala group Publishers in that language. Instead, they "translated" it into English-- but the discourse is hardly a translation. It is fully of summarized and distorted passages. Such a typical passage is shown in the below scan from Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 12. Here the paragraph with the vertical red line is being highlighted.

1. The entire paragraph is a a mere summary rather than an actual translation of what Bábá gave in Hindi.

2. The word "charming", underlined in red, represents a gross distortion of Bábá's message.

3. The paragraph that should have followed this one, is missing altogether. It is represented in the below image by the red rectangle. In that missing paragraph Bábá is giving an example of how someone who lives in Mumbai and therefore prefers the local Mumbai sweet Shrikhand, changes their preference when they move to Ludhiana, to the Punjabi sweet Rajma. The Tiljala Publishers removed all this, in order to highlight Bábá's discussion of the Bengali sweet Rasagolla in an earlier paragraph.
 Click on the below image and it will enlarge and become easily readable.