Saturday, November 24, 2018

Why Márgiis must print Bábá's books


Why Márgiis must print Bábá's books


From 1997 to 2003, the Tiljala Publications in-charges proclaimed their sincere interest in printing Bábá’s discourses in a pristine manner. And they tried hard to publish Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 34 (2000) in this way.

Sarvátmánanda’s true colour exposed

But after the division of AMPS, Dádá Sarvátmánanda’s true colour was on full display. During that time, a designated team was formed in NY sector for the sole purpose of publishing Bábá’s discourses of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 9 - 14  in an exact manner, i.e. a word for word rendition of just how Bábá had originally delivered those discourses, many of which were in English. Sister Gayattrii (Garda Ghista) was part of this newly formed team. Once involved in this endeavour, Sister Gayattrii requested the original Bábá audio files to ensure the book would be an accurate depiction of what Bábá spoke.

Sister Gayattrii’s (Garda Ghista) request was rejected

But Dádá Sarvátmánanda denied her request and insisted that all the discourses be translated from the printed Bengali version. Dádá Sarvátmánanda ordered that no matter what language Bábá delivered His discourse in other than Bangla, first it was to be translated into Bengali, and that Bengali version would then be used as the so-called original or master file. Sister Gayattrii was not satisfied by this response, but Dádá Sarvátmánanda was adamant that this was the only approach by which the work would proceed. Despite Gayattrii’s many repeated appeals for the original sound files, her requests were summarily denied—time and again. Gayattrii ultimately sent an email to many Márgiis and described in detail how Sarvátmánanda and his Publications team were ruining Bábá’s books.

Sarvátmánanda pressed for Bangalization: Inner Communication

Subject: Re: To Gayattrii Didi
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 17:37:24 -0400
From: Garda Ghista <>

dear brother,

“Kirit [NY] has done a very thorough investigation and he also has some of the original cassettes fortunately, and he knows there are huge discrepancies or discrepancies that there appears no reason for.  i think that in future this whole issue may improve - with a new generation at the reins.  but for now, it is difficult.  (or for that matter, a new generation may ruin and adulterate HIS discourses to a far greater extent. it is possible. it depends on who is controlling the organization.)”

“the other thing that i was told is that BÁBÁ wanted everything translated in bengali first, and then from bengali to other languages.  this is what i have been told again by some old WTs. whether this is true or not, i don't know. kirit also does not know.  there is no way for anyone to know now.”

“due to people's criticisms, now achyutanandji will be checking every single word, and comparing it with the original bengali. this will slow down publication of new books tremendously.  but perhaps it will lessen the criticism of the newly published books.”

in Him,
Gayattrii (1)

(Story Continues)

Only Solution for best AM Books

Unfortunately, until now hardly any of the discourses of Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti jii have been published in a “pure” fashion. In result, there are countless sections missing from a majority of the discourses, and what has reached the printed page has in large part been re-written. In addition, many discourses have been noted as given in a language other than the actual one in which Bábá spoke; and, there are innumerable errors of transcription. Tiljala Publications is not interested in fixing  Bábá's books; they are busy in Bangalization.

Consequently, many of the books published to date are not up to the mark and making “pure” versions has become the need of the day. In this situation, there is only one way left: Márgiis should properly transcribe Bábá’s audio tapes and make true books for all of Bábá’s spoken discourses. In this manner we can please our Sadguru Bábá.

In Him,
Rainjaná Banerjee

1. Relevant sections of sister Gayattri's letter included

== Links ==

For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते : 
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Junk in SS 11: Alteration


Junk in SS 11: Alteration


Here evidence is presented for the severe discrepancies between what Parama Puruśa Bábá has spoken in the original-Hindi discourse "The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms" (जीवानां परागतिः), and what has been printed in the Hindi and English publications.  

Please see below scan #1, which is the original as-is discourse in Hindi, 26 November 1978 DMC, Bombay. Here you see exactly what Bábá spoke on 26 November 1978. This is scan #1.

Please see above scan #1, which is the original as-is discourse in Hindi, 26 November 1978 DMC, Bombay. Here you see exactly what Bábá spoke on 26 November 1978. This is scan #1.

Unfortunately, Tiljala Publications (TP) did not print Baba's Hindi directly in the Subháśita Saḿgraha 11 book. Rather, they translated it into Bengali, and from Bengali translated it back to Hindi, and that double-translated version got printed. Please see this published Hindi below, labeled scan #2.

Following is scan #2, which is printed in the Subháśita Saḿgraha part 11 book. It is distorted, due to Bangalization. This is immediately apparent by comparing scan #1 (What Bábá actually spoke) with scan #2 (what TP printed).

Above please see scan #2, which is printed in the Subháśita Saḿgraha part 11 book. It is distorted, due to Bangalisation. This is immediately apparent by comparing scan #1 (What Bábá actually spoke) with scan #2 (what TP printed).

Following is scan #3, which is the same discourse as seen in the above-published Hindi. Here it has been translated from the double-translated Hindi, and published in English in Subháśita Saḿgraha part 11. If you compare this to the original Hindi in scan #1, you will note the gaping discrepancies.

Above is scan #3, which is the same discourse as seen in the published Hindi in scan #2. Here it has been translated from the double-translated Hindi, and published in English in Subháśita Saḿgraha part 11. If you compare this to the original Hindi in scan #1, you will note the gaping discrepancies.

So TP translated the Hindi original discourse into Bangla and then again translated that Bangla back into Hindi. And TP then translated from the double-translated Hindi into English. During these multiple steps, so much distortion occurred. Words Bábá did not even speak became included. For example, the term "lawyer" is not in Bábá's spoken discourse. But in the English printed discourse it is there.


This is an example of how AM books are riddled with serious mistakes. The problem is that Tiljala Publications is not interested in fixing the distortions. So we have to print Bábá's pure discourses; otherwise Bábá's teachings will remain tainted forever.

at His lotus feet,
Dayal Mahato

== Links ==
Recent postings:

For posting translation / जो अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते :
Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Distortion: Bogus things in NKS English AM Book


Distortion: Bogus things in NKS English AM Book


The following is one illustration of how due to distortion, AM books are so corrupt. Please see this below example.

Color Key:
Green = correct; Yellow = wrong; Yellow underlined = worst.

In the original discourse NKS-24, Bábá says, ৰলা হয় শাস্ত্রে যে পরমপুরুষ বা পরব্রহ্ম রয়েছেন সৰ চেয়ে উপরে, আর তাঁর আংশিক শক্তি নিয়ে তৈরী হচ্ছে খণ্ডাবতার, অংশাবতার, কলাবতার | এই অংশাবতার, কলাবতার বা খণ্ডাবতার বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডের নিয়ন্ত্রক নন |” (1)

See the correct translation of the above original discourse:  "It has been mentioned in the scriptures that Púrńa Brahma exists on the highest plane, and that through the partial manifestation of His power, khańd́ávatára or aḿshávatára or kalávatára is born. This khańd́ávatára or aḿshávatára or kalávatára are not the controllers of this universe.” (1)

= = = Section Two Below: Distorted Version by Tiljala Publications  = = =

In the AM book, English NKS discourse, it has been wrongly printed as--- "It has been mentioned in the scriptures that Púrńa Brahma exists on the highest plane, and that through the partial manifestation of His power, khańd́ávatára or aḿshávatára or kalávatára is born. This khańd́ávatára or aḿshávatára or kalávatára can be the controller of this universe. (2)

Conclusion: Reprint All AM Books

It is sad that AM books are full of discrepancies and loopholes due to misprinting, wrong translation, and Bangalization. Margiis have been making a hue and cry for quite a while. And the Publications Department is keeping a deaf ear, not paying any heed. In this situation, the only way left is for sincere Margiis to come forward and print all Bábá’s books accurately, by transcribing Bábá’s discourses from the original audio.

Gopal Ganguly

What is said in the original discourse, just the opposite has been printed in the English discourse by Tiljala Publications.

Second Blunder: This distortion is against fundamentals of AM philosophy

The above yellow passage is also fundamentally ideologically wrong. Because the controller of the universe cannot be two. If there is more than one controller, the universe will collapse. That’s why this yellow section is against the fundamentals of the universe.

1. Bangla “Namámi Krśńasundaram”, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
2. English “Namámi Krśńasundaram”, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24), 2009 Electronic Edition

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Story—Maniiśánanda’s expulsion: Bangalisation, Clash


Story—Maniiśánanda’s expulsion: clash on pure AM books


From the very beginning of WT life in 1970, Dádá Maniiśánanda had deep interest in Bábá's discourses. Since the time when Dádá Maniiśánanda first acquired an audio recorder and discourse audio files from Shrii Kirit Dave, in his day to day life—while traveling, doing asanas, engaged in nitya karma, and whenever possible—Dádá ji would listen to Guru’s discourses over and over again.  Whenever he had the opportunity to attend Guru’s darshana, Dádá would record Bábá's discourses to listen to.

After recording a few bits and pieces of discourses during General Darshans and listening to them exhaustively, Dádá began to share his recordings with various Márgiis and Wts, and, in turn, other disciples shared their audio recordings with him.

Only Bengali books match original Bábá audio

Ultimately, Maniiśánanda Dádá ji felt the need to organize his collection by discourse name, place, and date etc. To that end, he started reviewing the printed books of Ánanda Márga philosophy to (a) find out what discourse was printed in which book, and (b) take note of the discourse name and further identifying information. In this process, one day in December 1990 while listening to a Bengali discourse and following along with the printed version in the Bengali book, Dádá was pleasantly surprised and pleased to find that a high percentage of the recorded Bengali discourse neatly matched the printed version of that Bengali discourse.

English & Hindi Books do not match original Bábá audio

Later on that same day, while listening to a Hindi discourse and simultaneously following the printed version in the Hindi book, to his surprise Dádá discovered that the recorded discourse and printed version did not match. Although it was the same discourse, the printed version had been rewritten entirely and did not reflect Baba’s original words. That was the moment he realised that the printed Hindi books of Ánanda Márga philosophy were not simply a transcription of the original audio recording. The next day while listening to an English discourse and following along with the printed version in the English book, Dádá found that the recorded English discourse and English printed text did not match either. The printed English edition had been completely rewritten.

Dádá was deeply concerned that the Hindi and English printed versions of a given discourse were not accurate renderings of what Bábá spoke. Mahásambhúti Bábá was orally delivering His discourses and Wts in the Tiljala Publications Department were printing them in an entirely different manner. The subject was basically the same, and the discourse date and place were the same, but the actual sentences were drastically different, both in terms of word choice and sequence. And sometimes that made for a different meaning as well.

Centre’s bogus justification: Bangalisation

On this basis, Dádáji began discussing with Márgiis and other WTs, and all were in basic agreement that this was a concerning issue. Ultimately, Dádá Maniiśánanda raised the matter with higher posted avadhútas and purodhas with the authority and responsibility for printing Bábá’s books. Sadly, mostly those Tiljala Publications in-charges and authority figures downplayed the matter and responded with their own logic and reasoning. Far and away however, the key justification Dádá Maniiśánanda heard again and again from those in-charges was that the Hindi and English audio discourses could not be transcribed and printed “as-is” because they first had to be translated into Bengali.

Essentially what those in-charges were claiming was that:

(a) The audio recordings of Bábá’s original Hindi discourses first had to be translated into Bengali; and then that translated Bengali version would be treated as the master file; then that Bengali version would be retranslated back into Hindi in order to print the Hindi edition of the book.

(b) The audio recordings of Bábá’s original English discourses first had to be translated into Bengali; and then that translated Bengali version would be treated as the master file; then that Bengali version would be retranslated back into English in order to print the English edition of the book.

The above processes have come to be known as Bengalization / Bangalisation.

Dádá Maniiśánanda never found their approach or explanations satisfactory. It defied all logic and reasoning to treat audio files of Bábá’s original English and Hindi discourses as being inferior, inadequate, or useless, whereby they had to be first translated into Bengali and then keep that Bengali as the master version.

Why they expelled Dádá M

This fundamental difference in approach became the basis of a long-standing disagreement between Dada Maniiśánanda and certain Tiljala Publications in-charges. Over the years, many conversations ensued. But all along, Dádá Sarvátmánanda held firm to their point and insisted that the audio files of Bábá’s original English and Hindi discourses were inferior in language and expression. To eradicate this issue permanently, the then General Secretary Sarvátmánanda, with the support of all Bengali and Hindi group leaders, expelled Maniiśánanda. The first attempt to expel him in January of 1994 was eventually overturned but Sarvátmánanda gathered the necessary support to permanently expel him on 30th November 1995, just before the arms drop in Ánanda Nagar late 1995.

There was a concerted effort to permanently derail and halt the movement for "as-is" discourses. To that nefarious end, Sarvátmánandanda victimized and ultimately expelled Dádá Maniiśánanda. They also went to the extent of justifying in their audio remembrances, by their saḿsmarańa recordings, that Bábá "wanted" all the discourses kept as "original Bengali". This is just their bogus propaganda. Sadguru Bábá has never said anywhere that such a narrow-minded plan like Bangalisation should be implemented. How could Bábá have ordered to discard all His English and Hindi GD and DMC discourse recordings.

In Him,

Debashish Ghosh

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Previous postings:

Mantreshwaranand, Mantreshvarananda, Mantreshvaranand, Mantreshvaránanda, Sarvátmánandand, Sarvatmanandanda, Sarvatmanandand, Sarvátmánandanda, Acyutananda, Acyutanand, Acyutánanda, Hariishanand, Hariishánanda, Rudrananda, Rudranand, Rudránanda

Friday, May 18, 2018

Stolen Hindi discourse labeled as Bangla

New Finding: Stolen Hindi discourse labeled as Bangla
(And added to Bangla Pile: AV-13, ch 16)


Thank you for your interest in this important topic that deals with the purity of Bábá's printed books. The subject at hand is a discourse from Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13. This is an entirely new chapter, never before addressed, with a sound file from Baba's original discourse.


Original Hindi discourse labeled as original Bangla: Deception

This letter addresses another stolen discourse: Stolen from its original Hindi language and covered up falsely as Bangla. The discourse in question is from the latest English edition (2011) of Ánanda Vacanámrtam, AV Part 13, chapter 16. (1)

The letter contains the following points:
1: Please download the sound file so you can better understand this issue (see note 1 below).
2: The discourse under scrutiny is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13, “मनुष्य की सामर्थ्य तथा शरणागति”, translated into English as "Human Ability and Surrender."
3: This is a Hindi Discourse given in Ludhiana (Punjab), stolen & covered up falsely as Bangla.
4. This is not a language issue but a matter of authenticity.


The concerning discourse was given by Bábá in Hindi, in Ludhiana. But the Tiljala Publishers (TP) have deceptively labeled the discourse as “given in Bangla.”  This has been done to fulfil the nasty agenda of Sarvatmananda, of Bengalization of AM books.

at His lotus feet,
Ragini Dutta

Why was this done? In order to make it appear that Bábá knew only Bengali and not any other language.

Please find more about all of the above points, as well as many new and important details, in the below section of this email.

Deceptive trend

Following are the details of how the Publishers took an original Hindi discourse--”मनुष्य की सामर्थ्य तथा शरणागति”/translated as "Human Ability and Surrender"-- from AV-13 and falsely labeled it as an original Bangla discourse. This very harmful, alarming, and deceptive trend is discussed at length below in an easy-to-read format.

1: All should know that Bábá originally delivered the discourse, AV-13 ”मनुष्य की सामर्थ्य तथा शरणागति”/translated as "Human Ability and Surrender", in Hindi on 9 July 1979, in Ludhiana. But the publishers have falsely declared that Bábá spoke in Bangla. That is their cheap tactic.

Listen to the Sound File and See For Yourself

2: Be sure to play the sound and carefully review the published discourse.

3: For your reference and confirmation, the sound file containing Bábá’s original discourse has been posted to the blogsite (see note 1). Just by listening to a few words, anyone knowing Hindi can understand that Bábá is speaking Hindi—not Bengali.

4: You can contact any private translation business or translating agency and confirm with them that, in this sound file, Bábá is speaking Hindi and not Bengali.

5: The Tiljala Publishers have falsely printed that it was given in Bangla. Our TP Dadas want to make it appear that Bábá knew only Bengali and not any other language.

False Things Written In Publisher's Note

5: But look what the publishers have written about this very discourse in their various Publisher’s Notes.

See below a scan of this very Publishers Note where our Tiljala Publishers falsely claim that in this discourse given in Ludhiana, Bábá spoke in Bengali. That section has been demarcated below by a thick red line. Please read inside the red rectangle.

sources w-red line.jpeg

See above a scan of this very Publishers Note where our Tiljala Publishers falsely claim that in this discourse of Ludhiana, Bábá spoke in Bengali. See the above rectangle, demarcated by a thick red line.

Why Tiljala “Steals”:

Their goal Is to make people think Baba knew only Bangla

6: Some new Márgiis may be wondering why all this is going on—why would our Tiljala Publishers be so intrigued and enticed to steal discourses by falsely claiming them as original Bengali. The reason is very clear. Our TP dadas want bragging rights that Bangla is the greatest and top-most language and that all should bow down to the mighty pedestal of the Bengali language.

In that sense our TP dadas are no different than the Muslims. Those Muslims have mandated that the Koran / Quran must only be printed in Arabic. Thus all followers of Islam must learn Arabic to read their scripture.

Our dadas at the helm of Tiljala Publications desire the same status for Bengali. If one day our TP dadas are able to step-by-step steal all the discourses and falsely label them as coming from the original Bengali, then our TP dadas can impose Bangla on all. Everyone will be forced in that direction. This is their long-term dream. Our TP dadas want Bengali to become the religious language of Ananda Marga. That is their aspiration, which our TP dadas hope to manifest one day. In sum, such publishers are a mirror image of those dogmatic religious clerics.


Note 1. To download the sound file of this Hindi discourse ”मनुष्य की सामर्थ्य तथा शरणागति” / Translated as "Human Ability and Surrender", please click here.

Note 2. You can also play the file directly by going to our blog:

There look over to the right column. You will see a sound file named “Hindi Discourse "Human Ability and Surrender" 1979-07-09, Ludhiana”. There you can click on play to play it, or click on download to download it.

Note 3. Plus in the below scan of the AV-13 book’s title page itself, our Tiljala Publishers are making the false claim in the copyright section that the entire book has been translated from the original Bengali. And that has been demarcated in red in the scan appended directly below.

In the above scan of the AV-13 book’s title page itself, our Tiljala Publishers are making the false claim in the copyright section that the entire book has been translated from the original Bengali. And that has been demarcated in red in the scan appended directly above.

Note 4.

Purity of Bábá’s teachings is vital
Verily, to make false claims about the original language of a discourse, misguides readers. Táraka Brahma has given pristine, clear teachings. False claims about the original language of the discourse open the door to misinterpretation and dogma.
Bábá says,
"In the spiritual world, there should not be anything which will divert human beings from the path of synthesis to that of analysis, which will provoke divisive tendencies and restrict collective existence within narrow confines.”
“Nothing should ensnare people in the illusory net of pettiness in any sphere of life, from the general code of spiritual conduct to the universal and eternal principles of life – lest the voracious fangs of the all-consuming Máyá devour them. Thus the scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless.” (2)

5. If you need help on this matter

If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us. And if you have any difficulty downloading the sound file, please let us know and we will be glad to help you.

6. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.

1. "Human Ability and Surrender", Ánanda Vacanámrtam-13
2. “Disc: Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)” (Discourse 14), Namah Shiváya Shántáya

== Links ==

Mantreshwaranand, Mantreshvarananda, Mantreshvaranand, Mantreshvaránanda, Acyutananda, Acyutanand, Acyutánanda, Hariishanand, Hariishánanda, Rudrananda, Rudranand, Rudránanda

Sound File: Another Hindi Discourse falsified as Bangla—Download Sound File & Check for Yourself

Click on the below to download the sound file "1979-07-09 Ludhiana "Human Ability and Surrender".mp3".

Click Here To Download

To read the posting linked with this sound file, click here.

The Hindi title of the original Hindi discourse is मनुष्य की सामर्थ्य तथा शरणागति”.

The English title of the translated discourse is "Human Ability and Surrender."

Thursday, April 26, 2018

More distortion in AM book


More distortion in AM book


Here following is the example of a contradiction in Ánanda Márga philosophy. It is sad but obvious that this happened due to the fault of our Tiljala Publications department. Let us come and find out about the contradiction.

Yellow contradicts the green

Yellow is False, Green is Correct

Quote #1, highlighted in yellow, contradicts quote #2 which is highlighted in green.

Quote #1:

Ánanda Márga ideology says, In the case of sáttvikii bhakti, or sentient devotion, the goal is Parama Puruśa. Sádhakas should aspire for Him and Him alone, and this is the Supreme Goal of all human endeavours. (Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2) (ref. 1)

Quote #2:

Ánanda Márga ideology says, "Sáttvikii Bhakti: A devotee of this category may think: “Now I am an old man. I have committed so many wrongs in my life. It would be wise for me to take initiation from a preceptor and count beads. Otherwise what will people say about me? They will say I’m spending my old age eating and sleeping and doing nothing worthwhile. At least I should do some religious deeds to show everyone that I love God.” This is the inner motivation behind sentient devotion. Such devotees do not think of harming others, but they do not want Parama Puruśa either. Even if such devotees attain liberation or salvation, they certainly do not get Parama Puruśa because they did not want Him. Hence such devotion has no real value." (Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 8) (ref. 2)

Quote #1 says that in sentient devotion, the goal is Parama Puruśa.

Quote #2 says that  in sentient devotion, the goal is NOT Parama Puruśa.

The yellow is false, the green is correct.


Quote #1 is from Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2; quote #2 is from Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 8. And these two quotes contradict each other. Contradiction in any philosophy breaks the backbone of that philosophy. Ánanda Márga philosophy is not contradictory, but due to our Tiljala Publisher’s mistakes this false contradiction occurred. It is sad.

Ánanda Márga philosophy states, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (3)

At His lotus feet,
Sarat Chandra Ghosal

Behind the curtain of B Group Publications

How Mantreshvarananda and Acyutananda are wasting their time

When in the Publishers Page Sarvatmananda’s name was printed, at that time Sarvatmananda did nothing but Bengalization plus politics. And putting thorns in the path of others. And making potholes in common walkways so others would fall. And this he has been doing for his entire life. Now, sadly, he is counting his last days.

It is so unfortunate that on one side our AM scriptures are wrongly printed and riddled with so many obvious blunders. On the other side, our organizational in-charges are apathetic when it comes to fixing those problems. Rather, they are busy in Bengalization.

Mantreshvarananda hiding black money

Nowadays Mantreshvarananda’s and Acyutananda’s names are printed on the Publishers Page. And these people are wasting the time in idol pursuits.

For example, Mantreshvarananda is busy in touring around and going to various cities to have a picnic. And fill his black bank account, collecting literally millions of rupees and hiding the black money (more than three million Rs, equivalent to approx $50,000 USD) in Islampur, in the remote district of Uttar Dinajpur. This is just an anecdotal example of how these people waste their time and energy.

Acyutananda busy in Narada’s extravaganza forum

And in the next example, Acyutananda is busy in extravaganza in Narada’s forum. And the rest of the time he is busy in the United States Republican Party agenda of Right to Life. For that he has created his own blog also. And so he does not have time for anything but promoting these two objectives. This is the pitiful and sad condition of Tiljala Publication department. Worthless people are occupying the seat. That is the reason all the things described in this letter are going on. And there is also no plan to fix them, unfortunately.

What about the demon Rudrananda / H group

There is nothing good to tell about Rudrananda. He is a veritable demon in human form. He destroyed H group fully. And he will sell everything of H group, and take those things along with him to his grave. Many people are asking, that when he dies, should he be treated like other humans or like the demon Ravana. That is, commonly at the time of someone’s death, people are not happy upon knowing about it. But in the case of demons, people feel just the opposite. And that also is what Baba teaches to do. When demons get killed, then the public gets relief and in happiness they dance. This is what in Ananda Marga we call victory day. Due to these reasons, various Margis and wts are asking that when Rudrananda dies, then in what way should his last rites be done. Should people exalt, as in the death of demons, or not? This thing is still being debated.

Who ruined these AM books

In view of this fact that the teachings of Táraka Brahma are perfect, never change, and contain no contradictions—in view of this, if any contradiction is found in Ánanda Márga scripture, it can only be an error of the Publishers who put the discourse into written form. Any contradiction found is due not to the Giver of the scripture, but to the medium by which that scripture was put in print.

The printed versions of the two above-mentioned discourses flagrantly contradict one another—and this contradiction has been present for over four decades.

By this blunder, TP made AM philosophy faulty

This above discussed contradiction has been sitting in AMPS’s printed books being sold all over the world for over four decades. The wrong teaching—from “Love – the Essential Prerequisite” in Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2, and the correct teaching—from ”Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 8—have both been in print for that much time. And this contradiction is not subtle or vague; it is a glaring contradiction that makes Bábá look like someone who says one thing at one time, and an opposite thing at another.

Now here is one vital point: In any philosophy, if there are contradictions within it that is deadly. A philosophy which is self-contradictory cannot survive. So the presence of such a glaring contradiction is extremely serious and threatens the whole of Ánanda Márga scripture. Yet in around forty years, the Tiljala Publishers never fixed it.

One must ask the question as to how it could be that the Tiljala Publishers never fixed such a glaring contradiction as this in forty years.

Contradiction in AM scripture could ruin its longevity

The presence of such a contradiction in our Ánanda Márga scripture is of vital importance and must be repaired without delay. The very survival of Ánanda Márga ideology as guiding light for the suffering humanity, depends on this.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (3)

Note 1.

We all should fix Bábá's DiscoursesNow or Never

If we remain passive onlookers and do not fix the negative trends of introducing distortion into Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtiji's discourses—if we do not bring the printed discourses up to the proper standard now—it will become impossible to change this in the future. And even if in the future some sincere Ánanda Márgiis try, they will be treated as enemies. Because this is the way religion works: Today one cannot teach the devotees of Lord Krśńa that He has nothing to do with cows; they will never believe it. In the same way, Ánanda Márgiis will become used to the wrong teachings in our AM books and they will not like to give them up. They will think that whatever was there at the end of the twentieth century, that was the gold standard for all time. And it should be kept and maintained.

Ánanda Márga is dharma—not religion—but we will face the same opposition from within to change, when wrong teachings get established.

So we don't have any time: it is either now or never. The clock is ticking: If we do not get Bábá's discourses fixed now, it will be impossible to do so later. And that will cause bloodshed and more division on the basis of the various versions of Bábá's teachings and their explanations. History bears testimony to this, that all the religions have similarly broken into multiple factions, groups and subgroups on the basis of differences in scripture interpretations. Bábá wanted to eliminate such problems, and that is why Bábá's discourses are recorded. But unfortunately, those recordings are not being published properly. This matter is very serious.

Note 2. If you need help on this matter

If you do not have the concerned book or discourses related with this topic then kindly write us and we will provide the concerning chapter(s) to you.  Also, if any aspect of this topic is unclear, then please write us. And if you have any difficulty downloading the sound file, please let us know and we will be glad to help you.

Note 3. In order to make Bábá’s teachings distortion-free, please forward this posting to the respected dadas Tiljala Publications Secretary Mantreshwarananda ji <>, and Acyutananda ji <>.

1. “Love – the Essential Prerequisite”, Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 2 [Electronic Edition], 13 September 1978, Patna
2. “Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti”, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 8, and Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 10 [Electronic Edition]. 26 November 1966 DMC, Midnapur
3. “Disc: Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued)” (Discourse 14), Namah Shiváya Shántáya

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