Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bengalization: Hindi para discarded from AFPS-5


Bengalization: Hindi para discarded from AFPS-5


I am giving example here below of a discourse published in A Few Problems Solved, part 5-- "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma". (1) Bábá has given this discourse using all three languages-- Bangla, Hindi, and English. Some sections Bábá spoke in Bangla, some in Hindi, and some in English. And the sections Bábá spoke in one language are not the same as what He spoke in the other languages. So to properly publish what Bábá has given in the discourse, it is essential to include the material from all three languages. Short of that, the discourse will be incomplete. But due to Bengalization, our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have largely discarded what Bábá said in Hindi.

Example of maltreatment of English sections

Now please see for yourself, Bábá has spoken the following green section in Hindi about Rádhá-- but you will not find it in the published AFPS-5 discourse, shown below in yellow.

Bábá spoke, "द्वैतभाव नहीं रहता है | जीव जब परमपुरुष के बहुत नज़दीक पहुँच जाते हैं—वैष्णव दर्शन के अनुसार, राधा जब कृष्ण के नज़दीक पहुँच जाती हैं तो; "वे [राधा], और राधा नहीं रहती हैं; वे कृष्ण बन जाती हैं" | आख़िर तक दो नहीं रह सकते हैं | दो सत्ताएँ नहीं रहतीं हैं, एक सत्ता रहती है | जीव-भाव, परमपुरुष के नज़दीक आते-आते होता है क्या ? उनमें परिवर्त्तन आता है | और यह जो परिवर्त्तन, यह जो विवर्त्तन हो रहा है, इस विवर्त्तन के कारण होता है क्या ? वह जितना नज़दीक पहुँचेगा; उतना ही वह विवर्त्तन,  परमात्मिक विवर्त्तन होगा | और जीव जब—एकान्त-निकट में पहुँच जाते हैं, तब last विवर्त्तन जीव में यह होता है कि—वह ख़ुद परमात्मा बन जाता है | "ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मैव भवति |"" (2)

Here below in yellow is the entire discourse as published by our Tiljala Publishers. In the below discourse, you will not find anywhere the above green sentences which Bábá spoke during the Hindi segment of this very discourse.

Please review the below yellow for yourself; you will not find there the above green sentences (or even sentences expressing their meaning):

So the above yellow is the TP-published discourse, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma". In this entire printed discourse, the above green sentences spoken by Bábá during the discourse are not to be found. And the reason is that although the discourse was given by Bábá in three languages-- Bangla, Hindi, and English, but our Tiljala Publishers have only printed the Bangla sections and discarded the English as well as Hindi sections.

This is our dharmic duty to protect our Guru's discourses. Please come forward to resolve this issue. What Guru spoke, is not reaching to you. Special interest groups are interposing themselves between you and your Guru. How long are you going to tolerate this ruination of your Guru’s teachings?


So many discourses Bábá has given in three languages. And many times Bábá said something in one language, but then the same things he did not speak in the next language. Rather He spoke new additional things. So in that case, until you combine what Bábá said in all those three languages during a given discourse, that discourse will not be complete. And ultimately due to Bengalization, our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have largely discarded what Bábá said in the other two languages English and Hindi. Only whatever Bábá spoke in the Bangla section of a given discourse, is included to become the published discourse. But actually that is only one third of the discourse.

Cops retrieve decomposed child

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he got caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found inside the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When they will wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true, that these people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

Note: In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected Tiljala Publications Secretary, dada Mantreshwarananda ji <Mantreshwarananda@hotmail.com>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <acyutananda1@gmail.com>. As well, please send this posting to <hariishananda@gmail.com> and <acaryarudrananda@gmail.com>.

Full Version

Bábá spoke, "द्वैतभाव नहीं रहता है | जीव जब परमपुरुष के बहुत नज़दीक पहुँच जाते हैं—वैष्णव दर्शन के अनुसार, राधा जब कृष्ण के नज़दीक पहुँच जाती हैं तो; "वे [राधा], और राधा नहीं रहती हैं; वे कृष्ण बन जाती हैं" | आख़िर तक दो नहीं रह सकते हैं | दो सत्ताएँ नहीं रहतीं हैं, एक सत्ता रहती है | जीव-भाव, परमपुरुष के नज़दीक आते-आते होता है क्या ? उनमें परिवर्त्तन आता है | और यह जो परिवर्त्तन, यह जो विवर्त्तन हो रहा है, इस विवर्त्तन के कारण होता है क्या ? वह जितना नज़दीक पहुँचेगा; उतना ही {वह} विवर्त्तन, {परमात्मक} परमात्मिक विवर्त्तन होगा | और जीव जब—एकान्त-निकट में पहुँच जाते हैं, तब last विवर्त्तन जीव में यह होता है कि—वह ख़ुद परमात्मा बन जाता है | "ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मैव भवति |"" (2)

1. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma", Electronic Edition 2009 and A Few Problems Solved, part 5.
2. As-Is version, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma," MGD 31 December 1980 Ananda Nagar.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Distortion: sham things in K&G book


Distortion: sham things in K&G book


See the below sentence marked in yellow is wrong--

Our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have wrongly printed in one chapter of the K & G book, "Sádhu really means…. Lord Krśńa says [in effect]: 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'" (1)

Those who read this superficially they may not understand, so be careful.

Right things in the book--

Here below in green, in another chapter of the K & G book, TP has printed the correct definition of what it is to be sádhu.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "'Every living being’s own life is the dearest life to that being. Just as my own life is dear to me, so is the life of others dear to them. One who knows the truth and looks at others as one’s own, and has feelings of sympathy and kindness for them, is a sádhu." (2)

Bábá has given the Neohumanistic teaching that a "sádhu" is that person who lives in the realization that others' lives are dear to them. Due to this realization, the sádhu treats all beings-- plants, animals, and humans-- with love and compassion.

Those who read this superficially they they may not understand, so be careful.

Wrong things in the book--

In contrast to the above, is the misguided Christian definition, which states “Do unto others as you would want done to you.” This is based on the defective and selfish idea that in order to get what one wants and cherishes from others, one should also give them the same treatment. This is a wrong idea, based in the notion that I should think first for myself. And on the basis of what I want from others for myself, that I should give to others--so that they will in turn give it to me as well. It is grounded in a standard business model: Give something so that you can then take back in return. Whereas Baba's teaching is based on the model of selfless service.

In view of this stark contrast between Baba’s Neohumanistic teaching and the selfish Christian approach, it is unfortunate that our Tiljala Publishers have translated Baba's own teaching as if it were that very misleading and defective Christian dogma.

The below statement in yellow, printed in our Tiljala Publications Electronic Edition, and in Bábá’s name, is completely wrong. It contradicts what is given above by Bábá in green.

Our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have printed in one chapter of the K & G book, "Sádhu really means…. Lord Krśńa says [in effect]: 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'" (1)

Our Tiljala Publishers have translated and reworded Bábá's teachings here in the wrong way.

In service to Gurudeva,
Kanhay Choudhary

Note 1: Here below is the full quote from the Electronic Edition:

“Sádhu really means “one who abides by dharma”. Lord Krśńa says [in effect]: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” That is, whatever is required by me may also be required by others. This consideration for others is dharma, and one who acts like this is a sádhu.” (1)

Note 2: In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the Tiljala Publications Secretary, respected dada Mantreshwarananda ji <Mantreshwarananda@hotmail.com>, and to respected dada Acyutananda ji, <acyutananda1@gmail.com>. As well, please send this posting to <hariishananda@gmail.com> and <acaryarudrananda@gmail.com>.

Purity of Bábá’s teachings is vital

Verily, to change words in the publication of a discourse, alters the meaning and misguides readers. Táraka Brahma has given pristine, clear teachings. Mis-transcription and double translation opens the door to misinterpretation and dogma.

Bábá says,

"In the spiritual world, there should not be anything which will divert human beings from the path of synthesis to that of analysis, which will provoke divisive tendencies and restrict collective existence within narrow confines.”

“Nothing should ensnare people in the illusory net of pettiness in any sphere of life, from the general code of spiritual conduct to the universal and eternal principles of life – lest the voracious fangs of the all-consuming Máyá devour them. Thus the scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (3)


1. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giita , “Dharma Is Your Real Friend”
2. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, “Why Does Supreme Consciousness Descend?”
3. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14

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