Tuesday, May 21, 2013

About Distortions in "The Birthright of the Microcosm" - Part Three


Namaskára Respected Márgii Brothers and Sisters,

Here we continue presentation of the second Ánanda Márga Discourse of this network, which has been prepared in “as is” fashion—that is, exactly as spoken by Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji. The discourse has been titled by the AMPS (B) Publishers as “The Birthright of the Microcosm”, and printed in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part Three*.

We have divided this presentation into a series of four postings:
  1. Introduction to the Errors in “The Birthright of the Microcosm”, Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part Three.
  2. Detailed Presentation of the Errors in the English Language Edition
  3. Detailed Presentation of the Errors in the Hindi Language Edition
  4. The “As Is” Discourse and the Published Discourse

Thus far you have received the first two postings in this series.

Here follows the third posting, which presents the errors in the Hindi Language Edition of this discourse.

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Distortion in Hindi translations of Discourse published by B and H groups

There was a significant error made in translating the original English discourse for publication into Hindi. That error was never detected, and because of this it became perpetuated in the subsequent Hindi edition, and continues to be present in all AMPS Hindi books containing this discourse up to the present day. The recurring nature of this error suggests that our AMPS editors do not take the interest or concern even to read through the earlier edition before reprinting it.

Critical Section Missing

Here is the matter: in the first Hindi Edition (1995) there was an important sentence left out of the translation, due to which the entire concerning paragraph became literally absurd and nonsensical. And this problem was never fixed; it continued in the subsequent Hindi edition. So the missing sentence which rendered a paragraph meaningless in the 1995 edition, continued to be missing in the 2004 Hindi Edition.

The first time the critical sentence is missing is in the volume Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1-3 (1995) Hindi, published in Calcutta by Ác. Vijayánanda Ávt. The mistake is on page 186, in the third paragraph. Again the same mistake appears in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part Three (2004) Hindi; Publisher Ác. Rupátiitánanda Ávt, on page 26, in the second paragraph.

What Bábá Really Said

For those knowing Hindi, we present the actual section below so you may read it for yourselves. First below, is the corresponding section of the “as is” English discourse:

"Now, when one’s goal becomes cruder from crude, the distance, that is, the length of the radius, increases. He is drifted away from the center because of his base thoughts, and base longings, and base actions. And when the thoughts and actions become subtler from subtle, the length of the radius decreases, and a day comes, a sweet moment comes, when he becomes one with the Nucleus. That is what is called mukti or mokśa. Sarvájiive sarvasaḿsthe brhante."

AMPS (B) Hindi Translation Introduces Critical Distortion

Here is the same section in the published Hindi edition. Those knowing Hindi will note that a critical sentence—or really parts of two successive sentences—is missing from the middle of this paragraph:

अस्तु, जब किसी का लक्ष्य स्थूल से स्थूलतर की ओर होता है, तो दूरियाँ अर्थात्‌ व्यासार्ध बढ़ते हैं | हीन विचारों, हीन इच्छाओं, और हीन कार्यों के कारण, सूक्ष्म से सूक्ष्मतर की ओर जाते हैं | व्यासार्ध घटता जाता है | और, एक समय आता है, एक मधुरक्षण उपस्थित होता है ...

For those not knowing Hindi, here below is the translation of what the AMPS (B) Publishers have printed in the above Hindi:

"Now, when one’s goal becomes cruder from crude, the distance, that is, the length of the radius, increases. Because of his base thoughts, base longings, and base actions, he moves from the subtle to the subtler. The length of the radius decreases. And a day comes, a sweet moment comes ...”

So the Hindi section is a gross mistranslation of the original English paragraph above. There is a section missing in the middle, to conclude the part about what happens to those with crude thoughts. And the introduction of the section about those with subtle thoughts is also missing. As a result of the missing section, the two sections—about those with crude thoughts and those with subtle thoughts—became merged into one confused mess.

Ramifications of Missing Section

This nonsensical paragraph was printed in the original Hindi Edition in 1995, and then again reprinted in the same way in Hindi in 2004. Both times, it was reprinted with the same nonsensical paragraph. This demonstrates that what to speak of not comparing to the original sound recording, no one even read the discourse to make sure it made sense. And in its corrupt state, it got printed not once but twice in successive Hindi editions.

AMPS (H/EC) Publishes AMPS (B) Books Without Proofing/Checking

The 2004 Hindi edition was printed by our AMPS (H/EC) Publishers in Ranchi. (The publisher was Ác. Rupátiitánanda Ávt, who at that time was in H group. Some that after that, the EC/Unity/Third Front group broke off from H group, and dada Rupátiitánanda has joined the EC group. So the responsibility for these publications is shared by H group and EC group.) The fact that AMPS (H/EC) Publishers in Ranchi took the books published by B group and turned around and printed those very books again in their own name without checking them at all, shows that for H/EC group this is just a business: to turn the profit—nothing more than that. Otherwise if any of the AMPS (H/EC) Publishers had been concerned enough to read this discourse even once, they would have realized there was a serious mistake in it. But in the absence of such concern for quality, they simply went on blindly reprinting the same mistakes.

Caught up in Their Own Web

It is an interesting observation that the H/EC group of that time did not trust B group on anything, and they were continuously involved in to-the-death legal clashes in court. But H/EC group did demonstrate full trust on B group in one area: they took the books published by B-group and turned around and published them point blank, without checking anything. This was a matter of self-destruction: without checking or confirming anything in the discourses, H/EC group accepted those books together with all their serious distortions. H/EC group has taken responsibility for everything in the discourses published by B group, and printed their own name on the publisher's page.

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

In the same way, H/EC group acquired B group's distortion-ridden printed discourses, and took credit for the discourses by reprinting them in their own name. Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses such as this one containing the nonsensical paragraph in question.

Same Distortion Persists Even Today

Of note, the current H group Publications Secretary Ác. Mŕtyuinjayánanda Ávt., has not done anything to change this status quo. The books continue to be taken from B group and reprinted point blank, with no editing or proof checking involved. And the 2004 Edition of this Hindi discourse continues to be sold today with the same critical error. If Ác. Mŕtyuinjayánanda Ávt had read the discourse, he could have immediately detected the nonsensical paragraph and created an errata page for the book. But that has not been done.

We cannot assume to know why Ác. Mŕtyuinjayánanda Ávt behaves the way he does; only he knows the reason. Nonetheless, the result of his work is in view for all to see.
Nothing is ever changed or fixed; the books he receives from B group he turns around and sends to a printing company for printing, with his name as AMPS Publisher. From longstanding habits such as these it does not seem unfair to conclude that our H group AMPS publications department is verily and unfortunately located in the plastic bag where Ác. Mŕtyuinjayánanda Ávt holds the B group books to bring to the printing company.

It should be added that the Ánanda Vacanámrtam series is the easiest to read and most popular, and Hindi is the most common language version read and purchased, of all our AMPS publications. Even then as popular and in demand as this series is, still the Hindi edition of this discourse in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part Three, with its distorted nonsensical paragraph, remains unchanged after all these years both in the B group and H/EC group publications.

(End of Section on Distortion in Hindi translations of Discourse published by both B and H/EC groups.)

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We welcome your thoughts and input, and you are welcome to contact us at this email address.

In His service,
Ánanda Márga Discourse network Editors

*Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part Three has been published by our Ananda Marga Publications (B), Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Tiljala, Calcutta 700039. Henceforth they will be referred to as “AMPS (B) Publishers”.