Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Bengalization: Samanvayananda & Rudrananda helped Sarvatmananda


Samanvayananda & Rudrananda helped Sarvatmananda in Bengalization
(Distortion of AV-1 Ch. 6 (H) Check for Yourself बाबा प्रवचन का बंगालीकरण)

Dear Márgii Brothers and Sisters

This letter is about distortion in the discourse “The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation” (“आध्यात्मिक प्रगति के तीन सोपान“),  AV-1 Ch. 6 (आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड, अध्याय छह). Although Bábá delivered the discourse in Hindi, the Tiljala group unnecessarily translated the original Hindi (हिन्दी) into Bengali and then took that Bengali translation and translated it back into Hindi (हिन्दी) meaninglessly. And worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.”

In this way, they published the Ananda Vacanamrtam Hindi Edition 1993.

The standard approach given by Bábá is to directly print the original Hindi (हिन्दी) from His audio. But this they did not do. Sarvatmananda ji’s stooge Samanvayananda ji (सर्वात्मानन्द जी के चमचे समन्वयानन्द जी), did this sin of ruining the Hindi discourse (see below, in Hindi). Worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.”

For your verification the sound file is on the blog. (see note 1 below for download link)

बंगालीकरण : समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “मिट्टी” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए नीचे का  हिन्दी आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌-१ स्कैन साक्षी है |

Bábá's Original Words Lost
Due to Unnecessary Double Translation
In translating Bábá's discourse from Hindi (हिन्दी) to Bengali, and then from Bengali back into Hindi (हिन्दी) , many aspects of the discourse were altered; and, most of Bábá's original words were lost. It will be painful to see that most words were altered or lost as a direct result of Samanvayananda’s having unnecessarily translated the discourse from Hindi (हिन्दी) into Bengali and then back into Hindi (हिन्दी).

You have Bábá's audio (1) and you can verify yourself so opportunists cannot confuse you.

SEE FOR YOURSELF: Whatever Bábá Spoke In Hindi (हिन्दी), Nothing TP Printed
Due to Bengalization, Most Words Altered

You have the audio recording and you can listen and compare for yourself with the below scan. (If you haven't downloaded the sound file yet, you can do so from the link below.) (1)

Compare each sentence which Bábá says in the audio, with the distorted version below of the same sentence. You will see that there is not a single sentence in the paragraph that is just as Bábá spoke it. Rather, every sentence is different: the vocabulary and phraseology are completely ruined. And the reason is very simple: when one translates any sentence from one language into another, and then again re-translates back into the original language, the words and phrases are bound to be ruined. Bábá’s original Hindi words were discarded by Samanvayananda and Rudrananda.

बाबा की ध्वनि सुनने से आपको पता चलेगा कि बाबा ने जिन शब्दों को कहा, वे सभी शब्द बंगालीकरण के कारण बदल दिए गए हैं | अर्थात्‌ किताब में नहीं हैं | जिसके दोषी समन्वयानन्द, रुद्रानन्द, और सर्वात्मानन्द हैं | यह निम्न स्कैन AV-1 Ch. 6 (H), संस्करण 1993 का है | कृपया तुलना करके देख लीजिए | Worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.”

पुनर्निवेदन—बाबा की ध्वनि सुनने से आपको पता चलेगा कि बाबा ने जिन शब्दों को कहा, वे सभी शब्द बंगालीकरण के कारण बदल दिए गए हैं | अर्थात्‌ किताब में नहीं हैं | जिसके दोषी समन्वयानन्द, रुद्रानन्द, और सर्वात्मानन्द हैं | यह निम्न स्कैन AV-1 Ch. 6 (H), संस्करण 1993 का है | कृपया तुलना करके देख लीजिए |

बंगालीकरण : समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

कृपया पुनः देखिए—सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “मिट्टी” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए नीचे का  हिन्दी आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌-१ स्कैन साक्षी है |

नीचे का स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड का Publishers Page प्रकाशन पृष्ठ है | इसमें द्वितीय line में लिखा हुआ है—“आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित" | Publisher का यह कथन सरासर मिथ्या है—AV-1 Ch. 6 (H) is not originally given in Bangla | Worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.” See in the below scan, in the second row this false thing is printed.

पुनः—ऊपर का स्कैन आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌ प्रथम खण्ड का Publishers Page प्रकाशन पृष्ठ है | इसमें द्वितीय line में लिखा हुआ है—“आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित" | Publisher का यह कथन सरासर मिथ्या है—AV-1 Ch. 6 (H) is not originally given in Bangla | Worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.”

Due to Bengalization, AV1-6 Is Ruined

In the above scan, compare each sentence for yourself: See the difference.

I think you have already downloaded Bábá’s audio file. If you haven’t done so yet, please compare Baba’s sound with the above scan. And you will immediately see that most of Bábá’s original Hindi words have been altered.

Concocted materials are in the AM Books
(Unnecessary double translation: Due to Bengalization)

In translating from the original Hindi to Bengali and then back into Hindi, so much gets lost and changed along the way. The result is that what gets printed is not Bábá's words. Comparing sentences in the scan with Bábá’s audio, you can see that in each and every line, the wording printed by Tiljala group is completely changed from the original sentence Bábá actually spoke. The wording is utterly changed, and that is a serious matter when it comes to presenting Guru's discourses.

As Bábá has taught, the word of guru is mantra—“Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam”. When Guru's words are heard or read, that has special value. To read words written by some human doing translation for Tiljala group, this does not carry the value of reading Bábá's actual words. The two cannot be compared. In reviewing the sentences spoken by Bábá with the words printed by Tiljala group, one can easily see that what the Tiljala group printed are sentences they themselves wrote—not what Bábá said. These are merely sentences written by some human being, not Mahásambhúti.

The central idea is, Tiljala group cannot claim that what they printed is Bábá's words. The Tiljala group unnecessarily translated the original Hindi into Bengali and then took that Bengali translation and translated it back into Hindi, meaninglessly. This was all done for purposes of Bengalization—otherwise what could be the reason.

Sad story: Thieves stealing Baba's teachings

General Márgiis are simple and honest, so they assume others are as well, and they trust what Tiljala group dadas say. For this reason it is needed to gently prod and ask, “How long will you continue in the dark? Open your eyes—thieves are stealing before your very eyes.” Guru's entire shástra is being ruined by these so-called honest monks of AM—open your eyes and see the truth.


Be sure to download Baba’s audio file (see note 1) and save it for your sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. Otherwise they will only receive the message from Tiljala group that the discourse was translated from the original Bengali, and gradually the dogma will be spread that Bábá knew only Bengali.

How long will you remain quiet – speak out. Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji has given His guideline for you, but it will not reach you. Yet you have full right to have it. Again, I will say: How long will you remain quiet—speak out.

Worst of all is that TP falsely declared this original Hindi discourse as “Translated from original Bangla.”

In Him,
Dharma Sagar Roy

* If you have any problem downloading the sound file then please write back. We will help you get it downloaded.


1. Click here to listen to/download Bábá's original discourse, and compare it with the above scans of Tiljala group's published Hindi discourse.

2. When you open the blog page, you will also see on the right side at the top, a play icon titled “Hindi-English Discourse 'The Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation' 1978-08-10 Patna”. Click on the play icon, to listen to the sound file.

3. In this discourse, Bábá spoke 60% in Hindi, 40% in English, and 0% Bengali. He did not speak in Bengali at all during the discourse. And yet it is written in Tiljala Group’s Hindi edition, “Translated from the original Bengali by Ac Samanvayananda Avt."

Actually spoken by Baba:
Total words       1026
English               398
Hindi                   628
Bangla                       0

That means approximately 60% Hindi, and 40% English, and 0% Bangla.

4. Please see the book scan of the Publisher's Page. The second line is written as follows, “आचार्य समन्वयानन्द अवधूत द्वारा मूल बंगला से अनूदित.” So it is very clear that, unnecessary Bengalization has been done. From Hindi translated to Bangla, and then again from Bangla to Hindi. That is called Bengalization. This has been done due to the language chauvinism that Hindi and English are lowly, and Bangla is divine.

Why Samanvayananda ji Did This Thing:

बंगालीकरण : रुद्रानन्द जी समन्वयानन्द जी ने ऐसा पाप क्यों किया ?

सर्व विदित है उन दिनों, 1993, तिलजला में, समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी दोनों, पुरोधा-पद पाने के लिए सर्वात्मानन्द जी के तलवे में प्रतिदिन “मिट्टी” लगाकर जीभ से चाटते थे | उन दिनों सर्वात्मानन्द जी ने जो आदेश दिया, ये दोनों चमचे (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) उस सब की पूर्ति किए | सर्वात्मानन्द जी इन दोनों चमचों से बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट करने को कहा | ये दोनों (समन्वयानन्द जी और रुद्रानन्द जी) गुलाम अपने मालिक सर्वात्मानन्द जी की आज्ञा-पूर्ति के लिए बाबा का प्रवचन नष्ट किए | प्रमाण के लिए नीचे का  हिन्दी आनन्दवचनामृतम्‌-१ स्कैन साक्षी है |

5. If you need help on this matter
If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us. And if you have any difficulty downloading the sound file, please let us know and we will be glad to help you.

6. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.

== Links ==
Recent postings:

Mantreshwaranand, Mantreshvarananda, Mantreshvaranand, Mantreshvaránanda, Acyutananda, Acyutanand, Acyutánanda, Hariishanand, Hariishánanda, Rudrananda, Rudranand, Rudránanda

Download Sound File: Hindi - English Mixed Discourse "Three Factors For Spiritual Elevation" - 10 Aug 1978

This discourse was given by Baba in two languages: Hindi and English. The Tiljala Publishers rewrote the entire discourse, removing Baba's own original words. Both the Hindi and English editions are entirely rewritten. And there are multiple sections in the English text which Baba did not state at all in this discourse. These sections were simply added by our Tiljala Publishers. Compare the sound file below with what the Tiljala Publishers printed in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 1, chapter six. 

Click here to download the discourse sound file

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Sarvatmananda's manipulation of AM books: Critical Discussion, History


Sarvatmananda's manipulation of AM books
(Critical Discussion in Whatsapp, about history of distortion of Ananda Marga scriptures)


The matter of distortion of our Ananda Marga scripture has been a concern for many years. Please find below a history and pertinent information of the same, as discussed by Margiis on the Whatsapp Forum, “Save The Organization” [STO].

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[06/09, 8:45 PM] Niranjan Kumar: The reason which was primarily addressed for expulsion of ideological crusader Ac Maniiśananada Avadhut ji was his concern for Apta Vakya ie his concern for manipulation in Scriptures.

All Margiis were alerted in 1994 by circulars

[06/09, 8:45 PM] Niranjan Kumar: He was expelled on allegation of creating an awareness for Manipulation in Apta Vakya or manipulation in Scriptures.

I think it was 1994-95 DMC when a 40 page newsletter was sent by a Margii in which detailed notes have been given about manipulation of Scriptures. A CD was also sent as proof of manipulation.

The Margii whose name was printed accepted that he has sent the letter.

But unideological Groupist conspirators charged Ac. Manishananda ji for writing and circulating that ideological letter which explained about manipulation of Scriptures.

Who is the man behind manipulation of AM Scriptures.

Sarvatmananda has been after the life of Manishananda

[06/09, 8:45 PM] Niranjan Kumar: It is very sad that it is only Crude & shrewd Sarvatmananda ji who is Devilishly engaged in manipulation of our scriptures.

He is main person who has been after the life of the emblem of ideological fight Ac. Manishananda Avadhut ji.
[06/09, 9:31 PM] Niranjan Kumar: I have seen Ac. Maniishananda ji was using legal organisational means and platform for raising ideological issues

Maniishananda ji was talking to ACB members giving them inputs to raise various ideological issues in ACB meeting.

Various ACB members raised many ideological issues along with issue of manipulation of Scriptures.

The ACB members raised ideological issue both verbal and in written form.

Several written communications with Publication Secretary and with ACB are still available as a document.

ACB members who  did written communication could be contacted to know about attitude of Sarvatmananda ji led Publication secretaries and others.
[06/09, 9:36 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: 😒
[06/09, 9:38 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: *But why❓*
[06/09, 9:41 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: Anybody knowing whereabout of Ac Bhadreshwarananda Avd?
[06/09, 9:42 PM] Shubhganananda Dada: One senior Dada told me procedure to translate BABA articles was to convert any speech into bangla whether it was in hindi or English. From this translated Bangla version to english or Hindi. Doesn't  this seems absurd way of translation.?
[06/09, 9:46 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: Maniishananda Dada ne MPD ka bhi purjor virodh kiya, unhe vishesh yoga mila aur mujhse hamesa ananda nagar prasas me milte the....we bettiah me DS the, he is a great devotee---where is he? This is the righteous time for him to come in the front line to save the lost org.
[06/09, 9:48 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: Baba ne court me kaha ki we 200 se adhik bhashaen jante hain, kis bhasha me unka statement court lena chahega? Us Baba ko ek particular bhasha me bandh dena bachkana aur dhrishtata hai.
[06/09, 9:59 PM] Anil Gawas: Translations should be from HIS original script (It may be English, Bangla, Hindi) to other language....

Tried to hide or destroy the truth

[06/09, 9:59 PM] Anil Gawas: For translation to other local languages should not use already translated book to avoid mistakes...
[06/09, 10:07 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: Geosentiment kha gaya structure ko
[06/09, 10:35 PM] Niranjan Kumar: Yes this misleading theory [that Baba always spoke in Bangla]  is being propagated by Sarvatmananda ji & his Teammates.

They not only propagated this theory rather they acted further on this thing.

They tried to hide or destroy many magazines which had original article in Hindi and English.

Sarvatmananda ji sent one of his agents to collect original magazines and CD from Margii. The agent collected those original material on assurance to return it to them but those magazines and other articles were never returned to Margii.

Hypocritical, unideological, shrewd and shameless

[06/09, 10:50 PM] Niranjan Kumar: It is unbelievable that Sarvatmananda ji & Company is so Hypocrite, unideological, shrewd and Shameless.

1. S & Co. is big Joker as they are writing "Translated from original Bengali" on those articles whose video and audio is widely available. Which has been delivered in Hindi or English.

Original is Transcription in as-it-is form in whichever language it has been delivered.

It is Sad that today respected Kisan Sood dada has also became advocate of S & co. [Sarvatmananda ji & Co.] after getting  a central post in S & Co [Calcutta group].

Manipulation is not only about original transcription rather about many deliberate addition , deletion and changes which has changed complete meaning of those pravachan.

Sadly The great Sarvatmananda ji has not dissuaded even a fraction for his unideological mission of Changes in Scriptures.
[06/09, 11:02 PM] Dr. K K. Nirmal#2: Team? Kewal ji kuch prakash daliye.
[06/09, 23:09] Shubhganananda Ji: Translated from original Bangla doesn't it  give the impression BABA knew only bangla.
[07/09, 01:30] Niranjan Kumar: For the petty gain in organisational politics S & Co. Promoted this unideological concept that BABA use to speak only Bengali.

Hindi group leaders against Maniishananda ji & ideological crusade

[07/09, 01:30] Niranjan Kumar: This was an effort to limit a limitless entity.

This has been greatest conspiracy to limit all knowing entity to make only a Bengali entity.

But this was a Funny misadventure.

Which must be exposed.

Many of us  is alive who have interacted BABA in Hindi, English, Magahi and in many languages.

We have audio, video and many of us is alive who have heard BABA doing pravachan in Hindi, English along with Bengali.

A big credit goes to Ac. Maniishananda ji and many ideological Margii and WT who understood this misadventure and exposed it.

But dada Mantracetanananda ji’s indication is also remarkable. He is hinting about the unideological grouping [teaming up] of Hindi group leaders against Maniishananda ji’s ideological crusade against many un-ideological issues along with issue of manipulation of Scriptures. [Courtesy Whatsapp Forum, “Save The Organization” [STO].

In Him
Prem Shankar Sharma

Related Topic
(The below materials are not from Whatsapp forum)

Note 1. Lame Excuse:
“Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."
Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (2) But instead of accepting their mistake, TP may give the preposterous and lame excuse that, "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen." So watch out. Everybody knows that they are sitting on the treasure of all Bábá’s video and audio. The archive is in the control of B group. But even then, B group is ready to spread lies. So be ready to hear this, that-- "Oh, what can we do? The audio cassette was stolen."
Bábá says, where one is being pointed out for a mistake, "If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing our your fault and request punishment." (2)

Note 2. If you need help on this matter
If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us.

Note 3. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.
== Links ==
Recent postings:

Mantreshwaranand, Mantreshvarananda, Mantreshvaranand, Mantreshvaránanda, Acyutananda, Acyutanand, Acyutánanda, Hariishanand, Hariishánanda, Rudrananda, Rudranand, Rudránanda

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Márgiis are luminous bodies?


Ánanda Márgiis are luminous bodies?

You know, our AMPS books are not up to the mark. Bábá spoke one thing, and in our AMPS book something else is printed. In the past, so many examples have been given. Here is another one. In Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 3, chapter 17 Hindi, it is printed that Ánanda Márgiis are luminous bodies.

Sinners became luminous bodies

Those who know the meaning of luminous bodies, know that luminous bodies are cursed beings, and are under severe punishment. When they had a human body, they made terrible mistakes, and in result became luminous bodies. Prakrti punished them. Luminous bodies do not have all the five fundamental factors. They have only three fundamental factors. Two factors they do not have: the solid and liquid factors. As a result, one cannot touch or see them.

So it is obvious that Ánanda Márgiis are not luminous bodies. Ánanda Márgiis are standard human beings. And you know that luminous bodies are facing punishment, and after millions of years they may get a human body. So, printing in AM books that Ánanda Márgiis are luminous bodies, is a kind of curse on them. For details, please see the below scan wherein the critical mistake is underlined in red.

Here in the below scan, in the red underlined section, it is printed that Ánanda Márgiis are luminous bodies.

Ghosts and Evil Spirits w-red mark.jpg


Please see in the above scan, the red underlined section. It is printed there that Ánanda Márgiis are luminous bodies.


So we see time and again, that Márgiis find mistake after mistake when they read our AM books carefully. Now this is a call to those Márgiis who have sincere affection for Ánanda Márga philosophy, Bábá's teachings. Márgiis should pressurize our Tiljala Publishers that they should give importance to Ánanda Márga books of all the languages; not just those in Bengali.

Shefalii Chattopadhyay

Please see the below scan of the Publisher’s page of our Tiljala Publishers. It is written here that this book is the first edition, 1995. In this very book, the wrong thing has been printed.

Ghosts and Evil Spirits - Publishers page.jpg


Shastra must be totally flawless

Bábá says, “The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (3) So as Ánanda Márgiis, we must take this very seriously and work together to make the printed version of Bábá's discourses perfect. By such examples as the above, it becomes clear we cannot merely sit back and expect that with time the Tiljala Publishers will fix everything.

When our Publishers are not fixing the discourses, then it falls upon Ánanda Márgiis to come forward, create pressure for change, and help in the rectification of our scripture.

Note 1. If you need help on this matter
If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us.

Note 2. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.

1. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, "Bhúta Preta", [Hindi] Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 3, ch 17 1995 Edn.
2. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, Ánanda Vacanámrtam part 3, ch 17 1995 Edn.
3. “Disc: Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)” (Discourse 14), Namah Shiváya Shántáya

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